tmï¬m IBetterl ltSc oojlst Booklet SA Eu IMPROVE OUR LOCAI Fm ECORD DRIVE CARE FUhLYl NY CHILDREN COTO playground lzllnlsrllll soth FOR THE FIRST TIME DONT LET IT BE THEIRILASTl YOUR CAUTION CAN SAVEA CHILDsLIrEI on tholooko for children when Food Res Neeï¬ed Fl yourself ma ers 12 glob made up of segments hich can be snapped togetlI or tak apart at wilL lhe gla spins on its own nd has names engraved on all halls lung is far cry from elsurely rahrah days college was Breeze rest is necessary The cal profession has proven mountains and oceans has time over the North Pole and Mer ian nng Also in cluded is booklet on geo Eraphy and historys of the planetl that when the sugar quo lient is at low level lat igue goes up and mental alertv ness goes down The instant energy afforded by candy bar can well help student when he needs quick energy boost So when you send ipack age to col ge student make idea to enclose rtment dy bars It give energy lilt on Ms way to Clas Ses betxyeen classu and during his ccamming sessions 21am complete school hnsqueen released by the Na tio Lumber Manutac Associat as part of nlwly et the booklet gea tln modern methods use to produce an esthetic economi cal lflcient structure Thede signs weredeveloped by Coapv er and Auerbach AIA of Washington Three basic high school concept designs are presented compact structure for lev fl building site hillsldo school intended for rolling or hilly terrain and apavilion Iliit readily adap ble or ran dom campus plann Besides including isometric siding Jterior panelings and door and windowidesignsl The booklet also shows flat laying and curved roots supa rted by heamandplirlin an eamjandralter systenls aled wood bents ted ams howstring trusses and arches In the colnpact sdloolplan with classrooms orranged und core of service facil ielements are grouped Light xtics Each classroom has sep rate entrance and exit doors the nterinr corrid nal doors open out to in ual patios atgrade ype of planning permls th ylructure to be emptied in min renderings plans sketch in lime in an emergency school is intended to ha an enrollment of 360 with ea of its classroom designed loi 30 students There are sper ciat rooms for art and science activities together with de hrary and an auditorium nhl alsd series as gym and lunch roonL The school is divided into separatelyenclosed are increases its life salety an includes exits at grade from eachleyet of the we pro Imately 540 students 30 perclassropm and has all of the Loompact schools special Meiéétn Requirements rooms in addition to health center separate and cat teria lhe pawlion school concept Includes six cltzeldssroonés and centially log ul purpose arearand is gag primanlyl for those oommlmities where population is expanding rapid ly and whererela vely small The pawlhanunits can he nutsingly as need for addi is can be built at oncein cluster of unconnected or attached units or without core buildingta house ad rillnistraï¬ve facilities PLAms AND Canons Cotton Spun INDIVIDUAL Bayou SKIRT LENGTHS Plain and novelty weaves $238 lip wqm sunrise including reversmle wools wide Specials 93 yd EL de SPeCial$3 49 ya DRIVE dXTRA CAizEFULLV Fauna schools and thoy wclkto from school Your vocation lrom Ichool children over nowl arries Young Men Ade BEON HE Eiiwon umnearascoo 31 h°pg Qtephens price Clr PARENT NEV ST°PLTEL VFor ING children abOut traffi dangers Onl than can we hopo uco alï¬c feta ltiasl One out of seven fa olvu school hlldl Ono but of ten total 53 ls com by mega drivorl DRIVERSl DON HURRY who you drivel We may well face Ill 13 Cannot uco traffic casualties unlbu in slow wnl Tho lived of other are in the handshol lng ur Mooring wheel Thcmi uto you may av isnt rththo lilo of school Child to shop atStephensJor his his Here Doughas on long sleeve At only 5495 will be easy on his bl et Cotton twill pants at $495 also are another popular HAVE YOUR CA CHECKED by an exportl Any Car school Ma 30 ï¬lms mm sh bl that is riot in rfoci mochaftical condition is ale potnil inurdor woaponl The dollars you spend Doug felt he may save ii to Doug viery sharp Litton allworn coat that small deck and is in one oi the lakes shades FULL OFF THE $OAD when youre tired and take $21 ï¬ï¬mï¬iï¬ï¬ 213033 $129 To mpLDONT DR at whonlyouve had drink dress tro ers from $5 Drowsinou and drinking are responsible for most gt fetal accidents For co plete SelectIPn Not Imeldas od clothes follow Do as exampl and shop at Stephens Store for Men Boys lllis IMessage lsSponsored by the Folloviing Firms ISARJEANl INSURANCE BALLIPLANING MlLL AGENCY LTD CO LTD CRAWFORD WEBBS JEWELLR coLTDl lnsmllnce Broken All Clinics oi Insurance Handled J8 Ann St PA 82495 $5 Dunlap St TA 5244 49 Dunlop St PA 50231 FALL FIXUP HEADQUARTERS ESSA RD MILLER GORDON BERTRAM BROS L+D rwlnoma and liEATlNGl CONTRACTORS ERICAN HOTEL to SERVICE nods COURTESY 74 or SL nanla Feel PA 429 Blakle Si PA T0754 rm DUNLiOIi sf