LOCAL WEATHER Mainly sunny tomorrow Winds light Little change in emper ntnre low tonight 60 High Wed nesday 00 Summary on page OUR TELEPHONES For hammer Want this his phone PA Hut The telephone number to call for the human 07 Editorial Dept LI PA GM GenuaLAssemblyscssionAgetfl jn1dandJJNr Ambassador Adlar 201 am yenno WATERVSWIRLS AROUND UNIDENTIFIED YOUTH SOUND our miss To DiSCuSS Need leis WASHINGTON APt State Secretary Dean Rusk may meet with Soviet Foreign Minister An dreiGromyko about three weeks to sound out the Russian position on Berlin negotiations informed sources said today lhemcetingwbuld take place at the United Nations as the under way Sept is flush reports to Pres Kennedy at the White House to day following his New York meeting Monday with UN Sec retaryGeneral Dag llnmmarsk gt Stevenson The possibility of an informal RuskGromyko parley Vmgains an if depending among other Htlfl$0lr whether Gromka shows up for the UN fall meet lng 115 inquiry at Moscow hasidrawnmo response yet on whether Gromka is coming to New York poweriforeigrrrninisters an aim of Rush meeting NATO ment is expected to announce in the next few days new meas ures to strengthen thecivil de ï¬ance organization and North Americas radar warning sys tern Informants said thegovern gment probably will stress the need for volunteers to aid 52000member Canadian mi in its expanded national sur ï¬evival mieuSome 200 mobile sur vival columns would be estab yllshed instead of the 66 origin Vallyplannedu Strengthening of the warn system applies mainly to instal lation of more gapfiller radars to detect lowflying planes In view of the Bcrlinsitua tion the government Monday deferred probably until early next sp gthe rotation of two infantry battalions between Can ads and the Canadian motor izedinfantry brigade group in Europa Mvsr nor DISRUPI Defence Minister Harkness said be it in desirable that there inimiim of disruption in ANS would be toquietly gauge whether more formal negotia tions on the Berlin crisis would be worthwhile MAY MEET Rusk said Monday night the Western foreign ministers may mac 1iln Walslhington or New Ym 9LHLeiochoestaanL lhe UN session He indicated tbaLaJubiished report that they may meet here nextweek would be moving the timetable ahead too much RPiltogonents oft an informal us romy 70get er con teiidit would liave the advaotx age of keeping open the path to peaceful settlement of the ex plosive disputewbileravoidiograe tooeager rush to an Eastdlest conference where the West would find allthe negotiating focused on Western concessions The state departmentnoted anew Monday that Soviet Pre mier Khrushchev has Offered so farto negotiate only on the Wests rights in West Berli nac pï¬ï¬BIï¬he Western allies Barrie OntarioCnnndx Tuesday August 1581 Gihigt new iixamitwr Barrieites CItY After Rain the International Union of Mine Mill and Smelter workers claimed victory over itsna tional officers Monday night as Judge Cooper issued new intonation ebarringnbothe from entering the unions ball here Judge Cooper imposed the court order after complaints that the national executive of the independent union removed records from the iocals bead quarters in weekend takeover of the local by the central body All books or records taken from the hall must be handed verto themsh 17mg rain and neither party may terfere witli the real and sonal property funds bankac counts and other assets of the local Iire Refugees Return Home GANDEH Nld UP The last of the refugees from New foundlands rampaging forest fires were set to head back to unenhomfromï¬ere with assurances the tires will never be as had again this year The last of about 200 evacu ees from the Bonavista North community of Carmanville eva cuated about three weeks ago Flamesdestroyedlohomes there As rai fell on thereast and cTIEaT DEF of the province Chief Forester Ed Ralph said now is the most promising time since the fires broke out last June Troops Gavt Decides VOTTAWA tcPlTile governl The Ist Battalion of the Black Watch in West Germany and the andBattalion of the sama Vreglment at Camp Gagetoivii NB were to have traded places in October Mr HarkneSs said in ast mentthat the Ist Battalion has been training with the brigade in Europa for last two years and is 1thoronghly familiarwith asap rat 11 al rola under NATO He said it would take the 2nd battalion some time to iamil name ith conditions and responSibilitiesnbroade There are about 900 men in each battalion The order does mminor udiis or among head quarters personnel and the like The lzsquadron RCAF Air Division in Europe is not af fected by the order The air ï¬nalise the manforman ro tation system and does not ro tate squadronsbeiween Europe and Canada An RCAF spokesman said the air division is about as ready not affect manforman rotation and broken rightarm Investigate firms Shipping Plot LONDON AP gt Scotland Yard said Monday night ibis in vestigating plot to hip British armed cars and rifles to the Congos breakaway state of Katanga An unidentified London businessman was said to be behind the ment bought from an army surplus dump Chairman of Boa OfllAWA ca 13 chairinan of the Na on onereceived from diplomatic source said today to have verbal conta with the leadto Eastwest TORONTO CP Rain May Hurt Oat TORONTO or Too much MILTON GP escaped from Colli now for ancmergencyl asit coul be NUTSH Boy4 In Critical Condition BRANTFORD OP Robert Farrell of Simone is aitical condition in hospital today after being struck by car Monday while playing near his home He suffered possible skull fracture abrasions and lacerationsto the face and scalp Harbors Board engineering and construction firm it was learnedtodw Won tReply To Soviet Note LONDON iReuters The Western power have dropped the idcaof sending aiormal note on Berlin to Russia on reply to the Soviet Union Aug wellinformed fathom the crisis iliisde Minister Not Candidate Trade Min ter George Hesssaid Monday night he has no intention of enterin ier Ernst as leader of the Ontario Crop 10percentdmp in Ontarios oat crops this year officialsof the departinent of agriculturesald today Recapture EscapedrConVict James Haroldliose 21 fit Tho as ho nerBay Penitentiary neai agoewasrrecaptured Monday night community 35 miles Westof Toront Court Order fMisirsed Sudbury Miners Claim supaunv CPLocal 598 The halls are to be closed Judge Cooper said Neither party is to hovcacccss until the court decides whethcl they be long to the national office or the local wiecutive Just before the latest injunc tion was announced MineMills national body said it has signed mutual agreement pact with the international Brotherhood of Teamsters Ind The pact requires both organ izations to cooperate in defend ing their contracts and welfare against outside threats ORDER MISUSED Sidney Robins counsel for the Sudburylccalrexecuti com loined Monday night that cour order issued Saturday had been misused and abused by the national officers Don Gillis president ofLocal 598 who complained that tools were used to opendesks and vaults after the Saturday in junction termed the new order victory for our local The Saturday order declared the union ball off limits to both sides and ordered them to stay clear of it until Supreme Court bearing Sept The order also restrainedaanyonefrominterfeh ing with the legal rights of the national executive The order did not define the rights but William Kennedy appointed by the national office as trustee of 595 moved into the hall Saturday At this point Mrliobins complained records were being removed nearriot was EiggeredSEt urday when national executive members took over the ball Fire hoses bricks boards and lists came into play before ELL dea1lnvolving equip ReSigns Archer 50 has resigned as to mine Montreal Instead theyare mOre likely Soviet governmentpresumably are expected to the race to succeed Pram Conservative party rain this summer mayéausoa fora$ï¬aqweek and bagivmikpecificareas to cover1 No answervhasbeen eceived as yet But the fa in has been crowd of about 1500 was quieted and sent home The national body moved in to thwart what it claimed would be sellout of 598 to the United Steelworkers of America CDC by Glllis executives MineMill is barred from af filiation with the Canadian La bor Congress because of what the CLC has termed leftleaning of MineMill executive mem bers FUNDS AT ISSUE In May the local under the leadership of Glllis began with holding from the national body some $25000 month in dues iswittihoidlngrandflhe cumulated balance is cons credibyLsonio cbservera as much the cause for the na tional unions move as the threat of move to the steel workers The local with 17000 mem bers represents about half the membership of the union in Canadaand the same amount of its funds Castro Urges Brazil TeStart Revolt by Jose MARIA ORLANDO HAVANA APiFidel Castro today urged Brazilians on to popular uprising in the style of his own revolution to prevent reactionary militarists from installing an illegal Fascist te gime following the resignation of Janio Quadros as Brazilis president The Cuban prime minister spoke on television as military leaders in Brazil sought to block ViceDresidentr Joao Goulart an even more outspoken admirer of Castro than Quadros from taking the presidency Profit from the experience of Cuba Castro said Reading from press dispatches he told his Cuban TV audience that the situation in Brazil is con fused Then he said If the Brazilian people make use of Cubas experience and take arms and throw them selves into the tight in the mountains jungles and forests the reactionarias will never be able to succeed Search For Clues TO MissingGirl SHAWINIGAN Que CP Searchparties were to scour theSliawinigan area today for lead to the whereabouts of 16 year old DeniseTerrin ing since she left her homne here three weeks ago swer placement bureau ad babysit er Tbiseffdrt isbeing carefully planned Henri Tberrien De nises father said Monday Volunteers will work teams gan isabout 75 miles northeast of Montreal On Sunday Mr Tbcï¬i brother offered $10000 fora dead or alive photograph ne gative of Denisetken since her disappearance plagued orï¬rnoney fat the gt frovin ita Eels Tollce Eight feet of water in main street basement bed set afira by bolt of lightning Public Utilities Commission Public Works Bell Telephone crews on duty most of the night in losing battles against floo of trouble calls Cars bumper deep or more at flooded crossroads Truck Plunges Into House Driver Killed CHATHAM CPIThe driver of huge 50foot transport was killed early today when his truck missed curve onngh way and plunged into house in which five persons slept The sevenroom frame house had been struck four times be fore by vehicles which missed the curve in recent years po lice said All of the occupants were on the second floor of the house and escapedseriousiniury when the transport sliced the top floor from itsrfoundstioos Driver John Andrew Dale of Stoney Creek died in hospital an hour after the accident cevdaiet of suburban Boudigro villa Monday captured three men armed with submachine gun and two revolvers after branch of the BanqueProvibci ale du Canada was robbed of $9000 The loot was recovered No shots were fired The three names withheld surrendered to Chief ReaiCre vier without fight followingia fourmile auto chase Crevier responding to an alarm signal arrived at the bank shortly after the holdup and was told Four men in taxi went that way wheeled my cruiser around and went after the taxi he said forced them to stop about four miles down the high way He said he got out of the cruiser and using it as shield drew his revolver and forced the men to leave the cab The man made an unsuccess ful attempt to use the cabdriver as hostage DROP WEAPONS told them Id pick them off one by one hostage or no boos tage said Chief Crevier They dropped their weapons handcuffed them and drove them back to the Boucherville policestation and phoned pro vincial police Taxi driver Horace Bernat chez 65 was released after he Arcminiscent of Hurricane Hazel Extensive damage to grain fields levelled by driving rain Thcse were only sketch of ghtsafter elast nightlif twohour rainstorm that lashed most of Central and Southern Ontario and centred on the near countles of Simcoe and Duf ferin and the City of Barrie DAMAGE HEAVY Thouasnds of dollars of dam age is the early estimate And today an army of mer chants and residents are map ping up The sayogcrynLtbc storm which ripped through this dis trict several years ago caused power failures washouts to roads and disrupted communi cations over wide area Police reported number of burglar alarms were set off by lightning and officers were kept busy checking to see that breakins had not occurred Despite sheets of driving rain only three minor accidents were reported Two of them occurred on Highway 400 and one on Hayfield Street Many citizens were forced to don improvised rainwear and wet weathï¬footwéar critic sloshed through watcr up to three feet deep dashing over sidewalks and main traffic ar terics Reporters covering the storm ldup told pohce the men had forced himtordrivc them Police said the bandits ent ered the bank and forced the manager Adrien Greoier four nthelesnployees and 10 custom ers to stand aside whilefhey looted the till and the vault As they were leavingtliey met LAbbe Carriere of nearby Si Fanillle Parish entering the bank to make $2000 depos They grabbed the priests brief case containing tbe money and fled rBernatchez sadhe was dFiv iog to Montreal when he was flagged downby the men HERES ONE There had been fire in brewery in small city and while repairs were being made the local tavern owners were forced to go on quota One afternoon the manager of the brewery picked up his phone tavernkeeper said Hey when am going to get some more beer iButyouivehadyourquotor for this week replied the manager of the plant Yes knew thatf insisted the voice at theother end of the line but what about my customers were in many instances forced to take off shoes and socks and roll up trouser logs in their vquestforstclling photographs oi the extent of the deluge The storm described by of ficials as the worst by for this year abated shortly after mid night but by iliat time the aremcodous damage had been one nrpno ruc HIT Among services hardest hit by the storm were facilities of Barrie Public Utilities Connois sion aoiLthe rural hydroroffice in Barrie six transformers were put out Of action Two transformers were lost as result of lightning strikes and four others malfunctioned bo cause of blownvfuses Some power interruptions lasi Tom in page two please Killed HAMONIX France Routi or piano sliced through the cable on the worlds highest cable line on Mont Blane in the Alps today sending several cars gleiinglng into the Valle Blanche ow At least nine persons were killedand Boroihers were dangling in space over the dam aged cable system with no im mediateway of pulling themto safety Mountain helicopter crews were called in to attempt to res cue the panic stricken passen gers as they hung high over the frozen soowfields and glaciers of the valley Traffic on the line was at its rheaviest when the plane sliced through the traction cable At least 100 persons were on vars lous parts of the line when the accident occurred SeveralwereTeporteoinjlned The plane French air force jet landed safely at its base 77 Opera Season on llrbiirate Dispute WASHINGTON fAP The Metropolitan Company and its orchestra got in tune Monday in time to save the Mets 1961452 season The two parties agreed to binding arbitration of their la bor dispute Met General Manager Rudolf Bing immediately began firing wkwandcables from the of fice of Labor Secretary Arthur Goldberg tosiiigers all over the world to line up the stars for the revived season Goldberg personally will arid tratc the contract terms cannot IN SCHOOL SYSTEM Increasie IntGfrcircliiotesf XTORONTO change in Qatar secon ary school system expected to increase by 50 per centthenumber of st dents graduating from Grade 12 mimomccdflondnyby Predicted Rebuffs students admitted to secondary scbool without regular promolt tion from primary grades WWTREIMHIJ superlnten ucationMinister John Roberts Mr Robarfssaidtbo new pro gram will at dM Robaris bu school boards betencour aged to introduce the system The standard will till bar eneral course dent of secondary education said that under the existing pro gram about 40 per cent of stu dents admitted to Grndeggr Minot Gradedzdiplom Hcs it hoped that this ncrease to 60 per cent shortly after the fiveyear developm nt phase is over In one of the Efirst reaction to the plan superintendent of Toront ondary schools said startling and dramati that choice of careerawouldbeveto be madain Grade Asidefrom that aspect said the proposal seenis to lo lowa practice common lll Tor ont for aoyears