Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1961, p. 12

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Au ilefifilga urdannmm ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS NAitm an Llamarum Chou Ina more In your child should bv aal plaagure and other am not tonner you choice lvama your Child ll 90mm and use the la lvidua name in name usasmar nlnh Announce lian lust our uranium in parcmcat the ram lneludiiu coma an win publish Birth Notice in Inn in ediuoa tor he PA Hold or 1111 Clllllli FEW DEATHS PARNViItLuAt the ai vip tori iiovpital llama on zaday Auruit 29 loci Florence Hoary bourne beloved with or the lllL Charles Parnneid slew Brock 5L Blrriein hermit year dear mother or Marip um Puller Albuque ue Illc er Chariu oi Incnuvl Wal teror Edmonton cltilll at the Stanley Pinter1 Ha 30 Mle arrie lar aarviee on Thun II nirvana ciao uonroNAi coulnsweod can al and rinc liaipliai on Wed Auzuit ice charm Henry Horton oi srrou beloved hulblnd at the to Mars arel Luuan black dear other at Iiarlan Elisabeth Mn it Lynn oi Angus nuln Evelyn Mrs Irwin or name Ellie lun It Webb at his day Po siarraret um ilciteownl Painwick Iiarry at stroud in his am ar llcrtlnl the Inner runerai Home name Pune services Friday September pm interment luldhunt Ceal It anwronnAt the noyal Vic torla hospital berm an Monday August as lost Catherine Iana Gilchrist hciovefilreor the late Frederick crawrord in her aeth year dear mother at OnnI llu ormae Milli and Lloyd Inha molherolllllchll rid na Leigh and Shelly Crawror neaing at the Sleeklly Funeral Nome do wnnley st untu Thursday noon Flincrnl service at are Station United Church on Thurlddy August al at 230 pm interment in adialnlnd ccmcto Casket will be open in tho church tram up pm until time or service IN MEMORIAM ioving memory or and lather Frank Duflan who mend away Au an lost The depth at sorro we canno tell or the loss or one we love so well And whuo no sleep pllcctul steep His memory we shall always keep lm rcmembercd by who Grace and daughter Pat nd Audrey CARDS OF THANKS Kziuunuizwa wish to thank our Irteiids ncluhbors and Claw institute ev Norman Dr Soy mour and nurses at the Royal Victoria Hospital tor their kind help and sympathy during our recent bereavement 11 Karridxe non Ind Jean URflYWc Willi to thank our many rrlenda relative neigh bors who were In kind to us in as many ways duriad the ion at our dear mother Wordackunnt express how we reel Special thaniu lo luv Walk nev Gs smith lure Ernla Watts and Mr Arllul Ross Pnlnliy artha late Frcdcrick Urry win to thank members or tilu Lot No 1251 table or the True uluc Luch and friends who made it possible or us to Pur chase it new set drums iiir William lithuy COMING EVENTS Phils Country Boys OldTime and Modern Dancing Banquets Weddings Parties PHONE PA 89311 Barrie and District School for Retarded Children Application forms or student enrolment available from Mrs RaikeS RegINJ care Simcoe County Health Unit Worsley Street Barrie Tole phone PA 85967 Borrieiand District Sheltered Work Shop Application or student enrol ment available lrom Mrs Hankin director 363 anlield Street Telephone PAW8271 ANNIVERSARY SERVICE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH iVY SUNDAY SEPT 3rd 11 amT 730 pm Guest Speaker MrEruce Edgar Baxter Out You WOULDNT DIS¢ONNECT YOURPHONE COUPLE OF DAYSA WEEK gt because you knuwihat goon prospects might be trying to gel in touch with you during tliosaa periods when your phone service lsdiscoutiuued Its the same with your adver rising People are buyingevery day Don by beauties your advertising is discontinued cdpy or Want Ad Section acceptod udtli Jliillt by let that business pass you Moirnl Duckworlh WEDNESDAY AUGUST 181 REAL ESTATE moronss FOB sALB HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 8645 alpha liar out evmmos CALI aur law to PALsmI PA HIM KAnL liAhsllALi PA on NouAii MIXES me can euAnouI Ponsme PAW REAL ESTA ROGER REALT ORS CONNELL ONE DUNUOP mansails First in Barrie Home SalesForemost iii Quality at Servi PA 85568 TRUNKLINES EVENINGS I3 MOOREPA $3181 ROGERS PA 581 Smith CampbellPA um FullII GarveyPA 57931 Mainer cl LI Jimta RIII zmte Build CALL IonaPA 10 ACON 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PRONE5 PA M3231 NILLPA WH mam HAMILLLDISLBICT REAL TAT BOARD Jon LintPA 781 REAL ESTATE MONEY VAVAI LABLE FOR Consolidation at Bills Home repaln eto NOBONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly up to $5000 and so month to repay SEABOARD Ml Dunlap St 3A 66471 FINANCIAL v$59£9 45A DUNLOP ST Nextdddr to till imperial Theatre PA 66481 Member pl Bama and District Real Catlin Baird MOVING Dont lorut to unite your INSURANCE mu it an aged extra cover or any ad SEE STEVENSONS PA cowl ila Dunlap St ROSE REM lLSPATB niloxtzli 7e TIFFIN STREET uAilrtlz STROUD flcdurnd in llrlCi $1000 bedroom Dunlnlow living will Iamlly lizc kitchen bathroom luli basement Inrccd alroll hcatiuu hrenzewly DIHI Mr 17an Thin ll exceptionally nico homo only About live yelrl old Iocniad lit stroud about liVo mile mum of Barrio Owncr would consider Peumlltiie dawn Payment Mid would hold it palsncc in one m0fllllo DOG KENNEL ACRES Del Kennel located tomb of Barrie on 27 Highway consisting at about acres at land on which ll tamed largo brick home with all inside conveniences at tached Inragc rorced nir ail heat ing itiliy lundleapcd grounds Rondmtzlicr Ililppiy 1351 well with pru ulyllm ro nrt would still tho lor or full Di could in two lnml home CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member at the unrri Rani Estate anfld 01mm THmmEnuuv wnl rail in love with this cxtrtl large new three bedroom bung aiow Lsliaped living room and dining room iircplacc builtin china cabinet and oven and stove unit Attached garage See it at 58 Marion Crescent Gordon Spring Enterprises PA 85097 PA 66745 HENDERSON REALTOR lii COLLIER smear PHONE PA 82573 iNCOME PROPERTY Pour apartments with stays and rcrrircratars renting at $755 monthly good building shd incu tlnn Phnhe Percy Ford 114 MELROSE ST siddoo Lou bungalow wi in excellent school and an beauiirul bedroom in attached garage location Close in upping Extra large daiuxc kitchen three tilebnih terms Gccrge pnvicr Callefiltlr Econdrntt 82 ROSE ST luodarn ranch style bndrudrri brick bungalow Populnr sin living and dining room anly also kitthcn close to schools Owner transferred Call Rita Scandrett avmiuos CALL RITA SCANDRLIT PA Edlibl PERCY FORD PA Milan EMERSON SWAIN PA Mulls Mcmiicr or Earrld and District and oaturlopcal Estate boards TAYLOR REALTOR is CLAPPnrtmN si BARRIE PHONE PA dim EAST END large into good Irontagc cam nlcrclal area only gnaw each Call now lor tull intormntlon they will not last long CENTRAL bedroom home on largo lot hot water heating also mirage priced at 500 with 51000 down bal rlrice pnono murtlaze NEAR an bedroom bungalow on well trend lat with llrdla Ind paved drive way only $3509 with low down payment evening as NELLESPA 56695 MOORE PA $2160 licnl Estate Boards EMPORARY HOME ONE oNLY Ne NHALconteraimrnry dwallln with carport room laru liv ag caomlarco kitchen dining area master bedroom ceramic tiled bathroom wlur eolcrod the lures and vanity Late or cup boards atoms and screen largo soddod lot good location earner Phone witinb cly blitand brick Member TUXOIINL humour DUNLOP ST FIRST nonroAnz FUNDS Evlniflll Jua Loadiia PA Mitt Everett saalswcil 0rd 19in Ho North HAVE YOU Burrloa Newest BARRIE DOUG IIOII BROK Phono PA 419 SHANNON lllariy exirn in till Inc and all tiled llaarI Thia solid brick wci lame rooms all newly storms and 57 momre irisa iiavc bullncu pl yflur own wo Snack bar cabin and service itatioa lelu uild chlidrcnl reldytDwcar Grocery and Variety shop near park General Slnlll prcsxurc piece bath Tns la MABEL MARSHALLPA was or the equivalent byvipt Iinilnl In winksaccount MAT nnd watch in nrder tornhe mnnuy ltuila This dell liikc about 5300009 MAMAindependencede Apartments Ind live in the ill needs we recommend quick 11 or client DRIVE SL by at Blake strcct ly trco shaded henrte haven Phone us indlcld and well milk pick you up iiiid litliver you In make your biInr Iiti till our bad your appointmentlnow TORO Mer linings Slice dont Juathp property at the bell possibln Price at our aalcrpeapie listed below most live good Innlea Call us today COMMERCIAL Larize lat uxl illsln Street in Ailandale stairs also small apartment at rear clothing store Cant be sorry iomdrr Withlme not too high why not store them block warthoch on lnrln int two heated loading Junior two tmckd STAYNER 100 new tara with ore with piece but nuik Jeniy milk EVENINGS lileIv CouldOra zsld Doria NuttycombePA dipsI Edltb couldzoro Nonm coLLECIATE arca seven 100 ungalow florid rlnlliroorn mm down carricr or 07 ermo PA In elcphaas notion three large largo kitchen small dinlno area near schools and bus olihoatcd Replonable Owner tranricrrad Apply nt oz oakley Park Square Tins OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL contracting inns and EJIIILI manrpr sale in the Barrlc vicinity Well established business Apply Box id name Examiner HARDER to rent barber shop Dnu at tho best locations in theeity Telephone PA 34705 Jar liirtiier dell Ls MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE Immediately to eeuroilusio debt 11 on existlnz mortgages homo pravcmcah ato Col lyfor op ntmoht PA mat origace ndlnc overslas aoaa cars in ouniopstrcat Eu liontnAuesirt one Ind bonnht solo and or god Commurcta and residential an loaned on existing mortue pago aroir builder LL ivei fie BE INDEPENDENT OWEN JamsPA My Stood Agencies Lid COLLIER STREET PAB5901 hamburger ltiu name and District rtoai Estate Board HOWTOGETYOURSMIARY RAISED Put your rent money in Heres the pia work or you you have to have so Three Thousand st one rcnt tree ruom older honid STOUiFS ARE ABOUT OUT ck Large barn wl truck passeI iarm IJD EDITOW years to re PA 88961 lupus77 can iack wtliaon PA Mal Normln Sheiflveu PA um PA HOME Subdivision VIEW PA 64597 ER STREET uiatandinr butt brick bungalow with attached pan Exceptlpnliiy well Illilihcd blaomoni with large recreation room lelntdlnins room and one bedroom has wan to well brondiaonl to remain Largo lot with iruit trees lawm nicely kcpt AGNES STREET till bungalow la pleasure to show SEMIDETACHED ON BAYFIELD STREET No brick ileum for the Price oi one Hyman at both Thcse are six raorru income tram ave liatcd Ind dchnol tyi co ay rent draw 3va UT Maul list it it honest courtc PROPERTY store with two 93 with piece bath in Norman Shelswell REALESTAIE BROKER PA 348742 oils or VALUENO Pas CHARGE CUSTOM BUILT TO YOUR LIKING 11 Located oil Bayvlcw Drlvs near Huronld DriveIn under construction September GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD GORD SPRINGPA 8450 CORBLLREALESTATE Dunlop St Dur dcarnied nllo beautimiiy kept olk lioorx screens throughput Largo trees also well llnddclpod lawns one Will Lovely larger older homo tho would make splendid income property RENT Wliii OPTION TOBUY villlcrlud lour ranm calla withebaanmant and mace Wltdr undor Just outside tha ti REYRA 55 naturally me or the art you an fiml thls meats your oull see our sign out rant and ionFnvlr this But please dontvdlaturb the owner dsto for your convenience ly back to our atiiee where you can Dial PA poem or tut Well ou want to red you You will that any bud and willing to apartments up Izxceiierit location or drud or RS nt crop or potatoes to harvest this much We have lust the pi call todlyl and the Pricu are cement llnorr 70x25 Well insulated and owner has oult potato businessr AREA CALL th Aldel Itlblinl brick hnilla Chaiica to get on shipping Harry SlessopPA com amuse Prank cannonPA 3747s MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOAN NO BONUS Ilfikofl all your iis To pay olfaMorigaga Combine Isl and 2nd Mortgage Foronr worthwhll purpose You $1600 $2000 52500 47 eous servi 12 59 Lower monthly payments avail able if desired withup to sy For fast cour Pay Balance monthly In yrs an nli nil an 69 89 sandman ENTERPRISES Elrrio realdentl cl ldr at mm ppsrator and No TOLL cannon diners cul duelpb rAzpm and omWO aclo Mortgage brokers Association PIIONE Examiner flan $24 Iri flé FOR2 WEEKSS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE is DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR nILL SIMMS PA 60203 RENTALS NURSING nomas ARK EDEN NURSING nous BUILT FOR THIS WORK lied and up patients Ouoliday guests OKlnd careTV lounge Ustatlou wagon available for RENTALS ms 100835 To BENT All furnished loll eonuined meat nitubk or on or two rlr Availahla September Tat cphdda PA mi milk room tuxdished nut fluted our riv Held st mumlm three room part tradea Garage immediate Pole lemon Adults Telephone PA apart prlyatc entrance points Apply Ba NOMmBlnmmmeni modern and adapt sol contained iaundry taciiiuee Queenl Park rum MOM apartment ruraleh ed heated hydro and water mp Apply to 59 John street or ielepheao PA cure routundo apartment bedalt Iiol mm and kitchen 1an ol norale aad claret apace Telca phooe PA H168 Wm nurtmexiflle pegrocm on quiet aide lirrdt lahle or working couple Ava ale Sept Telephone PA new uninn Apartment Larg uvlnz raom bedroom dipctta modern kitchen with stpva and relaxer tar Central Eu en couple pru lerred Tolcphaae PA M78 mills latr reams nicely urn uhrd apartment central inclied suit bullpen couple Telephon PAHITX otter Eeor anytime sat BAHT IND Orin bedroom belte unlurolahcd lPllimfllhpflvlia entrance In September Telephone PA milk nooli Apartment nit contained Available September $55 per month Bait and location Telephone PA Mass or lurthsr lnlornilllon BRIGHT threeroom ualurnlihed Iplriincnt stove and rolrlrcntur included Very central Ilcnson ahlo rent Telephone PA com or rurthcr lntormntloa UNFUIINISIISD lclI contained transportation and ouilngs ALCONA BEACH ROAD sTRqUD mu one bedroom Ipartrncnt hunted Suitable ror couple or two hue lness lirll Available September Telephone PA ems APTS HOUSES T0 RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One Ind two bedroom apartment corpploto with we Indrelrltah ator Use or washer and dryer flcdeooratzd annually PA 51m THREE hadrfloiu nousu our school Available September reissaoao PA atosou UNFURNISIIID three room aria rent Private chtrance ale pliant PA 82343 UNIUILNISIIED thru room lpkrta mlntstoila4nderemmtnr ntP plied Separate bath and em plant stove and rctridcratar sup Tuiur LAnuB rooms and three piece bathroom built in cupboards heavy wiritlil heated For lur tber details telephone iii Everett MODERN unruiuiahad three would artineat with three piece bath stualed chin to downtown pr renting Telephone PAMMJ ritual ROOM unlumiahcd apart meat stave supplied Hardwoad Hours Telephone PA 51971 coniiunTABLE one and two bed room apartments unlurnished Centrally located and heated hes Ionlhlo rent Telephone PA £2480 UNPUnNislIbp our room apart moht aeil cantaluod laundry and parking facilities Apply 52 Mar ell St Blrrin Ont ROOM heated apartment with stove and lrldgc Hot water sup Central location Call PA UNFURNIBHED apartment in East End house close to plaza and school Kitchen iiviur rporn bed room and bath Separate entrance $55 mupthly Telephone PA H012 Two noon iurntsbed apart Inontx Also 37 ii two bedroom nlnhllo home completely tarnish cd with all canvcuipncea Appt 9i Victoria street or tclep one um amour Iumlshcd apartment to rent bedsitting room and kit chen suitshlo tor two Central location Private entrance Park in lapilltics Telephone PA Iiot WEEKLY or monthly completely furniahcd bungalow two bed room ail heated TV lirepiace and Ilian machine very mud em reasonabiaI Telephone Stroud MM ROOM ap runent url mnnVlllzshcd downtoan acatlda Pri vata ntrlgcar findsPlantar Heated an par panda PA 82566 our PA iizvia avcnlprs JNEJBDRQOML mod iiVilIK room bath unlinked heated Available immediately Close hiu stp Nlca residential district Apply 06 Puget or phono PA aipia marten large three rnnm lsmartmc heated utilitch sill pied parking at bus stop hard wood iloors Allandaio district reasonsbla rent Telephone PA um AND Modern one and two mivoam Apartments overlookth ICEnIo Kempopiclt Ely Beat we tor arkind and Janitor scivice inciu ed Automuubv washing ra clittlar PA N901 UNiuiilelIED three room apart merit utilities IuPpilcd in West End near Barrie Shopping Flnla Telephone PA Mots ior litrtber details FOUR ROOM ground floor apart Inuit unlurnished Imted lei contained separate entrance roa souuble real West nadlocatl Teloplloue PA auaav FOUR noolli uniuratshcd apart manheatcdeaeu contained Co trally located Also three room basement apartment unturnlabed salt oorltaid No obiection to child Ieldp one PA was or PA H828 CENTRAL Location 1va bedrpd uniurhishcd hcltcd also and hedinom Both rivata entrance and bath blc8eplemher Telephone PA ele kltchena THREE noolvi spartuient heat water stove and relclgerator sup plied scii contained Dont miss seeing this one Close to shopping Tldiapiiona PA omit ior paltie are Two habitatian artmentpn bus muta in Ar Ilndllo private entrance close to school cw monthly Available now Apply Cumberland 5t Blurd pnl Tatum Room ted unlulnuiltifl IPlflment Privata bathroom and entrance is Krdund near Pflvlte veranda Wnshcr and dryer gt slip plied Applianccspptioaai Fred finalist IPlophoii Will he unfurni ell ONE AND two bedroom apart ments Stove remgcrator itor service and laundry iaciiitic nentlup nomvsa no monthly ephom latcell PA 2670 UNFURNISHED lhleit room flPltt merit mlfecnntliiiod heal Wliel and hydro one smnlrcaudwcr came Available alter Scpt 15 Brndiord SIRE or telephone PA 534 puNLoP STREET Vcst uniur ishcd two bedroom apartment on porch hot water healed laundry laciiiiier bydr YeiliKlrnldl sud range supplied Available 50 fillng lrt $15 monthly PA ALLANIIALI two bedruam un turniihed healed apartment $70 monthly lnCludliliz hYdro and whtdr wailian ineiiltics stove and rclrigorntor supplied ll deslh ed Close to bus atop and at school Available September 20 Tele phone PA was or so William St axonnominal elosn ihrco room hcltdd apartment Lou or nibAlt lp ground lloor threu blocks lrom est otrlce good grill lauua ata pmouinns7i1l Telaphunc PA emo MODERN uniurnishcd three roam apartment taurpicco till bath treat and back rntrance Perkins and laundry laciiiUu including dryer North Owen Immediate possession Telnphnnb PA 34452 or PA ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED bedroom in quiet home East End Parking incli ities Available now Telephone PA M737 R00 to rent to block tram North Cplimatuanrpnb linol Laundry and psrklng taclitlcs Telephone PA 89892 PUnNIsllbn bedroom Inr rent in quiet home Gentlemen pretcrrcd filepnmrlAdmrmrmrther particulars FURNISHED bright hedrnom available August as in hospital vicinity Telephone PA liSWD or apply so it st altur am completely furnished room and kitchen rterrlgarator and stove sepa entrance down town ioration Apply PA Mass R00 ior rant tar middle aired lady or huslncu isdy seven dollars pu week with Idtchan privileges Central location Telephone PA is genial hemel Would pretcr tench er One block lrom North Cd lulatu Board dptipnui Tele Phone PA Mun APTS HOUSES WTD FAMILY threeJdulu wish to Purchlsn or rent three bedroom house or duplex in Barrie area Apply Box iv barrio Bummer mmno employee recently trans terred requires three aedroom homerln or near Barri Applv box 11 Barrie Examiner TWO bedroom apartment private entrance ground floor it dssibic Queens renilpiiiaue re 15 people Wanted by September 25 Telephone PA anion ROOM do BOARD noon AND Luluth packed epTFrle PA 85023 PmsioNEn desires mrnished room in private homo in central location hoard optional Apply Box 14 Examiner RDDM ANDTInard available for gentlemen Parking space avail able Apply in flux 17 Barge Examiner noolu nni hoard available tor gentleman private room Will do card available Laundry Tcl desired Central Telephone PA 54767 ARTICLES for SALE HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and SecOnd Hand Store as DUNLDP 51 WEST PHONE PA mi NEWSPAPER MAT Sized uxla ideal ror unlngaen hm Iflllh ESC porteci iasuia or 25c FER DOZEN ADD The film mm 1Barrle Ontario mum cloetric usher wrinper rlot automatic and Good buL gtpbmPA H368 JIghthundsyuid paeHunchesikegslgtbcr detailsiielephtmc PA ARTICLES for SALE RETREADS FOR SUMMER DRIVING AT DOMINION TIRE STORE ilo BRADFORD 51 nannla Handy Hardware Under NEW MANAGEMENT REGISTER NOW For Lincoln Arc Welders $171 550 gallon septic tank $8150 dfiygallodseptlc tank $9250 Sidewalk slabs 2i 80 $175 Gauill Pump COMEJN QCOMPARE HANDY REWARE STROUD PHONE snoun mrfl EILL YOUR FREEZER with the find am and BLUE MEArs ETC A1007 Gulrlnteed Quail Biddle Term on order $5000 and our complain Lian or FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES are available to thou who wish to pmhua their and duly at your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE us Tiwuv mum Willis PHONE PA 6080 Free Delivery Open Friday flit ll pm STOREOWNERS Assorted liltlgéléity of old COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATiCF SEPARATE CARBON ATTACHED These books dre in per fect condition but have I95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM I2c to 20 Clearing at 9C ea CommerciolPrinting Dept Wfle Examiner Phone 66537 lea Buy cm with low€ust lirelmured fiscaILAPimTLOAN The Bank or Nova Sculls BULLDOsz and Grading Fence Row and stumps removed Tei epborle Lee Hart PA N139 PnIGIDAmE rclrlgcratcr cubic ieet Good condition Trie ONE BOYS cclll bicycle stand arddlxe new tires Excellent can ditian $12 For timber lnlomkr ucn telephone PA 34210 STEEL mace includes pi es and duct work Reasonably pr cad In good condition Telephone PA 66888 utter pan sPAcr HEATER and Oil Drum or sale in perleet condition Sellv lug reasonably at 25 pun lop street We MOST modem UVEIDEId gauze dunn Sll price $3800 Ind up One listinn boat Ind motorAisa cabin Lraiinl Apply 13 MIX St or telephone PA met TYPEWRITERS bought sold rent ed repaired Student rental rates 915k shotsteourpeat 151 then Buy rn ar ypewr or 25 BndfordStPA$6fiEl STUDIO couch and chair twp entree tables liquor cabinet 39 inch mattresses sin Iar lot Tel ephone PA 39293 or isu llmn st alter pm PUMP Homeiltc sellpriming pump will pump don gallons per hour with 70 act hose and Luau gallon tank Phone Ed Taylor Stroud 47112 SPECIAL Canadian National Ex tllbitinny Prices Singer round hop btn economy model only $1550 Singer Sewing Machine company 25 Dunlap Street West PA 51950 SCHOOL nouns tar sale for Central Collegiate illostly grade 11 some grades and For REFRIGERATOR and late model range with rotiserlo an inch aisa ARTICLES for 51M sums Canadian NstionIJJ3 blniuoa Prterr no oil on all Lint needle models Slnler 80 in Klthinl Company puulnP strut weal PA 53m uncut cacacuaa doaamw hihltion Prices SINCEII PW Cleaners and rompers Spasi discounts durin the exhibition Sinur SeLnl Machine Co nuniap St West Telephaea PA new FRUIT 85 VEGETABLES HullDIG flippill pflfll Cucumbers dill in white onion and others Curran bcr rupva depends on lair mt id sc DOGS PETS RABBITS WATEIEDV PHONEPA 85466 BOATS MOTORS 100nm root boat Two to ick mm Can be seen at Lil tin Street ancr 530 pm Louis$500 at in men Telephone PA as Crequ licence to puhlop st west at ll Poor 195a Epiolt day cruiser hard top with 1954 minimal is by outboard motor or role Telephone Walter Adair PA om ronD vs mptdr converted or boat in running order $50 on Morris Minor nmtor or boat or car 25 Telephone PA eDlso is Pom Paco abip Husky model lose 35 HP Johnson Javelin motor Gator trailer tarp coin alga equipment Telephone PA 15 Maximum plywood boat up bolstered Ill Ililbil tarpauiiu etc Johnson 35 lLl electric start with dual tanks Trailer match all ARTICLES WANTED WANTED REFRIGERATORS FOR SUMMER COTTAGES EHGHEST TRADEm vALiIE Call McFEcidens FOR PRICES PA 89288 and colds wanted best prices paid Write box 37 name eat we WILL PAY CA5th used furniture or any pond used article individual or opp rPhonr PA BZIZT an LWESTO CK PomED HEREFORD bull tor rate years old Apply Roy lc Minuinl Telephone il 12 CHUNKE to weeks old or irifiunopv grid cc room POLLED HEREFORD pun ror nil rolidtcrcd in months old Domino breeding Apply vim Molcaue RR B5diurdteiephonc rites pect coats POIILTRY CHICKS nAniutn rock capuns Cdad meat bird Six weeks old see each geguys Poultry Pam Shunt FEED snap GRAIN FALL WHEAT for sale Ganesca variety Apply ltay Candicllow telephone strand mm MIKE£41117ng WANTEDCattle to pasture and winter iced rAppiy Belts RR shanty any or telephone 0rd aid LE FARM MACHINERY Midseoson Combine Specials zEngine Drive Massey Clips pers 2iner Takeoff Massey DOTS 1Engine Drive No 54 Cormick Iio sPiio Cocksiluit 110 No 127 McCorm propelled pull type Combines and up International Harvester 66 George Newmarliét PHONE TW 52338 CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES Case New Holland David Brown Beatty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 82378 NEW EQUIPMENT 365 New Holland Balers 167 New Holland Baler 1530Case Tractor USED EQUIEMENT l4wather lTlireshing Machine zForage Harvesters JBinder CASH SmallsHunted DELAW SALES SERVICE washing machine older model Apply to 57 Cum street or tele phone PA $0159 MANTEL firepluw dininl room table and 611mm three chests Jield chairs tables jars guns clocks mirrors otne articles Can be seen at so Worsley slApt AmNTIONfi stamp and coin collectors All Yourcrlceds supplied at the new stamp and Cold store at 17 Buylield street Blrrie Opt open at present Friday night and eczema cue Prices Singer StyluOMntid zitle III chinenow $16950 See but to day your Singer Sowln Cen trr7cfiaazb puulop Stret we PA SPECIAL Canadian National Rx hlizILlnIi pflces Several Enad Ilaedr singer Sewing Machines from $1950 up Slncr sewing lilactp int 28Dimlap Sire West worklncrodriditlon 520 to utter Telephone PA 4035 Telephone PA limo Milkers vacuum Pump also Pump and all Rubber Parts for iinymillrer HANK BROWN 113 KRRIE HOLLY PA 60338 Wash Taulu Water aidtidi9 iclt self SERVICE

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