Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1961, p. 1

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LOCAL WEATHER Sunny with few cloudy inter vals Warmer Winds light Low tonight 60 High Thursday BS For full summary see page two OUR TELEPHONES For Examine Wanl Ail role phone PA Mile The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept ll PA BM rip Examina deviltar sons were killed when three of Resoue 80Passengers Stranded Over Glacier By DEREK WILSON CHAMONIX France Rcut ers Rescue teams today snatched the last chillcd and weary passengers to safety from their teetering perch on broken cablecar line higll over an alpine glacier French officials said all the stranded passengers about so had been brought to safety after night of terror swaying intiay aluminum cable cars 1500 feet above the slopes of Mont Blanc Europes highest peak gt They were trapped there Tucs day afternoon when French leLoianacIiioad through one of eeobles on no Jinasbqi the cars plunged to the snowé covered slopes below Daring rescue workers elamv bored out hundreds of feet along support cables to attach ropesi to the carsrThcnthecaerer Matched to safety with agonizing slowness Some of the passengers low crcd themselves to the ground hand over hand on ropes But othersincluding many women and childrenspent the night in flmeslngwcnthefllrtheirtpeter IN NIJTSHELLV ins cars as the rescue workers struggled to reach them MANY LlGllTLY CLAD Many had gone out only in shirtsleeves or thin summer dresses for the trip across the valley in bright sunshine The shivering passengers wrapped moonlight waif ANDED cAaL ECARS Will Announce Sale Of Wheat Barrie Ontario Canada Wednesday August so last OTTAWA CF Agriculture Minister mliton will an nounoe details today ofn new sale of Canadian wheat to Com munist China informed sources said the announcement is ex pected at 430 pm EDT The latest Chinese grain deal the fourth this year is ex pected to be about 5000000 bushels of wheat The order will be shipped shortly sources said from St Lawrence ports Whether it will be sent to China directly or posi sibly to an eastern European country will not be known until the shipping is booked Red China made two pur chases one small worth 564 000000 in wheat wheat flour and barley before signing 23i year general agreement under which Canada would provide tampon bushels of barley The Chinese bought another $60000000 worth on credit undcr this ogreemcnt and fur ther large order is expected to be placed after visit next month of grain and trade dele gates themselves in newspapers and Italian side of the Alps The an evcrytblng else they could find guisil they had gone through Communists opened up again RedChinni 6700000 bushels of wheat and By GEORGE BOULTWOOD BEELlN APlAn East Ger man swam to freedom today across the Teltow Canal under hail of bullets from Commu nist border guards lie climbed out on the west bank of the canal uahurt Duringthe last week Commie nist troops have killed two men ing to swim the 60 yards across the canal which forms part of the border in the divided cityBellincrs now call itsthe Death Canal Police reported Commurilst gupgds Mwhera on the border nung tear ga grenades and fired water cannon Tuesday night at about 60 personsgath cred at Alexandrinenstrasse in Kreuzberg in the American scc tor Shortly after midnight the when the thermometer plunged during the night was etched in when group of Western youths atsundouul The rescue workers toiled through the night with big searchlights playing on the ca ble cars But it was after dawn before the last stranded passen ger was brought to safety The survivors of the freak ac cident could not find words to day to describe their fear dur ing the night in their perilously perched cars The agony was able snld Swiss ilc Riebcn We thought the and had comeflleexpectedto crash on to the glacier below it looked even more horrible under the indescrib survivor PLANE LANDS SAFELY The plane which slashed the able line amazingly was able to land safely alter the accident it was USbuiltFa4F French Air Force iet on reconnais sance mission over the moun tains The plane piloted by Capt Zeigler was impounded by civil investigators thnthetcactioncableoiL the line snapped three cars raced backward out of control and plummeted to the glacier The six persons aboard them four members of German family and an Italian father and sonwere killed Helicopters flew the survivors here and to Cnurmayeur on the Ihsillting ukmmahll Crime ACCA Ghana Rentals new law announcedJDuPsday makes any written or spoken insult of Ghanas President many of their faces were brought to safety Some had spent almost 10 hours trapped in the cable cars The rescue operation was an exercise in daring and sure as they footedness carried out by alpine Turn to page two please Utopia Boy 12 Struck By Car flierTFEVH izycamld Utopia boy Garry Sutherland died this morning in Royal Victoria Hos pital of injuries suffered yester day afternoon when struck by an automobile onrllighway 90 moarEsaShfioW The boy was walking on the highway when he strolled into the path of car driven by Peter MaloneyVitiowdale St Barrie Ontario provincial police are 1ontinningtlrcirmvestlgati The youth was rushed to the hospital shortly before pm where his injuries were diag nosfid as including fractured 730 am today Funeral services for Kenneth Garry Sutherland will be held Friday at St Marys Church with Father Bosetti celebrating the funeral mass Burial will be in St MarysCemetery Garry is survived by his fatherand mother Mr and Mrs Joseph Sutherland two bro thers Frank and Allan and five sisters Shirley Na He died shortly before Rosemary Sheila andBrend started catcalling About5 anea£nmmuni5L water cannon at freptowcr strasse suddenly lct fly at po lice patrol car on the Western President Heinrich Luebke of West Germany was in the city today for look at the situation He arrived Tuesday night after breaking off his vacation VISIT FROYOCATIVE Luobkes visit was attacked by the East German official news agency ADNas provoc aflvefnctlvlty ADN charged his flight was violation of the 1945 founpowcr agreement on access to Berlin which the Cammunists claimed last week permitted use of the air corridors only for supply of Board 3U FpActSQLEroudl Committed By SIU JTTAWA CPlJhec Counties Labor Relations Board ruled to day that the independent Sena farers international if on of CanadacommittedilaetswL fraud againstnhpbaschin lcertification hearings involving Great Lakes marine engineer Theboards ruling was go tained in judgment giving its reasons for rejecting SIU bids for certification as bargaining agent forsummit eag Kwame Nknlmah crime punishable by up to three years im prisonment or line of up to $1409 or both Police Seize Adventurers Boat NIAGARA FALLS Ont GP Police earlytoday seized boat in which Niagara adventurer Major Lloyd Hill planned to shoot the rapids below the falls travel downriver into Lake Ontario and cross the lake to the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto Vc if Goulart Leaves For Brazil PARIS or Brazilian VicePresident Joao Goulart left today for New York en route assume the post of president for Braziiwhere he hopes to rowel Project Worker Killed NiAchvrALLs Ny lap Niagara poweltmrojects worker was killed by electric shock Tuesdaylwhen the boom of crane be was riding brushed against hightenslon wrre vlle was Roger McMillan as 20 flats 0n Freight Derailed TILLSONBURG Ice Twenty cars or soar freighttrain were derailed near here early not say irrunediately what caused the derailmnt No injuries Niagara Falls today Railway officials could were reported All the crew were St Thomas residents iKelsoBobcrtsThowSHat In Ring TCRONTO CP AttorneyGeaeralKelsoRobertstoday formally declared himself candidate for the leadership of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Premier Frost Regrets Assault On US LUSAKAtfleuteia SlrRoyWelensky primaministe regret WWW Tuesday night for the assault on Mennen Williams arty in succession to ouran Monday Weiensky asked US officials hereto convey his per sonoi regrets to the 118 assistant secretary of state who was punched on the jaw by white man at the airport here TAMP Fla AP day nightshe has possession of all unpublished monusci pts by the author that had been stored in safety dcpoit boxes at bapk in Havana increased Attacks Police lllarming NEW YORK fAPAn alarm ing increase in mob attacks on police ls shown in survey of EithS1CmSStheUnit9d States Edgar Hoover director of the Federal Bureau of investi gation took note at no situation at arecent meeting of the FBI rational Academy in Washing OIL He told so police officers and officials from the United States and Canada fhere has been mounting wave of ilian at tacks onpoiieei th ance of their dutie policemen have been attacked inthe first six months of this year while trying to make ar rests anddeckotficerscempioyed seven inland shipping com ponies Signe Rhodes Smith the 13page judg ment upheld evidence given by twoxformer SIU officers that vote was rigged in 1953 to show that the engineers wanted to amalgamate with the SIU The board finds that the soscalled amalgamation vote in loss was conducted in manner fraudulent to the engineers and that hath the engineers and their employing companies were almost certainly misled by the result of the vote so obtained No claim by the SIU to gineer membership in the union based on this vote can be out tained by the board new assumes by Board Chairman In New York City alone 7117ijWmtTasult5 from three hearings before Lthe board SWIMS T0 FREEDOM Hail Oi Bullets HeraldsEscape Allied garrisons The Western powers told the Soviet Union last week it had no jurisdiction over Allied flights into Berlin sunscreen speech Tuesday night Mayor Willy Brandt rc lectcd Soviet Premier Khrush chevs suggestion that Soviet troops join the US British and French in token garrisoning of the city Brandt also tangled with West German Oh it lor Konrad Adcnaucr in election debate on Berlin Adenauercharged in campaign speech that the Ber lin crisis was created by the Soviet Uniontohelp Brandt candidate of thcSocial Demor cratic Party Aggressors Will MOSCOW APlAgain blam ing the United States and its allies for the current world ten sion the Soviet government says it has stoppedreturning servicemen to civilian life and warned that aggressors will be wiped out once and forall if war starts Amtementeissuod Tuesday night by the Communist party central committee and the So viet cabinet said Marshal Ro dionM noyskug rule fence minister dared to hold updem cation of military personnel whose service would normally end this year funtil the conclusion of peace treaty with Germany The number of men involved noovers the iopjght between the 510 and three rm theNational Association of Ma rine Engineers the Canadian Morchnnt Service Guild and the flnadia Brotherhood of Ra way Transport and General Workers all affiliated with the apadian Lager Congress The dispute look startling turn June 15 when twoformer SlU officersJohn JWand rector theSilks licensed iVi sio from October 1958 to Aprll 1961 and Michael Sheehan SIU organizer from 1549 t6 November 1960 gave sworn testimony olSlU actions to take over the engineers after observing the witnesses on the stand and examining the transcript of their evidence have come to the conclusion thatthe evidence of Mr Wood and Mr Sheehan is to beprc férred to that of the witnesses the Still saidthe judgment rHERES ONE cordon as tough growing old alone LVhyTflgty ell my wife has ovcrthcilastr ne months on Records in théhoffice ofthe police chief in Washington show iSB attacks on policemen mak lug arrests in the fiscal year ended June all There were me such attacks the previous ycar and 227 the yearbefore that Russiiins Reject Test Ban Proposal proposals aimed at reaching treaty to ban nuclear tests bringing the threespower talks here to the brinktof collapse The proposals were made by American delegate Arthuriiean Washington with orders to do everything possible to bring about agreement OTTAWA CF Officers lead ing 1200 soldier firefighterspin Newfoundlands re st have aked armyheadquarters for raumaratiaanr their men iIt formants said Tuesday The officers sai thesoldiers ad guild with abraélng ii The request likely will not be granted officials anid Meanwhile army authorities said it will probably be at least the fire lines They aaidrthnt Tuesday the troops to the first time were Officers Request humiliation To Brace Up Soldier Firefighters beginningto get at the sources of deeprooted firesin the vic inity of Gander airport Some of these fire were burning un derground August is leavemonth for the armys field force and many of the soldiers were recalled fromv lenvaor leave as momen thearmy to send the troops frhrn Camp Gogelowa NB and Camp Valcartiec Que Newfoundlnnd originally re quested zoo troopsflhursday The troops were at Gander the Once Bad For All Soviets Warn The members of the boards Melissa TO REDUCE COMPETITION linear nusaauosoizrs THE COFFEE por SAN JOSE Calif APl Mrs Stanley Hardman as was granted divorce after complaintnngaLherspolch sergeant husband bawied her outif she didnt bring him coffee right away when he rang bell Alyce Hardman said the sergeimt kept the bell at the head of his bed Judge laolia awordcdherthc family house $1 month alimony and $50 month each for three children Hordmaa was awarded one frying pan onc sauce pan andthe coffee pot YANLERSRETURN uQUEBEC tCPl Governor General and Mme Georges Va nier arrived here Tuesday night aboard an RCAF Comet let air craft from sikiweck private visit to France Be Wiped Out was not announced but Sov at Premier Khrushchev had an nounced July that military cut of 1200000 men which be gan last year was being halted because of the Western attitude on Berlin Howrfar the out had already gone was never an nounced WARNS wast Khrushchev Aug warned that Soviet troop strength might havpr to be boosted even further He accusedtll Westor world Tito ngerous illirinkl in tho conflictfoverBeh President Kennedy responded to the Soviet diplomatic offen sive by offering to negotiate but stressing the Wests inten tion to fight for Berlin if neces sary He called for the biggest US troop buildup since the Korean war including the right to hold military men in service if necessary The lates Soviet statement accused m1ng of making gt nforcing them with anrarms buildup by the United States and its North Atlantic allies and presenting some thing like an ultimatum de manding essentially that we asitbdrawmingeneralibchuess tion ofthe conclusion of peace treaty with Germany ThestatEment concluded with the usual eeiaration that Rus lawould ever strike first and expression hope that common sense would prevail he West SATELLITE DROPS WASHINGTON AP plorervxlfl the space dustbun ing satellite launched day has plunged back into the atmosphere th space agency said Tuesday Ithad been ex pectedto remain aloft for sev eral yearsi ustlce nynoN margin Csiioola iesi stair Writer OTTAWA OF federal anti combines report today cited Canada Backers Limited nmewounthiggeHmea packingvfirm as having bought putvtwo indepggdent companies on the Calgary and Montreal livestock markets The restrictiye trade prac tices commissionndvised Just iceMinisterFulton to seek court orderliljeakfng up lire1955 ited and Wilsil Limited of Mont failing that an order preventing theToronto based firm ment beyond saying the consideration Lflaccid49 given to than in is sionsi report whichfollowed allegations mad by tbejustic In vestigators order to reduce competltlon via Not More Than 7e per Copy20 Page Crash QUEBE CW11 Cunard llier Carinthiu and the Canada Steamship Lines river cruise vessel Tadoussac early today oollidcdin thick fog in the St Lawrence River 10 miles west of here There were no reports of injured but both vessels were damaged Early reports said theriver crluse ship had collided with the Norwegian freight veiscl Hopef gell Transport said the confusion may have rc sulted from the fact the cargo ship ran aground 40 miles up rlver near Deschambault Theicarinthla and therladouse sac apparently bounced off cacti other as the pilots on both ships tried to steer away from on 6ther tr sp rt department source said reports indicate the pilots realized what was happen lng only at thelast minute Fog which settled on the river Tues day night was thick at the time of the am collision sonrs SMASHEl sAgooi1eLoo the scene sald windows and iifebonls were smashed on the Tsdoussac The Carinthia anchored on the collision scene while the Tadouslt sac proceeded toward Quebecl Both vesseLs carried an unde Brdzil Military department SoIIICEL Litie1LCruise Ship tiring Fog lermlned number of assen The Tadouuac was Ibounilgeiost Murray Bay from Montreal on apicasure cruise Destination of the Cunard vemel was Montreal At Montreal spokesman for Cunard said the 2200t1too Car inthla continued to Montreal and isdue there at 430 pm 30 minutes late There are 873 passengers aboard The spokesman said the com pany had no reports of injuries and that no statement would be issued until officials speak with the llncrs skipper Capt Chaloner The Carinthia was bound in llfoatroal fromrleerpoorend Greenpck Start Business Book Suggests second limited edition of the Start Your Own Business Annual presenting over 700 of 1961s outstanding beyourown boss opportunities and featurw lug information on how to start full or parttime business with or Without capital or have sideline for added income has been issued by Annual Publica ions New York NY Chiefs Accept Ioao Goulart Em By EDWARD BUTLER moonJimninomtnr zils presidential crisis deepened today as three military chiefs turned down congressional plan to make leftist VicevPresi dent Joan Goulart figurehead president ouran RIO DE ANEIRO AP Brnzill aim military min lslers today agreed to ac cept Joan Goulart an fig urehcnd presidenl withn prime minister to be ap pointed by Congress until 1963 government source said their opposition to at least one of the army commanders under them was reported defiantly support ing Goulart The leader of the antiGnu rt movement War Army Mini ter0dylio Denys flew to Rio from his Brasilia headquarters Tuesday night followingreports that the 3rd Army commander Southern Brazil had pledged suppfit f3 fieme preEidefitT Marshal Denys went into im mediate conference iwith med forces leaders to rally ary opposi on to Goulart Acting President Rainieri Pac dulsveid Ira law mrsetirintjfachado Lopes and two other 3rd Army off ccrs the commanders of an in fantty division and of cavalry lelsion Gen Osvaldo Cordeiro de Faria was named to succccd Machado Lopes but in view of theladerlLearler defanceofs Denys it was questionable whether he and his associates would abide bythe dismissal decree Gouiart en route homeJrom fiJLSltJoJommunis Lflhina when President Janio Quadros resigned last Week has hcen waiting in Paris to see what Congress would do and how the Situation would develop The Vicepresident lipped out of his hotel todayamidrcporfa he had chartered planeto fly home session in Brasiliatoday it try commissions recommenda tlon that the constitution be amended to make the presi dcncy chiefly ceremonial post The veraf ng power would be put in the hands of prlmeminister chosen by Con gress The commission approved the plan 10 to awith three mem bers not votingdespite its pre vrous rejection bythe military chiefs kers which amen to be as ext pected that the operations of this allCanadian companyhavo been inraccordance with the by the mi ster make the first use of legislation passed last year under which the govern entca gourt order in suchcases Without requiring formal conviction and the re sulting fine or imprisonment anvrsn AGAINST CHARGE merger of Calgary Packers LimA real with Canada Packers or gt gt had received only one copy Aaopnga report had equipped and seifvsustaini Funday thefeommissionlwmldrd en FMcl£ab Canada Pack Doubt was expressed by the commission on the nvalue of formal charge against Canada Packers underithe 1960 law It noted that urhjudgmentsrin the CauadlanJrewerics and Canada Packers The commission said that be cause of concentrutl dustry and Canada Jmarkct power ger was likely tolles Congress scheduled Jointfi hate illmemberparliamcnt

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