lay wmdfldï¬llm Lala um 701yton smut ANNOUNCEMENTS taco Child ll run at IllEPMW 12 mdriréauo in urine and rti Ialuroaya cone yarn ran ror its uvlns Androunds labornonuso HA In latr and us and loud and Counter Cullen lmow nmn dry or tour oirtn duo in this an in omnt lnlorrnauon in Join uturLAEg in lminsr alrta Announceman will inciuoa to use or your coil to month an outs in wcishl and oth aual inlorasauon printld mena can become Pamanant rare to may soar or runny Album roa nt lor Barri alnn None is only use To pl nous poono PA HIM DEATHS CAMPBELL Suddenly at le Toronto on SundlY Aumt 37 lost at hi laid ruidenca iil Third St Jlmu CImPMlL Iro tired CNR enrineer dearly below on our or Bulb lette and loving or Clara Mrs Garner or shanly Bay and Herbs en or Guelph Reruns at In mm It hinlrll Home Ltd M0 LIX shore no at Illh St New To ronio hincral service in the chapel on Tuoadry liullllt it Inicrmont Sanctuary Park always Int tho In At his residence Gall on Sunday Anont 21 ml cnarlss Watson lo his 38th year beloved husoand ot the late Liiilan Vlncour nd user or Lillian lair Carl ll ol narrle June allvs Mrs Spam ave all or Call Ivy Mrs Richard pasnon or hand Charles or Clyde On or Fort ceorxe DC sestlna at the Contts nillull Home or st Andrewa street Gait Ont when lhetuneral service will be held MIKEY Allllllilflflrlr Interment nlalr Cemetery COMING EVENTS Chl1ds Nursery School Will Reopen on Sept 12 inc pm Thors an vacancies in school taxi hiomlnll only Phons PA ohm or PA Mini Mn Child will return Slot from Holld BARBIE CHESS CLUE Will be meeting at the YMCA Every Tues be lnnlng Sept 12 PM ADULTS PM JUNIORS FOR DETAILS PHONE YMCA VISITORS WELCOME INSTRUCTORS PRESENT Ernie Kovacs Sued By Govft To Gel Taxes LOS ANGELES AP The Internal Revenue Service Frl day tiled civil suits alleging in sufficient payment of 1980 led erai income taxes against Comedian Ernie Kovacs and his wile Edith Adams for $13 401 singer Billy Eckstlne and his wife Cnrrole $16099 come dian Ken Murray and his wife Bette $7264 comedlenne Marie Wilson and her husband Rob ert Fallon $413 accordionlsl Dick Conllno and his wile Lelghetiflï¬owmusICdlrector Mex Steiner and his wife Le onelt 5223 ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬er adver tisements are inserted at the rate of 4c per word per insertion for one and two times 3c per word rorrthree tour or five times and Ziic per word tor or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 90 FUR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10DAYS OR $106 son 24 worms lI CHARGED PER SINGLE 1N SERTION exports on connechoNs Advertisers are reminded to all phono Insertion orderl are capit ed as convenience to on to advertiser Theralore the laasmea Advertisin Department requires all adver sue to kindly recheuk their advertisement immediately alter ï¬rst insertion inorder that any errors or omiasionl may ho reported before up in order Unit aamo may be rectiï¬ed or tha toilowinl doyl Inlortlon ord We Wlah to olnt out that Till Harri Exam or is relponlibin or only one incorrect riot insertion on anyideaI on9 and then an to thenxtent or portton or that lnvolves tbs Errors which do not lessen tbs value or the ldvnrtlle most are not eligible lereorrao Kflfld Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words 5c per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 liverse used do per word extra suNnLmsn nneLlEs Iniormltlon rosardln advertisers mt lla°5 my Replies to Latter aox held only to day alter gt yot puollcsuon Classiï¬ed advertisements and notices for these pages must receivedIi byt1 5p ceding pub on caption of classified Display xudvertisenlentr which must be dil la msiedy yutlsln clanidem thrown was dspartsasnt Br murmurritu thth esmiusr ad REAL ESTATE Paar Ton sans CARSON Al 45A DUNLOP ST PA 66481 Number at ï¬lm and Dlltrict MukmkMfllA ROSE REAL TATE IROm 13 mm snm BABE CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Mamblr ol thl Elmo and District Hui Erth Board HENDERSON REALTOR lo COLLIER srnm PHONE EeLQW LOSING my nelshoom so need laml who la lookinl tor thrill be room ranch brick hunnlow with xarare Larsa uvlas room with llnplacl kitchen with separate dlnlnr area not water neatlnr Close to SI iIIlryl or Codflnlton lchooil 6000 with 55 NHA Ilrlna Cali luta Scanumt WINGS CALLl DITA SCANDRm PA 865 PERCY sun PA um EMERSON SWAIN PA HIM Member of Blrria and Diltrict and Ont no Real rants Boards HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR Ell BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 NEAR EDGAR RADAR STATION liva bedroom home with all con eniencea mated on paved hllh wu Situated on one Icro land immadllto posseaion can ho had hill price only $0000 Down pay men soon nalanco std per month on opan morllan Contact Emory Miller or lot Palmer or appointment on this one Member or Barrie and nirtrict Roll Estate Board EVENINGS CALL EMORY MILLER PA 5007 JOE PALMER PA M88 KARL MARSHALL PA $0017 NORAD IIAIKES Oro 02 HAROLD PORSTER PAW SHIRLEY AVE Twp storey atucgojoual alx lure rooms and aunporch Second washroom Iuil basement oil heat lam lot nrarc snoop Low down payment 95 monthly will carry lnnnudlats assesslpn Call IA IIV no mower coll PA 56700 MOVING Dont loner re translrr your INSURANCE SEE STEVENSONS PA 6570 11 Dunlop St CONTEMPORARY lollIE mini dwellioa with carport room large liv ing room lorla kitclsno dlnlnl area mater hsdraam ceramic tiled bathroom with colored fix tur and vanity Lota or cup boards Itorrns and sereaor Irro oration corner lIIelroleDuckworth Phone owner bulldsr ALLm pA war OPPORTUNITY FOR RUYER WITH $4000 CASH Owner multuil4Minl trsnrlcn sell out or town room brick house in plan at oairnharhood our proposed its new public school on Aonc Letitia Portales larale with direct ao cssr to house 2nd washroom etc hall price tum Carrier ior $91 month For iull plrtloullrl from owner apply BOX 85 BARBIE EXAMINER er ror sale on Queen street ll xi53 Telephone PA norm or turtth particular thrao HOUSE ilrla hadronml largo kitchen lmail dininl area near school Ind hill oil holtld Realonabie Owner trlnllorred Apply at £1 Oakley Plrlt Square am noon solid brlck boas garaae paved drive patio air canoluoheoollheatln Is St corner or Wesley Telspnom PA $0215 attert pan FIVE ROOM inaul brick huh low for sale Two bedrooms slsHlvlaproons dininrroonl and kitchen piece bath on heated Lam lot Telephone unlz stran SUNNIDALE HOAD area New NJIA throa bossonto brick bun rslow attached oar1 Itonc ecolorsu tile ath with van ty atorrnl lnd acrlenl aoddsd May 13 leen at 27 snlrioy Thane nsnnoom bungalow or sale by owner Vancouver atrsst Nearly now Full nriELllmIlL nown payment can no srranred Teluphonp PA nose or runner pirtlcularn PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT Amncnvrwln crzed bunrs low our large roonu hot and cold water up month Lennardl stroud Ontsro at nsnca Hull Coulron Telephone Hardwan Toronto collect FARMS FOR SALE FARM yore sans valid in lip nssnts atuck dairy herd and 1k lnr contract mills plps llns new home Two rollel Tram Elnavaie Telephooo mills Etmvalol nostril 92410 rm sum mmo av Aucusrn m1 REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL REAL ONE DUNLOP nrst in BarrieHome SailsForemost in Quality or Service PA 85568 STRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL mu It MOOREPA um ROGUEPA um Neéd BclckToQSchCOI Money Use Examiner Want Ads Now PBOPDDT FOB SAL TORS STREETEASI msma In CDNNnbPA H1 CEREAL ETATI BOARD loan LaolPA N101 oaounlopsto Apartments lurnilhed and unlurnilhad alu ofliu lplcl on Owln St mam arAns HALLPA D460 OWN JONlSPA 07001 COREYPA OM Joe Loriltln Everett Still MONEY lirainsured Immediately to nunent ndinl nunlop street To pay Bills purpose Borrow Mo $1600 $2000 $2500 ship it desire teous service Broker MORTGAGESi aoid and ari extrilnr mart no Broken ASK MN ASK FOR er Practical xomincr fly on exlltlnl martial revmenu etc Call ior an PA Meal ovoiSim years to repay For tasty co BABFRED ENTERPRISES aarrls rosldonu call operltor and uh or how NO TOLL CHARGE Others Call Guelph TA Loos Member or aataria Mormn PA 60203 Bus oeeonrUNmEs EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE or Barrie and diatric Ihio new buaineal with tremend our allyear demand on tralnlnl ltocir man EDDIE number HAVE YOUR HOME CUSTOM BUILT $0 YOUR LIKING Barrlea Newest Subdivision BARRIE yIEW Located oil Bnyvlew Drive near Huronla DriveIn underconstruction September Norman ShelsweII REALESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST mar MORTGAGE ruan humans17 low or VALUENo Pars cannon Eveninll Cali PA 740 lwcll 0m 20 Howard Norril PA T0 LOAN PRESCRIPTION sort PAYING BELLS Payem oil with lowCoat 500m LOAN THE BANK or NOVA scam MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE ennloliiiltu debts home somï¬liiii El MORTGAGE LOANS N0 BONUS oi all your To pay off Mortgage Combine 1st and 2nd Mortgage For any worthwhile flimsyBei Elico ntth In yrs 3780l nil 4712 nil 5080 mi Lower monthly payments avail deIlauptOS Aaloclation It and Ind boulht Commerola loanea on rrio Mm FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 410 FOR WEEKS FOR LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP sT WEST BILL SIMMS 00 nov pmont actory ldvortllilil ltc only include Box Darilo RENTALS APTS nousss T0 RENT GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD OORD SPRINGPA 55001 DOUG HOMERPA £4807 PA 80961 PA 63742 lNTmursT slack Wililon PA 051 Norman Sholawel PA 0300i ems RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT THEBE bedroom haul nelr rchooL AvnilahlowSoptImbdrilr Telephone PA M060 MODERN unlurnllhed three room in artrnent with three Piece hath Stillth close to downtown Now rentinl Telephone PA $2043 ROOM Dolled Illlrtmant with ltovo and Indra Hot water alipv llcdi Central location Cali PA shlALL tarnished nil contained artmorlt in or one or two lrll Ava able scotombsr Tci epho PA 66501 Two thrao room artmentr on ilIrnlahed Immudla pouossion Telephone PA Ami or further lnrormallon RENTALS HOUSES TO BENT 003110le all Ind two room aplrtmlntl tarnished Cultnil local and hlltfl Du ronahlr not To phom PA rm Moon blunts lplflm E53 stoma Neruï¬i III Ana A951 to Thomon Strict meApmnh Lat itll room hldroom Gloom modlrn hitch with ma and urnsre to Clntr Dnllnan coil in pro ud han PA area rwo annaoou unrurnirnw CLIEE BROWN We REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONESl PA 60241 enema him CupbluPA 71 hmu GarveyPA om Idlinblrl of thl Barri Elli Elm Board CQRBY REALESTATE MBROKER xrmlntllihnaw murmurkalnl Ill Ind 51711 aola immodiatoly lalaphom PA mar ml iltl room Muir tum tailed rtmlnt central location Suit bu mu coup TI phone PA 55211 altar or anytime Sat Irdly mu BOOM Aoartm nil ennuiold Avnlilhlo aopta as per nsostn Eur end loodon Tllophonn p1 mu or man intonation rout room hours to roar on taol in oily modaln altarn oautln cophoardl undressd lot Telphona PA boast ON AND TWO Bldroom ADI to la Eton rumortor traitor in as laundry ontinl moo Phool Li PA BsFIB BAIT ENDTorn bedroom bunt alow with llrdan ill par month not Talephono PA D10 or In Our internLion bpgtflienl ultimod Iliad ar OIoa toG nlral slime Tole phon PA 54593 alter pm Two bedroom selr contained untumlshad heated centrally lo apartment on Panetanx Hot ater supplied Ne church and school Plrkinl IPICI To phon PA um Tnnee ROOM noaud unmrnlsaau apsrtnsntrrivsta bathroom and tr re 0n and floor rum vdrand er and dryer sap plieo an llancea is than rm srlnnr elephoho ml or plan MODERN unlurnlahed thna room apartment our piece In bath rant and hack tntran Parklua and laundry laciuiioa lociudlnl dryol North Owen Immndiato nllulinn Tollphonl PA or Mssl TENBE room tarnish rpsrtnssnt with three plroo bath and kitchen ette no lizht and watsr sup piled Parklnl loace Nlco part or rlty Clan to downtown no or mfnzgh auit canola Telspoons ROOMS TO LET NIOELY furnished bedroom to lot In quiet home Cenlrll Ar cllnPbrtOn Street or to on PA 53104 ONE compluleiy urnllhodrnom Ind kitchen Retrizerdtor and stove uparata entrance down town location Apply PA min DOUBLE Ind Iinlio room or rent be rd optional on Hill all conveniences ouhll room suitable or two Taicphono PAIR way dodle FURNISHED hounheolnz room with rlnlatte Ull rot or ator Bendix Centn al unhnna PA Brill Ilk or Mrl Far tlar UNPURNISHED apartment our room and aunrooln all halted immediate pollulion Taiophone pa dual or apply an no THREE room furnished apart ment hcaicd private entrance rlcll live paints Apply Sh Bly Ield St FUDNIIHED three room IDs parlmcnt with rivate blth £60 Per month APPTY to Worliel Strut Avllilhlo September ht House or rant at ronu at to Sampson Street Avliilhic Sant cmbur Two or three children accepted Telephone PA N727 tor Illrthrlnlormltion FIVE n00 apartment Ilnv turnilhed downtown location Pri vats entrance Laundry racilltle Heated and armor Iplcn Tales phone PA lo 500 day PA 0H evoninll 0N3 nanDoM modern kitCDlD lllrilll XODDI bdth unlurnlahed llBltcd AVIIIIDI immcdllrely mhltnrdelgfd residegtial or one radon apartment in Stroud apartment house AdIIltl praicrrod ND db lection tobahiea No otl rwlmmlnz pool no monthly Tolop one strand la Two nannoom aslr contained unflirniahed aplrtment zroun loancentral Aillndlirï¬all on luDDlIlullflmanthlyvAvailr able September PA assll THREE BEDROOM brick bunslow three piece bath Lana ad living and dininK room Finis ed recre ation room and lttlched llrale gfflper month Telephone PA summon laro tiarae room apartment brats utllltlrs sup plied paridnr at our ltop hard floor Aliandlle district go nnabll rant Telephona PA NEW AND Modern on And two bedroom lolnmenh overlookin lcenio Kempanfelt Ho Boat tor arklnx lnd Jlnltor lervic inoiu ad Automatic walkinl oilltiel PA 02901 FURNISHED modem liilrtmcnt Kitchen braaklart nook tile bath bsdroom llvlnl room with vlsw olbay Near East End shopplnr rlass Telephone pl Willi TWO BEDROOM lplrtmarit Iivilll room kitchen three piece hit private en nco heated clue to atororban schools and our storm APPIY Titlin St bo tween doom EAST END One bedroom tod anlarnlslssd apartment entrance Availahischptemher Adults pretened Tslephons PA 87102 CENTRAL Location Two bedroom unrurnished heated in one bedroom Both ll rlvltu entrance and hath Ava alaï¬zsoptnmhar Telephone PA UNFURNISHED rent Tunas room POUR ROOM merit heated trllly loca basement sill oontlinEd hli 00 Private antianon phone PA ounr three room art ole unturniahcd pmnaant with prfvlto entrants and bath sullt inLcupholrda as monthly Tslsphons pl Moll sluau two re moat downtownhaaona ls rent Telephonn lilololl vcaraon ilh RJFI PA unrurnlahed apart clr contained Can Also three room meat unlurnirhad No ob eltion to PA 06 or PA Lnnoa room unlurnlshe Cnmhlnation llvlnr room and kltchenutte bedroom ranr etto and rclrilurator Ground floor sample or one or two Garrs Telephone PA eerie FURNISHED room apartment private bathroom heat Ind hydro lunpiird laundry room Suithit or two bulinoll Itll or coupio TeloPhoii PA 08515 Its ter 000 mm UNFUBNIEHED nioolv located apartment two hedroolrla llvlnlz room hitchon bathroom lama aunraom overlooklns ba conlln noua not water relrloerator Ind part LARGE brllht urnirhed houlr hoe lnl room or rentsltovo Ind rair serator rink and ample pario ioa Telc hone PA Mini or ther part ouilrl APTS HOUSES WTD lAMlLant thruo adultl wish in thnu or rent three bedroom home or duplex in Dorris lrnl APPl Box 10 Darrin klmincr dunno employee rlccntiy trlm larrsd reoulres thrac bedroom homo in or near narris Apply so ll Barrie Examiner mmmrnmeniLorivats entrlnco around floor it Queen Park Area Quiet milable oopil Wanted by sortembsr is elephone PA 87103 ROOM BOARD BnflliLandHoaLdJvallahle Teh Phono PA L73 LARGE lront om with no rd available Centrli location Tells Phone PA N352 ROOM bond available or lonuemln private room Will do lllht laundry PI iunohel il desired Centr urbane PA H707 noon accommodation in Toronto ror school tsacher who will no solar home weekend wrlto la Painter 101 Am To rantrorOntsrlo Perturon dlllru furnished room in private home in control location Dolrd optional Apply Do Examiner SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES TO RENT ammo COTTAGE wail Iurnism ed bedroom at Leonardl Runnable ior remainder or so Phone plum ARTICLES for SALE HAVE You To Barrie Auction Rooms and SeCond Hand Store UNLOP sr wm 55 SHONE meow ANEWSPAPER MATS houael stir psriset larulat 25¢ PER DDZEN EX lIBI Apply or oatarlom USED REFRIGERATORS McFADDENs 128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 LBWYT Vacuum Cleaner or sale ii3ia°ilil$ its models to £3 11 phonoPA H482 SPECIAL cannulan Nationli Ex hibition Prion Sinner round isob Tbln oeohoniy modal ohiy 17960 lepilone PA Illfll has duly rtovo Available Sept FILL YOUR Compin use or Illll tho mu In and IL MEATS ETC loos Guaranteed Quail Dudlol Tuml on or 000 Ind our REEZER FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST exclch up lvalilola to than who avian topmoaaathtronimdlliy It your vKLEERPAK FOOD STORE Tllrm 5mm BAIUIIB PHONE PA 5660i Free Delivery Opan idly till II on IBICYCLE GUNS MOIORS ALL FOR SALE AT DOMINION TIRE STORE llo BRADFORD STREET BARillE Handy Hardware Under NEW MANAGEMENT REGISTER NOW For FALL WELDING SCHOOL Lincoln ArcWelders 130 amp $172 550 gallon septic tank $50 625 gallon septic tank 50 Sidewalk slabs 24 it so $176 Gauth Pump COME IN COMPARE at HANDY HARDWARE STROUD PHONE SIROUD lDrll STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC SEPARATE CARBON ATTACHED Tlhese books are in per fect condiijon but have I95 orTIIoe date line REGULAR PRICE FROM IZC to 20 Clearing ar 9cea Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiher Phone 66537 21 PHILCO TV Ible modal With amsplctura tubs Runnable PA BUI4LDDZING Ind Grldlnl Fence flows and Stumvl removld Apply Lea Hart PA RI llbrlTonscleanchmaireoLrL cored Plow points rebuilt Ham iiton Radiator and Lawta Mower Sonics Telephone PA urn LADYB COATRail lentils Enl illh mulkrat also Ill Alla short and hillonite mln allit case Tellphono PA 8H SPACE heater medium lilo Tow ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES for SALE 5FARMERS MARKET DOGE HTS RAB ITS WANTED PHONE PA 85469 006m manlol PDP Black mantha Locum Thornton mu nopiu or said are 11 One mill all or Dian ny Telphone Hlmvail 131ml BOATS MOTORS POIVIM WI Wt EU kl from can aeils it milliar strut mu was cars Loam on at ar asantn Tuspigsn on media Creaeant harm as Dunlap st wast Ioor lose erlorr sealsr bud MD with 1955 Lyingi 55 hp outboard motor or rail Tl phon Waltnr Adllr pA none in smnolr cabin typo in board powr looduoilo cruising boat or esseuent buy at In on stl smallFun not an up ans ro ARTICLES WANTED aint shorts Collegiate eximam ane on can Telaphone PA MIM um COLleONl old letter and coins wooled But price plid Writ Box Ill Barrie Ont WE WILL PAY CA or loud mad harnitule or any cod naed articio Individual or Cantu iota Poona PA 5W7 SFARMERS MARK uvssrocx man cow iurt rreshenea also gall or Vulinl Telephonn PA PIGS cllht weeks old or Apply John Dilhov aim or relrpaona PA mic Mon Ind mora poui on In chemise DEKALB started ready to Ily and day old chick Order now or early order discount For service or hill on your ouitry problem call rail Huntl HUNTERS ï¬les In Apply POUETRV FARMS SIROUD PHONE 77 BARRBD rock or nnl Good mea bird Six Icekapeid 50¢ each Kennyl Poultry Farm Shanty nay dual or rain Canadian and Chinese Brecdinl purpoals or dream in smith con l0 lnnlml mile welt la am Hi Va 11 at FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALE SERVICE Get your Lin and Pulltori clean ed now Elrvieo on all mutton HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES cmmcn FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE can Now Holland David Brown norm rams Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 3237 HARVESTING feGLEANUP Used sell propelled swather binderltlesseyi JriLlabDioneThmher other new and used equipment available ALSO 1951 yVlllys 1953 Austin CASH TERMS TRADE Copy or Wanl An Section accepted and pm Day beinre oublimtion AUTOMOTIVE AXIALJ RAMBLER ammvANlTEAND novsn 10 DOWN 1v GOWAN smears FAG6488 HAROLD JORY MOTORS mumn STANDARD DEALERS Rlpatrl to All link can and NMTowinl ssxylu JAYEIELD so BARRY PA 04165 ONE OWNER FROM NEW 1958 MORRIS OXFORD ouord lsoo Srdao now August 58 whltc wlth red ugholstdry bench seats padded du nlshinl turn signals electric clack block holler orlslnal tires on road 24 on miles Caretuiiy and as pond car PHONE PA some on Box BARRIE EXAMINER To ARRANGE son mm DRIVE ms PLYMOUTH sedan radio in cluded Will accept older auto in Add Tale DDDd Wilt Adlh PA ems gt ma rlcxasm redn upon miles nadlo and whitewalis 3455 Apply to to Maple Avenua Barrll ror mrtnsr dctalla CHEVROLET coach two on radio windshield washers pond condition would conai tr Telephone PA Moos sodosntlcir deluxa roar door birch osoo noun whitawsu and lnow um like oermumm oldar car as part plymonl Tole phone PA 52753 use METEOR our door One owner car six cylinder No down payment required Totsphone PA oma alter air As or Jim Dixon Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 NEED Clam See Seaboard Fin ance Your Lending Neighbour me or $30 monthly in nunlop gage East Harrie Telephone PA BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 our year ald and in Al ooadltlua APPLIANCE PAINTING AND 3iiloassm° SERVICES Parsnmenva in up my EDEEIIPRD€H Rails TONYSAPPLIANCE 1than $3511 a5 our gfndisionm Toiephflfll PA gt Mess or service Since 1920 an Bum on mm Semce to all itlakes an slum pa cs ior ms in perfect unndlflon Sali of appliances RUBBER STAM in reasonably Apply at 25 Dow 47 DUNLOP ST lop Street West nossaaersmsmmr PA 61142 RUBBER STAMPS 3°lal £5li°lslla ma rim mm cabin trailer Apply 13 Mary st or MARLYNN SPECIALTIES tslopbono PA sum rsr 1959 Tgrzwï¬lflabought Iolilrr ED MILLS 15 Giflyggggï¬ In ï¬llinutaour i123 rriynussn nay Building Contractor one 5mm Plan star Typewriter Co Painswick Bradrord 5t PA was CUSTOM Bummw SANITAR DISP sprout Clnadlan National Ex monmmo nLhiflon Prices $30 on on all liant needle models Sinxel saw in Machine Company 23 Dunlop Street West PA 37060 ammo Stamp Ind coin collectors All your need lIllelEd at tbs new Stamp and Coin Store at 17 Baylleid street earns Ont Open at present Prlday also and all danyaturddy stcrAL uNs Prion lmonl slnrrr StylerOvMatio zmzax sla Chinetnow 319141 Sge themct our er kl inning Strut PA was will ma tiff he 97 dflfll ll complete with zlEragaer and at tlchmento lee on Lpaymenta balma nWIIir leants ol Id 10 or $8000 cash Wm to Ho arrio munun or sPscrlL Canadiln Naflonll ex hibition prices several good and smnr Sewlnl Machines irons sloop up Sharer sewlnp Marla Ine Coza Dunlop street wan Telephonu PAaaaso Notional El aPBCiAL Canon In mtion Prioï¬ SINGER Floor Cleaners and Polisher Special diaoountls during Mthalusxlggltlopa Sin er aw or do nurilop at West Jisleplsons PA warm mm VEGETABLES CUGUMBERI hills and Garkinl sweet corn or corn roasta con tact Lomu Wilson ath contention Vupra north oi manway is or Baylield at PA szsoe or luln ulnp ass Its wonderful the TWOY Classified Ads get rer eults Phone PA 82414 mam CUPBOARD Phone Stroud I1Rli Coliect comma EQUIPMENT BARRI DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We havl been licensed remove Your on crippled farm Ini lhove Act FREE RE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS ROSS ST See us for all your hunting firearms Ws0522 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE lcku or deli ery Ewell sllI mailmv PA 68551 Lou than Dale of oillrettea excavarmq FEL GRAVEL TOP Ssill SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED isupplies ebuy and sell MOVAL gt Film COLLECT BARBIE PArkway 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95061 DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle horses and hogs removed For fast service PHONE BARBIE Pt 87751 or ask ior ZENITH SIISOICOLLECT hours day7dlyas wsslr NICKS DEAD STOCK RE Foxmead0ntarlo License No 139061 UPHOLSTERY UPHOLSTERY Chesterfield Chairs heavatlu and ï¬nding Watar Chrome Chairs osuvary Crushed out Boat Seats mm SummerPorch and W2 Mpm in Garden Furniture PA was 15 YEARS SERVICE 1N BARRrE MASONRY PREE ESTIMATES PICKUP CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIRED Rx BARRIE W0 cemmngsgggfg TENT AND AWNIN PHONE MlNrerC Try Anlnnmi asrWantAd C0 LTD 34 EAYFIELD ST BARRIE PHONE PA mm