Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1961, p. 2

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MRS CLIFFORD DAVIS NOTES BINDER CLOGGED BY WET CROP TODAYS ST Compiled by Flynn it OCK PRICES 93ertopSt 12 Barrie mausrnur Asbestos Ablubt Algonu smr Aluminium Aiberta on All Steal III of Montreal Bank of N3 Hall Tel Bruwiln ILA IRS Power CdnBk arcom Cdn Breweries CPR Canada Cement Call Chomicll Cln on Con Ititn dc 5m Corn Pup Consumers Gil Dis Sell Dam star Dam Tar Gt Lakes ow lmP 011 rats rev mil Lablit Mac Powai Nonndl Dom Found tarantula Pro rumour lily Hudson Bu Min Tobacco Accent inland Mn inter Nickel Club Muuy For slit talk tsi isVr Nor onL Na Moon carp Oshawa Hacitic Peta Pam FIDO Qua Nat Gel Roe Returnm Royal Bank ntoAlsom antd samm star ran 0rd Steal of Can Stelnbefl Tor Dom Bk Tran can Firs Tnnl Mt Po rndm Fin Texaco Union Gil Walker GRW ll art 17 134 dz5 xsii ma av an as am mi ml st to Pipe luv armm Can Husky camp Chi CenDel Rio Con Dentsnn Con Hall Sullivan in Falconbrldla 58 Gerorhilnelwi ms Gunnar Hollinlar Lanaour Lon Notmetal KemAddllbn Maritimu Opamilkl CN Quemonl sber Gordon stun Rock initad ou Ventures Wiiroy mucosa no rflrsrw gum live Mun itch sroons Trans Canada Pipe Line Ventures LIBIts Boil Tclbpbone Falcnnbfldle DOWJUNE New Indullrials up 11 Balls TODONTO aspen Golds up 11 STOCK MARKET FMctrket Rise Ladi Industrial up By Oils TORONTO CP The stock market was led upwards by re ing oilsandntltitiesduringe light morning trading today Oshawa Wholesale contrlb uted to the general industriala rise with gain of is to new high of 27 as did Bathurst Paper up two points Utihfiwwerebett and financial institutions bucked hetrend and were On index industrials ad vanced 74 to 59031 golds 12 to 8953 base metals 27 to 20443 ahd western ails 78 to 9597 The 11 am volume was 308000 shares compared with 387th at the same time Tues ay Ventures Falconbridge inter national Nickel and Consolidated Mining and Smelling all rose in low range to aid sagging base nietalsv market Campbell Chibougamau gained small five cents BODUCE TORONTO CP Churning cream and butter print prices were unchanged today man svansnes up at Utilities on za EXCHANGE NDEX Metal up 17 Oils up 79 Utlt Gold trade was light with Campbell Red Lake and Mc 4ntyrePorcuplne ahead and is respectively Western oils were weak with Dome Central Del Rio and Home all up about Va The stock In arke moved Wholesaie advanced point to new high of 27 in moderate turnover while Bath nrst rose SA to high of 5014 Bathurst gained point on news at two for one split MONTREAL CPI The US dollar was at an premium of 116 per cent dian funds the Bank of Mont real reported near noon today Tuesday the noon rate was $I03YI Pound sterling $288 318 down 116 NEW YORK CPtCanadian dollar 132higher at 07 in terms of us funds Pound sterling 116 higher at 5200 veis 215 atfld stronglLirLlightJradlng Eariksfmesday NOONJIOLLIIR See Late Crop find Some Loss Iliter Big Rain probably be the latest lcanre member in more than 30 years Ontario Agricultural Representative Stewart Page said this morning Mr Pogo estimated only about so percent ofthe spring groin had been harvested Severe ralastorms several wecks ago and again Monday inight have flattened the grain in the fields so that the min chines cant get under it to bar vest it it is impossible to estimate the extent of loss in dollars Mr Page sold but the late harvest will involve lot of ex tra labor and some loss Clifford Davis farm on the Ivy line RR Thornton was one of the hardest hit rnsdm oithe best oat fields in the district before these storms flattened it out Mr Davis said expect about 25 per cent loss on my grain and lot oi extra work My loss will run into few hundred dollars anyway WEATHER Synopsisr Fog patches re ported at number of points will dissipate before noon giv ing southern and northeastern Ontario sections another fine day Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Ontario southern Georgian Bay Niagara Halihurton regions Windsor London Tomato Ha milton Sunny with few cloudy intervals today and Thursday little warmer Winds light to day southwest 15 Thursday Northern Georgian Bay Ti Nbrth Bay Sudbury Sunny with cloudy periods today with chance of an isolated thunder shower Mostly cloudy with scat tered thundcrshowers tonight and Thursday little warmer Winds southwest 15 Forccaat Temporal Low tonight High Thursday Windsor s90 SF Thomas 215 London s5 Kitchener 85 Wingham 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 35 Toronto Petarborougb Trenton Killaloe Muskoke North Bay Sudbury Earlton Kapuskasing White River asesesgSgeesesea murder suspect had been as climbers and speciallytrained AmherstLJimhranuegionerIbiLkepLsevcraLnthaLtourist hill seat Iheiower Hadthey Ilrrest Charge Tobacco Aid In Mans Death smsmu sonnets Norwich area tobacco worker wanted on charge of murder was arrested Tuesday night on tobacco farm near here Clark subletto an intensive search since warrant was issued for him during the week end was returned to Woodstock wbiedrc howiii appear in court lie chairgod 1m death of Wilfred John Miners oi oi Nor wich hose blanket wrapped conference $3313 IIIIvaIlIthIngirlvL nicipBl Association said the holes in the head Eariler Tuesday myear old girl who was with Clark was arrested at Alilston This morning Ontario pro vinclal police in Raniisgid the log on tobacco farm near Al listen RESCUE so PASSENGERS Continued from page one police rescue teams RESCUERS RISK LIVES Time and again they risked theirlivcs clinging to the cable lines as they inched out to the cars to attach ropes to them Then the agonizing business of towing them to safety began The teams could only move the cars at speed of about 300 feet an hour Before tha accident it was re garded as impossible for the traction cable to be broken We had never taken this pos siblllty into so on an said Pierre Jacquet installations at landing points are painted red townm oii planes But it is obvious the pilot did not see the installations There was one previous accl danl on the cable line over the Vallce Blanche That wbs in 1959 when French helicopter hi the line Tho crew of the helicopter died but there were no casualties among the cable cnr passengers lieutenant at the military alpine school here said the plane Tuesday passed between the traction and the support cables of theline The collision ripped fuel tank from the aircraft but the pilot quickly managed to regain height he said PLANE SPEED HIGH The plane zipped over the valley at well above the speed oi sound No one reported actu ally seetng it cutJlsetractlen cable but one slghtseeriran cls Blanchard Frenchman with the international Labor Or ganization at Geneva said he saw the plane perfnnning aerolt batics just before Three rescue centres were set up in mountain cabins and doc tors stood by with hot drinks food and warm clothing for the survivors as they were hauled to safety Officials were thankful for one circumstance in the bizarre ac cident After the three cars derailed the loose end of the tow cable entangled in the roll ers of the way station tower this fuss about moss enhancers 0M5 Municipal Officials Urged Study Conflicting Problem By DON DEENEY Canadian Press staff Writer WINDSOR CPI Premier Frost Tuadny night told com vention of municipal officials to give careful consideration to problems arising from conflict of interest ith own delegates should refer frequtm tly to newlypublished guide for elected municipal officiL He said the 2+page booklet distributed at the convention is no hhridsunuot of existing Meal and laws No policeman in the lam of department of municipal affairs trap passengers had spec tacu ar view of the summit of Meat Elanc and the glacier be low But few of the rescued commented on the scenery The cabins in which they were trapped are about five feet square and have two double seats facing each other with only few inchcs between the knees of the passengers and no oom for them to stretch their age The cabins have no lights be cause they normally never run at night Most of the sightseers were French Italian or British Lynn Fry of Birminghbm England touring with her par ents looked around at reporters and photographers when she reachedthe foot of the glacier and said in an irritated voice Whot are they making all CONFERENCE OPENS TORONTO CPtThe United Church of Canadas annual con ference on evangelism opens to day at the Ontario Ladles Col lege Whitby WMIWAW Mrs sonabie workable rules can be laiddovlnwhich allow thepeo plethemselves to iir Frost speaking Kinda 70 to defeat three resoluqu calling for exemption irom pro vindol threepar cent retail aim all municipal Thom headed by mayor Garnet Ne kfikTarCtialhsm saidifogpou the resolutions because effective Sept was being lev led to raise needed funds that would be returned to municipal tiles in general grants Tlmminl arguing for the reso lutions said if municipalitiet paid the sales tax on purchases it would mean the mill rate would have to be lncreosad placing heavier burden on property owners the city of Niagara Falls Wei land County and Thorold Town ship and supported by 10 other municipalities called for ex emptions on all municipal pur chases At present only equip ment and materials for capital constructions by municipalities them can police 1000 mudicipilitiu doubt that any attempt at such should ever be made Mr Frost said think however that su pass judge she added an Earlier delegates voted 75 to resolutions com If etox Mayor Del Villano ai The resolutinnssponsored by are exempt The resolutions committee rec ommended also that Sudbury sponsored resolution calling for exemptions for fallout shelters from property tax not be adopted The committee said it did not feel the cost of shelters would have any effect on whether would WANT INDUCEMENT However delegates carried motion that the committee should draft resolution ape proving in principle the need for some inducements for the con gEWA Rb Save with Safety shi struction of shelters This will TEE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUG 30 m1 CAPSULE NEWS Funeral Services WINDSOR iCPi services for Dr Murray Sco Douglas past chairman of th pawn In me mm mm Canadian Medical Association ernroent this fail resolution was passed call ing for the Ontario government to launch study directed tow rganirstioo oi ceimticr with view to creating new form of regional government Health press conference he would like to see legislliionienauei this fall to tablish an Ontario physical tits council which would supervise health pro gramlorpeople oisllages With proper physical fitness program believe we can pre MLNIWOL ofaur people be said Only about half of the people are fit and they are not as It as they might be Senator David Croll told dole gates they should instruct their welfare departments to stop ep ologixing for the money they spent He said the need to pro vide such services will become greater with the years Gordon Grundy president of StudebakerPackard of Can ada Limited told the purchas ing agents section of the con vention that Canadas automolt tlve industry still is seeking the ideal car in size and price range He predicted the indus try will soon rcturn to he sen siblesize car of 19 In tho municipal administrat ors section an expert on local govemmeat supported the city manager system for small and mediumsize centres but advo cated plural executive system for large cities Dr Donald Rowat profes sorof politicabscience at Car leton University said in large cities the manager system lacks the political leader But Alfred Rypstrn former city manager of Grand Rapids Mich sold the manager system clearly defines and separates the policy and administration sides of local govemment to achieve affective government Value $tylafidFiifiWw smart comfortable loaded cars from being cut loos to roll backward on the down done so they too would have derailed and crashed The cable line is strung be tween two peaks of 157Blfoot MontAHlanc and stretchesithree miles between the limbofoot Aigaiile du Midi an the French side of the chasmendrthaTor ino slightly lower on the Ital ian side it makes sharp dip at the halfway mark rocky outcrop known as the fires Rog non big kidney Tourists normally dothe ride in half an hour dangling at times 150LfaeLabovatha gla cier At eight points along the way there are stopping points where they canget out VIEW SPECTACULAR it was beautiful moonlit night on the mountain and the Theegg market was steady wrth offerings light for light demand Countrydealers arequotedby federal department of agri tulture on Canada grade eggs delivered Toro in fibre cases large 52 median 45 small 28 and grades on market Butter prices Canada first grade Ontario tenderable 68 nontenderable 6182 in light trading wastem 62 nominal SHURéGAIN FERTILIZER sERVIca Ime mlmzfrwn LDerigned for wear of active young sters Smooth brown fat uppers with cm amngwear ingneolitesoies Sizes to in and widths Boy Gym Shoes Eyelet Wing for Boys will be held here Thursday Dr Douglas who retier as end of the cam to June suf fered heart attack in Toronto more than week ago and died in Toronto hospital Monday gmscow so scan Blake Sco editor and novel gt died Tuesday at the age of I31ekes best known novel wa story of Clydeside called in shipbuliders He is survived by his avliLtwasons and ndang tar His wife now is in Canad visiting relatives Man Is Charge OTTAWA CP Alexa holds 40 of no fixed add has been charged with slaughter in the death of No Brunswick man whose body we recovered from the Ridea River here Sunday police sai today The body of Albert Doucattc of Munich described police as transient was loan by group of tecnagcrs had been drowned The death first was con ered accidental but police said they later received iniormntio about drinking party Ins weekend an subsequen light The body had been in the water an estimated 24 hours DEATHS Ily THE CANADIAN PRESS Windsor Dr Murray Scott Douglas who retired as head of the Canadian Medical Associa tion in June BowmanvllleCol Lorne Tol hert McLaughlin n2 comman der of the 2nd Canadian Infan try Battalion during the First World War Shop Reward First For ips Built for comfort and shape retention just like Dads Sturdy leather uppers with long wearing flexible neollte soles and heels Your lad will like their srnonth styling Available in black and dark brvwn SIZBMIA do ISIZES area 399 $499 Shawl Tongue Shoes Childrens sturdy scispams with no cramp last that allows for growth All leather uppets with reinforced heel pocket soshoe retains its sh ape Long wearing composition soles and heels New autumn brown in sizes SCHOOL sHoEs Young rcholais step smartly back to school in shoes from Reward assured oi the Important toot protection young teat mad Here are shoes that unite fashion wear and comfort sturdily made and mscnebly priced Apache Brand made specifically to our own rigid specifications available in Black and White or fillVlfltitHandwfioys onlyi $199 Still the TeenageRagegi Guaranteed FIm Quality PRESCRIPTION roa PAYING ants VWEAYJEM ore WITH LOWCOST LiFElNSUREF 612 Black Green Gold White Red pasture on cash crops for next spring accurately easily and economically with the new gt Sizes 49 AlbLBuuLEeefiuzepSpreadingServioa Makes good dollars and cents tool It may cost you no more to have SHURGAIN delivered and spre it than you argflpresently paying for bagged DUNLOP ST rti zer and

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