CPL CORBETT This pigskin is not recom mended for the gridiron sea son its too greasy This IWpnund porker wasnt so greasy however that Cpl Mousy Corbett couldnt itlp BACON THE him in record live minutes Cpl Corbett was one at about 25 airmen who tried to grab the greased pig at the RCAF Lions In Huddle ForP Members oi the Lions Club met at Barrie Community House last night to discuss plans for the blitz campai which will he held on Thursdgnfy toeralseee$inoooiin efinal pay ment oi the new community swimming pool The city was divided into 20 areas for canvassing team captain was appointed for each area and be was assigned number of volunteer canvassers Ed Myers who chaired the meeting pointed out that this was the first time in more thanF three years that the club had made direct appeal tothe public ior funds or the pool POOL FDR EVERYBODY The pool will be something every iamdy in Barrie can on joy he said Parents can also feel sure that their chil dren will learn to swim there under hygienic and carclully supervised conditions We have 150 volunteer can vaasers for his blitz campaign he said They will begin housetohouse tour of the city at 630 on Thursday night grant $5000 Lions Club and members $33000 pubilc con mutton 515000 special dona tions $5000 wiu vorra SARNIA OP SnnilaJQiL Lion Harold Forster chair man at the pool committee gave the meeting breakdown of money contributed so for City grant $10000 provincial ers will decide on proposal ior Sunday movies in them municipal elections city council decided Monday night Local FainGoers To Be Served Ted Stirton mobile tea wagon which comes EQHILIEIE witmi formed hostesses will he in Barrie Sept 14 15 and 16 for the annual fall fair The ten wagon will be station ed in the iair grounds with the hostesses serving complimen tary cups of hot or iced tea in aid of the Grenlel Womens In stitute 300 CUPS AN HOUR This is one of two tea wagons custombuilt with the kitchen type interiors including PA system7 twowaytelephonera threespeed recardplaynr for teatimemusic power plant andrefrigerator along with in raa nosrnssas willlhe comaiamiiiar they se cilities for servingraoo cups of tea per hour 3th the positive months the hostesses have served tea at hall parka theatre queues sports car demonstrations and in other crowded areas CHOSEN FROM 100 The hostesses wear natty blue uniforms with wedge caps They were chosen irom more than 100 applicants on the basis of personality and becausothey enjoy meeting people As an experiment Imaie servers started the wagons saidGene Boston tanner secretary Men didnt work out too well as tea serving is better suited to women tary calls at tea from their mobile tea wagon which has unds Completion of the pool repre aenls our years of eiiort on the part of tho Hons Mr Forster 1nldWnhavonlsohadgen erous support mm the public and from the various levels oi government When the canvasser comes to your door Thursday night he added give what you can and you will be giving towards sale and pleasant place to sillino for every loudly in Bar Tho Barrie Mens Christian Association yesterd played host to two visitors from the Far East Param Bhelwa oi Nagpur India and Teoh Kok Chan at Singapore Mrl3helwaiatbasecretary oi the Nagpur YMCA and is here to observe and learn about activities in North America Mr Chan is repre sentativs oi the Singapore Ys Mens Club here to exchange ideas with Ys Mens Clubs both in Canada and the US Mr Bhelwa tollehc Examine erin an interview he received fellowship from tho YMCA International which allows him ninemonth trip of various YMCA operations in Canada the US and Europe He said that in his travels he hopes to learn and observe many things about activities that are diiierent or not feas iihle at the present time in ind moon 11 mars Mr Bhelwa said there are some 10000 members in India This is out of total population of 430 million people but he pointed out that only 82 millionmf these are Christ was He outlined the difficulties in expanding membership in the YMCA in India by saying that any new establishment had facilities or serving 300 cups of hot orglced tea per hour pension cars ncnon Send Bees Packing Council Gives Order City Coundl inst niflllt order ed City Manager Walter Glgg torexplow every avenue to Flames InDowntown Ared Would Be Disaster Hersey HIIRD WHY Station Edgar annual ileld day He was the ilrst to grab the animal and clung to it un til he won Simcoe County Girl In Dairy Contest TORONTO CF Joanné Kaemingh mysareold Emo girl who wants to he teacher Monday won the eighth and ilnal division of the dairy prin cess contest at the Canadian National Exhibition She and seven others enter the semi ilnnls which begin tonight Miss Kaemlngh represented Rainy River County Others in Mondays mllklngcontesls were Aulke Terpstra 177W3l was so acute it should he pur ren representing Sudbury County Rosemary McDonald 17 also of Warren hut repre senting Niplssing County Ruth annn Taylor 17 Coldwator Slmcoe Maria Sheridan 18 Faith Lanark and Carolina Cerven in Port Arthur Thun der Bay jLOcai Hosts to be located near nucleus of Christianity and this provid ed soma diiiicuities because of the comparative of Christians in that country He likened the work at his branchemJndlrLtoethaLofAmoa of the other groups throughout the world He said they all lowed the some general policy although each and every branch was autonomous with In the bounds of the general policy GROWING FORCE Mr Bhelwa was emphatic in his statement that the was growing force in India as in other areas of theworld He said the indian government was beginning to realize the value of the work the organization was doing and there have been instances where the government has called on the organization in times oi need or disaster distress He was obviatist impressed with Conadai orchnsttho part of it he has seen Every thing is so now and ditierent to me he said with the ex ception of the basic human men tality He said that Canadians conceivable question irom snakes to politics SERVICE CLUB Club was service clu but the YMCA He said that the work this group undertook was simil ar to that dona by service clubs everywhere as said project undertaken by his home club was to look after youth project involving the establishment and upkeep of Traialgar Home an establish ment ior young lepers he has met have asked every Mr Chan said the Ys Mens mount interest of the clubs is training have the bee business removed Iho move came after receipt at petition signed by large number of raldcnis in tho area complaining oi the danger to mildren or large number oi been kept in hives in the area The petition closely followed ounbatten rect girl Cheryl Aikln daughter oi Mr and An implication of disaster the avent oi lire in Barrlsa downtown business section was given to city council last night by Alderman Frank Hersey Mr Horsey is chairman of the tire and tratilc committee oi noun In plea to council not to unduly delay acceptance report oi the committee outlin ing plans ior renovations to the hirslliussel Aikin was stung eight times while playing in the backyard oi hatborne MOTHERS WORRIED erman Hersey told council ho had visited the area nnd found mothers of children very worried and upset llo said he had written the provin cial cplarist in Guelph late in July alter complaints first came to his attention Alderman Hersey that lmmncsmlngotho latest episode with the bees was that one little girl was stung fire hall to enable it to handle new aerial fire truck which council is considering buying Mr Hersey said Im actually righteaed to tell you what would happen in the event of serious fire on Dunlap Street LIKE PULLING TEETH Alderman Cooks told council but glad concern over delay in own oils aeceptancn oi the program but trying to get information on the cost oi the proposed renova tions to the hall from Alderman Hersey was like trying to pull mu Alderman Roberts told council that In his estimation ll thaneedtorthe new equipment chased without delay He said he had been advised that the tire department could have used such equlpment at least to times in the past sixmonths NOT IN BUDGET Alderman Williams said he was surprised the items had Guests The main aim oithe project was to make the young people suiieriog from leprosy feel that they belong to society CONTAGION RISK orkolthisjyponnntJltlL out its share of risk Mr Chan said that leprosy is highly contagious disease and that the YMCA volunteers who staff the project must undergo rigid medical examinations from time to time and it any at themhas an open cut or other wound ha is not allowed to work there un til it is completely healed Mr Chan said that the para to further youth leader The future of the world do penda on our youth and this training is vital he said Following the completion of his North American tour Mr Chan will leave or Europe where howill visit clubs Gnrlgns ore rocut arm clslon Built our Home Improvumnnt Division VIIIBU of sizes And do signs each with on swing llll ovnrhnnd ltee door Garage an no purchased with ND WN PAYMENT and Plymlntl In low ll per month Ball Planing MIII Co Ltd THE 48 Anna Sir PA 5M ALI HEHSEY not been budgeted for in 1961 We knew as long ago as 1558 that the problem existed and at that time sugggsted al terations and changes which should be mad he said Toronto Man Dies Alter Hithy Iluto ORILLIA William Montgom ery 52 at Chambers Avenue Tomato was dead on arrival Saturdaynlght alter he hy cnr on Highway 187 miles southoi Beavertonn Mr and Mrs Edward Irvine of Harris told police they were travelling south on the highway whEo aiiian dressed only in rom lifdict Singapore shorts walked in front of their car The impact throw Mr Montgomery over the hood of the car and into the windshield An inquest will he held at Soldiers Memorial Hospimialt 3W alter literally being covered with bees from head to foot lie saidhhaflm7predlo speak to th wner oi the hives town on vacation and appar ently no one was looking alter the Insects He told munch he subsequent ly found out tha owner was city employee on did not altmthocnntacL eddy again because of COULD D0 LITTLE Council was advised by city solicitor Rowe that counv report oi the tire and trot iic committee sparked round at coniusloo at city council meeting last night The con fusion came about in the mat ter oi amendments and attend ments to the amendment to the motion Atonnpalntsevecalolden men and the mayor were throw ing out advice at iurioru clip but no one seemed to be paying any attention JiheTcpmt mquesuordeait with the proposad purchase soon oi new aerial tire truck and alterations that will be re quired to the fire hall to scram modan it Thoreport originally indicated that the alterations would be paid out at iunds set aside to purchase the truck Howaver this was objected to by the ma jorlty of members of council and it was inan attempt to have this clause removed from all could do little about the bees and offered the opinion Tia injuries and damage can ed by bees was civil matt the provincial apmrist bad quot ed from the Bees Act and that there apparently was something that could be done Alderman Cooke alien ed an amendment to the mo tiouasldngthattheprovinclal aplarist be advised and consult ed with in the matter BEAR MR GREASE Later Alderman Hersey told council he had spoken with Paul Crease presumed to he the owner oi the bees in ques lion He said that in fairness to Mr Crease public school teacher here his side of the question should be presented He told council Mr Crease had assured him he was doing everything possible to Iind now home for his bee hives He added that the amateur aplarlst had told him the bees were normally quite safe but children had been provoking thcm Alderrnan Hersey said Mr Crease owned iivo colonies of bees and had iour other hives tilled with honey He said he had been told that within short distance of Mountbatten St there were largehumber oi hives ownedbyother indiv iloorgo iluvies CONSTRUCTION LTD the report that the confusion relgnedsupreme will be held John 50 Barrio NAME ADDRESS crrv Baffle PA N13 IIIEHJEHTIIEIIEIIIIPT INSTRUCTIONS Folios the TillillY nonhuman PA 8724 Here is your chance to learn the proï¬table hobby ofleathercraft Fill in thwupon below and bring or mail it to the HANDY LEATHER COMPANY You will hornotliiedswhon classes beginï¬ was PHONE Which night would you prefer to cometo class Second choice AN cannula memoir dunno brim tampon 131111013999 bankibalancel7 fly ppeavcegof mind oFcoMMERcc