THE GENTLY rounded crown continues as the popular shape in Canadian milllnery for fall This in longnappad lrish beaver is posed smartly on the back of the head RlGHT smart women still look to the illbox when they chooses list to complement their win an fer cost This Montreal de lalso la in lush furblend lab MARY HAWORTHS MAIL Childhood Fears Diapelled By SYmpathetiC Dis Dear Mary Haworth Though lvs read that children have many fears still ldont know how to handle special fear that mynlneyeanold daughter has Nina is very warm affeclt tionate little girl She is lmagln ative with wonderful sense of humor she him never been seriously ill or given us any other problem She gets along well with her only slster who is almost 12 She gets good marks in school makes friends easily and plays well with chlldren her age or older Her fear started about Lydon ago after she had seen movie about ghosls She went with friends consented only be cause they assured me it was comedy Since then she has been afraid to go to bed alone or even to the shower Bedroom and bath are at the end of dark winding halll LIGHT DOESNT HELP She is afraid mostly at night light in her room doesnt help She is ashamed of this fear and feels guilty about having to ask ode of us to stay with her We assure her that we dont mind but alsohave told her that if she helps herself the fear will fade She was doing better for few months and was very proud of herself Then recently she saw an advertisement of TV tbriller and the fear grew worse again know have to be patient and am willing to be but am doing right in staying with ber whenever she asks or should try to make her help herself by facing the fear When was child was afraid of dark halls and streets but didnt CUSSIOII fears instead the wise adult comfortably promotes friendly exchange of ideas about the phantoms that trouble the child You are moving in the right direction towards healing the childs anxiety when your mat teroffact tone and your rc sponsive interest in her subject matter encourages her to bring her fear images out into the open She brings them into the open for you when she feels at ease with you in groping for words that literally describe her hob goblins whatever they are as they scan to her and her feel Tskanyones help and it seems better way to outgrow fear Am meet the situation cor rectly TP Dear TP has been my observation that kindhearted sympathetic adult with gift for listening receptively can do much to help vividly imagina itive child diggere oLfancifuL ears But the helpful adulldoeadt challenge the validity of the dis turbingrfancies as if torsay no grounds exist for those special YOUR HEALTH Dcctoflswers Pertinent Queries By nunron FERN Mn Doubting Thomas Arent checkups reallyarackit MDl No Sometimes they can save your life DI My doctor doesnt believe in them MD He probably prefers the thrill of cutting out cancer rldden stomach to removing mall nubbin that might be ome cancerousl but hell still send you for checkup if you want one DT How much can you tell in fiveminute visit MD thorough goingover takes at least anvbour or two DT Two hours What can expect from all that ME Perhaps hidden can cer even one thats too small to see Or maybe therbegin nlngs of kidney trouble glau coma all sorts ofchronlc diseases DT But you cant prevent thesel AVOmS COMPLICATIONS VMDJiobuteyou can head off their complications DT Do lose out if Im oom pletely well MD The doctor can still ease unnecessary worries Like that time your gums began to bleed DT And you said to try brushing once day MD Thachede aims to keep you well The doctor can help you find good habits to avoid future trouble Hell 2x3 plain how exercise tones your heart as well as your muscles Di What about people who cant get checkups MD Tuberculosis diabetes rendeother rvhealtlrstlrveyscan give them partial goingovert if the checkup shows perfect health guess can relax For Commercial Or Industrial Photos Portraits Passport Film Developing SMITH STUDIO or Dllnlnp at PA ems Over Eliots FURTHER INFORMATION MD2 Wrong You can stilglg get flat tire driving out of the garage alter that 5000mile check Where can learn more Send 25 cents to the Public Affairs Committee 38th St NY 16 pamphlet No Cher Ups Safeguarding Your Healthfjit begins The superior physician helps before the early budding of the disease DT Propaganda in some moneymad medic MD No from the Emperor JLChina in 2697 ecl our prices must be illmver ynurcaseTlT 23 46 MAoLssrnsrr rings ahnutihernin shortrwben she isnt boxed in by your argu ments indifference disbelief ridicule or the like GIVE SMART WATCEDOG Ive known different children at different times who got im mediate and lasting release from some previously persistent fearsay fear of sea monster seenhrpiétfr€iï¬eidf electrical stands the llghtn flash the thunder growl fear of Hailoween ghosts as direct result of leisurely meander ing but meaningful conversation with devoted oldster about what was on the childs mind or in the back of her mind Such interchange is oompar able to the teamwork of analyst and client as theclient tries to put together picture of what worries him and then evaluate it in the light of reason with the respectful help of wiser head gest you give Nina smart lovable nicelyschooled watch dog acoundaixmonthsold from good kennel With dog of her own at the foot of her bed during the night and at her heels in the hall think shell soon discard herfears7MHï¬ UNIFORM mm CHARLOFIETOWN The provincial womens lusti tute of Princem Island is urging the government to estab lish unifo ti during th summer mon At present rural areas remain on standard time while large communities adopt daylight saving The LSympathy 0813113 Shanneled lnto can bell Your friends Friday donetoherbnirwith tempor THB STARS SAY ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Things may seem to be going smoothly with other people dont be too sure however Look for unexpected developments and events Arrange things so that tonight you concentrate on social matters and enjoy your self FOR THE BIRTHDAY if tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope for this month indicates that starpatterns sup port your inborn oourage and ambition You have great likeli hood making up financial set backs you may have had in pre ceding months Those who plan vacations during the fall will be glad to know that there are two separ ate intluences prevailing at that time one will aid sailors and the otherle insure success in traveling Whether or not you stay at home or travel your drive and energy are likely to be noticed so put your best efforts into festivities You willgain from this Be original During the rest of 1961 you may change Your basic Ideals construmï¬ameasures and you child born on this day will berather blunt and have to learn to put himself in anothers place Hairdo Depicts CNF Fountain eeTORONTO CPlA fantastic creation in five shades of blue mauve and grey was demon strated by hair stylist at the Canadian National Exhibition the ciinvebfeicadl plastiï¬lice long wear and its perfect affin raz mm madman ironBar Auousr in Gay Flowers Adar1 useh 88 its quite paradoxthis idea of easy even casual living and the constantly growing empbalt air on lhe gracious and beauti fui lathe homaemtbcrtwoda Mandela all lathe good judging from results Wscnloy and make use mats and such but we also like beautiful table linens The bride can start house keeping with an armiul offiaw era for her table The flowers wltlbrightcnberhorneï¬lfvfor long time use they decor ate the newest oveilest llelgian linen tablecloths and accessor cs Theres whole set of linens any bride or for that matter any veteran homemaker would love to own Daffodils bloom on matching tableclothtablenapkins place mats and runners Other Items have large colorful roses at their corners and in the centre 0r there are country garden bouquets printed on linen cloths AGEOLD HBER Linen is an ageold fiber treasured by women through the centuries for its elegance ity for suds ft is also moth old LinehsJ not cling to linen fibers it is also one of the worlds most imitated fabrics but notb in can approach the real thing in looks or oodv wearing qusl Riserwhen fit comes from Tsiglum or ifeland or is good domestic attain hough It is extremely ab sorbeni linen dries very quickly and irons beautifully It is so beautiful that the little extra work to keep it so is well worth the effort There are many different welgbtilnd weaves of linen with different finishing proces sea EASY TO CARE With all the wonderworking easeofoperating home laundry equipment available theres no reason why abrlde starting her own home should not enjoy all the linens she likes They are certainly washingmachine fair riceusing warmwhat eudll And the pressing is easy be cause hot iron is safe on linen Not even the most inexper leoced bride will have to save her line trousseau linens Linens are for today tomorrow and for any day shall And with their added beauty table and kitchen linens are more proof mildewproof and repds desirable than ever ngfliiyquter Intake Prevents Fatigue ay inn BAILEY ALLEN During recent radio inter view mentioned the import ance of plentyrof water plain cold wateras primary ingre Baked Carrots The Chefs Potato Salad Peach Turnovers or Watermelon Wedges HotlorlcedCuifee Tea Milk Measurements are level M158 MARY GOODFELLOW leltubu recently Joined the staff of the Simcoe County Health Unit Barrie Miss Goodfellow is graduate of the Kingston General Hospital and received her diploma in Public Health Nursing from the University of Western 0n tarlo She is the daughter of Dr and Mrs Good Barbara Durkfn has also loin ed the Eimcoe County Health Unit staff She is graduate of the Atkinson School of Nurslng Toronto Western Hon pltal Miss Durkln received her diploma in Public Health Nursing from the University of Toronto She is the dough tar of Mrs Oliver Durkln of Orangeville and the late Mr kin Examiner Photos Balenciagas New Fashions Ignore Clinging PARIS AP Balanciaga one of the most powerful influ ences in fashions gave new hope Friday to women who dont want to buckle into tight fitting clothes In his monthlate press open ing the shy Spanish stylesetter ioftlly lgnored the figuré clutch ing emotions which most of the earlier openings endorsed Keeping his hemlines just be low the knee Balenclago stuck with an easy line semifitted in front and loose in back at the waistline llls trim neat suits and dresses were untrammeled with the spiral and diagonal draperies that must of the com little petition favored Belenciaga also uses Creations brown the big early hit oithe season He prefers black blue mustard and dark curry yellow beige grey lime wine and pinkish red He uses many chele and blanket pleida and some paisley prints Materials are wool crepe soft tweeds flannel jersey slubbed woolens suede and even lama hopsacking Hats are more colorful than dresses Pudding basins and cloches in fur fabric come in bright green yellow and shock were mostly topoi thI ing pink Jackets were mostly topofstho hip level Skirts instead of flar ing were light gathered in front or had nose flat panel in front or in the back clotANN AND PERRI SEASONS SPECIALS dlent of the daily diet in helping to prevent fatigue But why asked the MC in brief fatigue is often the first indication of even mild recipes for Danish Hum Rolls Thinslice lcontents Mb can Danish am An PsnMANsnr WAVES REDUCED 20 Let Us Make You Look Your dehydration resulting from lack of sufficient water andor water loss through perspirlatlon This gt eprives the body of water he dessary at all times for the complex Abody chemistry to carry on and to make possible the removal of body wastes Lack ofsuificient water causes alelngdownolhndiiy tflunctions often resulting in fa gun SIX DA six glasses of cold not iced water day one or two before breakfast the others between meals help in combatingfa tigue by assisting metabolism elimination and general well bring And water costs practi cally nothing at alil Bob Cummings of Toronto showed visitors at the fashion cLheatrehaircreations which hair stylists practise but seldom let the public see Patty Douovai zzyearold blonde had all sorts of things ary hair colors made on vice etabte base Then her hair was set and driedJCiimmingsiiï¬tsEowed reproduction ofa 1tyleWlï¬ch won acclaim in Paris last yw ihe secondstylinLdonec Pattys hair was inspired by the fountains at the CNE Mr Cum mings own creation called for an extra hair piece bulltmma womens institute did not as which it prefers cursorh For the past six yearswe have steadfastly maintained prices placed on our beautician services even the steEEflyiiicreasing costs of materialsand equipment was Absorbed But now due to the new Ontario Sales Tax we regret that only slightly increased thong We trust you will bear with us regarding thi slightchangerahd look forwlardto being of service to you many times in the future for hair styling and beautician services at its best HAIR smusn wire frame The job takes about three hours TOMORRDWS BUFFET DINNER Indoors or Out Spiced Vegetable Juice Make white sauce by melt lng tbsp butter stirring in tbsp flour gradually adding it milk and lAlb diced samsoe cheese or use American ched dnri Stirsimmer mins Cool beat egg yolks and stir in sauce Place tbspVon each harn slice Roll up place foldside an in baking dish Brush all over with tomato sauce Duet with grated cheese Bake about 15 min or until browned and bubbly in hot oven tot degrees erve with buttered summer squash or carrots Baked Canola Halfcover lbs peeled quartered small car rots in casserole with boiling waterAddioetspreachealtand bouquet garnl flakes tbsp lemon juice and tbsp butter Cover sale 45 min or until fork Danish Ham Rolls HALF PRICE 2oo PAIRS Lowensrreoersssuors tender BUy Before SSplï¬lst 1MP to sit pair ï¬ï¬‚llmlllis WOMENS snors BLACK aeowN sales GREEN are are VALUES$lZ95 To $1535 REG $998 PAIR NOW 080 NOW 300 Reg $1250 NOW $1000 Reg $1500 NOW $1200 GIOVANNI Reg 850 Reg $1000 Lovellsst Reg $1750 NOW $1400 Reg $2000 NOW $1800 Reg $250 VOW $1800 Reg $2500 VOW 02000 PERRI HAlR STYLISTlS 12 Dunlop at lisrrls PA Miss HOT WATER AT ALL TMES II available day with Hill icouvemmr Wars to own ltlulf BUY TuRAL GAS WATER