Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Aug 1961, p. 12

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$106FORr24 WWW Need BackToSchool Money Use Examiner det Ads Now TEE BARBIE EXAMINER TMDAY AUGUST Ii nu ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS moralsn ran sans mm CAREON wAeoh Victoria Hospital limit on rbel dry Aurnrt to lam to lir Ind 45A DUNLOP ST snrusboesny ll 0x 11 Parhugouare Iliumr hr Nut door to tbitmbnii rh Ln PA 6648 wet lime PROUD PARmS THE NEWS oi the Blessed Event can be announced to your floods and we enlatives or only 3150 teleliloha PA Mill naarns wlltmLAND suddenly on Wedneldly ugus lfllrxelr nelb Garry utherisnd beloved ron oi Joseph rnd Gncr Sutherland or HR utopia and dear brother or Frank Alla Shirley Nnrley Ailloremary Shcila and Bread aged 11 yea Resting It the leooeli runesoi Home Barrie lor mnenl may Friday September mm Aiwvfl WIChumelnurmnt st lorry cemetery Barri IN MEMORIAM TRACYIn loving memory at doar lather Levi Amos who paired away suddenly 599 1960 one year his paued dear had since you wero called away How well Via do remember That led and dreary day You bade Ila one int farewell You laid goodbye to none Tho heavenly ales were opened wide lovin voice said tonic God know how much we lnlll you How dark the pllh we treld Ami thlPtll He only sleepy Your loved Ono ll riot deadI Lovin lg remembered 91 dqpltL ter In lollm aw Iohu wrberslh loving memory George Wilkins who passed awgy August mu little new when wall that man The sorrow th day would bring For the call was sudden the shock revere lo part with one loved so dear lNer remembered by sister Mary CARDS 0F THANKS aEGa We sincerely wish to thank all who were so kind to us at the time our laiherr death Alex Jim and John Bel nounosiin honour and am 11y wish to express their rincern thank and rppreclruan to Irielidl and neighbor lor their klndnru during our bereavement in Lilo loss or dear lather lnfl huebhnd Special thanks to launch Funeral Home Mro iioubvr and sunny COMHVG EVENTS PhiIs Country Boy Oldfime and Modern Dancing TliahquetsWeddibgs Parfles PHONE PA 893 Barrie and District School for Retarded Children Application forms Ior student enrollment available from Mrs Haikes Reg care at Simcoe County Health Unit Worsley Street Barrie Tele phone PA 35967 Barrie and District hetteredWorIFShop Applications for student enrole meat available from Mrs Hankin director 363 Bayfiold Street Telephone PA 65271 air nrld Mr Walter Granthlm will he at he to their friends Amhddrelltives on the occasion or their 35th wedding anniversary on Sundly September between 230 pm and and pm at the home their son Willilm Rial ta Board MOVING Dont orgel mu your nd on and pin everan or any SELSIBLENSONS PA 851 113 Dunlap st ROSE REAL STATE anom mm 5mm aAluin CALL DAY on EVENlNo PA 82379 Member or too Barrio and District Rnl lzr Board TIHEWRIGHT FAMILY Will all In love with this extra large new three bedroom bung alow Lshaped living room and dining room lireplace builtin china cabinet and oven and Attached garage See it at 56 Marion Crescent stove unit Gordon Spring Enterprises PA 85097 PA 66745 MOVING ror complakl mnvln larvlcc mar and uricr rp COOKECARTAG Er STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT is lid arm PArkvvey N575 PA 68175 HENDERSON REALTOR lB colle STREET PHONE PA 82678 73 EUGENIA ST area tbreo bedrooms Glrhge with attached patio and paved drive Hot water but lag Close to st eryd Niti Telms that carry tor $81 molithLv including taxes Call Rita Senndrctt dininil Eri EVENLNGS CALL RITA SCANDREH PA was PERCY FORD PA amt EMERSON SWAIN PA 68605 ilcmber or Barrio and District and Ontario Real Estate Bond timber or Barn and District INSURANCE basement lolmdry tubs forced air oil insulated Would qualify for VLA borne Priced at $11500 down sumoOpen llmplm Ln Zovllv oukfltW1ndpubhc schools Carries for REAL ESTATE thorns iron use ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOPbTREEiEASl First in Barrla aom salesrpm in Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES 24 SHANNON STREET FACING SOUTH FOR SUNIJGHT lhta la retrainold Nd hflckTimlo fluent pill Situated on bullilfllll key op lol it on dramaoo clrwrt and Indolod 21 room In replace Lh chhen la pellch pilnned with llrl and eombinnuon aluminum storms and screens complai lamity contort hen Owner Intisland stuck tall with um dawn Phone PA 29 DOWNSVIEW DRIVE lovely atom din Hal biotin of alien oxcilhhbtemu or on gplllnm no basement is dividld and has lood Relation room calm down 11 MillIId and you cln quick pendulum SE 0W Phuna PA 105 STRABANE AVENUE mmwa wllll BURT1N GARAGE Situated on the choice Ind o1 Strabanv when Lh homu In docply relback on lovely lawns this ll all Lib ed house 94 tone and brick only rid years old and in ones eohdtion it the popular shaped llvinldlninr comhhntnn liniahed remLion room and good also bedrooms The on NRA marque carrier or moi monthly in eluding taxes Phon PA used and 11 now 425 CODRINGTON STREET mm ONE MORTGAGE ONLY$1500 DOWN in moat attractlva location overlooking Kempenlelt nu thll bedroom bungalow with llvlngdinlrl combination and llln kitchen it bu lullsite hulllio tunes with concreto cor Very good torm camsrobe €11300 domnalld lixlghhllllieeflagl one open mortgage Now an mm poems on PA Pl try wont int Ion Phonc 1YEAROLD BRICK BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE mm SELLING AT OWNERSACTUAL COST lhreebédmm plan inn is univurrl lavouriio an llm Illina dinlng eomblnann Iixeahlo kitchen with cu board In rl to al lovely ceramic tiled bathroom Basement ll gfllht very ti landllllg Bainted The owner hero is le vlng Barrie and pliers tb Eiupino arglln with immediate oucuionlv Ve low ml ry down pument to single EVENINGS CALL AlliI MOOREPA NIH IOSTmPA Hz ROGERSPA $82 CONNELPA mu CLIFF BROWN 32 HIGH STREET EAREIE PHONES PA Mm PA 80242 GUTHRIE AREA well built bungalow of stucco exterior an halfacre of land lhElB we hung room at good sire large kitchen withtable spacerand plenty of cupboards Sbedroomt pléco bath Full heating The house is well payments arranged BRICK DUPLEX Close to downtown overlooking the boy Two family dwelling Three rooms and sun room on main floor with piece bath Sec ond floor has rooms and piece ba New oil furnace Full price $1001 with $2500 down balance on one mortgago at 693 ATTRACTIVE SPLIT LEVELBRICK lovely large living room with dining area well planned kitchen bedrooms ofgood size and ai piece bath There Is full bade ment with recreation room and laundry Oil heating driveway and carport The lot is 60 110 This home is close to collegiate $83 monthly interest principal and SMART BRICK BUNGALOW Just two years old Combined living and dining room Bed rooms very pretty piece tiled bathroom Full basement painted Forced air oil heating Driveway Lot is 57 154 Priced at $13 800 Carries or $74 monthly interest prlnclpal and taxes smith CampbellPA Hm loch LaniPA Hill Fernil GarveyPA 87 Members at this amid heel mm Board taxes Grantham 38 Bothwcll Crescent Barrie axiluol mortgages Barila idsrt REAL ESTATE PROPER FOR SALE HAVE YOUR HOME CUSTOM BUILT 50 YOUR LIKING Barrlod Newedt Subdlleloa BARRIE VIBN located of Bayvicw Drive our Email Drivein under consultation September GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD OORDm EU noon solid brim hell no muddd rateMd Lulu st PA Noam cDLLlGlAre ma nvn room brick bunlalow locond washroom 31990 loin urn or an per month Talophono PA house tbru innmdrobnu ism kitchen mall disills ml GPA ENTA AYES HOUSES TO BENT roman 01 room Iplrt maul Ililtahll or hilqu nrl 9n moronic Talllllone PA um amuliirnitbed roll contained artmeot lullhit or one or two is Available septum Tei uphol PA molt mu room mobbed aparte 1m nhlatldinupflxakb tailgate car vo be Held SL nemmdhucmuhum 33 Gnu °° hem Owner transferred Apply oraly Park square LOTS port SALE mo Lous on arms ltnlt or Close to schools surveyed drvlcel sidewalks priced at 32300 each Telephond PA Hobo BUS OPPORTUNITIES MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE Immediately to consolidate debts by on exisunx mortgages bomb rovemeou etc Call for air Routine PA soul isan over Sim IonaSun Dunlap Stroll Eu MORTGAGESlat and 1nd Dom sold and arrannd Commercial rno residential nonu loaned on all Brokers PA 66504 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payment Insured alost accident IIchneaa nth CRESCENT FINANCE DUNLOP 51 WEST BARR PA 502M RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake 0nd and two pedrooln hplrtlrlenu complete with rtovn rnn renlzrp nor Uaa ill washer and dryal Redrcoratod annually PA 6106 max halal zoom and thrca pieca bathroom built in cupboard huvy wiring heated For fur thr datalla telephone 51 Everett MODERN unmrnlshed thre room lrtment with three placo bath stunted close to downtown New rentingTelopbobo PA am mas ltqu uniurnished spore moot ltnva supplied Hardwood floors Telephone PA Hm UNFIIENISBED our robin Art merit reit contained laundry and parking utilities Apply 51 Mar cul St Handel not ROOM heated continent with stove and lridle Hot water allp Cellini location Call PA HAjlgorD flASfiEEDTl©RSTER ADVERTISING BI BAYFLELD sr TELEPHONE PA 6645 BUILDING LOTS PA 82414 Condensed and classiliedadver Womenware inserted at the rate of ic per word per insertion or one and two times 3c per word for three our or five times and line per word or oriillorafinsefllm tiona arge if not paid within REAL TATE 10 days THE MINIMUM 005T THORENSTON FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT ls one arm 24 PHONE 29 MRMSr it 000 each member or Barrie and oirtrict Real Estate Board WIN CALL Eitth mm PA 50474 KARL MARSHALL NoaAa MIKES HAROLD F0me PA 59 Oro 11 was 7th Concession Vesprr at 208 Call Norah Rallies lor PALMERbowsaewlnciudlnktrxes Captivating and clean SlOullAgéricies Lrcl COLLIER STREET PA m1 Memberrot eh Barrie and District iml amt ailid OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES Encodth mm home with conveniences on Inver treed recquarter acre lot Short driving distance to Barrie Monthly payments an only no Can we show you this one rodyo EASY TO ACQUmE Assume exlrtlnr mprtprpe plymentathen only $008th lvbedroom brick hunnlaw plus vegetable garden and near everything in tho Eut and Low price of $1400000 BLAME NO ONE BUT¥QJBSELELLL you dont investirrtd this lovely bedroom red brick blingrlow with angel stone front and onlvrzryesrrolrmmwood floors with tile kitchen and both On one or Barflea better linen Mortgage all plybio Principal Interest and ruesmas per month ecu us today on this one DAIRY FARM 100 acres of flood oily loam with acre of maple bush mil of No ll Hwy Bank barn do is 70 milk boile bulk cooler with Silverwoodr Milmntiac mbouwwithbothrOitbeflerelomboor WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR Your chalca 50 to 230 acres Three well located 150 acres The best or wheat and clover land Prlccd right dismou 1001 or less or mixed dram loll Christmas trees or Eras lmd with creeks 7Il rcres an outstanding buy any loam land on paved to room CHARGED PER SINGLE lN SERTION manometer Advertisers Ira reminded that all phone Insertion order In acce ed as convenience or you rnveruscr Thereiorn tho elmlaed Advertising Department rcqulrca Ill advertiser to kindly recheck thelr rdvertbemrnt immediately Itierflrsl insertionvln order tbt my error or omissions may be reported bniare charmv order tort srmo my be reached lol the munwins drvs insertion order We wish to plot not that the Borela mum er is responsible or only on incorrectly rlrlted insertion on any advertigement and then only to the errant or portion ad ad that involves the mlsptlne AExTordwhlch do not lessen tho valiia or the rovnrure ment midsummer tlona akdzaods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to words over 25 words Sc per word extra iuMemoliam No tices $150 if verso used be per word extra BLIND mlsa REPle intvrmntion retrrdlng rdverurcr using Blind Letter Box Numhon rot Replies is held strictly coma entirl Replica to Latter Boxes will be bcidonly lirdlyrlitor inst day or publication Classliied advertisements and notices for these pages must he received by pm daypre ceding publication With the ex ception of Classified Display advertisements which must be In bylioo noon preceding day 51 and tyigadltyles to re bowls lniplernentshed silo ask in co only em 50 acres near Ne Lowell room house and spring creek For lurther lnrarrnatiurl on these pgrfipfrtier contact this office Ivy Mrs Eleanor Maw OscarBaIey Barrie15MinUtersr LAKE SIMCOE JUST MINUTES WALK 10 acre lots can be subdivided Vt acre homes tired people Can build now or later Also 16 flloica residential lots lots or permanent to Maple Grove subdivision Contact Jack Belsliam phone Stroud MRAIor Wilf Taylor over holiday weekend woMAN WRITER Mrs Catherine Parr Traill the author and naturalist was yearseold hertdéath Laketleld 0n in 1899 rarer Jmnandnueib this one house convenienceshbaln wrter and church lovmlled irom Ellrie Call PA cm ONE OF OUR BETTER HOMES Situated on lovely lot in the it end or town This thee bed ung with attached is close to both public and so ate schnvla has cupboard par 11 ldichen with breakinst nooli 11v dining area divided basement with one part pointed or rec Ire Everlle CALL Merv GouldOre 5518 borlr NuttycombePA c7951 Edith GouldOrb 5516 nk ConldonPA 57475 NOrmanjIEESheiswell REALESTATEBROKm DUNLQP ST PA 89961 PA 68742 msr MORTGAGE ruan AVAILABLE77 m1 my SlenderPA cools Orca BrownPA £31255 Perlect for semi or 112 thJflehnayellr ainswick nu es momma room nprrt ment with private hrth and ent note per month Eilllneu people only Telephone PA 07 SMALL Pumaaan two room apartment hell lights and er rupplled sbrredbtb Allan Telephone PA HIM Downtown rlocailon Private trance heated Children welcome Telephone PA 53555 vNiunmsrnsD ilvo room bested apartment Privoirontrrneereell contained Avhilahlo now To phonl PA M770 or PA 3230 plled reprrrte bath and entrance arrgr Immediate posrersion Adults Telephone PA user 11250 Pm month two bedroom apartmentimdnwntnwnlou hot water heating included ply Hogan Council Realto Telephone PA 35665 IJNFURNIBEED lower duplex acrob from air port modern kit chen heavy wiring deparata battl room two bedroom Apply Harold Km ng Telephone PA $753 momma apartment in East End house dosoto plan and chooL Kitchen llvlnl room bed Aromlndhltll Separlth entrance soil monthly Telephone PA H012 mono one bedroom apart mant heated private entrance with puking Centrally located Ground floor $60 monthlyl Telephono PA FURNISHED second lo lure two moronicm Four piece bath modern sacmo bell Ave Avsllrblo September Telephone PA 60512 TWO nooiVi mrnirbed apart ment Illo 37 two bedroom mobile hom completely lurnlah ed with all conveniences Ap ly 193 gictorlrstreet or telephone unmursm three room spirt TSEE CORALPICTIURTONT iPAGE l3 median Call loo Lonlfln PA Elm Jack Willson PA Mail mesen Shelsweli on ma Nolmui sneirweu PA ami ianwnrd Norris PA aside BY REAL ESTATE BROKER COR phones will minipinning MASH MARSHALLPA 450 COREYPA ml OWEN JONESPA I579 Its W6riderful The Way Barrie Examiner district entrance On mund tioor Private meat two blocks lrom downtown Private entrance stove reirlgcr ator boat and electricity supplied Available Ilnmatllhteb Telephone PA 588 one bannoolu modern kitchen living vrvum brib outed Available Close to his atopyriice resident Apply mo Puget or te phone PA olola BEIGE tarnished lpartment to rent beddttlni room and kit chen Suitable for two Central location Private entrance Park lihlu laciiiticl Telephon PA Ev WEEKLY or monthly completely Turntath bungalow two bed rooms on heated TV iireplrcn and we biog machine ve mod on an romnnblei Tcdphond Etroud om THREE Room booted unturnisbod apartment Private brtbroom and vdrcndh Wunec rngAry Tile alldc tlo luringa Telephone ml or at GENERAL contractlnrbd equipment or nlr in in Barr errv nuptxx one bedroom vicinity Well ertrbllrbrd hualnera WWW mtfllb IncM on Apply Box ll Burr hunkAu Quiet lid atreot Suitable for mont heated roll contained Cebu and lrundry rrcllltlu including lmmadlata poa phone PA Pullman apartment bodrit tlnl room and kitehe Plenty ol slang and closet rp iele pbon PA H1 nous to lrwo large bed room living room kitchen Ind bath lull basement on heat Garl ago good location and clean Taleohono PA 51511 coupl Avallhblo Sell phone PA 534 null Apartment Large living room bedroom dinette modern kiic with stove and rotrlurm tor Central BIIaineu couple pri ierred Telephone PA 33575 FIVE ROOM Apartment uri iurnisbod downtown iochtlon PrI entrance Laundry lacllitloy ted and Irklnx spa Teln phona PA dAyll PA 190 IVenlrilL 0N3 hunoolw modern kitchen llvinl room brih comerlubed heated Avrilbi lmmedlrtely Clorl to ho Nico ruldenuri olrtriet Ap iy loo Punt or phone PA Sloll AND doom one and two bedroom apartmentI ove oollnl Rania KImpInlhlt Bl tor aurith and Janitor rvlco lnclu ed Automruv wrshlng la cllltIoa PA om UNFURNIEIE Llano room mm uuuuer shut lelo some liooM around rinbr Iparte merit unturnlahed heated self contained raprate entrance rea sonable root West End location Telephone PA 6000 Eur coinmo unrurnlrbed comfortbio one bedroom cplrt mont llvlnt room llrlo kitchen round floor cmtrllly located and heated aw decorted through one Re onnbl rent Telephonn PA 84450 Form ROOM unmrnisbrd apart trally locaio Also three room basement apartment uniurnlrbed yell contllned No objection to child Telephone PA assoc or PA CENTRAL Location Two bedroom unmrrllmed heated Ipartmont also one bedroom both hnve RENTALS 800MB TO LET IDOI t5 rebel MnhhediItaehlug oiled en or ll If 5L Hm blot acti ib nni block tram North Collegiate and public iehool laundry and krking iaeiiitirs Telephone PA in brim bedroom auabla Autult in box lui viclnlw Teluohonl PA or pply to lion mr 01 completely mmiahed JOVE hitched nerrixentor stove peprat entrance down town loeruml Apply PA build banal hluclrr mmhhed houw heeplnl room to lei stove and rm lrigerribr Ample puking lpaco lcle hon PA com or mrtber cullss bandme ior rent soprun antinu rel ephoea PA M109 Futurism BEDROOM In no lenial home would pretor ioac er One block Irons North loliat Board optionL Toll prlonl PA H210 ATARTICEESIEFSALE HAVE YOU flllm Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP ST wrsr PHONE PA 57417 NEWSPAPER MATS sires axis ioeuloriialbl hob homer rtuu garages etc oeflect insulator 25o PER DOZEN Apply iba Barrie hammer Elml Ontario Handy Hardware Under NEW MANAGEMENT REGISTER NOW For FALL WELDING SCHOOL Lincoln Arc Welders 180 amp 3172 550 gallon septic tank $8250 625 allun se ti Sid Tilt Gauth Pump COME IN COMPARE at HANDY HARDWARE STBOUD PHONE smoub lorll VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED TVVVSETS $4900 REFRIGERATORS $9500 McFADDENS l28 PENETANG ST PA 89288 Private entrancl and bath Avail able September Telephone PA um ms ROOM apartment heat water stove and retrignntnr rup plied Sell contained Dont miss Ioeinfl this one Clo in shopping Tlelephona PA Will or parties an THREE largo room nicely urn lahcd apartment central location SuitTimmencoupleT elephonv PA can alter or Illytlml sat Irdhy EAar nu and bedroom heated unturnldbed apartment private entrustp Available September flags prolerred Telephone PA mac Aprrimant ll containd Avallabla Srptcmber 885 per month cut end location Telephone PA Moss tor mrtber information room rrtment duty log un 35 monthly Telephone one bedroom apartment hehtcd Suitable for couple or two burn inen girls Ava able September Telephono ma mmmomdnmr lshed cprrtment completely doll contained clo and lresh Suit able or two rdults aersorlrblo rent Available now Telephone PA 8410 ALLANDALE two bedroom lin rurnlahed heated Illlrtdnent $70 mommy lncludiuz hydro and water washlnl clinics stove and rolrllcrator supplied lt desir ed Close in bus nap and rt school Available September 10 Tele phone an ours or so William st EXCEPTIONALLY three room it am moo closet paca ground floor three block lrom art ollice and parking Immed rte possession $70 per Telephone PA 513 MohanN unrurnlrhedcbreu room sprrtment four piece tile brtb front and back cntrarlc Parking clerh dryer urth Owen Immediate possession Tellphona PAWS or PA was APTS HOUSES WTD of three adults wish to rennttbrekbedmm house or duplex in Benin area Apply par la Barrio corminer centh tranr ierred required Lhron bedroom home in or near Barrie Apply box 11 Barrio tarminer TWO bedroom apartment privata entrance mund floor it pouib Queenl Park Are Quint reiicb peoplerWanted hyseptcmher 2o Telephone PA 87103 noonlar noaan nooM also hoard nvhllablo Lunchol picked Laundry Tel ephone PA 5502 noon AND librrd liable for gentleman Parking space Ava able Apply to box 17 lihrmirlcr boom and ha rd avallablo tor light laundry rid pack iuncbe ll detlrcd cant Telephone PA H757 Complete Plumbing Outfit Tools Equipment and piping fitings FOR CASH APPLY loo DUNIDP 51 PA 85274 FILL YOUR FREEZER with the dam RED and BLUE MEA IS ETC touts Guaranteed arrlite audgrt firms on orders moo end over Complete Line or FRESH MEAfiT or Ipply zlo Burleid mumsnxngtbre room umeLssHED ment stove and retrigrrstorsulr Wand aoll contained KLEERPAK FOOD STORE marrow swam sum it PHONE PA H501 Free Delivery Open Friday till min fiORE OWNERS Assorted quail in of old ck COUNTER SALES BQGKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fectcondiiion butJaclve 195 on the date line flEGUMR PRICEl FROM iZc to 20 Clearing at 9c ea PROVINCIAL SALES TAX FROM SEPT Commercial Printing TTVDépiTVTTV Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 CLARKS TRADE1N ANNEX is BAYPIELD am In the smart plus to tlrld used home Illmithilll at pried you can any FlleTURE RUGSPALPPLXANCIE BULLDOZING and Grading Fence Rows arid stumps removed Tol ephonc Loo Hurt PA Mlia ARTICLES for SAL Iran mm and on own or nil in virtue condition SILI lag masonbill Apply at nbo lap strut west cm DIYII or sale Went lnlhoiue In almost new condi tion flu A991 38 Burton or Thiephnno PA NM Bum electric washer er noi automatic condition no or but Telephuno PA HMS wet oilr limp will out with hitch Innk strand 47in IPICIAL Canadiln National Eb hibluoa Prices singer round bob bin economy model only 37930 Singer Sewing Mnebln Company Dunlap Strut Wall PA L79 scaoot BOOKS or rate or Central collegIt alostly grade ll lame grades and lo ror fungi detail taiophoho PA pump 0000 gr on per icet bore and loco Phone to Taylor mama snow ilru tire with tuber mounted on rim mounts will indn lol no 15 mm ttru Also lBSI Moitil Oxiord motor cod condition TI lphone Strolid MR AlllNTiDN Stamp Ind eoln collectors All your needs uppum at the new Stamp and Coin store at it lilyilold Sirool barrio Ont In rt present Friday night Ind all day sriurdy IPICIAL ENE Pri ib remod Slntor SLvleOMa ll chinonow $159 sec them to dly at your Eiolor in Cone ire 26 Dunlop Strll PA cm IPECIAL Canadian National hibltiorl prices Several good used Slnlcr Sewing Machine 019 Ilp Slnler lenx Nach Inl Co to Dllriiop Strut Wm Telephone PA VINO arscm Canadian National In bibltion Prices up all on no rlrot neodlo rncoell singer Sawv lng illchino ComplnY oonlv street West rA Miro uncut Con la Nltlonal hibluon Prie SINGER ATTENTION SportsmenBuy now and rave on our pmqeason neck or rifles po lhalgiinl rmmunltlp fishing tackle hand aunt and llvl See our now fluorescent huntlnl hm Open nvcry dr and evenings or your conven It ilebrnnr arr RR errrle PlIUIOGRWT EQUIPMENT USED CAMERAS STILL 35 Contllllr Kodak 828 Kodak Pony Opemur Enlarger with scbncider in mm r245 doin Enlarger SP or with Scbn id as lens Olympul 35 MOVIE CAMERAS Eirno Zoom Kodak 5x Kodak 51 and Lights Eoloxslnxle Lem Tape Recorder Phillipa 200 Brownla 3000 mm Protector $998 dlito lam only ior movies ALL GUARANTEED CAMERAS Also salt CAMERA REPAmd SEE PHOTOGRAPHY BY FAVERO 29 DUNLOP ST PA 85494 RADIO TV IllFl 35 as 33 288 355 38 ss No Mona TV REPAIR Bmsi any Now sot Now With LowCon Alalllrlllltkll THE some orlvuvh scorllA DoGs lb PETS nonrm Spaniel and rod brlr yurr old remrlo Cali tralnad Is you like Could rollitered Telephone PA as liar so pm FALL BARGAINGreatly reduced icon nelcrrit boat and Iphnlon motor Telephone PA bio CASH LOANS$500 It Due month Telephono PA Mics evreszan Finance DIInlop 5t es ls roos lasa E810 day cruiser hard top with lost Evinrudo hp outboard motor or sale Telephone Walter Adair PA 59198 FDIID VI motor converted or boat ln running order 50 One itarru Minor motor for boat or c5325 Telephono rAt is rom Paco rblp Husky model 1955 lllgt Jahnlnn lrvelln motor Gator trailer tarp co plate equipmrnt Telephone PA DELCEAET 16 one boat for sale in lLP Johnson electric motor also trailer Excelle oniiltlo Polity equipped Telupbonn PA it 917 15 MOULDED Pillwoodhoatrll11 holstercd seats lights iarpnlrlln etc Johnson as KP electric start wit dual tanks irniicr to butch with winch 3900 Telephone Lu Hhrt PA bolas ARTICLES WANTED sum COLLECTIONS old latter and coins wanted but pricel prld Writs Box an Barrie ont we WILL PAY out or good usedJumltuxen1nnxegoodnlud Irtlole individual or content Iota Phbno PA 32421 PIANO lll fair condition Wanted no more than rnlncncs high and reasonably priced ToIEphono PA um WANTED used mmiiure bedroom suitor dressers chests couclres tables chain electric stoves warh on refrigerators and rugs spot cash or big tradein allowancc columnist Plus for solo seven weeks TelthOnfl Ht $5971 mainline rolilgtrato lry An laminar Want Ad PHONE PA BMil cubic lent Good condition Tele phone PA 98 old App Adv Telephollld 0T1 mamasw

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