by DEVON SMIT Financial Editor Toronto Teleprom so Yuma 51 Fashion AsYou Dont Let Opportuni QUIT IPA 640221 154 lNNlSFlLSn Schoolsl Who Needs Em wa appear to have been sickenlngly careless in mainta on basic part pfthe machinery of economic progress livancement of lindrymens As the other day school before Ehn a1 job mys ability to ave learned enougil of the cycle is HéLbe es there is of development world the be 4n ina new cam report Lmore obviolls H1 lfvwe lose lan initial educational hase we have set the one for chain reaction of losses throughout the Lie cycle The CATEC embark gupan survey me slluau nvin nus coun try It is seek ng to findrrout what kind of needed for Canadian who toav being left by the road while the world marcheslpasl thts vN Iedetf an econ It is hoping get pi lure of the kinds of technical skills and the numbers of le to be eded in each as the next few years roll past And it is ous to do omething about the factors which lead yonng sters to leave school or fail to lead them to want an adequate educaion This whole thing may seem to be pretty disuntjroblenl It is In fact bad situation that has already begun to bite deeply into Can adian economic strength Walk through any of the many automated or semiau omated plants in Canada or abroad You will see that the jobs provided in them are an able only for men andwomen whose mental capacl la have been wall devoldned Not Fact Shops It seems to me the mistake Canadian parents havetrazlï¬l anally made about education is this that they see as process of citing up the mind with knowledge whiéll can beused to make livi this point of aw Latin geometry modern history foreign languages and the like can be made to appear waste of time for boy whos going into placti eld oi endeavour Mental ness The fact or coursehthat an increasing number of jobsxdernand not knowledge of time subjecLs hilt the entnl and in ellectual cap ac as which that kind of study dellelopsnl illustrate this point compllter rotorneeds the kind of thought processes developed by philosophical tudy more Than he needs great mathematical sk ut foreign ca tal we are we wasting most of the one of ca eed moslolirhuman re sources scHooL2f= Mole of lFret on Co of lllllnnllsln am Jewellery Must Suit Clothes Occasion And Type Of Wearer pearl heart or drop that nut les in the hollow of the throat Color is on effective device for changing the look of dress and collection of col good jewelry fashion willput any gal at the top of the backtoschool class advises the Fashion Coordina tion Institute The single big clue to good jewelry fashion is suitability Jewelryrmust suitl the clothes suit tile occasion and suit the type and looks of the girl who wears it Its simple to incorporate this suitability factor into jewelry wardrobe the institute suggests First divide the wardrobe into its separate parts school clothes casual clothes date clothes and formal cloth es Each requires different jewelry School clothes are big im portant class by themselves and jewelry can change bun ic dress to give it the feel and look of new dross Begin with simple tailored gold jew elry simple gold necklace tiny gold earrings narrow ban gle bracelets and collection of gold pins including circles are excellent Remember dangling charm bracelet may be thing of beauty to its owner but it loses its fashion magic when it clanks on desk in classroom Its twink ling point is better made with um lvnnuns new group of fun jew elry helps give lift to cas Iials Long medallionmccldaces longrope or chain worn as belt an eyecatching little pin worn on sleeve or high on the shoulder or even on packet will give fun and spice to basic clothes Miniatures on long chains are always fun with sweatersjnd blouses Now many lure found take this little girl through on ï¬nd gold rigs worn hlgh another day of school To around the neck with tiny keep laundry at mum ONLY on utes ago the dress was in the dryerENowits neat and fresh ready to in ety of lengths and types is anothu good wardrobe item For the best effect rememberthe ruin dont matcbwjewelty col on to clothes turquolso necklace or yin look smarter on gray dress than on blue one How girl wears her jewelry is just as important as what she wears points out the ln stiluto Jewelry should suit the type and looks of girl as home service department sug gests that you select the chil drens entire back to school wardrobe of wash and wear fabrics with simple styling and minimum of frills Stransmans Have The Perfect Styles For College or High School Campus STRAN 44 humor 51 browa we plucked Ls 313 hrs HIlV Grooming Pays Dividends Wh en schoo turns to thoughts achoo imagines hcrscli as the ht of the season in every pa bln situation and rightly she pays close nttentlo In good llrooming from the rt To nidlevery young wo an zly devotes that lit effort to making her great expectations come heres helpful boa ald chocklist from Ponds Forhn Agoodnol bristle hair brush in can dial to ining collfure he should cck to make uro hers is good condition to use it at least five to each day Shower cap hme permanen kit and wing cap to toct special hair lo should be handy For twp Cleansing ulna tunz ng and toning are we baalc atolls to glowing plexion ffo achieve thla gal she should agood ds cleansing cream facial tiss ea or nongreasy moisturizing to bc applied after as rut 600D GROOMING log treatments liquid freshcncr Basic makeup ml include tinted liquid in foundntlon matching shad loose or compressed po cr and at least three lipstick in lnvendor coral and clear tones For herlens Keeping nlcurod look fay Pod CHOOSE COLOR in must easier if lubrl ting croa is used with tn ere Add this mascara eyebrow usual and for glamour eyelash curler For an Pumice stole by shades of green and blue You would wise to choose your backlasde at Mans as you willow the Most styles Here Janet Mulligan models matching gold and Maple akin and mm by Mi Sllll VII ley It is not long mm the can mule and vlol all in mind Janet in animal hereon mlmn collection of Jerseys Suedella and mm Anotherltem wemight nlggcsttobenrat lnyour class is reversible nan with matching blazer by Spamm in all titc rmm shades lhae are lnianyothuiicnuuwellvlldl Tutu Skirts Helen Harper Sweaters in the latest stylesand colon Game in today and one the Melttown colloc tioa we have waiting for 01 cry board cuticle nlppern go slicks cotton ball and Iclaloll are all comm lngeru and toes doors and for quickell th lr shapely belt Polish ver base coat top coat and selection of coordinated sol pollflhofl cobancelbe well INNIPEG CWHusband dlooac the make of their turn but Its tho women wh decide on the color any dealeghem Ho aid white animus popular followed