Weekend Deaihroiiis 36 Ontario Quebec Headeist SMALL BOY POWERFUL ESCORT Edwin Schube shakes hands with lte Alwyn Davis of Treodv South Walea driver of asmail armored scout car for Britldi forces in West Berlin at check point Friday Erwin lives in an enclave on the northwest edge of Berlin which is surrounded by Communist barbed wire and wooden observation post because it juts into theRus MAY PRODUCE MINORITY GOVT Social Credit Victory Confident Of Leader By GRAHAM TRMTER Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA CPllf confidence wins votes the Social Credit party will be back in strength in the House of Commons after the next federal general eiec iookonlnginhlspiovince it The confidence of the pa whose Commons representation was wiped out by the Conserva tlve election landslide of 1958 is personified by Robert Thompson Social Credits new national leader He says the next vote could produce minority government like the Conservative adminis tratinn between the 1957 and 1953 general elections Andihe sees it tossup as to whether such government is formed by his party or by tiie Conserv atives or Liberals Much of the Social Credit con idence is based on heartening reports of the response to its Womancommitied ToMentaLllomL MILWAUKEE AWThe 34 yearold housekeeper who ad mitted squeezing two little boys to death dnwhatwss to be the isst+dsy4tbey7wereiinlier charge last week was committed to mental institution Friday as feebleminded LucilleAdams had been charged with murder in the deaths of fouryearold Donald Craig and his brother Ronald while theirfatherwes at work Miss Adams was hired by aig to ink of his sons whilmwaTseparatedltomhis wile Mrs Craig returnedrlol reconciliation the day Craig henna his sons dead in their as is no direct connection steppedup activity in Quebec province At the recent New Democratic Party founding con vention one Quebec delegate talking to reporter mentioned that on the basis of new signed up memberships Social Credit cannot be dismissed in election Virtually all of Social Credits former Commons membership came from British Columbia and Alberta where the party forms the provincial govern ments TAKE LIONS SHARE Mr Thompson dentiy predicts his parb Again will grab thalions share oi seats in those provinceFailnow held by Conservatives Besides looking to the two westernmost prov inces and Quebec as the pillars of support he expects his party to do well in Ontario particu larly around Toronto and in the north in the next election he says Prime Minister Diefenbaker find good number of former Conservatives running as Social Credit candidates One will be Ph Kelly for mer mines minister in the On tario Conservative government 1961 Social Credit convert who flees in Toronto Broadview Mr Kelly has been placed in chargeof the partys Toronto area organizing Social Credit also expects to present num ber of candidates representative of the ethnic groups in the Tor onto area where there is heavy immigrant population in the matter of ethnic appeal Mr Thompson plans some hard hitting speeches to answer alle Credit As well some Jews will be party ca libel Vosburg DiehsOi Cancer MONTREAL CPULung can cer has taken the life of Abel Vosburgh the destituterla faced with trial this fall on charges of murdering his wife gtand 11 of their 15 children The bodies were found few days after last Christmas in the rubble left by an earlymorning ï¬eï¬at the shintyï¬vdsburgh home in Noyan Que 35 miles south of here Vosburgb died Sunday in St Joseph de Rosemount Hospital where he wasmoved last July from cell at Bordeaux Jail Tbéssyearold laborer was transferred to the hospital after medical examination showed advanced iconcer in his left lung WPA 50373 Regularly 699 SPECIAL 29 coursesr The case was deemed inoper able bis surviving daughters Mrs Gertrude Lockerby 22 aners Gladys Maybce 21 Both maintained their father Was innocent vivor of the fire coronersjury in Bedford Que found him criminally re sponsibi tthrdeatii wife Marjorie as and the 11 children ranging in age from six months to 19 years 1th two married daughters were among four of the chil dren away at the time of the outbreak illliiiliililitl and iiii=1 VOSbulgtiWaSw muonmanhmik canals TRANSISTORBADIO iNSTsLLsogwrrH ANTENNA lN Eveavcna Jillrmaeninstmadwmimcidmariiamncappucsnonsror gatinnsrof antigtSemitisnrwithir4heirt8hc£ifln4 ALmughlthl JHBMduibgi also zone East German po lice stopped hlrn Wednesday as be set out for school on his bicycle liis porents com plafned to the British who now provide armed escort daily AP Wirepbotol Social Credit is putting much emphasis on television cam paigning it has been doing good deal of this especially over privatelyowned stations and particularly in Quebec It now is organizing fundraising campaign to finance regular national lV program this fall and winter For the first time it within the realm of possibility that we can field full slate of candidates whenever general election is called National President Martin Kelln of Re gina says in letter being sent to Social Crediters across the wth Mr Thompson i7yearold ad has bent for organization and plans to spend threequarters of his time onthe road organizing and speechmaki iicntlonist from Red Deer Alta By TE CANADIAN PRESS Quebec and Dntarlo accounted for more than half of Canadas accidental death during the weekend Of the national toll of Que bec listed 1611 in tnilic and five drownlnga Ontario followed with is with six traffic four drowniou fin death lflWhOWlLuuddhyJ train and child who died when mmsru NOTES struck by flying lawnmower blade Canadian Press survey from phi Friday to midnight Sin day showed countrywide total of highway fatalities in dmwntugs and one fire death plus the train and lawnmower mishaps Alberta and New Brunswick had two truffle deaths esch Columbia Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island ucb Resuscitaior saves HearhlitteckVic By 1165 call to the police for assist ance when an elderly man took bummwcllti and the cphliée respon resus saved the life of Hillman resident of Toronto who was visiting the lakesbore district of lnnlsfil Constable Dorion and Dr Roberts worked for some time until the patient had recovered and breathing became oormaL The visiting doctor who was called in by neighbors told the police there was little doubt the machine had been responsible for saving the life of the vic tim ihisianottbsfirsttimetbis machine purchased by the fire department for drowning acci dents snd fire andrsrnoke vic tims has been used with good effect for other manners of life saving The police force have all had training in the operation oftbe equipment and found it effective in several cases where it was put to use Two new tanks of oxygen were needed following the last use of the valuable outfit Records show that Johnson Tours DOWN amour LIGHT BRANTFOED CmRan ald Dickensoo of Godericb was arrested on charge of being drunk in public place alter police found him piling bricks around fee tory spotlight Sunday Police said he told them he thuuflit the spotlight used to illuminate the front of the factory wastoo brightand should be toned down By uosEra DYNAN rams APFrance has de Frondï¬ressing Far Channel Link intricate bargaining among the six community states and Brit ain outboard motor disappeared over the weekend from the horns of Daniella Ck 0LT ronto who has ootageit Belle Alis Beaches The mo tor oi which the rerial number is recorded was valued at about 50 Owners of this type of equip ment should give special atten tion to its care when not in use BIG NIGHT AT HALL with recordhroaldng crowd at the 10th Line dance hall last Saturday night the police also had busy night Some lights developed one of which result ed in four men being looked up and some beer being configcat ed Constable Thompson had his uniform torn when he was trying to put man into his cruiser However the fellow got away and was pushed into car by his three companions and all drove away with the cnilser following When he caught up with them the officer seeing blood on the head of the man be had been handling ordered them to take him to the hospital However they again tried to get away but were stop ed at Painswick when secon cruiser got into the act The four were finally taken to the eounty gaol where unless theywere bailed out they will await court hearing nest Wednede PEAKED GANG TROUBLE The smout of liquor seized around the dance hall Saturday evening was the most taken so far and groups of those milling around were thought by the police to have gathered there wltbl tlielntention of making trouble in agang manner At one point in the evening the proprietor called for police old when it was said to have appeared the two employees who look after order insidethe hell were about to be men handied However all the trou hie involving police action was outside the building One more big weekend for this season will about wind up the shore activities Plcnickers in the park were down again this weekend with only about 50 paid car admissions record ed over Sunday ind inure flotation was one mill MM land Nova Scotia and Manitoba were free of accidental deaths Netiirll deaths known nil elites and industrial eccldéots moorineiodsdlnthocouot Ontario deed Mrs Lydia Neal 41 Toronto when car collided with truth fggbway in near Blind River Saturday James Douglas Waters it whenhi Hoursbirthday MLCOlllded with truck near Harrow Friday Walter Woodwlrdl 71 St Catharinol following tmnr crash near Cobourg Sunday erelmer scheip 107 Russo TB BARBIE MONDAY AUGUST Bl iiUBEBT Sundevwbeo lilscsrmlmdL llIIIlfl onie iiderold near Com Albert Pots 50 Leo Bgls 50 and Eihnooton Ozols about to all of Hamilton drowned Satur day when their small boat cap sized during storm on Mohawk Bay about so miles lb of Hamilton William Marshall Macmillan Montgomery 52 Toronto struck by car Saturday night at Port Bolster on the southeast shore of Lake 51mm Mu Susan Nanhuall oi near her Clarkson home Saturday when struck by freighttrsin Malcolm Bernard Ottawa Sunday on highway aannrnt town Mrs Laure Gould 35 Sunday when firs destroyed ber horn in Smiths Fails Barbarahennett threeyeah old dau ter of Mr and Mrs Reginald Bennett drowned Sunday in waterfilled pit near her Ottawa bome Robert Singleton twoyeurold son of Mr and Mrs Robert Sin gieloniof Islington Ont Sunday after being struck in the head by the broken blade of power lawnmower Gait Leaves February 12 TORONTO UP Gnlt Ter riers of the Ontario Hockey As sociation Senior Series will leavehere Feb 12 to start 12 gemetouroLWasternCanada and the United States before at tending the wo rid amateur hockey championships it was announced Sunday Jack Roxburgb president of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association made the announce ment following CAiiA meet flis championships will be held inColorado SpidngsColo March Old Roxhurgh said Terriers may pick up some players from other clubs to bolster the team but said nothing definite has yet been done The meeting also discussed Canadas entry in the world lun ior championships in Prague next spring Dates for the tour nament round ro in affair have been set provis anally at Feb lsMarcb with no ll lllthlllllit illillï¬lilï¬llitlli ll iili Old man Thompsons got another mootful Consulate Charges Crash Survivors WASHlNGTON APlRe re seotativs Richard er RGPr Pa said Thursday he has been informed that US Consulate offl all demanded $10 for new passports from American survivors of the Aug plunge by bus into Lake Lucerne Switzerland Fewer than half the won the bus survived Most of them lost all their belongings Schwelkcr said he had been informed by Mrs Charles Eigle son of Norristown Pa of the passport charge He said she wrote blm We were astounded and ashamed of our government that they asked for money in view of the fact that ws had no money no clothes and no pos ditloas were known to them In fact had to borrow money to pay them PLAYERS iiiEAlllt maxinailed halfW courage and cunning for money Just phone BeneddeL Get the cash you went last Ons phone call and one visit to the oldies does everythin Call up or come in today YOURE THE 3053 AT BENEFICIAL 15 BAYFlELD STREET Phone PArkway 8593 BARRIE It month mom on loans on i500 and or to am tour loin can be lltrinluud BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO OF CANADA NOW SHOWING Air Conditioned MATINEES DAILY pun legendvln an untamed load one D00 or me yam TECHNICOLOR lethally mud amidMomma Wm mm Euldflnltli inning Mandi WIII mugs ouvm DURWDOIJ FEATURE mo 915pm cmnnan esa STRTS WED GONE WITH THE WIND memhersiiip in the European Common Market makes it good time to win British ap proval of the centuryold dream of bridge or tunnel across the English Channel This is the meaning of ca binet decree calling for explor atory negotiations with Britain on such project France will make contact with British officials soon to get some time Britain will be en tering long and complicated ne gotiations with the sixcountry Common Market on Londons official request to join thecon tinental econbmic community between the two concepts but the French have evidentlyde cided that if Britain wants to join the Continent in economics it might as well also do it phys ically Assuming that Britain does join Euromart the construction ical en Direct and cheaperetransporiatinnzwouldm necessary for the two sides to reap the full advantage of the rnomcrs SEEM ammo The French government did LnoLsa timing Wave it is apparent France will make the channel project oneoftbe factors in the IMPERIA lsuuo Billiatftmlï¬ FREE LIST susrsNoen For The of Nave of bridge or tunnel isa log winm Britain is well aware that President de Gaulle will be the hardest man to convince when the Euromart talksrgetwoing For years the Ftenchbave proposed fixed connection across the Channel As far back as Napoleons time there were plansfor tunnel that would enable the emperor to lead his troops onto the enemy isles In the esrlylauos pilot tunnel ac mstamd But each time France asked London to cooperate the Brit anaemia 117th War on barking back to Napoleons dream turned down the plan for security reasons But in this age of rockets and jeLplanis such reasons are con sidered outmoded navcmi IIPIIOLSIERING Ailnoun AND MODERN Beautiiul Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE as ama shame Upholsterins our BosinessNotluat Sidelinw es Bradford at NOW sHowms iiiConditioned nominations Fullest Enjoyment of Tho Guns rone We Respectfully Urge You To See ltlFrorn The Beginning Feature Starts At 330am NO in TERRORISTS KILL TWO METZ France APlAlger inn terrorists shot up abus be tween ilietz andiiiioovillesun day killing an Algerian and Frenchman and wounding two other French paséengers in cluding young girl Hunoma BRAVEIN GUM rumpus LAGi moaascrmiv 1N RAY MILLAND The SAFECRAGKER communes msmagma nuslama anus CARTOON cause in clan or at AGEr or all the clothes you buy knead gargantuan th not are the most important That he play thin bury feet iieverstop growing and forming For healthy comfortable foot development sink it sav ssvsca SENIORS Sizes so to 75 Colors in black and brown 995 oxronos by Savage All sizes and widths Black and Brown ETRAP SHOES Patent leather in one or two straps All fit fittings In both his and brown 58 Dunlop ST PAS2391