REAL ESTATE PROPSRT FOR SALE lIAROLD FORSTER ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS DDPP At St Iilchsels Rosy list Toronto on Pridsy Aulult lidl to ur snd Mn Psui Dopp oi hrsmplon Ontario dsulhlel listen Anna TESTING TAMIL 315103115 can no written with 25pr hour Du Daily News spamgzcu rut ainl ahlrwm er Annis In on ma Biln1 them to the classiï¬ed couples os Lair glances The asrrta blamlnar PA Member ol Barrie and District its deal hula Basso DEATHS MrGlLuVRAY At the Royal Victoria Hospital unisic loudly August 1a spal Geefl€liaihl McGilllvfly son or the late Ao Ius and chariottle Meanilvny dear hrolher or William and Dam lrl or New liowall Elisabeth Mrs DIORY mun so truism sums mu pA mil ANDRAH scams on no HAROLD FORSTER FAG63 PA PA soot David Bishop and Wlnhllred Mn hank Rnwn or llama snd the late Jeannette Mrs John Porter in his llhd year Resting at the Pctliiek mineral Home in pay Ileid street hurls Service In the chspcl Thursday at pin Interment Giehcslrn Cemetery WATSONAl his residence 13 Dayton Street Gait an Sunï¬sh Alllust tool Charles iinhert wliiism Walton In his path you beloved husband or the late Lil ltsn Viacom and desr lather at Lillian Mrs Cari lilarsbsu ol Barrie lune lltlrs I1 sesrlo oliva Mn Spsrks an Slave all or Call ivy Mrs Richard asmctt al Dundsl Ont Charles at clyde ant and John or Fort George BC Restllll at the coutts nicerl Home as st Andrews street Ont where the lunersl service wui be held on Wednesday Alllust so at Rm Interment Dial Cemetery cltAwrnlloAt the Roysi Vlclt ioriI Hospital Harris on Mondny August is lsol Catherine lsne Gilchrist beloved wire 01 the isits Frederick Crawford in her 69th Klesr dear mother or arms Mrs illmass Lcllht and Lloyd llsnd motile ol Maxwell snd Barry Lallh and Shally Crawford Resflnlsi the Slcckley Fun Home so Worliey St until Thursday noon Funeral se in at Orv Slatlon United church on Thursday Aurust at up pm interment in adiainlos cemetery Casket will his open in the church nom Lao pm until timn or service LAYCDCKAt the home or his Parents William and lacs Lsycock at 159 Gunri 5L asrrie on Monday August 28 1061 William Slaphen Layeock use three years grand son or lilr and Mrs Russel Lsy cock or hsrrie and llr and Mrs Lloyd Dermntt of Alilston Rest ing at the lennett mnersl llama Barrie niceri scrvlca chnes dsy August 50 at pm lnter ment harrie Union Cemetery GALLTNGEnAt lllahom at his daughter Mrs press Tulip Drive Scarboro on Mondsy August 2a 1961 John damn Ker beloved husband oi the isle Bestricc Saunders and dear rather or hire dross Keih leen Kenneth snd Donald III at Toronto Douglas or lllchnlonds Bay Ind him Martin nominal 01 Barrie in his 78th year rtert lng at the Jcnnett Funeral Home Barrie Funeral service Wednes day Ausust all it 110 pm In torment Alliston cemetery MEMORIAM nanoNsln loving memory dear hushsnd and father William Earl Herons who passed swsy Aug 211 1960 We do not need special day To bring you to our mind For the days we do not think oi you Are vary hard to lipid lovingly remembered by wile Irene son and daughtarvinvlsm lack and Mary CARDS 0F THANKS DUNCANI wish to express to my petulbors my hcsrtleit thanks tor their taken or sympathy extended to me at the time of my bereavement Phyllis Dun COMING EVENTS JUDGI NG COMPETITION DANCE GUTHRiEHALL WED AUGUST 30 pm Music ANDnzygs opensma wch SPONSORED Nontil AND solrril smcoa Phils CountryBoys Oldlirne and Modern Dancing Banquets Weddings Parties PHONE PA 89311 Barrie and District School for Retarded Children Application iorms or student enrolment availabiaJroDLMrs El Raikes Reg care of Simcoe County Health Unit Worsley Street Barrie Tele phone PA 85967 Barrie and District Sheltered Work Shdp Applications for student enrol ment available from Mrs Hrsan director 7363 Bullish Street Télephone PA 68271 YOUWOULDNT DISCONNECT AliCOUPLE OF DAYS WEEK because you kpow that good prospects might be trying toga in touch withyuu iiuring moss periods when your phone service 5i discontinued its the some with your adver tising People ale buying every day Dont let that businessjassyou bybécausa your advertising ls discontinued WESTON7W Rm STATE BROKE lid DUNLOP 81 EAST PA 8452 30 ACRES OF GOOD TIMBER Near Pergusoovslo not isr oil hilhway Anyone interested in pure chasing good timber would be well advised to look over this bush without delay as it is very ac cesslhle snd must be sold at once Land is not or sale Timber only CONCESSION TOWNSHIP FLOS loo acre arm good clay loam su workable room houss hosted with turnsce Water on up Barn slshilng silo drive shed and milk approximately ioxso Icet sood house Priced to sail CONCESSION TOWNSHIP FLOS 100 acre rsrm so acres workable 2o cores psrture good ci losm room house mills bans X80 In hog pen mun reel hen housh so on test Tolsi price 310300 csii aiii llawn sl alrsl Elmvsle special form representsuvo Ihr Graydon Kohl Real Estate Broker BIlrlc EVENINGS CALL GRAYDON KOHL PA HIM hillsLlE COLE PA 68535 CARON Win root 45A DUNLOP ST EXECUTIVES HOME For those who preier the best $14500 iull price large bed rooms extra large bathroom with built in vanity liv ing mom with builtin valance box dining room modern kit chen with plenty of eating space brick construction with attached garage situated on the edge of town in the low tux $20000 in the town Terms ar ranged Call Russell Carson offrca PA 50431 evenings PA 66161 WORKING MANS HOME $1000 dovm full price of only $8900 for this lovely three bedroom home in area very close to town beautiful large lot This home will carry for only $65 monthly principal and interestLow taxes Forlnspectioh can Gerry Mallory office PA 66481 evenings PA 87072 BIG BAY POINT stool lull price with only $1500 down Fiveroom bungalow perfect condition large traed lot overlooking lake Will carry fdr$65 monthly on one moit gage Call Russell Carson oi iice PA Will evenings PA 66161 $1 100 CASH Beautiful building lot located only about minutes walk irorn very close law tax area This is one most desirable budding lots we have had Call Gerry Mallory oilice PA 68401 evenings PA amp Lovely dream bungalow with breezeway bedrooms mod ern kitchen with plenty of built in cupboards living room in ished in plywood panelling witb acoustic tile ceiling bathroom basement with forced air all furnace Full price $8500 With only $1000 down 40311 Russell Carson office PA solar Awaiting PA66161 PA 6648l Member oLBarriu and Dialriot Real Estate Board STRTTAYLOR ls CLAPPEETON sl PHONE PA analaum IOO ACRES dchbalanca terms to suit purchaser IV miles to paved highway north or Barrie room house Rood ham excellent stabiv hag level with loud creek tinttufts property ACRES Edlal district storay room house barn in on It good stabi ins priced to sell Si 3th down Possession so ACRES lbwy Waverley 1V mile on 21 in usn and room home conveniences Gapdbaln Inil sbllng Creek through property Priced at Wï¬ofl for quick loll Evrnl call NELLgPA us our Real Estate sands gnu Nouns cosmeticn sras laven room brickLhisngnioW wssï¬rmmu down carries for 151401 per month rcicpnone pA Next door to the imperial Theatre area This house would selHor WE including town lovelypsvedTnadrschoor MW econd REAL ESTATE ROGERS REAL our DUNLOP 65 MELRO ism try reasonabl lorlhll Iilurtlv galld drivauy lln slaw his is ilvllll rm la unlbinh and lend hind be leoced add up to no llent Illll inspection In time Ask lo i05 STRABANE AVENUE Elli03° on tho chem and only you old and in 1hr be duals taxes Phone PA uses an 3BEDROOM Bill Slim yaarl old very well hpt and in completely leoced away You will Ines that It IS GARDENING 316500 brick with his maria bath Illlh and Public schoo il in ural blond finish basems srtly dons Rama NHA mortllld at carries or lull Inblrmailoll phonl PA ssua OAKLEY PARK hm Represents lop value on todays can PA 55563 or lull inIormstlon mm in most sttrscuve ioest ul IntImmediate pouesslon mus today This 310700 Thu is lilrerysalaid red brick trues carport arid anclosed lovely stone or air utiliikfllyrb picture or family eoncsort herol MRS IL MOOREPA um ROGERSPA E4532 DgIILpA mo Members the Ear ol Stubs IIIback on lovely lawns this is an WI alien cond lion It has in shspcd llvipldiisint combinst on lintth recreation room an momï¬r PARKDALE CRESCENT Vmhlndrflï¬bflc1ndvfllth Schoolzrihts loraiy bungalow is only THEN SE 25 DAVIDSON ST This is most attractive customhunt home by veilch oi PurpleBull 0n very hig lot centrally located clou to room brick bungalow is especially well Idcsied lol sxtr large kitchen combination ilvInKv an with partly linlshed recreation room Very good terms arranged with 57 Non mortnre that csniss tor tum pal month including taxes terms or quick sale with supp down EVENINGS CALL Pnoraasx iron sank CONNELL TORS mmaasr Tirrtia Barrio Hams sunroan in Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES SE AVENUE SPLIT LEVEL BUNGAIJOW STONE TRIMMED homo with modern Mn 11 Just tam years old this summer thls waukspt nicely planmd Halls kitchen ml includlnl brindle Ilulsr or your easy Now In Moon Paola pA sour WITH BUILT1N GARAGE homes In daoply hum lid and brick lllu loco Nflkmcflxua carries or Q9151 monthly in SEE IT NOW CK BUNGALOW ape on condition It has in kitchen with spacious dining arcs and is billy equipped with aluminum storms and scream Thu rear llrdlrl Ls beaulllillly landscaped and The 67 NlIA mortllssa carriers or 90 monthly including taxes Full down pa meat only $3000 Soc this on Hill real buy Phone PA duos YOUR HOBBY it his goodsize bsdroomx sud natures an axlra large kitchen with losds oi cupboards All woodwork lion mom and second bathroom in Msny other extras hm sad ona cl lhl local high yielding well workedup ssrdsns that ws hlve mo brands as monthly including tales For SCHOOL AREA lhls nssl iidilyAh shed hools It In sssmeo arkat 425 CODRINGEON STREET ONE MORTGAGE ONLY$1500 DOWN Ion overlooking Kempeuiait my this Is hedmom bungalow With uvlnldlnlnl combination and Illla kitchen It has hillalre bullilll garage with concrete iloor Very good terms credonly 51500 down and the balance on one open mortlsla Now opportunity wont last long Phone 24 SHANNstarET memo SOUTH FOR SUNLIGHTI bunialow of excellent Ian Sit astcd on bosutllqu kept decpulot it hssllne landspr as ps ace the kitchen is correctly isnned with lsr htpouradwlllhlscmc on heating and combination aluminum stoma and screens complan the The mt living room compifliollhnd Bell Owner lrsnslorrod ouars excellent Phone PA M566 FOSTERPA 353 CONNELIrPA H7 MEMBERS BARRIE DISTRICT REAL STATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 8i HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 60242 Joan LsnlPA 8415 rugus GarveyPA T5952 is llesi ithsia Board Norman DUNLOP ST bath Oil heating Taxes only town AElTng only SID500 with free SERVICE Many other leatures plus store lot 100x150 front hard sirfaced health reason for selling Joe Longtih PA anlio Everett Shellyall ON 2919 Howard Norrl Phone PA 02419 MABDL MARSHALLPA mil Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 89961 PA 68742 FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE7 mmlsr 50 OF VALUENO PEI5 CHARGED INCOME PROPERTY SPECIAL Nineroom semibrick Two lovely sportslento each with aplece 250 Close to schools and down $TSDTOTowlh You can live rent CALL JACK WILLSON I90 ACRE FARM BARGAIN so acres of which has beautilul natural ski hills Could easily be developed Hus nineroom frame hflllSï¬iSOhCNSEWdIBIITIlBlid or suitable for Christmas trees with good 40x60 barn Only asking $10000 hall cash Dont miss this CALL JACK WILLSON STATI ON Highway as at Allistoo boys with wax wash and hydraulic hoist handling groceries etc Could be Here is great opportunity ill CADLï¬ACKWIiTiï¬ON Evenings Chll Jack Willson PA sisal Norman shclsweu PA em PA salsa CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER 93 Dunlop St Apsrtauat tarnished sud unlurnlsbod also onus spsci on owsn st cannyPA basal OWEN lONwPA 87957 HAVE YO Barrias Nawe MOVING For campin movih service salsr sad ssslar all €OOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD voun ALLIED VAN nouns AGENT BEsla Bil Elma PArkwa N515 PAC895 HOUSE hrés larxa bedrooms isrfle kitchen pinali dininl area our chools and hill oli heIle Reasonable Owner translerra Apply at 62 Oaklay Park Square Psva nooM llisul brick bun low ior said Two be rooms like living room dlnl room and kitch plans Oil hoisted lot is nail CUSJLOMEUILTJMQUR LMELGL UR HOME st Subdivision BARRIE VIEW Located off Bayvlaw Drive Dear Huronlh Drivein under construction September GORD HOME DEVEEOPMENT LTD GORD SPRINGPA M7 JOUGEOMMW OPPORTUNITY pop BUYER WITH soooo cosn Owner museumheld no out or town room brick housa in pleasant neighborhood our propascd site haw pubnp school on Anna Letitia Features gsrsga with diseat Ia has to homo and washroom sic Full price $14 no Carries or month or lull particulars rrorn owner apply pox annals EXAMINER MOVING Dont larger to ussssicr your INSURANCE oll naad axtt and ii cavsgs olIlIy SEE ST PA 8520 113 Dunlop St mJA EARMS no EVENSON sr REAL ESTATE panamas NB sass WEST END slum tau price is murAMr storey brick home wau located lshad Imil This is LulaI or IfKIl Iflily flr CO sully be duplsxod Call now or all possession TRANSFERRED you old ranch Itll ballroom briek bunlslor with stt hsd gar ue iIlsa living room and utra large kitchen plocs tlie In lull divided plumasst ihls an exceptionally Well kept bum and has ulna such aluminum storm dows and 119 kitch exhaust ms we vawsy One block to bus stop slid two mmmrlo Dominion Stan and shop din Terms CENTRAL COLLIER ST 1360 square that prick home only about months old This Is in well built brick sungion located close to downtown to luring large bedrooms shape Vin N013 and diiAIDl NOEL IEch work when plus lsrx in area In kitchen non flnpllcfl one In the llvin room and and la the recreation room lcsr builtla llrlllr psvoo drivalt wsy Terms Largo down my msut required SHANTY BAY ROAD Brick buplslow six rooms Ml basement recreation room iorced air all heating opao tlrcpisca lands an CENTRAL storey brickllomo lac tad vs central in the CG he rooms and bath uprts Ls illill room and ism also it chsn downstairs Bali baumens nil hostihs haw root This home is in pliant condition both In side out lily isndmspad lot with Planter at from holiu mil Price only 110900 SHANNON STREET bedroom brick hull slow with scbed largo vial room and extra large kitchen lull hue must with com lately iinllhld recreation room uliy sliced and landscaped lot Al is tmes and berry bushes lhls very nice homo and mu planned and you should malts an appointment to no it now CALL on on ayaNiNo PA 82379 Mambar at um Barrls and Dlsisiai Real but Board RSO REALTOR lgrfduhmissiiaih 74 Toronto St Youll always bu sun oi sub stsntisl income irons this isila brick duplex with attached ran an home distinctively dr ailned and modern in every Spacious llvlnr room sspsrath dih inl room that will hold lull suite lovely kitchen two in bedroom all with extra closet tile bath with vanity on ma Upstairs complete re four room Ipser Terms Close to downtown meal possession Call scs dretl TREES TREES TREES 311500 lovely and immsc ulste three bedroom brick bung siowits Ameliehuckwm ans rsmlly sise kitchen snd Aviorroom rlaisued recresuon room monthly includes taxes with m7 NllA mortgsge Co op llstlnl can Rita Scandrott LOVELY SUMMER GTWINTER HOME Modern kitchen living room snd threa nice bedrooms Three piece hath one csr gsrsg This lovely home is only stons sthsvwriromr the water has bssch water docklrr riches only $7500 Call percy era Rita snack bar Approximater $90000gmsssalegrgaumgeWLIwILGOOD BUY AT mater 150000 Fiveroom modeln bungalow in connection corner ABOUT $35 AN ACRE NET We think so do you woodrlmvreroflavalcllri Includes tractor and soundeiina lmpiamants shad house trallhr plus 75 acres at trails crop and iorty acres or red clover is miles Irom Barri Sea Marlon Swain ATTRACTIVE WELL LOCATED EAST END HOME bias many extras Thus bedroom bungalow with lireplsc screened stio attached sara isndscaped so year on ized mortgage is Bwsln BARRIE INDUSTRIAL OR COMMERCIAL SITE Over ninI acres Good highwsy access Prestige location can hdivlda Suitable termI after ssoulbie casin Make otter in EmuIon Swain EVENINGS CAIL RITA SCANDRETI PA 865 PERCY Pom PA 37pm EMERSON SWAIN 17wa moms and District and Eaisrio Res Estate hoards srrrthv AVE Two rtorsy stucco hous six isrsa rooms and yunporeh Second washroom mil basement oil hast Ilra lot zalslc 4000 Low down payment $95 monihly will carry Immediate Eossessioll Cali illzl sm lr no answer all PA 66780 PROPERTY FOR SALE 0R RENT smAcsrva winterized bunlk low roar largs rooms hot and cold water Mu monthly Laohhrtis Emhl an hill sliding slice Plsczcy sclepnoac Manors moo Toronto collect REALE erM Full sun also lmplo Fm In hr $111133 sc Iwa miles Erica Elmvale 1lflflllElmvala lry An Exh ElnuTVETAT pnoNs PA will ill longed lot with ma REAL ESTATE MODramps GE LOANS ANYWHERE lainredist lo sgwsg tinbis be call an Dunlap IIICt MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Paymshll insured slhst sailor PiN as DUNLOI 31 PA 50 MolmAnsm and 1nd booth soidInkmid Comm sud residential John loan on nillinl mutuall Irrla Im flll Broken ma RENTALS ms HOUSES T0 Rm mu hsdnloln schooL Available Cellphone PA MU mbcr W583 thns room Art rcat Private entrance Erie phone PA was bloom unturolshcd three room arimsht with Lhnl illca hath Slu close to downtown Now reotihr Thiephons PA slots llNTURNISm iollr room IDIH must sell cnhlslnod laundry and puking lacuiuea Apply 51 lisp eus st amis out ROOM haaild Ipulmlut with stove and rifle Hot water all tiled Centrallorauen Csil PA 1151 aMAhl ruroislsed soli contained Irimehl sultabll or and or two gr Avsllsoio septcmbsr ial obhohn pA WI haul ass nrroom apartments um tarnished immediate possession Telophone PA 66681 or Iurtliar lnrormstloo MRNIEIIED lrunanl our rooms and sunroom all heated immediate possession islephoha as soon or Ipply so an no Tunas room runushsd spsrt meat heated prlvstc enlrsncs our in points Apply as any licld Et Times room unluraished psrtment with privsta entrance and bath Built in cupboards 55 monthly Telephonl 541545 SMALL two room tarnished meat downtown Reasonable Telephone Russall Carson 6M8 munmsnap solt contsined one bedroom apartment bested Suitable Iol couple or two bllle lness girls Avallsbla September Talephone PA 53035 Jim Apartment Largleth RENTALS APTS HOUSE TO BENT loops astonished spart mat stove supplied Hardwood noon Talsphonl PA can manna has and two bed room spsrtmehts unmmishsd Concruly iocstsd and ca au lolahla mi Tdcphoisl 50 Two bsdroom basement apartme modern and hunt salt cantloco laundry miles Queens Park Mt Apply to Thomson Siren Im stools spsrtment mm ea halted Ind IIIIr 1119 ad AF John Sinai or sPhonI PA was rolyas to rot awn blocks no downtown Tclzphuhu PA um um pan room bedroom discus modern mshsh with sion and returns tar ClairL amour cou ls pro Isred Tshpham pA so mn large rooms nicely um kind lvmul central location suit buslhun couple Telephone AdOSm liter or Inyilma Sub Iy at One bedroom bested unmraishsd srtment private entrance Av his September Adults oralfled Telephone PA 51101 mm nooss Apsrlmslsl all contained Avsiiahla Sc lshsher so per month nut ea location Tclaphons PA nose or turthr inlormstloh CMONALLY clean three room bested apartment Lots oI clout space ground floor thud blocks lldm post allies and parking learned at possession no per month Telephone PA 51320 MonutN unnarnlsbed three room apartmalsis our plcel ula baths root and back entrance Putin and lundry Isclllilu includlisl dryer North Owen Immediate ossesllon Telephone PA Him or will ROOMS ro has rumslrsp bedroom in ours home an and Pukinl rscn ltles Available now Telephone PA Hm ROOM to rent Vs black lrom North Collegiate public schooL Laundry and parking Iclllllcs Telephone PA 59891 ONE completely unsuited mum and kitchen nelrlserstor and stove sepIrata entrance down town location Apply PA Hire MEGS bright Iulllished house keepinl room or rent ate and refsiterator sink Ind ample park ing Tale hone PA Him or run liter cularl doubt or rent for middle sscd lady or business lady Islch dollars per weokkwlulchen privllegesL Central lotlion Telephone PA ror lortber details APTS HOUSES WTD BOOM IPlutmcnt uh lunlllhed downtown location Pri vstn ant Inca Laundry mum Hosted Dd puking space Tele Phohs PA um capes avcatnls UNI nhn OIIIL mm Tl Ii Italiild Avausbie immediately Closa lo bus stop Nice residential district Apply loo Puget or phone PA or Two BEnnDllhI sell eantslned unlurnished apartment ground floor central Allshdnlm by dro supplied $30 monthly sllv ahle September PA Hill Tunas aannoolil hrrek buhsslow threa piece hath Lshaped living and dinlnl room Finished reuse Ilion room and attached lsralie gilllsmper month Telephone PA FURNISHED largo Lhreo room Irtmant heated utilities rup pied ps king st bus stop hard wood floors Aliahd district reasonable rsnt PA mu NEW AND Modern and ad two marowapsMoaHverlwm nio Kempantali asy Hut ws tor srklhrsliddsnitursemcs inciu ed Automatic wssblag rs clllues PA sspos rullrllsm modern apartment Kitchen breakfast nook tila hath bedroom living mom withrvlew Telaphona Pl Talephona PA 87184 UNFDRNIEITED three room sport ment utilities an id in west End ilusr Ba Telephone PA M915 lor narthsr details roux Raoul ground floor apart ment uniurnished bested sell contIlned separate entrance rea sonable sent West End location Telephone PA $0008 11 Near East laid Shoppiii oppï¬lT hzn ruling or three adults wish to purchase or rent three bedroom house or duplex ln asrrle ares Apply box in hsrrls Examiner mono employee recentlytnnr lessed requlus three bedroom home lp or near asrrle Apply has 11 mm mimic swo bedroom sparmeal private entrance ground floor is possible queens Par Ares Quiat rellsbis people Wanted Saptember Telephone Pasnos ROOM 85 BOARD PENsIOanl desires lurnlshed room In Private burns in central ARTICLES for sin FILL YOUR Complete un 01 vi the Inn 1121 and null MEA i5 ETC low learntcommit hungc Tsrms on mass $5000 and ovoi FREEZER ATIHE LOWEYI PR svhllabla lesson who vast to parchm commoncoolly at you KLEERPAK FOOD STORE us iinm mt BAjufll 1913948me Free Delivery open Friday till pin STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old ï¬lms COUNTER SALES BO SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC SEPARATE CARBON ATTACHED These books are in per feetcondition but have I95 on the dateline REGULAR PRICE FROM IZC to 20c Clearing at 9c Commercialfrintiflg Dept BarrieExaminer Phone 66537 allhwozmu and Grading Fenc nows sod stumps removed Apply Leo Hart PA dolls in Hill£le tblleodeLJviLL Hmoisture luSo Reasonable PA cont on WOOD nirnsce loi sale with pipes In good condition Tel ephuna amps aPAcB heater medium size Trco nnc year old and in A1 condition with is blind drum TI pnaas mi oasis STEEL rurnsce includes pi es snd duct work Reasonably ced in nood condition Telephone PA 388 alter pm SPACE HEATER lhd Oil Drum ror la in perlectconditioh Seli lnr reasonably Apply st as Dan lap street West MosT modern ovarhea srsg doors Sale price seam and up One itching boat and motor Also csbln tiIlicr Apply 15 Mary St or telephone PA cusps location Board optional Apply Fox 14 Examiner nooM AND board avsliahle or gentlemen PIX dphca avail able Apply to Box 17 harrie Examiner nooivl and board avslleble Ior gentleman private room Will do light laundry and psclt lunches ll desired Central Telephone PA M757 SUMMER RESORIS COTTAGES 10 RENT Hymn CDHAGE well rurnlsh bedrooms at Leonards Reasonable or remainde Phone PA 497 ed Beach or season ARTICLES for SALE HAVE YOU TRIED Borrie Aucrion Rooms and Second Hand Store UNLOP sT WET glacial PA Mixl FOUR ROOM unfurnished sphrtw pent heated rel contslne Cels AlsiLLthrsL erst ael contained No ohiectlon to child Telephone PA 853 or PA CENTRAL Location Two bedroom udmrhished healed Ipsrimarli also one bedroom Both bsva private entrance and bath Avail able September Telephone PA 84482 Two bedroom sell contained unmmlshcdrheltedroentrally lo cated apartment on Penelllsl Hot water supplied PA Tm noon phrtmelit heat water stove and rerilscntor suplt plied sell contained Dont miss seeing this one Close to ahappiul Tlelephonl lUPIHo may nannoolu unfurnished apartment on bill route ln Ale landla private entrance close to school 50 monthly Available now sitar pm apartment Pflvlia bathroom and entrance on ground iloar Privats veranda Washer and dryer rup plied pipllanu tiansi Free Irkllsx elaphorla 60931 or 610 Pullmsrmn room rtmant private bathroom heat and hydro supplied use or laundry room Su table for two business girls 01 couple Telephone PA classiest terdoopni maul nicely located apartment two bedrooms livid room kitchen bathroom large sunroom overlooking hay contin lI but water refrigerator and heavy duty stove Available Sept Telephone PA HIM DUNLOP STREET What unlurn lshod two bedroom spmmcnt sum patch hot wstcr Id laundry mimics hydro reirigeratnr and mm supplied Avsllshls Sep gsgber lat $75 monthly PA li ALLANDALE two bedroom un Ilsrnlshad healed apartment $70 monthly lnnludilll hydro and star washing rsclliucs stove rslrigsrstor supplied desir montohnrsmpshust Av ilsbic Se Iembcr in Tel phone PA or WIIIIIm st uamralshca churches and Di Parklnz Insets Telephunl 65 Apply 53 Cumberland St man naoM heated unsuroislied NEWSPAPER MATS house attics garages etc persec insulator 5c PER DOZEN Th asrrl Examiner RIPE coatno VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED TV SE15 $4900 REEBIGERATORS $9500 McFADDENS 128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 HondyAHardware Under NEW MANAGEMENT REGISTER NOW For FALL WELDING SCHOOL Lincoln Aro Welders 130 amp $172 550 gallon septic tank $8250 625 gallon septic tank $9250 Sidewalk slabs 2A is 30 $175 pchlAl Canadian National pix hihillon Prices $30 oll on slant needle models Singer Saw ing Machine company 18 Dunlap street West PA b7960 REFRIGERATOR and late model range with rotiserie so men also washing machlnt older model APDD to 57 Gunis Street or talc phone PA solos AIIENTI Stamp and coin cniicctarsLAiLyauLuedme at the new Stamp and Cain store at 17 asylleld Sircut aarrla Ont Open at presentFriday night and an day ssturdy spacial CNE Prices The Famous singer styleoMatic zigZag Ms chinenow $15950 See them to day shr Sï¬ï¬ig Cc tre 2a Dunlap stret West PA 37pm BPEULAL Canadian Nsuonal hlbltion prices several good usad Slngerisewluschlhe $1960 up singer sewing Ma inc Co 28 Dunlop street Telephone PA arson spzcms Cansdlsp National hlbllion Prices SINGER no cleaners snd Pousncrs Speci discounts during the Ekh piuan singer Sowing Msealps Co as Riv51513 st West Telephona PA FRUIT 8r VEGETABLES APPLESTransplant and Duch ess apples clan per bushel Plek yousse ves Inyour own containers Also horse harness Apply Kow $51 4Gill Mldllurst Telephone PA DOGS PETS RABBITS WANTED PHON EPA 85469 cocm ipsniel puppies ior rsl alsck rwo manurs old Apply Loeklmt Thomtoh BOATS MOTORS PounTlZlm root bast Two to pick from can be soon It 331 Tiflln Street siter 530 km cAsa wANsssm at pl moans Telephone PA mos geséant Finance 25 Dunlap St as 1a Pan 1955 Eglolr day cruiser hard top with 1958Evinruda hp outboard motor for sale Telephon Whlier Adair PA D9198 P0111 vs motoi converted for Gauth Pump COME IN tCOM PAR si HANDY HARDWARE SlROllD PHONE srnouD rims srunso collars and chair two come tables liquor cabinet up Inch mltrcsscr no ror lot Tel ephonc PA c9293 or lilo thrust after pm LEWYT vacuum Cleaner for sale all sttachmonts included new mo tor $3950 Many other makes and models to choose lrom Tole phono PA Mm PPEclAl Canadian National Ex hibitlon Prlc singer round bots tinlconomy model all v50 Singer Sewing Machine ampsny boat in running order 550 One mormotorfarbobt car $25 Teicpbnna PAooloo is sAsLaDAl cabin type lis bosrd power good soud cruising boat for two Excellent buy at $1800 complete Contact Hed gzd Dro station Telephone aro ARTICLES WANTED ANTIQUES WANTED Unusual pieces at china brillh brsc oil lamps glassware cl or colored old buttons toilet ram urc die Bert prices psul idhurst Antiques PA 82810 WANTED to rent suckinglnblas 2s Dunlap street West PA upon and chairs Telephone PA balm