Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Aug 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Talo phooe PA auu fha telepboao number to call for the Boston or Editorial Dept ILPA 5331 112 Titanic fixaminrr LOCAL WEATHER Cloudy with scattered showers or thunderstorms tomorrow Warm and humid Low tonight 50 High Friday 85 See page 97th YeahNo iox Barrie Ontario Canada Thursday Anni no Not More Than lo per Copyfl Page JvtotaieMLizpmonsme rescued from Lake Simcoe late Wednesday aftemoon when sudden wind and rain squall churned the lake into froth and according to police sent niraubetween six and eight lfacet high charging across the kc Nine of thc rescued persons including live children were an ceremoniously dumped into the water when the wave hit two sailboats and canoe Three others were towed to safety by an Ontario Provincial Police launch when water killed their engine and they began to ship water The five children three in canoe and two in sailboat were rescued from the water by Claude Pearce former Toronto City Controller off of DeGrassi Point 15 miles south of Home They include son and daught er of Mr and Mrs William Ormand Belle Ewart Beach and three friends visiting the children from Toronto COTTAGER TD RESCUE Vhen another sailboat over turned when hit by the wave near ELMEDMHLmilcs southeast of Barrie four men including Prank Mulrooncy Toronto and Terry BurtGarr ens Aurora and two others id entitied only as members of the Queens Own Rifles of Toronto were rescued by George Mara cottager at Big Bay Point Mr Mara observed the incident from his lake front cottage OPP officers enrout toe the Big Bay Point incident took in tow the inboard cruiser being operated by Whan of Belle Ewart His passengers included Trombley of Belle Ewart and Fleming of Bradford Police said the huge wave had swamped the motor otthe boat and it was taking on water at dangerous rate Police Escaped TORONTO CF Metropol itan Toronto police early today recaptured Keith Baylis 30 convicted murderer who es caped from Kingston penitenti ary Wednesday by forcing guard to drive him here Baylis was at large in the city Wednesday night after he forced guard John Dobson at knifepoint to drive him 120 miles from Kingston to Toronto Baylls was recaptured as he walked along the boardivalk at West ii 0s Sunnyside amusementparkataaaoaan Police said they received tele phone call from citizen who id man fitting Baylis de éiption was inthe park Policewhtr11escribed Baylis extremely dangerous when ey launched Metro wide arch and called in two dozen special detectives night found him wandering aim lessly and unarmed lt Baylis was sentenced to be hanged on Feb 1955 for pistol slaying of finance com pany manager The jury classed him as an extreme psycho Wednesday At1eswtck6fiouthein Lake sinicoe winds were clocked at 90 mich an hour wave nearly eight icet high was reported on Lake simcoe during the storm Police and ci viliansTescued 12 persns At Tyrone near Oshawa the unveiling of plaque commem orating the late Robert lilcv Loughlin automotive pioneer was marred as guests scram bled out ot the rain Col McLaughlin chair man of the board of General Motors Corporation was forced to cut short his scheduled ad dress Metropolitan Toronto police were deluged with emergency from lightning bolts set off fire alarm boxes and bank holdup alarms The winds and rain alter buffeting the area for about 30 minutes veered southwest and dissipatedover Lake Ontario Congress Defeats Bill To Ilid Schools WASHINGTON AP Pres ident Kennedy suffered one of the most stunning defeats of this session of Congress Wednesday when the House of Representa tives voted against considering his aid to education bill even though it was whittleddown compromise Republicans and conservative southern Democrats formed the bulk of the group that over whelmed the bills supporters 242 to 169 The dramatic vota apparently ended all chances at this ses siontlor the administration to establish the principle of federal aid for public sdiooi congau tionthe key proposal rema iog in the hill Murderer path and made very strong recommendation for mercy muted his sentence to life im piisonmenL Wednesday he was at labor camp in Smithfield 55 miles other convicts picking vegeta bles guarded only by Dobson Baylis toIdADobsonrhe was sick and asked to be taken to the farm office Once in the car Dobson said Baybs produceda knife and told me to drive to JheJiighrLaandsaid wouldnt beldhurt if Idid what was to Last month Dobson was one of fiverguardsrheIdhostagefla hours by two knifewielding con victs in the prison kitchen Dobson drove to Torontos High Park where he was or are ition wagon The convict then fled and Dobson hailed pass phone Kenneth Jones who tried to stop bandits after they had held upa finance company branch snow or srnancruraraus Personnel carriers and ink of armored task point in Berlin yesterday The Army rushed the arm iclese lozthc borde checkpoint whoa an American calls as surges of electricity lastminute reprieve west of Kipgston with seyen oIeave the prisons siaV ing car to take him toJtaiek was convicted of killingT Resume Testing MOSCOW Russia scrapped the threeyear moratorium on nuclear testing today with an ominous warning to the West and plea for understanding from the nonaligned countries the Kremlin is wooing Premier Khrushchev gave the gosahcad to his scientists to test new weapons ranging up to monster bombs withan explo sive force of 100000000 tons of TNT live times bigger than Russians arsenal and 5000 times bigger than the atomic bomb droppcd on Hiroshima in 1945 killing between 70000 and 90000 per SanSi The Russians blamed the United States and its allies for their decision to resume nuclear testing It is an open secret said 6000word government state ment that the United States is standing at the threshold of carrying out underground nu clear expiosions and only waits start them Because of that and because France as exploded some bombs the statement said Russia has decided to test new bombs and to add to the world crushing nuclea arsenal it claims it already has LINKS TO BERLIN The statement liskcd the gov ernmenta decisio SKE liflt The United State alliesare inning the flywheel tary machine ever Jesusfanning up the arms race to unprecedented scope increasing the strength of arm ies making the tension of the international situation redvhot The Soviet government has been compelled to take this ose significance it fully appreciates under the pressure of the international situation created by the imperialist bloc The policy of thelaadin NATO powers thetlnited Staies fiitfii rance an the Federal Westt German Repub licand of this aggressiverbiocr as whole leavES the Soviet Union no other choice The statement coupled threats with assurances that Russia was consci of ttiehorrors which can let loose on the world by merely few thar munuclear bombs And not adozen not hun dred but thousands of such bombs are in the arsenals of the great powe The statement also said Rus sia was aware of the dangers of nuclear fallout and every measure is being taken 4o minimize these effects1n 4hkforthcomingtest program The announcement gave no specific date for the first of the series of explosions which were described as experimental BERLIN milltary sedan iii army guards in sealed is anything in the United States for the first sgitgbjuretextjov ca Bearded tired suffering from cuts bruises and two in jured legs climber Gordon NEW ORLEANS AP threedudgo federal court Wed nesday struck down Louisianas school closing lawwhich per mitted school districts to vote to abandon public schools faced with desegregation orders This is not the moment in history for state to experi ment with ignorance said the opinion by Judge John Minor Wisdom of the 115 Fifth cuit Court of Appeals and US District JudgehkSkellyWrightr and Herbert Christenberry When it doe ecL scrutiny of the experi ment The court ruled that the lee cal option Act 2oa special 1951 session of thelouisiaua legislature violated on two counts the equal ctiun clause of the 14th Amendment to the us Constitution It is transparent artifice to deprive the Negro plaintiffs of their constitutional right to attend de gr gated public schools it said Missile Explodes In Fiery Display CAPE CANAVERAIi Fla APIn spectacular failure which resembled an exploding munitions dump Minuteman niiasile blew apart Wednesday vas it was launched for the first IMBEB Cracker was pluckediram 9600foot Mount Blane Tues day Crocker was carried Louisiana Forced Since the staterpmvidEI pub lic schools in other parishes counties closing the schools in St Helena would discriminate against the children in that par ish regardless of race the court added irha action was filed by Negro residenLSoi St Helena tiny ru ral parish Brazrlfiovfthu RESCUED FROM MOUNTAIN much of the way to an im provised helicopter platform on the mountain side in stret cher CP Wirephoto Poincare19s CHAMoNixtArirrench police todaygave this Gallic reason for refusing to dis close thenamesof 81 per sons rescued Wednesday after the break in the Mont Blane alpine cableway You never know who travels with whom and in France we try to be as discreet about these things as we can ncliesOiieniiive To Subdue Rebellion In Prdvince RIO de JANEIRO AP Bra zlls militarysdominated interim government announced early to day that it had launched mil itary action in force to sub due the movement in southern Brazil that wants to place left ist Joao Goulart in power as president communique said units of the 2nd Army the air force and the navy were taking part in the colmbined operation against Bra zi GrandLdoaSul oi the 60000man lrd Army in the southern state Both Zisrizzola and Machado Lopes had proclaimed their al legiance to Goulart and insisted that as vicepresident he should succeed to the presidency left vacant by the resignation last Ominous News From Moscow Ilnderlines Da OIIAWA tCPtPrlmo Minil ter Diefcnbaker today called for renewed efforts to arrest the dlysprogrersvotilha arms He said in statement issued after cabinet meeting that the ominous news from Moscow concoming resumption of nu clear lesLs underlines the ser ious dangers the world faces as result of the spiralling arms race and the present crisis in Berlin There was pressing need to persevere in the search for realistic basis for negotiations with the Soviet Union Mr Dielenbaker said hasty reaction should be avoided The Ihreat to world peace is far too serious The safety of humanity is at stake NEED NEW EFFORTS This emphasizes the over ridlng importance and urgency of renewed efforts to settle peacefully the immediate crisis over Berlin and not to be dl verted from our efforts to achieve international Ireaties to guarantee the cessation of nu clear testing for all time and to arrest the deadly progress of the arms race Mr Diefenhaker made his statement after the cabinet dis cussed Russias announced in ngicrsPMWafis tention to resume nuclear tests Ho described the Russian move Wednesday night as tragic and retrograde step IIK To Discussg Lifting Test Ban JOHN HIGHTOWER WASHINGTON AP Pres ident Kennedy set up emer gency conferences today with diplomatic military and con Lgressional ieadero to consider urgeritaresumption of US nu clear weapons testing in view of Russias bombshell decision to scrap the threeyearIong test moratorium Action came quickly after Moscow broadcast news of the decision which app arently caught Washington and other world capitals by surprise Kennedy lgucd statement denouncing the Russian step as blow to worldwide hopes for disarmament and threat to the entire world by increasing the dangers of thermonuclear holocaust He summoned Ambassador Arthur Dean homeTIToin thT fruitless nuclear test ban talks with Britain and Russia at Geneva my In ShantyBay Drowning coronersh sday afternoonruled 53 by drowning due to physical weak hes not enabling him to With stand cold water temperature and water pressure in the death of Joseph Smith aseyear old Toronto scuba diver who disappeared in Kempenfeit Bay off Shanty Bay eight miles east of Barrie July Smiths body was washed ashv are within 300 yards of the Shanty Bay government wharf on July Along with their verdict the Jury recommended JhaLscuba divers undergo rigid medical examinations prior to diving and aLSiLHIEed the enforcement of the use of marker buoys by all divers while under water NOT IN BEST HEALTH Evidence at the hcarlng indi cated Smith was not in of health Dr Edward week of President Janio Quad as who said he quit because eactlonary fo prevented im from carrying outhis re orm program The start of military action figytdsetTperia The military was mentary system of government aimedat subduing the governo WI Gouiart as president But of Rio Grande do Sul Leonel waveringundcr pressure from de Moura Bria olawho is Gou larts hrother Alaw and Gen Jose Machado Lopes who Wed nesday rejected an order from time from an underground Acting President Rapieri Mazi Vziili Ling him of command war Army Minister Odylio Denys and the air force and navy chiefs the legislators could not decide whether the presidency would be powerful post or only flggrehead VANCOUVER CPL Rel ration of federal laws against abortion for thesickandfor rape victims was urged Wednes day by an executive director of the momma of IC ssocia tlon Dr McCoy said an interview the law should be mo dified to allow legal abortions for broad physical and mental reasons and not onlywhenrthe life at the mother is at stake Legal abortions should be per mitted for rapevictims where the charge has been proved in here are many cases where doctors arerconvinced that wo men should be aborted he said vbututbey are powerless to act because of thalaw McCoy suggested that at ommittee composed of lei to Berlin iAP Wirephoto be set up to his applications across Canada fromdoctors who roe SICK ASSAULT victims gt Revise Abortion believe their patients should have abortions nip WANTBTUDY Me anwhile liament for th called for federal lnvestiga tinn to determine whether amendments to the Criminal Code are necessary HaroldWinch CC Vuncon ver East urged that com bined legislativevmedical com missin study the problemsfle said absolutely imposs hie and nhumao to allow the present tuation to continue whereby women by necessity have to risk their livesby ille gal abortions There must bea membersrolvPak rm piley ErhartRegier ccr Burn abyCoquitlam abortion laws abiise but cond lead to lanaisaid an investiigatign ahouldbe hand ice department PCVancouver weveiaack ahor IDII time we John Taylor Burrard said Ttrothe problem too longits took it out otthe back more sensible approach to it John Dryadale PCBurnaby Richmond suggested yroyai commission or parliamentary hick amend enla Code could re mmen toitha criminal been broadened on abortion the la liberalizinL led by the just ton of Barrie testified his post mortem examination of Smith indicated he wasssuffering from heart condi chest condi on ndicating pul monary infecton and degenera WINNIPEG CF Canada would add sire States with the counsel and th WINNIPEG CF into alleged corruption lit officials amount to accused any protection ACalg uni practicee followed by 57 asan AP Fiftysix ed the border ed today menfbflremier Smailw WooduToflfers oI Smer fires couldhave such nonsens Hamilton Wednesday announce wheat to communistaChina that he was plotting UN and chronic formanoe in the United Nations Vi Lawyer Accuses IrialBy Smear to establish anode of procedure flatemeni ToInciie People ST JOHNS NfldvCPl Esau Thoms president of the Newofundland Federation of La KENDSEE LAKESask A15 ELIsAaprnvtirna tReuleis heredemanded the supenaion ofK Godefroid Munongo today and an Jarbaramisliie mounwmdhk ro en Het form ailway bridge in Toronto pita officials aaldioday Urges Rigid Medical jF or Divers tou of lung tissue He also said there wassome evidence of previous hemmorhage of the kidney TliomasrPearce of Toronto companion of the dead man on the Hand diving excursion told the jury both he and Smith had reached depth of 90 feet before Smith disappeared He said he and Smith had leIt Toronto shortly after 10 amJuIy and had started to dive about two oclock SMITH SHIVERING in ta on their backs to Turn to page two please HERES ONE Whats she like asked one woman curio Well shes JubLlo dresses like no 20 and acts like NUTSHELi Canada Would Strengthen OAS prominent American lawyer says ngth to the Organization of American ought that has typified herper ary Lawyer said today inquiries malfeasance or breach of trust by pub trial by smear andrdonot4give+he man advocated wide changes we MINER inquiries He Blast GermansDeiect To West members of the East German aimed forces have led to the Wes since the Communists scal yin Berlin 19 days ago West Berlin police report bob said Wednesday state whi linkedthe internatioiial Nawloundlands forest niy beenmeant to incite people whobeiieve gricu tural Minister Alvin the lejii 5900000bushels of Umted Nat as officials atanga Interio Minister nvestigafion ihto Charges soldiers in the Congo hfliensnfieuioreet Tuesday isim vine boot Pearce saidtheyhadecnooghi

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