Thï¬lï¬ï¬ï¬‚y attendédlHeWright insandAfamily and Mr and Mrs Mann muses MONDAY woos nixs BRXTER bliss Maris Henderson Tom to is vacationing at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs William Henderson Min Cami Edgar is spending few days in Orillia Mr and Mrs Menary and ismily spent Sunday in Or sngevllle Miss Ellen Mcnary remained to spend iew days with her grandmother Mrs Mensry wrandHriwJGgule and family attended the Wren reunion which was held lint Mr and Mrs William Bender son attended the Denney Kyle wedding in Toronio on Saturday Mr sndMrs Keithfiumh Eeunion in Cookstown on Sun ay Mr and Mrs Archie Brown Manitoulin island spent week with the farmers brother and sisterlnlawMr and Mrs Gee rge Brown number from this commun ity have attended the ONE in Toronto McLuchlnn And John spent few days with the for mers brother at his cottage on Munroe Lake near Cheboygan Michigan Muster Richard McLachlnn is on holiday at the home of his aunt Mrs Lovell of Acton Mr and Mrs Harvey Walk om attended the Brockwell Baker wedding in Stayner on Saturday Mr and Mrs Matt Morr Toronto are Visiting Mr and Mrs Willard Mooney Mr and Mrs Edward Gauley and Bill spent the weekend with Mrs Don Cameron and family St Catharines PRESBYTERIAN LADIES The LA and WMS of Baxter Presbyterian Church held their regular meeting on Wednesday evening Aug in the church with 12 members and live via itnra present The president op ened the meeting with poem our Garden followed by sing log or Hymn 410 and prayer Scripture reading was tak lrom Leviticus 19 Ollering of LA and WMS was taken and dedicated in prayer by Mrs Walkom Roll call was answer ed with verss tram the Bible containing the word grape Hymn 521 was sung Mrs Lin sang lovely solo acoom panled by Mrs Bill Davies Secretarytreasurer report was read and approved Meeting do led with the Lords Prayer in unison alter which delicious potluck lunch was served NEW PLOS Mrs Steve Rows spent few days in gollingwood last week with Mr and Mrs Allen Sinclair and girls Reeant Visitors with Mr and Mrs Harry Train included Miss Ann Pickering of Toronto Miss red Farrier of White church Mrs Grace Johnstone Mr and Mrs Csrmanliarrier Brian Colleen and Carol of Long Branch and Mr and Mrs Leonard Vernor of Bolton Harold Atkinson spent few days witlLMr andngs Willard ohsonï¬Utopis Mr and Mrs Bill Robinson Billy Jimmy and Andy of To MarkGilchrist of Barrie was weekend visitor with her daughter Mrs Miliigan and family Mr and Mrs Harold Smith Archie Wanless and family as jdoyed trip to Bela on Sun av and Mrs Jack Cameron were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Doug Martin of Midland Mt and MrsE and family visited at Ossossane Beach with the Larry Peas sons Mr and Mrs Lloyd Behold mew and Brian of Hawkestone visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn and family ST PAULS Mr Smith of Toronto spent last week with his daughter and soninlnw Mr and Mrs Robert Green and boys BRIDAL SHOWER EXTRA MILEAGE Os 10mth or lwrz hauls Super Shells maypacked MmPkrfmmehdpr to 51am mileqe widgxu palm This 212mile Stretch shows the entire mileage youcan getin everyvloo you justm ofWSupeg Shells 9Vingredientsyfor top performance remarkable ingredient called Platfoimate increases themileageyorrgerfromstodayzsASuperSheE Recent tests show that one cupful of Super Shell makes your engine purr with power the moment you put 115 foot down Nora Catcracking refers to the use ofs catalyst the mysterious substance that Van site moleT rules without flinging itself Ingredientfldjsheavyaikanes with Platformatevtakeseaecax96ieei fartm than the same amount of nonPlatformate gasoline This works Out to 212 bonus miles for every hundred Here are the facts The one cupful test um sans with Pletformnre was accmately measured into the ï¬nal system of conventional car The car was mud accelerated and held In constantsomilesperhourunï¬litrahourofgssoline Then the same cuisine of gasoline without Platfonnate was poured insnd the test was run MLm=samedrimume testrosd In repealed mix Shell engineer found that Super Shell took them an average of 96feet farther per cupid That may not sound like much But in 100 milés Mrs Stanley Jennettfledte flingthat 95 ms him 2i tained relatives and friends at bridal shower Guest of hon or was Miss Marie Jennett brideeleci of September The evening was spent playing cards and games The guest of honor was presented with lovely coffee table She thank ed all graciously or the gift The hostess then served dainty lunch Sorry to report Mrs Douglas Fralick is inRoyal Victoria Hospital Barrie Her friends hope shewill snnn feel better PAULETTES ro MEET The Paulettes will meet in the Sunday schoolroom Sept at 815 pm All members are asked to come and bring friend Mrs Ethel Reynolds has re turned to her home in Motfat after spending the summer with her daughter Mrs George Stu den and family wr this room The Canadian National Exhib ition is attracting visitors from this district many going on the hus chartered by PainswideWor resui mens institute NOTSZPiadormste gets its strange name from the platinum refoming prooess which Shell scientists uscinmalringit High up wlooo degrees literally tear petroleum amest then reform it into superenergy componmm which release percent more energy than the ï¬nest hundredoctane aviation gasoline Youlnow know how one of Super Shells nine ingredients helps to give your cartop performance Each of the others does Mushy important job Take few minutes now to read what they are Ingredientlflz is TCP for power mileage and longer plug life Super Shell now contains an even better version of this famous additive wai oiiginally developed for usein aviation gasoline TC addilivzcati nip restorepr 01 to per tankful can make plug last upta twice as1mg TCP does this by neuuslidngcemin harmful eflecls of combustion deposits It is scientiï¬cally formulatedto alter those deposits which areis major cause of power loss as mm mileage Ingredient iscateracked gasoline for power witha purr This is pmxeuhnhhmmr Saddegree heat and calalyn ave been shatt action Its has or for knockfree power at all speeds smgssbï¬nuperfomweli enough when youre driving slowly but cause knohk and loss of power at higher speeds Super Shell hehnvcs itself atruflspeedsrltleonrw tainsheavy alknnesaspecialhighocmneingredient that gives pop performance whether youre in slow usfliomraecelmï¬ngorauisingdnsauparhighwsy Ingredient is antiknock mix Iior extra resistance to knocks umight think that two highoctane ingredients are enough for knockfree performance 781 Shell in Mark me which is gï¬eetioe that one tea spoonan can boost antiknack rating Iyï¬ue points This mix has the tricky job hr regulating combus don so that Super Shell gives eachpistonh ï¬rm evutpushlrajtherjhan sharp blow which would causeakuock Ingredient Hï¬ishutanei for nickstarts imockvslue bi Sotius winter3 Shell scientist pours Super Shell with Yuï¬owfdiï¬th summer beneï¬ts to Irish dirfectiy Intofuel system of convertible gt test Carwss then driven until it ran out cigar Same procedure was followed with nonPletformste gaso Lngï¬MMï¬uan tinenrineonizddingaspmaIJgih whimImam by Shell March hunted 1955 Nsr my Fast warmup and top performance inahurry Ingredient ï¬sris an antiicer to check stalling when temperatures drop Super Shells formula is adjusted as silica as eight times year on beat the walker For example whenever the mnpersture is likely to be less than fortyï¬ve degrees carburetor antiices is added Why add antiIm forvï¬ve degrees Because even then ï¬est um form in your auburetor just it does in yourreï¬jgeratcr It cagchokgyoulï¬ engin dead Ingredientï¬iisa gumprevenï¬venm to keep carburetors dead inside Ever the purest gasoline can form gum when stored This um clog carburetors and foul auto matic chokes But with Super Shell you neednt worry special gum preventive does the trick It acts like policeman controlling mob Moises than from clothing Home no gum problem Test Supe Shell for yourself Try Super Shell next time you ï¬ll up Youll soon ï¬eldudhearadifluenociuthevmyyoureugineruna Tint diflerjmoe israppgrfmm Shillr Tumreruns unique hnm developed