nndonLasryet Thatiwlll and DIEITRELIVERUIITHRELOI ERNIE OPENING Hockey star lean Beiiveau of the Montreal€anadiens greets Prime Minister Diefen bnker at the opening of the la ternational Hockey Hall of Fame in Tomato Saturday Mr Dielenbaker who officlsllt ly opened the hall announced INNISFII NOTES 777777 ChiefsWileSiclr lt Iiiter CNE Meal By no5 Mrs William Brown wife of Chief Brown of Inuistilhas re turned to her home and family after spending part of week in hospital recovering from ptomaIne poisoning following meal at the Canadian National Exhibition Mrs Brown was accompan fed by four of her brothers children and it was their ill ness that started her on the way home Along Highway 401 patrol car of the Ontario Mo tor League driven by Paul Shotiander came to their aid He radioed to the Ontario pro vincial police and an officer re sponding to the call took over lifrszrownrcnrandfhsaded for Barrie However before they had gone far the hood flew back and almost caused the driver to ditch the car They pulled it off the road and the farnlly was taken to Bar rie in the patrol car They had stopped for service at gas station previousiand it is thought the hood was not groperly fastened down at that me The doctor at the hospital told Mrs Brown they were lucky to have reached the hos pital when they did as the germ was serious typ Food at the PuramiioodA Building was all that Mrs Brown could think of to ac count for the sickness dont care it ever get back to the fair again she stated after her ordeal The four children have re covered Only the car remains throwing contest to be repaired Damage to it is estimated at $150 NOT ALL TROUBLE Mr and Mrs Persons who operate the dance hall at Leon ards Beach claim not all the troubles that develop in that area stem from their patrons They also claim that thafight attrlbutedtothatplace was not there but some place fur ther down the beach There was no fight at our hall they said PICTURES IN WEEKLY Readers of national weekly paper will see good story this week on the international brick One large cross page picture shows the top brick Ulrower for Strand Ontario Bev Coehrsne making his leootthreeinoh throw in the crowdhehind is the mayor or Barrie and four melnbers of his council as well as bystand ers from around lrulisiil Park Other pictures show the results being phoned from the grounds and top throwers from the three other international teams This weekly reaches homes across Canada and will no doubt provide publicity that will make next years contest popular Plans for the coming year will be broached at the meeting of lnnrsfll Men Assoola lion next en that group may be asked to sponsor the brickthrowing committee for next year The committee which has an intematlonai membership is one of the four Strouda oi the world participat ingJathe game of brick throw us ï¬jxliclor Worked IIisvWay To Top 79f Sinrsiflhieeflpcming Movies By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD AP For more than year Warren EeattnhasboenrdriitiilgLIner sort of dream world Beatty has had leads opposite Natalie Wood in splendor in the Grass and Vivien Leigh in The Roman Spring of Mrs Stone Now hes playing the top role in All Fall Down with Eva Marie Saint But he hasnt reached star shortiy with the release of Splendor He may look back on this year as spicndrous its possibl he admitted Maybe dont ow how well off have been NEEDS SPEIL This inbetwesn period has had its pluses and minuses he said disadvantage is that pub iiclllts have to perform long spin to interest reporters in him only about one in so comes out to see one he said and and brooding eyes hes nea sighted madevit on his own He came up through summer 4tock4ndW4lis Broadway debut was in William lnges Loss of mass which the actor admitted was bomb But it prompted Ella Kazans interest for Splendor which fuse wrote Bestty himself went after The Roman Stone of Mrs Spring or whatever it is liked the story and talked to the producers about it and they wanted me to do it he said But they overlooked one attar Tennessee Williams who wrote the novel had to ap prove the coating Wiliiama didnt think could play an ltalian so flew down to Jamaica where he was stay lag and tried to convince him dressed up like gigolo and he said ok the government would make an annual contribution of $5000000 in grants to new tour sport See story on page it CP Wirephoto scors CAUGHT WITil KILTS orl TORONTO ICP Toronto Scots were caught with their kills in mothballs Sunday night when British Air Com modore Macdonell 16th chief of Gleugarry flew in unexpectedly for weeks visit Air Commodore Macdonell hitched ride on an RAF Britannia to spend two weeks in Canada before going to Pennsylvania to be guest of honor at Highland games there 48th Highlandersplper Darby MacCsrroll was rushed to Malton airport to pipe welcome for the clan chiet but the piper didnt have time to change into his kiit The chief ls staying here with Judge ian Macdon nell president of the newly formed Clan Donald Society of Canada He plans to go to Montreal at the and of the week and from there tour Glengerry Countywhich was settled by Highlanders from Scotlands Glengarry 2Car Collision Kills Man 22 NORTH BAY CPI Donald Stoddart 22 of South Porcupine and Yvon Lanzon of Moonbeam were killed Sunday night in two car collision on Highway 11 just south of Iimagami 35 miles north of Four pe Irom saithPorcu pine and twofrom Moonbesm 60 miles west oi Cochrsne were injured in the accident Mazella Girouerd and Giles Germaine both or Moonbeam and Clau dette Lalone and Brian Stod dartrboihwiSouthelorcupiner are in hospital here in satisfac tory condition Brian is brother of Donald Stoddart in hospital at Haileybury be lieved not in serious condition are Harold Davis and Hans Belchmann both of South PUICUPIRQf Further details of the accident were not immediately available Girl 18 Assaulted Charge Man 22 TORONTO CPiAn 18year old girl was dragged trom parked car and raped in nearby cemetery Saturday after her boy triend was slugged with hammer Police later charged Robert Msrcotte 22 year old truck driver with rape and woundinr and added three further charges olt rape after furthervlnvestiga on Police said the other charges involved two teenage girls in Markham Township last March NOT woarll on CANADIAN LIFE Leading anadians Differ On Canadas Role In Berlin By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian government ap parently plans to beef up its contribution to NATO defence 101394 In lishLeLtha developers Comm Berlin But Canadian PrasI opininnLoLmrne Canadiansshows sharp differ ences on the question of how far Canada should be prepaer to go if the Berlin Issue comes to showdown One side of the case is stated by Donald Mclnnesof Halifax president of the Canadian Bar Association who said In an in tervicw that Canada should give NATO Ille ftIlIest possible sup pm On the other side is Dr Hugh Ksenieyside chairman of the British Colurnbla Power Com mission who said Saturday that Berlin is not worth the life of one Canadian youngster The Berlin crisis prompted thorough study by the cabinet at the state of Canadian defence preparedness LACK SHELTERS However newspaper survey last week showed that no fed eralcabinet minister as yet ha basement fallout shelter de spite government campaign publicizing the need for such protection Mr Diefcnbsker has sold one is planned for the base ment of his Ottawa residence number of cabinet members live in rented quarters Dr Keenleyside former di rectorgeneral oi the United Na tions Technical Assistance Ad ministration said that risking war over the issue of west Ber lin Is the final evidence of the bankruptcy ofour diplomatic policy The rime minister he said shoul make it clear that he will have no part in this kind of criminal nonsense Not all of tho Canadians ques tioned by The Canadian Press gave an opinionot how for Can ada should go in military showdownoveFWest Berlin Mr Mcinnes said he didnt pressures on West survey Huasnr 8I7 OPENING DANCE To THE MUSIC OF THE PARKle FAC 150 Per Couple Cabaret Style MIMI IIS PIAIIIIS IIIIAIIII AirConditioned The love story that thrilled million in all its and 26yearold womsnrin the Metropolitan Toronto area about month ago NOW SHOWING Air Conditioned sweeping gloryl tomgiai lniaTtIT so null King FMumSymlIfliv Inn wind mm luxlned thtrTHIS man on the way about out in salary feel competent to answer that question Robert Thompson national Leader of the Social Credit party said the West must stand nptmtbrCommunistsonther Berlin issue There can be no backing down We must fight if flowery MELGen Mucklin retired sdjutanhgeoeral of the Canadian Army and promin ent critic of deicnco policy said that if there is major war dont see how this country could possibly remain nentr ASKS COMMENT The Vancouver Sun asked James Sinclair former Liberal federal fisheries minister De fence Minister Harlmus and other wellknown Canadians for statement Ilid Canada Eco TORONTO CPIVarious coo nomic and financial measures taken by Ottawa have undoubt edly helped put Canada on the road to recovery from the re cession Mothers preai dent of the Canadian Manufac turers Association said today He told directora luncheon at the Canadian National Exhi bltioa that evidence apparent for some months points unmis tekabiy to another period of eco nomic advance here as in the United States which as always has such potent influence on domestic business conditions It would be churlish of Ca nadian business not to commend Ottawa for Its steps in helping the recovery he said Over the past couple oi years we have had whole se ries of measures major as well minor designed to stimulate manufacturing and ise some if not all of therdisad vantages under which It has been expected to compete both at home and abroad up complaining Banquet and Entertainment Hall 336 BLAKE ST Beside Kempviaw Bowl PA 68967 ANCE SAT SEPT HYTHMEN ILITIES SNACK BAR 830 STIIIITS wan MATINEE DAILY 130 pm The comments vhfr Sinclair would rather see West Berlin absorbed by East Cennsny than another war Mr Harkness Lthe situ Win constant struggle between East and West and cannot be isolated iet Premier Khrushchev are just part and parcel of the general pressure the Communists are putting on to extend their power in Europe Liberal Lester Pearson from Oxford Engisn declined 1owmment urDr Keenieysldes but said The Berlin situation can be settled by peaceful negotia tion but not in the face of threats to tear up existing commentoanlfeeldeystderagrEemenmandnesrrorz 000 people Say Measures 0i Government nomic Recovery This was marked change from other years when Cana dlan manufacturing was looked on In convenient miich cow for the coffers oi the federal treasury INDICATORS GOOD Mr Mathers president of Royal City Foods Ltd of New Westminster BC said all the key business indicators are moving in the right direction The index of industrial pro ductivity has been steadily ris ing Capital investment tilts year is outrunning expectations in nearly all sectors of the econ omy Steel output is up Consumer sales in many lines are much more buoyant and in many cases will reach record levels this year Exports are up and imports are down Most welcome oi all is the betterthan seasonal decline in unemployment levels even though lilo labor force continues to grow at an exceptionally ra the TE RABBI TUESDAY AUGUST Cl Deny Statement Not Enough Fish KITCHENS iCPI Crane Aviation can get 15000000 pounds of rah Newfoundland fish over threeyear period to fly to Ontario Earl Craneth of the newlyformed sir trans port firm said Saturday Mr Crane replying to state ment by General Secretary AntieloeNewfoundlandFed eration of Fishermen tlodtthat there is not enough fresh fish in Newfoundland to supply the amass so fisheries willing to supply fish Mr Crane said Mr Antle made the slatement Thursday on information supplied some ago At that time Mr Crane HURONIA also STEVE CDCHIIA IMMIE VAII IIIIIIEII RAY UAIIIIIII III MBEIII Willi WWII MIT IHiII IN CINEMASCOIE Adult Elli Plus cartonL said he told Mr Anti that sev eral of the big Newfoundland fish suppliers were unable to meet the demand The suggestion that there is not enough fish in Newfound land for the market is ridicu lous said Mr Crane Hemingways Will Filed Ior Probate mum YOBKJAEL Ewes Aw Hemingways handwritten will was filed for probate Thursday in surrogates court He left his entireulstLJoMdols Mary The author of such femous novels as Farewell to Arms and For Whom the BeliTolis died from self inflicted shotgun wound last July Box om OPT 730 Shows Starts at Dusk snore canon 10 commune loves of on Ingrstlstlng sooundnl In muslin lho anemone also Milne BARRY JONESN AN uon laser BACK TO SCHOOL AT GARN 56 DUNLOP ST PA 84542 SIMCOE COUNTY SPORTING CENTRE MENS WEAR SPORTINGGoons HEADQUARTERS CENTRAL COLLEGIAII in GIRIS slur GYMWROMPERS WHITERUNNINGSHOES soonrs SOCKS BOYS RED NUMBERED GYM SHORTS BLACK STRIPE WHITE NUMBERED SHIRTS HIGHEBLACILRUNNING SHOES WHITE SPORTS SOCKS vrAIHLETIC SUPPORT HonTH COLLEGIATE 7GIIILS GREEN NUMBERED GYM ROMPERS WHITE RUNNING SHOES WHITE SPORTS HosE Mmflos ABOYSL BOYS GREEN NUMBERED GYM HORTS GOLD NUMBERED SHIRTS HIGH BACK RUNNING SHOES WHITE SPORTS SOCKS ATHLETIC SUPPORT IMPERIAL molass then theyre usually dis appointed All advantage is in dealing with the studios The producers are governed by fear They dont know whether Im any good or not but theyre afraid might be so they want to hire me Beattyis an offbeat fellow May be the last to inform you he isalso Shirley Maclaines brother They look unlike Beatty strongly built man of 24 withvn brown shock of hair Iialrouis 75 Saturdflys 5100 Barbers CLIFFS BARBIE SHOP 29 am am Across from Aillndlll now BLUE=GÂ¥MSHORTS IWHITETSHIRTS gwlIITE RUNNING SHOES WHITE RUNNlNo SHOES tiIRIGIBIEIIIIIEIIEGIIIIESIIE HOWARD iiiiiiil iIeIIIIiIIIIINII WLaItDIsneys Nikki DogO Feature t70 anss this Show Nightly At 730 pns Wtfi BAKER Itiltititti WIIIE IRENE PIPtS till mu JIIIES DARREIEmizszithï¬fï¬rEImlï¬hLL FREE LsT For The Fullest Enjoyment of The Guns of Navarone We Respectfull Ur You SUSPENDED Se 10m The selmnigg Feature Starla AT 630 and 9l0¢pm PTIIe North