Standards of white gladloli and mauve asters decorated the altar of St Marys Rom an Catholic Church Barrie for the wedding of Miss Har bara isobcl Srlgley to Cpl Joseph Oscar beBIanc Father Rosettl officiated at the core Corner Photo WED AT ST MARYS CHURCH mony The bride is the dau ghter of Mrs William Levi Srlgley of Holly and the late Mr Srlgley The bridegroom is the son of Mrs Sylvaire LeBlanc and the late Mr Le Blanc of Monctnn New Bruns wick Royal Colony Of EliKings Has Dwindled CASCAlS Reuters Partu gals once flourishing royal colony of former kings princes and pretenders to the vacant thrones of Europe has dwindled today to two perman eat residents one cxklng and one retender E£Eng Umberto of italy lives in comparatively modest villa at Cascok resort on the shore of the beautiful Atlantic name Don Juan the Spanish pre tender who has in recent years on several occasions bad talks with Gen Francisco Franco and who may yet become king of Spain for which Franco is believed to be planning an even tual restoration of the mon archy tides in Estoril another famous resort near here Princess Helena widow of ex King Carol of Romania and bet ter known as Madame Ulpescu for whom King Carol gave up his throne also spends much of her time at Estorll But if Estoril and Cascais have lost their royalty they are still as popular as ever with tourists Here as in many other pic turesque and popular resorts in Portugal tourist ccomruoda tion is being incr sad to meet the demands of increasing num bers of visitors For Porgugal today is prob ably the cheapest tourist coun try in Europe Of all its see side and holiday resorts Es toril with its modern casinoris probablytvthwsmartest RESTORE CRISPNESS To restore crispness to cold cereals pour into shallow baking pan and heat in mod erate oven with the door alar Mrs Caldwell Wins Award At Guthrie Flower Show More than 130 entries in 25 classes were displayed at the Guthrie Womens institute an nual flower show Robert Bez zant was in charge of the judg ing and commentating Mr Bezzant complimented the women of the community on their fine display and discussed the merits of wellworded prize list He was thanked by Mrs George Caldwell and Mrs Rot ert Bell conveaersof the show Mr Bczzant presentedMrs Jim Caldwell with the special award for her prizewinning en try gladiolus spike Prizes were given as fol lows Single petunia Mrs Bell Mrs Piikey Mrs Caldwell Ruffled petunia Mrs Jamleson Mrs Bell Mrs Caldwell Pansy Mrs Campbell Mrs Pilkey Mrs Pear Mrs GiCaldweli Nasturtiums Mrs Pearsall Mrs Jarnleson Mrs Barss Sweet peas Mrs Jamie son Mrs Jamieson Mrs Caldwell Asters Mrs Pearsall Mrs Pilkey Mrs Caldwell Snapdragons Mrs Jam ieson Mrs Pillray Mrs Pear sail Cosmos Mrs Pearsall Mrs Caldwell Giant zinala Mrs Pear sail Mrs BJamieson MrsJ Caldwell Pom pom Zinnia Mrs Pear sali Mrs Caldwell Mrs Sanderson Marigolds African Mrs Caldwell Mrs George Cald well Freach marlgolds Mrs Pearsall Mrs George Caldwell Mrs Jamieson Pants tantrum proof is out that waistline are back and skirts as short as over Like them or not these are 7Mswlesmathechh1er signers havedecreedJorthi fall and winter Primarily the new fashions are swing away from the plucked silhouette of recent sea sons and back to dressmaker details Swinging gored and flared skirts capes and scarves and asymetric drapery are trademarks of the 196162 collee tions The baneplain but ele gant dress seems to have had its brief day just when lots of women were getting fond of it Top colors are brown and whole range of purples Nubbly tweeds and wool flannels for siiitaeond coats are equalled in popularity by velvets brocades and headed or lame outfits for an ércocktailaadevening HELMETS PLENTIFUL Fur helmets and fur collars cuffs and even hems are plenti ful Many si gn ers made hoodedcoats and jackets toadd to the snug look of cold weather fashions The new silhouette is basic ANCIENT sea An early referenceitowteai dateshack to 729 AD in Japan when the Emperor shomu gave ieatolil0 priests FURNiTURE THE 3557 IN PRICES SELECTION AND SERVICE AT LLBARRtE FURNITUREETD nlcaster at raoosn Mvnii our commuter rs DRESSMAKER DETAILS Swinging SkirtsLéiést Fad In FallWinter Collections ally princess fitted in the waist and bodies and flaring in the slnrt but fashion reports are shying from the word prin gt cess as being hit shopwo lo the fashion press in gen eral this was notan exciting season Therewas nothing revo lutionary or oven exceptionally original But Paris papers have reported that the dressmakers here have already done about $4000000 rt of business which compares favorably with other seasons Some experts see this season as turning point toward an allout return to figurefitting styles friend in hospital Rose Mrs PillreyLMirLC SandersonTMrs Jamleson Dahlia one bloom Mrs Caldwell Mrs Jamleson Mrs Sanderson Dahlia three blooms Mrs Sanderson Mrs ii Jamie son Mrs Bell Gladioll one spike Mrs Caldwell Mrs Bu Mrs Bares Mrs Pearsafl Gladioli three spikes Mrs Pearsall Mrs Bell Mrs Barss MrsJCaidwell Corsage Mrs Jandeson Mari Ci SandersonMrs Pear Novelty arrangement for male Mrs Caldwell Mrs George Caldwell Mrs Piikey Cacti Mrs Bell Mrs lamieson Mrs George Cald well Thanksgiving dining room de coration Mrs George Cald well Mrs Bell Mrs Pearsall Landscape Mrs Camp bell Mrs Caldwell Mrs Bell TV arrangement Mrs George Caldwell Mrs Jamiesan Mrs Campbell Arrangement using roses Mrs Bell Mrs Caldwell Mrs George Caldwell ContainerofcuLflawecs Mrs Caldwell Mrs Pear sall Mrs George Caldwell in th During the business meeting it was decided to send the pres eatMrsD€ameroatrtht dinnerin Orillia Oct meet the autumn bus tour The aduptadllld plan was discussed and left over for more information Mrs Bird vicepresident will attend the district workshop on Institute procedure It was decided not to have school flower show this year popularity through PEOPLE AND PLACES PhonaEileenDixonorAudiwlmhonPAMsrl Notu are intendedto cover the general social of the bridge pm es birthdays coming of age wiles visit and in vellers are all items of later est to the women of this page Your help in palms Newman greatly Ippmhled Moron ram Miss Agnes Lavery Ecoles Sophia Street East have return ed to the city after motor trip to Lindsay andNorth Bay at the home of Mr andMrs Gerald Bailey MOVING TO KITCHENER Mrs Harvey Little and lamily Sunnldale Road are leaving the city Thursday and will reside at 680 Dunbar Street Kitchener Prior to moving Mrs Little has been guest at several entertainments given by her neighbors and friends Mrs Oliver Cameron Duckw Street and Mrsl3crt Empke Toronto Street were hostesses AUGUST WEDDING Cap tairrandMrs Cooper of Camp Borden have announced the marriage of their daughter lrena Dale to Peter White of Vancouver The marriage took place in Salem Oregon August 10 The bride is graduate of Royal Victor ia Hospital and has been nur sing at Edmonton Alberta and ivanoouverA THE STARS SM is ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Should you hear gossip find out how many people have passed it along before it reached you Discountin that order Money matters are promising Outdoor activities are especially favored FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that duringtheeeomingyearryou will have many applications for yourinborn courage and keen analytical mind especially from now through the last part of summer and early fall You will start out the year withstream maintain rugged independence and carry many People in your wake During April you can gain peoples opinions After May you willhave an eclipse of social life for while Jwitlfonly brief rospitesend will enter period of serious con templation You might sway one way or the otherto more or less forthrightness wlth those closeiarnundwyourWithvm changes in the setup which way you are affected is up to you child born on this day Will as reporter WEIRKEZ SORRY Fpr the past sixAyearsrwerrhave steadfastly maintained prices placed on our beautician services even theateadiiy increasing costs of materials and equipment was absorbed But now due to the new 33 Ontario SaleslLxJe regretihaL our prices must hetincreasedthoughonly slightly We trust you will bear with us regarding this slight change and look forward to beiagof servicertiryau many times in the future for hair Styling and beautician services at its best Mr and Mrs llart Wil Mmfl by theagrieulture rnln ing they give off an inflammable perception of be perceptive He would succeed of afternoon teas Mrs James Simpson and Mrs Rodgers were eohnstesses of luncheon at Mrs Rodgers Sunnidale Hood residence NEW APPOINTMENT Mrs Kendrick Street has retired after in years as postmistress of Allan MFEKendï¬a hm been appointed commissioner for the witnessing of oaths and affidav its forthe County of Simone EKEND VISIT Miss Sally Lou Ahern Shan non Street was weekend guest of Miss Margaret Dickson at her Scarborough residence Miss SUMMER HOLIDAY MissSharon Orarn has re turned to her residence in Wind sor after speiiding the summer holiday at the home of her grandparents Mr and Mrs Reginald Ornm Owen Street Miss Doreen Coulson Eden Roc Apartment Tomato has returned to her home after two jdvacatlonatm the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Fred Coulson Rose Street LAWN BOWLING The Earl Rowe nophy was won for the second time in sun Icession by Allandale Lawn Bowling Club members Jack Poacher Mrs Maude Semmens and Ernie Cox Winners for two wins were Jack Barth Mrs Ella Swain and Rayner Centre Vespra WI Sponsor Refugee Mrs Rennlck Ciappcrion St was hosts for the August meeting of Cairo Vespra Wo mens institute The meeting was conducted by the pres dentMrt Patterson An important item of businms dealt with was the decision to sponsor refugee child The BarrierFalu sad but no definite plans were made for exhibiting Misses Margaret and Donna Elcklin deli ed the mem al and selections MrsJ Garner dem onstrated the art of making fancy sandwiches giving many hints as well as to the clap er storing and freezing Mrs Hobson showed the proper method of arranging sandwich plate attractively Mrs Hickling also gave some Edits on sandwich making meth Former Pupils floldReiinion Former students of Ferndale School held reunion at Mid hurst Park with former tea chcr Lennox and Mrs Lennox and family of London Ontario Dawson of Hamilton actedas chairman of the bus iness meeting it was decided to hold the 1962 reunion on Sat liant physically and emotionally TEE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST 10 strong and well for beginning school next fail you will have had him checked by your den tlst and physician He will have learned to enjoy proper food habits toilet training and con formity to other wholesome family routines and regulations Neediess to say he should have learned obedience and re spect for the rights of others You want him to be selfre doing for himself what he is able to do and being responsi ble forproper care of his own ithings You want rm to feel reasonably comfortable out of your sight and hearing able to amuse himself for extended pelt riods and to spend ample time at fun with other children of his age Its unfortunate iihe has never spentmchLhisAlmoviowing Mr and Mrs John Reid Owen Street have returned to the city from motoring holi day to the Thousand islands Meiidea Conn Sturbridge Moss Chatham Mass and New York City Prior to leaving on their vacation Mr and Mrs Reid had their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Willlam Shehan and grandsonrFrnnk Meriden Conn as house guests for one week The Shehan fam ily accompanied Mr and Mrs Reid on the motor tour before daughter Gayle Owen Street lowdale during the weekend BANANA GAS LONDON tCPBananas may not be as harmless as they look questioner in Parliament ister He said that while ripen gas and recommended that fife manner the Way weekend The slate of officers is as follows Mrs Mlllwurd past president Mrs Jack Wallwin president Mrs Arnott vice president Mrs Charles Kell secretarytreasurer Gifts were presented to Mr and Mrs Leonox and Mrs Millwnrd and numerous lucky draws were made Mr Dawson introduced the speaker Mr Lennox who gave an inspiring talk on the Hist ory of the British Foreign liib le Society Theï¬oz reunion will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs Jack Wallwin Barrie STREET DANCING WINNIPEG GP Manitoba square dancers performed on downtown Portage Avenue to Elebrate the opening night of Manitoba Theatre Centres first summer season The event engaged members of 30 square dance clubs in Winnipeg and precautions be taken in vege table and fruit markets of 10 clubs from towns in the pleasures of summers spent on surmy sands Enjoy the carefree comfort of safe Essa warmth so quiet so couplets auronratic winter till you look outside troublefree youll forget its Relax and leave your heating problems to Essa Youll have constant supply of topquality cleanburning Essa Filmore Oil delivered ALWAYS LOOK 10 IMPI you automatically as in weather surrounding TV and no time exposed to pro grams of violence Its also fine if he has been read to great deal since the age of two or three enjoyed inventing and creating with toys and words drawing coloring pralnting moldingrwith clay and using simple tools The teacher in kindergarten or first grade can easily spot the child rich in suchexperi ences in contrast with those criiv Habits Help casveuwn mans Yourchild beginning schoolwi willneed to learn to follow di How well has he learned to carry out simple requests or have acquired regular bedtime commands homo Has he learned to listen and do things alongwithseveral other chil dren as when playmates are in your home Some children without such experiences at home may feel lost and bewildered among so many children in classroom if be is about to enter the first grade it may be helpful tolyour child to have learned to want bieckup to it or 20 to identify some of the letters of the alpha bet and the number symbols evonto be able to read some street and store signs and the names of food containers Its also very helpful to him iibe airport has and railroad atatlon Best of all for the child enter ing kindergarten and first grade is to have had all his qestlon answered kindly and pail by his parents his curlosi stimulated in addition to quent happy tion current book Tested Ways to Help Your Child Learn from Preschool to College by Vir giniaBurgess Warren Prentice lloll price $495 has good lhas gone wlith you to farm children poor in them chapter on this subject by popular MORE DISNEYKINS I0 COMPlETE YOUR SET demands 0n budget terms if you wish Heating equipment scrvica dealers trained by Imperial Oil Limitedwill give prcmpt and expert service when required If you need new equipment you can choose from complete furnaces installed on very easy monthly terms To enin the wonderful world your nearest Imperial Oil mica ofï¬ce full line of burner or of Esso warned lust can lean soa rue351