Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Aug 1961, p. 9

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ID HELP WANTED 13 AUCTION SALES sures our AGENTS LOCAL MAN REQUIRED need representative for firm In this area The open ing in this area may be worth upt0 $3000 yearly for the Mt AUTOMOTIVE CARS WTD TO BUY Barries Newest Car Lot Urgently Requires rooottboumuuintluninth moms oilwalkathqu outTheJerseystookatwonlo loadiothafirst and Iddedssingiainthelhird AIDS OWN CAUSE Buffalos Bill Smith struck out it batters and hit twonm homes to gain his seventh vic Hopes or Finding Missing Girl Raised BrieilyBy Ransom Note MONTREAL CPiA note de Jerseys Nip lets Twice EMMAme in rare day when Jersey City Jerseys ho the mutant ARTICLES for SALE poor or PETS mom spaniel pup as for Die Black No mouths Apply Manon Thornton MALI up Its for sale as Eh Killerunip 62mm rim contusion lies One mile east all Tl Hilb lly Telephonl Binnie 7111111 rien home by mail Saturday snunrh Abuu¢vnwfln tn Jolld BOATS morons CA DUANEJim ll Telephone YA 50 3111 unite to Dunlap as ha Is not use Esters day cruiser hard top with SI inruds ll ED outboard motor or Tliepaonl Adlr PA IAILnDsl cabin to UP boat or two Excellent buy at 1l ARTICLES WANTED Used Cars TRADE UP OR DOWN Wowill lend on money on your presen csr ORV HARDY MOTORS PERSONALS WANTED REFRIGERATORS 10351111th COTTAGESiri HIGHEST mosm VALUE Cal zrMcFaddenls F03 PRICES PA 89283 loans would sor North Col lelisto Grsda is Telephone PA I73 cusp is North Colin Ista man wanted Must be in fee condition Tallphano PA $011 HANDAplflment It In Add condition wsnted Telephone lilyhlr ITAMP COLLECTION old letters ma chine wlaled put prtoes paid Write Box Ill Barrio Ont wt Wm PAY uses for non used lumlrurs or lny good used article Individual or Contat lots Phon PA um =2 SFARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK as llbt wem oln Lr prelim pbono rA com mun pound rnsra ror ssia also rt heavylum harness Tols pham Lllmy 170111 MArulu lrsde Holstien cow dus lust of August and to C0CBA sire Avcnsu 10000 lbs millr run 313 lbs butler fst DHI ords Tel has 70511 Eimvlla Hugh Riic is POULTRY CHICKS nsnssn rock cspons onno Inat bird Six weeks old We each Kennys Poultry Farm Bounty Ely cross for all Canadian ms Chlnes Braedinl purpasa or on In Smith Can 10 Innisfil wast or Hllhwoy Is it ATTENTION FARMERS LINCOLN ARC WELDERS lso AMP $15500 COMPLETE HANDY HARDWARE STROUD New Management PHONE smouo Ionu CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cm New Holland David Brown nutty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 82313 RVESuNGiJnrmanerimflfimliridln CLEANUP Used seii propelled swather tor dlnlhrroom lull limo Talo CAIt leaving or petrol septum turning Room for two Tel phone Strolld 1131 PnsON from Town trims Ycrilto cums on nl nsy evenings telephonn PA um All on WOMENS COLUMN mun saoP rolowsvu etc by csrrlhed hairdresser In your own home Phone Bernice st PA sssss or PA 501 LOST FOUND LOIT suns at money in em hills in vicinity of Simone Shopplnl cantru Au uu lflllnobn up ms nu Tolphoill PA own more LllnlLInnLksraigsn lull on unlop Street between Simpsons Ind Kemponlell Drive around pun luwuu Toiephone sly PA Loan mar PA oosol CAMERA ion between Barrie snd Parry Sound Csmrn and his Huh lens and numerous other items special soulpmult Telew phone lllr wmon PA soon Gen Uralu rowrd IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP wsmcss Wanted experienced palms PA um EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted Apply Coles Restaurant so Dun lop st IlouszKEEPlzn wlntli or thres elderly people Tulapllon PA H068 for runner tnlormatlon and out time lonerll allies 10 hour Week Apply iii Do Gsrdner Zoiiors Ltd Personnel Ollico RnLlAnLI msturn babysitter with light housekeeping duties to in or out Three children one ghoul APPLY Box Barrie 2x or RELIABLE woman to live In Ind CI ior two children and do llllsl ha Drk Ruply tiVinl ref onncu salary expected to Box I10 Elliainur WOMAN or girl to ours or child ren In country home null do light housework while mother works Live in Telephone Everett mu Apply to Mrs Matthews Rn Mandiid MALE HELP BRANCH MANAGER TRAINEES Required for expanding finance company AGE 21 27 GRADE 12 EDUCATION Excellent com ny benefits cluding doctor nd hospital tn runnc pl pension no profit mnnr plan and company car Advanced positions also available mill SEABOARD FINANCE C0 141 DUNLOP ST Purim MECORMlcflrds RANKIN an Can you make short auto pr Full or parttime work Can you call on city town and rural dwellers Are you fro pared to start at once rite Sales Manage Box 1117 Lon don Cansds RELIGIOUS MINDED sums Inflva churéhnlsnlhw I76BRADFORDST comu seamenW Totem ustntltnwl millions plclm will in all CIrLstiln homes But uterine menul To Box Is EhleYBIENT WANTED wru Loox sitar calldnn in my own home Will all and scum ANufi lz TENDERS SIMCOE COUNTY TENDERS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION Sealed tenders plainly mark ed as to contents will be re ceived by the Clerk of the County at Simcoe until 1200 oclock noon DST on THURSDAY SEPT 49 for the reconstruction of ap proximately 54 miles of Sim coe County Road No 10 from the hood Allowance between concessions and Township oi Tecumesth to Highway No 89 The work includes grading course Pleas specifications and form of tender may he obtained at the Simcoe County engineers office In Barrie or at the of fices of the Consulting Engin eers in Fort Credit for the sum of twentyilve dollars $2500 which will not be refunded Each tender must be ucconr panied by marlredchcquo for an amount equal to of the total tender and the successful bidder must provide contract good for 100 of the total ten or The Iowcst or any tender gall not necessarily be accept CONSULTING mGlszs STAVEBANK ROAD PORT cleT ONTARIO INEER COUNTY COURT HOUSE JAkaNTAle LOOK IN YOUR ATTIC CELLAR 0R GARAGE Is there anything there you can sell for cash Hundreds of people use Examiner Want Ads to sell articles the dliélflEKLhntigranuiubase TEDTIle norfimf Domin wili be subject to on existing AUCTION SALE OF BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAL OF DEMOLITION PROPERTY SALE N0 TOim storey room partially fin shed house and greenhouse with attached frame garage Io eated on the north side of High wsrvrapprosimatllyfi miif fihfirllpi took the first game eat Schomborg on Part Lot Documse County slmcoe Sale to be held on the pro llzoo AM DST TUESDAY SEPT 12 1961 PROPERTY SALE NO T411382 storey room panelled frame dwelling with hreeseway and iorucrvlocotedon the south side oiillghway No approin Inster mile west of Schum borg on Part Lot 35 Concession 1pr of King County oi Ol Sale to be held on the pro Perb It 1130 AM DST TUESDAY SEPT 12 1961 TERMS Cash or cheque plus 8100 performance bond to Illlr notes that work will be oom pleted according to DH0 reg ulations lcheque made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario For further inionnstlon please contact The Auctioneer Mr Jerry Coughiin so Wellington Street East Barrie Ontario Phone hallway sms Department of Highways Regional Dillon WW Dowasview Ontario Phone filersy 42571 Local DEPARTMENT or mcuwsss ONTARIO MORTGAGE SALE 350wANDv362BOMINTON STREET WEST MIDLAND ONTARIO Under power of sale contained in certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale at pubucrrauction on Tow day the 5th day oi Septem ber 1061 at 400 pmv at the office oi Woods and 0o 26 Queen StEast Toronto lands and premises being but It on the south side of Dom inioin Avenue IA AvenueFian 06 Midland The property will ho sold in Its present condition and Lot mortgage The property will be sold subject to reserve bid For further terms and par ticulars apply to WOODS 82 CO LTD 26 QUEEN ST EAST TORONTO sale there will begotieredJoL tory of the season He needed help from bias Surhlot in the ninth finiths homer the first by Bison pitcher this season fourrun rally in the Don Mincher clubbed his all omer for the Bisonl in the eighth lnnlnl Veteran hurler Willard Schmidt gave up three hits to wrinthrfirstgnme turmeric too Fred Kipp bad perfect game until the Marlins broke out our runs in the sev enth FrankCcrpirwurhirsixtlf game in the oightcap Gary Blaylock halted Marlin rally in the sevcnthoodhit ashorrler his first in the eighth CLEAN CUT When cutting meringue Pie using knife coated with but ter will leave the meringue up ln the international league But Friday night was such an oceasim for the seventhplace Jerseys as they beat the league leladinl Columbus Jets 10 and Buffalo Bisons drlcated Tor onto Maple leafs 75 Charles ton Marlins and Richmond Vir ginians spli ouhldreader mending the payment 01 $5000 ransom raised momentary hopes for the solo return of yearold Denise Therrieu during the weekend but the hopes were dashed quickly when her father followed the notes Instructions without result Provincial police said yester daythey sreeonviaccd the note was the work at crank Denise describe iiy ulet girl who wouldot run nwa disappeared fro hfiShowIniglusSoulh borne Aug when she went to an swer placement bureau ad ior sisowech baby sitterfho address given proved to be fic titious and she has not bcsn scan sin The handwritten note in French and addressed to Henri Thcrrien the missing girls morning The letter was dale lined Montreal and the envelope had Shswinigan postmark The note advised the family to pay in exchange for Denise it said she is well and warned against involving the with LEFT 0N BRIDGE Therm inflowethel structions and deposited the money all in 10 bills in packegeonlhé end of bloat rcal bridge He returned within the time allowedrinthernoteforDenlse return and found the money up touched ioilowcd all the kidnappers instructions he said later But my daughter Is still missing Apparently the id pper Hand was postponed because of rain in the first Mir doubts Jersey Citys Marshall Bridges best Alva Jackson The lone 11le um earnedjne was tallied In the first inning on single on err Ior and runecoring single by Jim Pendieton Rudy Arias blanked the Jets ior eight inning to the night lumblsd sway the sec cap Columhus scomd Its only disturbed father was received at the Thcr didnt even Show up THE CHURCH FOR ALL Alrl FOR THE CHURCH neckslob is the gran schism unhforthehoiidmg diamond ood ioumllipu Iris somehow sighlied WWMOMIWCIIMM er Emmy nor an mmve mmfmmndlumwhycvery salon should attend vim regularly snd support the Chasm Thu In 1171 his awash Forhkdlidmsnhffl Illshummus which Sqmefoflcstalkasthhtheywanthfetobeado noevddloutobslscies But God who made man in His own image never meant it to be so For the museierbecomosllclplesfwliiéhfifiér tensed Hrs mind grows dull which is never challenged There no courage without lineal ofbatiie Mm hinder Massey 22 xsa Dione Thresher other new and used equipment available 1051 Wiliys 1953 Austin CASllr TERMSrmW Essen Georn White ii 110 drive belt snln rower shoulder rubber tire ll lel Two years Apply PA Slt Eimvsin 1317 Ivonlnll AUIOM0TJ1E MOTOR CARS son SALE MA RAMBLER mum AND LAND sovalt 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA was Plymm sedan rsdia 1n cludsd Will accept older auto to trans Telephone Walter Adair PA lDZOE soon ach deluxe sour door black 9000 miles whitewnll and snow Lina Likn new Will Ilka older car as phone PA M753 ms musson our door owner car Six cylinder No down payment required Telephone PA ems mel six Asls Jim Dixon MOTOR CARS FOR SALE four OWNERIBDMVNEW7 195s morons OXFORD Dxlord lsoo Sedan now Ausust or white with red upholstery beach seatl padded duh lilslllal turn If Ilectrlr clock block heater orlslnsl illu nu food moo miles Carefully use second car PHONE PA soils 0R Box oAanIs EXAMINER To ARRANGE FOR TRIAL Dnlvl 191 PACKARD sedan 43000 miles Radio and whitewslls we Apply to is Maple Avenue Barrio rar further details ONE OWNER 1956 Buick mech losiiy feet in bilutliul Conv payment Ta on MALE OR FEMALE EXPERIENCED aookknepsr rolt quired mall or female or lull businessmen Reply stltlnl quail ficstluns and salary desired Box Barrio Exlmtner PROFESSION LEGAL ROWE Barristers Solicitors Nehru Public ConveyDoorseto onset1 Given so some M511 1fiiéhemchalmvsie Ont Rowe QC SHERRI QC Gordon Talk CONDER SUGG BARRISTES SOLICITORS NOTAEIFS PUBLIC 001413211781 SUGG ALA 1291 Dunlap St Em PA 97 COWAN Er COWAN EARRISTERS 11055 COWAN 58 COLLIER ST PA 84521 LIVINGSIQN€r MYERS Bsrflstln and Solicitors 13 Colliu SL Barri Ph PA 07 WILSON MOORBY oamsTEn soLlulTon LAW OFFICF AT Io DUNLOP ST PA oozes SMITH McLEAN Sober Smlth on Arthur Mansn sruc man surltn soucllnn etc so Owen st Phone PA esslrl GLADSTONE CURRIE 00 Esrrister sad Solicitor an Otlicel Wilson Buiiding one Grant stmr Barrie Ontario rlapllonu Pitskw emf way Clgslslfied Ads get re suits Phone PA 82414 fUNEItAL HOMES SUPERIOR EEIIVIOE AT MODERATE COST CONVENIENT TENS IO Worsin Sh Birth PA $15511 60 Collier St gt DMIDEASL last need want or use CLASSIFIED WANT ADS PA 82414 DIRECTOR ACCOUNTANTS BOYSrSEAGRAMEiHARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT carnage Pilbllll Autumn Toronto Ina Barri ElmoioflicF Fred Grant sousrs PHONE PA was Needhlm CPA Underhlll CPA sldont Partners ROSE t3 HARRIgtSON Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel Rose Phone PA 34940 MUSIC LESSONS JESSiER BRYSON Teachr arrnno SLu nPupils ore area or Music Toronto All Ancs Thear raga oyal Conservatory and hills Modern mother Studio Erdtord so PA 54713 Ids mmmllth VOICE PIANO DRAMA 317 NAPIER ST FARRII ANGUSAMTROSSB7K lagglltorsd Musio Tanner lastruo Fieneh Latin olhsr school sub iocts Piano Theory coaching in in Ross st num PA ssns OPTOMETRY nROBERI=IAMiTH Optometrist to 580 Closed Walton Illemtlim Elm 81580 NOEL STEPHENSON RD Ontariom ouulop Pnono PA Mantle NY brought in winning run with BALL LEADERS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS American Lilgun AB EPet Cash Detroit 420 05153 354 Howard NY 335 44117 349 Piersall Cleve 409 65185 330 Gentile Boiti 877 50122 324 437 108 140 320 RunsMaris New York 100 Runs batted inMsris 110 HitsB Robinson Baltimore 155 Doub1es Kubek New York 85 TriplesWood Detroit llome runsMaris 50 Stoien basesvAparieIn Chi csgo 41 Pitching Terry New York 111 917 StrlkeoutsFord New York 175 Notional Cantu AB Pct Clemente Pitts 460 87170 362 Robinson Cin 451101153 389 Pirlson Cincin 501 87170 387 Moon Los Aug 349 57111 327 Aaron Mil 177 99153 111 RunsMays Sou Frsncisco 109 Runs batted lnCepeda San Francisco 117 Ilits Pinson and Clemente 170 DoublesAaron and Mays 29 TriplesAltman Chicago 10 Home runsCepeda 30 Stolen basesWills Los Ange 1325 PitcllingPodres Los Ange les 154 739 StrikeouIsKoutax Los Ange tes 200 will STARS Pitchlng Jinl Running De troitTigers allowed only two singles walked one man and struckout our for victory over Washington Senators In an American league game short sued to eight innings by rain HittingDuke Snider Los An gelos Dodgers drove in first inning runwiIhartrlpiefnndv homer in 77 National League voitoryhver Cincinnati Reds that ended lugame Dodger losing streak gt By THE Assocrsrnnm the more lnsplnng because of the hazardsslong the way And who among us worth his saltymtddwants any different It is the uphill the baurdous course of courageous living that makes spiritual strength must You and need the Church We need the Church because we see divine as well as human purpose in our existence needs his Muslims minislmdsamt flan ergoIr mfly and Bible My Lifees we like itgsins discovery of our need of God Wmmsmmhmfiu THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS BERTEAM BROS LTD EUIIDLNG MATERIALS PA soul 429 Blake St summary FUNERALrlIOME HOWEY ELECTRIC PA sssss so Worsley St Howey Psop fist Vincent St PA 59554 DENIS SHEARD LTD LUMBER AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES Zenith 5411100 Phone Stroud 08 Barrie Paiaswiclr VERNON ADAMS7 DEHJLIPOIYIV hoRICHARDSON SPRING sermon EXCAVATING commons PA was in Bradford PA 971 15 V559 BINNIES TEXACO SERVICE GRAF BINNIE PA 04225 Highway 26 and an PA 60622 mmsm PACKERS rm N072 Barrie MAURICE MILLER BUILDING MATERIALS 712s 55712 Highway so ommson MONUMENT 00 PA slazl 154 Burton Ave MODEL MARTIN PROP 11 No Same 3mm momma AND MAormm LIDu PA row 39 An St semis mommsos 66mm sprains cumulus ODmAClOR PA ssoor Iss Codrlnglon St THEOABDIEI 5H6 JOHN ll nussm Prop BEZZ PA 34444 p39 gnawdig ANT NURSERIES AN Homers gt 3m BARRY 69 Johnson St SHELL ssnvrcs STATION PA sIsss sol Dunlop St PA sow CARTAGE and STORAGE LTD PA s557 muss GARAGE rsxsco STAlIONl PA mo 11Igisway 27 South Fina Service Station 68311 Cor Anne and John St La Essa Road human or SERVICE sTATthl JOHNSONO SON MACHINE SHOP so Aihackie Pr

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