to Europe by Paul on his secW and missionary journey vision directed him to quit Asia for Macedonia where he discmbarked with Silas and CREEMOBE Mr and Mrs John Coker have announced the birth of their son Dwayne at the Gen eral and Marine Hospltal Col lingwood on Aug 1961 Wes Moore has returned to his home alterspending the summer on course at Camp Petawawa Mr and Mrs Donald Millsap returned home from their hon eymoon trip to the western pm Vinces on Thursday Miss Kathy Corkan Barrio is spending few days with her grandmother Mrs Eieatt Poul Duggan was taken to the Colliugwood hospital last week for treatment Miss Dawn Elizabeth Dnlton is visiting her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Bub Corliaa in Barrie for few days Mrs Jim Irwin of Vancouver is spending couple of weeks with Mr and Mrs John irwin Mill Street Mr and Mrs llnrold Price and family of Timmins are spending few days with Mr and Mrs Harry Prlce Mr and Mrs Keith Brown ï¬haveannouncethLamvaLoL their daughter Mary Evelyn at the General and Marine Hos pital Collingwood on Aug NORWEGIAN VISITOR Recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Gregory Thom son have been Miss Suzanne Crew of King City John Bev eridge of Kingston and Arne Mirus Falch of Oslo Norway Mr and Mrs Lloyd Freethy Brenda and Dianne spent the weekend at the beach guests of Mr and Mrs Kolb ENGLISH GUESTS Guests at the home of Miss Elizabeth Lawrence and Mrs McKenzie this week were Dr and Mrs Johnstone Malvcrn England WANTS CONTESTANT John Holder circulation man ager for The Barrie Examiner was in the village this week looking for some lady to rep resent this district for the New York Cit tricontes mm year er An interested yon Mrs William Spaohouse und erwent minor operation at the Collingwood hospital this week ossllialkerereturnedrtoe her home on King Street this week following recent opera tlon at ltoyalVictoria Hospital Barrie and is reported to her nvalescing favorably BARBER BETIRES Harold Dunstan local barber is retiring this week owing to ill health alter 32 years ser Vic MrDuostan learned his trade tCollingwood after rationing from overseas in 1919 where he served with the old 51th 192 he went to Saskatchewan where he followed his trade until 1929 when he decided to return to his old home town Creemore and establish third barber shop in this village winch he did and has been at the same location for the past 32 years Hugh Price of Shopsh land is staying with Mr and Mrs Harold Davidson at Dune din this week as one of group of Junior Farmers from gingland who are visiting Jun ior Farmers of the province for period of about two imontbs CUBS AI CAMP Local Cubs attending the Cub Camp at Everton for week are Paul Talbot Peter Craw ford David Ayton David Coat es Paul Simpson Gary Fisher arm Daiiid Boyce Lawrence La Marche Jim my Wines Gary Montgomery Paul McMInn Brian Newell Dennis Bellinger Brian McIntosh Peter Pettinger James Lawson Dav id and Robert Stable Mraud Mrs Harvey Petti grew left on Tuesday for trip to the Mar me Provinces gt Busseli Day and Mr and Mrs Leisk returned home Saturday after trip across Canada to Vaucoirv er Also returning home this week were Mr and Mrs Frank Gray who visited Victoria as well as Edmonton and Calgary Lydia Business Woman Battalion at the age of is in On Sunday they journey to place just outside the city by river where those studying Judaism were accustomed to come to prayer Among them AROUND SIMC Auxiliary Dancing to music provided by Milt Davidson group from Stayncr cards and darts rounded out the evenings entertainment EVERETT Mrs Margaret Jenkins is spending couple of weeks visiting at the home of her son Harold in Crccmorc Glad to report Robert Whit ley is home from hospital feel ing much improved Visiting at the home of Mrs William MeGIll over the week end were her sisters Potts of Collingwood and Mrs Hamilton of Stayner Mr and Mrs Orland Robbins and daughter of Niagara Falls were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Robbin and family of Nowmarket were weekend visitors at their par ental home here Mrs Lena Reid and Blanche returned home after three week vacation in Stayner and Ottawa Mr and Mrs Larry De Wilde of Barrie were Sunday visitors swlthAMrrsand Mrs Robbins Congratulations to the newly weds who were married 0n Sat urday Mrs Joy Drybrough and her husband and Miss be For est and her husband Soon the school bells will ring out again and all local schools expect full attendan UTOPIIi Mrs RayMills and children spent week th the Me Canns before leaving for their new home in Trenton Mr and Mrs Don Eryles and hobby of Chatham and Bryan Varcoe of Barrie were recent Visitors with Mr and Mrs Borden Jennett Mr and Mrs Bruce Milli attendedthe Lyons Amon wedding in Ivy Presbyterian Church on Saturday Aug 19 Mrs rthur Dobson spent the weekend in Barrie with hermotherMrsMurraywho has been on the sick list Mr and Mrs Bruce Miller and family called on Mrs Mur ray in Barrie on Saturday Sorry to report Mrs Jackson is not improving as fast as hflLï¬liJldSWDHI There was good tumoutat the Richards golf course over the weekend William Gollop Mr and Mrs Tom Tattersall of Barrie Mrs Andy Burlack Mrs Percy De Gear and son of Barrie Mrs Dick Cloughley of Greufel Miss Ellie Cloughiey of Allandale and Mrs MelCole of Barri Ontario Farmers in soil sampling the forrh of corn roast conv ducted by the Ladies In the localihall in Mrs Mr and Mrs£reomrcli Nowin addition to the savmgs belngglven discounts your covop is offering you the modern laboursaving service of BULK SPREADING fertilizer on SalomeAm lullM merflidnLAisl Lydia was moved by Pauls teachings and became the first Christian convert in Europe After he baptized her and he household she insisted that be Mr and Mrs William Gallop and Jimmy spent the weekend wth Mr and Mrs Jock lllrons of Scarboro Miss Lynne Thomson of Allan dnle is vi ting this Torn Exells Mr and Mrs Bristow and family expect to be moving to their new home in Barrie the last of this month GUTHBIE Congratulations to Campbell who took i0 steers to the Union Stock Yurds on Aug 14 and received top honors The average weight was 1250 lb with the best steer weighing 1430 lbs Mr and Mrs Walker Caldwell and family spent the weekend with relatives In Cooksville Mr and Mrs Campbell and Mr and Mrs George Campbell visited Mr and Mrs Boyce of Oakville last Sun day Miss Isabelle Gilchrist of Clin ton spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Gilchrist Brooklyn NY are visiting Mr and Mrs Mason carom Mr and Mrs Fetter and family have returned from ii trip through Mississipppi Ohio Pennsylvania and New York States visiting Mr Fetters bro ther and family at Lorain Ohio FLOWER SHOW WINNERS Congratulations to prize win ners at Venirajlowepshosv Midhurst last Wednesday Mrs Harris Reta Harris Betty Howard Beth Holmes Randy Ford and Bill Howard were among the prize winners 55 Grenfel won the George JohustonMemorialShield for the school with highest total of points in the yunior section Rita Harris won girls first prize and Betty Howard honor able mentioo with second MEEdeflWaTdCamp Eil Mr and Mrsrr S7Woodwof lLLUSTRliTED SUNDA SCHOOL LESSON By Alfred am Keep Fr By REV 11058 ADAMS hilt Andrews Presbyterian For this short meditation wish to take as my theme tbowordr friendships in repair Johnson once said if man does not make new acquaintan ome alfa them on PP After their illeg iozls al imprison ment Paul and Silas were rel leased with apologies by Phllipplsofflclals They re tIirned to Lydlal house gerald farm Mr and MrLEenryLLandiy and family have moved to To ronto Mr and Mrs Lawlor Dixie spent two weeks holiday at their home here THE LATE HERMAN BROWN This community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Shermadm brother of Boyd where QB COUNTY MOUNT 51101115 Mr and Mrs Maurice Fltz their hornLiLMidlandMr and Mrs Ron Hay and family of Wau bausheoe have bought the Fitz gerald have moved to Brown on Sunday afternoon 230 mnMornlngi Sermon Dr de Ca The Rev Sermon The Rev Dr do Cl Sermon 71119 Rt Reerrnwvtlkinson MM DJ hm Lord Bishop of Caromo TRINITY CHURCH Collier Street Next In the Post Office Organist Mrl Roberts IBINITYXIII lW4nWCommnnlon Psaycr tanzaro ï¬rmfloruhrmsyrr tanraro 700 on Evensong SUNDAY OBSERVANCE Mr Keith Caldwell Church Vacation school Monday 900 Inn All Are Welcome life he will Ioon find himself lion man should keep his friendships in constant repair And greater than Johnson ray Thine own friend and thy therr friend forsake not lrue friends are all too few ActrlMW Bethe Pentecostal Church will be guestispeaker this Sunday at Free Methodist Church in Barrie SERVE ANOTHER YEAR The Rev and Mrs Gobecn of Harris Free Methodist Church have been returned for another year to serve the parishes of Barrie Hillsdale and Wyevrales CONDUCT SERVICES group of to officers cur rently engaged in special study course in Tomato will Conduct the Salvation Army ser vices this Suudly It the ioor Hall on Collier Street One member of the group will be Captain Leslie 0f the Vlnv mover Harbor Hudson There will be holiness mee ing at ii aJn followed by special bollnesscliuic at 230 pm and an evangelistic at pro supplied with them that be has single one to spare Friendship ll one of those good things which the Apost io uhortl us to Hold fast and is worth all the trouble it may take to retain it And yet Ah how strong it is and bitter Elliot is silence friendships Friendship is one oi the sweetest and most enriching of lifes greatest pleasures it is true but it is so much more serious business for far beyond the value of wealth and fame is that attachment to good and generous souls which brings out us to realize our aims Such friend can never be replac ed and it has been sold the is that it will ond inng 3591135 iflrflg THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA nrocassoszrouem CONTRIBUTED SERMON end WWIbflndmtlYm than pleasurethat it ought to find large place in lifes thebut that in In us andrbclvs friendshlp iendships In Repair Or Old Age May Be Lonely How many friendships die be cause they are neglected The plant unwatered and untended fades away The fence goes down because it is notkeot lo thrnsil mtdrivenln the Imrund anthLglsnkv notrlacedalsoon as it And some are taken lrorn me all are departed All all are gone the old familiar faces We shall know then the feel lien heiwrnte Theres no friend lllte the morning days No greeting like his welcome no homage like his amiss Fame is the seamless sIIrI flolvger with gaudy crown of go But friendship is the breath ins rose with scents in CV cry mar There are dlvlno as well as human friendships How privil eged and honored are those who Ilka Enoch walked with God and who at the end of the loomey know as one writ er has said How beautiful It is to be alone with Him There is Friend that stick eth closer than brother who The friend is lost because we no longer find time for an occssioual talk hriel vlsit or for want of letter now and than or yyrnpathrrlc message in time of trouble it is not that we inteod to for sakaor forget but we think we are so busy that we cadnot command the time re quired to keep up the corres pondence conversatlon or little al courtesies that fortify friendship TAKE EOBER COLOR And while like Martha we are busy about many business and domestic things we are loll 11 better WNW has taken great deal of love an friendshu The ale iroomssnd made Himself of aster box of ointment is laid away to be opened when our friend is dead We are often penny wise and pound fooilsh in this mat ter it we live some day we shall realize that we are loo eiler than we are now our thoughts will go back to aid companitInshnd like Lambs take on sober color as we remember no reputation that He might win our love and fill our lives with blessing and be com panion through the dark valley of the shadow of death IN CONSTANT TOUCH We need to kee v0 of many grows cold they loss the conscious sense of the Hca venly Presence cease to born within them by iloiLoomeAthoyJIavordlcdr thaiwayrbecause they have and some they left me turned aside from God UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA fln Anglican Church ST GEORGES Amorous dtfltofl Avfllllld It Granville Street Rector Rev Welter Dyer Organist Mrs Shaw ATOM Church of St Giles Cook Street The Rev Jan moon Th Mrs Sinclair Organist and Choir Director Services during Aogurt will be conducted by FLI um rCollcy Irma am so mum tlon Edger xm Wflmyill Tih Ye Heed Watch and am now commas In Holy Communion Half hour service espec ially suitable for than who may be travelling 1i munHoly Baptism Ind Monkr Plum We invite you to come and worship with no at these sch docs 1100 LinaMORNING PRAYER AND SERMON Special wslcome to vocat ioners in our area Everyone welcome CENTMI UNITEDTHURC THE NEW CHURCH WITH THE OLD STORY Toronto Ind Boll ï¬ttest REV CECIL BREKN 3A 31 MIR It IRELAND EMJ organist and Cbolnnaltee iiloo non tumossisvlsrs with Collier Street United Church in CENTRAL UNITED Rev Brena Preaching AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Open Seniow couscous NEW RESIDENTS wawomr NURSERY Sundwvls awford and Hugh Ellis were Mr and Mrs Jeonett and Donna of Thornton Mr and Mrs William Ellis Charlotte an Brenda of Barrie an amfly atteiided tifeTJil loughby reunion held in Angus recently VisitorrwitlrltfrandMrrMrsn EdSchall and daughters Mayme and June of Ypsilanti Michigan visited recently with Mrs Schells father brother and and Mrs Frank Hohnes Miss Helen Holmes returned with them to Ypsilanti for visit the form of cash and bulk VIIIII CITup allergen this noilelgfallï¬gnillzer Mum BULK SPREADING SERVICE GENEROUS CASH ButKDISCOUNTS FREE sou sAMPI Mr and Mrs Charles Cole sisterinlaw RomaniaMp your ï¬elds and freT mm 930 ani 930 mm Citadel Sr Captain Marsh Gill Corps omcm Opp Post Office CHI EVERYONE mom ST ANDREWS fPRESBÂ¥TERIAN CHURCH Owen and Worslay st Rev W117 Adains 31L Ministerw Raymond Daniels Director of Praise 1100 am Iiile Struggle PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE JOHNSON sr scuooa aruDaNr mmrsran WMrJameePorricBAu MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL mem ova on Aug so Collicr Street erpla SUNDAY sEanOEs trunnrnndlpn Temporarily held In theOdd Fellow Hall on chiller street mam WAlTS you marrow RCH FOR UNI 045 hamSunday Sohoo mi Clappcrton at Woflley Rev Gordon Walker Partor Mill Ellie Clougbley Director of Music 10 to 10 Church School All Summer FIRST VBAFTIST UNION SERVICES IN ST ANDJ asws CHURCH DURING THE MONTH OF AUGI usT FIRST CHRISTIAN ORM CHURCH st Vincent Street Rev Jae Genzcbroell pastor Phono PA 80378 157 Blunt In Road 10I0 arn REV 11 VANANDEL rNew WestminsterhC THEJARRE Al REFORMED CHURCH REF Rev cornea Boos Minister lbone PA 61024 SUNDAY MORNING 1100 SERVICE OF WORSHIP inputoh language 1100 sUNDAv sermon iron no mum REV 11 VANANDEL To be held in StrJaInesChurcb Dutch at cm No SUNDAY scnoon DURING YOU nan WELCOME HOLIDAYS The Channel Back Gas THE floor Radio Program ALLIANCE CHURCH Berczy and Dunlap streets Gcorgs Rosl Palm Roman Catholic are mrscaun ca 05 Monaural si PA azm SUNDAY MASSES CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 1130 non SOCIETY 15g comm 51 EVENING DEVOTIONS Servicel chunky Behold 511 Wm 1100 mun20th Centurinodl 700 pmElvlngeilltlo sexvie Allm welcome 600 om in Wednesday at 30 for MDtherofPer ounl ep CHsIsTursu NM Readin am on prgmlses mar FRIDAYS was l1m masses 130 and 1115 mm UNION SERVICES Burton Ave United Churchv with ESSA ROAD mammaliancannon BIIIITIIII IIllElIIIErlIIIITEIl CHURCH II can PSALMJN THE GOD WHO KNOWTUS Rev David Reeve BA BD 930 ahï¬ChurolrflundnySohoolair 1100 ampNursery and Kindergarten ViarmnaAND NEW momma mom BAPTIST AEMMJA UEL BAPTIST CHURCH ER Nullmï¬ï¬‚l or vmusNr 5T OUTDOOR CHURc St Vincent Pork No ll Highway Pastor Nullmayer continues his series on rnrNos naour us AND ran more Tbia week FLOWERS Elna norms ii WORSHIP SERVICE 045 aimFAMILY moan sonoor AN CHURCH WILLOWDALE LUTHER 1H jUNHED CHURCH GOOD SHEPHERD sIeeI Street roan school steel on Hwy 11 MB it ATKINSONMlnistcr nnv MILAN Danni ra 61631 UNION saovwas WITHZION um um UNrrnD cannon ssAer 035m any Ar 1000 mm DuniN guzzuzim M5 mm run Monsoon Acousr can or ANaw cauncn SERVING ALL CHURCH NOTICES MUSTBE iN BY 12 NOON EVERYONE WELCOME um The Life NEW premier on runnsDAY log of OllvcrWendeliJiolnim their hearts