andspicesit hï¬dence gfurdariseenoughtoholduptbeguardbairinflaslealt né ssKIRTING THE BAY By EILEEN DIXON The Canadian National Exhibition in fullswing and every square inch of space seems to be occupied At least was last Saturday The CNErBandrshell presents afternoonrcoucerta starring the Men OBrass prominent English Band and in the evening the Leslie Bell Singers conducted by Dr Leslie Bell are feature attraction Theres something for eve one at the Queen Elizabeth Building this year The omens Division has planned com lete roster of information for women thentertaining exhibits for the whole family There is an interesting display of furnishings and fabrics Elsa Jenkins manager of womens ac tivities has arranged collection of haute couture miniature mannequins displayed on movable spiral stand in the centre ofthehall oou DISPLAY World famous designers including Charles Creed and Lachasse of London England created the insh ions for the lifelike models The entire collection will be presented to Fashion Group incorporated for its er manent display at the Royal Ontario Museum ter the Ex Only the Lachasse doll is special and famous ming iature will be returned to the couturier This doll was created in 1954 at therequest of the French resist ance heroine Mrs Odette Churchill She has been used to raise charity ever since This is the doUsQrsL jaurfl overseas The fascinating doll display is certainly worth seeing This year the CNE grandstand issomething be entire family to see especially the kiddies One of the most interestin features is history ageant called The lie of anada All parts are siren by Toronto Secon ary School students production number starring the Toronto Met ropolitan Police Force in full dress is unique 4H MEMBERS The experience of seeing the Exhibition and liv ing in college residence was the hith ht of the year for Simcoe County 4H Club members were guests of the CNS August 23 and 24 In attending Junior VDa sgat theiEirhlbmonï¬thei 1961 delegation of farm daug tors did whatrural girls have been doing since 1924 They took part in pro am of judging set up exhibits and gave demonstra 52115 on various phases of club work The exhibit was set uxfbydhe Hillsdale 4H Club entitled Sandwiches For ternoon Tea Miss Lois Lockhart was the commentator Amon Ahaclub members from this area were Misses Ca Vivian Ollie Mawdsley Dawn Lackie and JoAnne OBrien of Hawkestone Joan Smith Barrie Pat Harris Utopia FUR FASHIONS Fall fur fashions were created to entice women but usually this enticement leads to confusion Barrie furriers and the Canadian Association of Consumers Ottawa have given me few tips to pass on to you Augustfursale fans to help buy with con 01 It seems to me that most women thrilled by the very essence of fur hold constant cloudy fear of being took by the furrier The consumer associ ations advice may dispel some of that cloud It sug gests that you ask the following questions concerning Was the fur caught in season usually late winter or early spring If it is long or medium length hair is the under ile Are the curls tight in the Persian lamb coat Is he style too extreme Isthe price too low for good Does the furtier guarantee good service ady to make1 the plunge And local furriers arereadyio help you make that lunge They have announced that they favor basic lines The ortrait neckline with large collar and straight bee in the threequarter length seems to be the basic choice for the Barrie winter Black and grey Persian lamb are in demand Muskrat po ular and durable fur in good price range is the time fav orite Stop and think ladies When hunting for fur bargain make sure you get ahargain not dud IIFE ON HOUSE BOAT Major and Mrs Craft and their two children David 12 anndhaile II of Siammeasa Hm Reno Nevada find house boat life rugged and excit ing Mrs Craft who is the former Betty Scott daught er of Dr and Mrs Scott Codrington Street has even taken over the duties of ski er on occasions Long time enthusiasts of on oor livingthe Crafts beoeilclailn job and THE STARS SAY some TOMORROW Vibrations indicate the polli blllfyoi unulual trends which should benefit your bualnna mateuqu Personibe relation pn us to generously influenced so you should have pleasant day FOR THE BIRTHDAY Ii tomorrow Is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you have just entered cycle wbldi should prove gtrernely iiolncinl matters Stellar influences prev one gains on both fronts be ginning this month Those in outdoor lines such as Immature and sports and those in field brln them into contact with enoublicc may geirunususlrecotnlllon as result oi past efforts and willingness to assume Iddl tlonalrresponsibilitiu before the aid of October All Ibould Ivoid extravagance anchor speculation in both October Ind November Domestic and social Interests should generallypmsperderia the year Ibesd but there may be brief periods of stress in personal relationships in November October will be an excellent month for romance child born on this day could make good trial lawyer aur zoon or teacher VIcation Bible School at St Georges Anglican Church Al lendoie ended yesterday morning Enrolment at the twoweelrs school reached its peak this year with more than had never thought of owning house boat until last June when the otted the Monster The 4500 ounds of stee auminum and rubber has been cubicmaker from the beginning Life on the house boat has Its ups and downs in fact during the 180Q mile trip to launch the Mon ster at Lake Donner The generator si trouble then ire blew After brief sto overs and reï¬nir jobs the Crafts finally launched the purchase wit out formal christ ening Once afloat they were sure their worries were over and everybody was happy Then without any wom mg the Monster spnrugngieaks thodght theyTvere sinking Getting accustomed to living in small space was another problem The exterior of the boat measur es 31 feet but the actual living area Is just seven by 11 feet The porch measures seven by eight feet 10 inches All in all the Crafts consider the boat lifelong investment and are anxious to bring it back east to show their families Western woman Named President WINDSOR CPlMrs Frank Pezderic of Saskatoon Sash Thursday was elected national president of the Canadiangc thollc Federation of armor for merly known as the Canadian Federation of Convent Alumnne Vicepresidentsinclude Mrs Felix Kraft oi Vibnpk Ont Re cording secretary is Mrs Dor othy Murray of Ottawa MULTIPLE BIRTHS There were 10360 twin and during 1958 rims muss New new ME and Mrs Ewart Jed nett ofBerrle have announced the engagement of their only daughter Marie Elizabeth to OwlIE halfd all sorts of problems cropped up hed and quit next came the re is or hr Major Craft sisted by Mrs Browne and toe triplet birtnrurConnorsEL halfwolf menmedrwiththese queries fursalefans you are Jomummstwhwreg William Lewis Mason son of Mrs Kathleen Mason and the late Lewis Mason of Barrie The wedding will take place in Burtmn Avenue United Church COSILY PENCIL in 1799 Guyton de Morveau of France converte pensive diamond CONSCIOUS Fashion consclods women visit ularly Open Tuesday Thurs day Friday evenings For pro fesslonal services call PA his oourago and cm legend in an untamed Iliad fir lure mm union mmn nml MINES OLIVER WRWDUD serrsarunnzso 430 as 1st mo MON reasons we 925 am cmnnnn an STARTS we Air Conditioned 630 8910 shim BAKER IIIIIIIIIIIWIYIE HIEIIEPAPIS tom JAMES DIRKENHIMAZIEEIWWIWlimeIn15 BOOKINGS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR BANQUET SEASON WashEdibles for Banquets Dinner Meetings con WITH THE WIND three to 14 years Twenty ilvn leaders were in charge oi the summer schooL Pinning on their attendance card are lelt Ruth Cox Gerry Schep and his sister Winnie stu 80 students ranging from dents of the kindergarten Iminer Photo PEOPLE AND PLACES Pbone Eileen Dixon Audrey Coirth Notes In intended to cover the general social oithe r1lvcrsariel bridge pIr iies birthdays coming of Ige nrtles vialtn Ind trI velicrn are all Items of Intel est to the women of this page Your help in IIIDDLVIIIK thl newI will be greatly Ipprec nonr cnun Mnnr Barrie Yacht Club will host the Shanty Bay Yacht Club members at the invitation Meet this afternoon with races start ing at two oclock tea and reception will be held alter ward Mrs Jock Bouncy is oonvener oi the tea Assistants will be Mrs Doug Manchester Mrs Haughton Mrs Po well and Mrs Browne WIENER AND CORN ROAST Members of Barrie Yacht Club and theirfriends are hav ing wiener and corn roast this evening Commodore Maur Ice Barre has Invited the Shah ty Bay Yacht Club members to come talengJor the dancing on and food Social cnuveuer Mrs Jack Bonney will be as Mrs Manchester Mrs Dixon of Toron to has returned to her home after holidaying with her bro therinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Noble Vespra Mrs Murray Watson and ch11 NOW SHOWING Air Conditioned NEE OVER lurncd to the city after clIu Teachers in charge of this group were Mrs Alvin Mitchell Mrs Pat Trainer Mrs Lorne Williams and Mrs Gordon McLeod Miss Mary ion Grifien was pianist Ex dren Joanne Terryhnd And biMrliWelaois parents iter and Mrs Sid Roach Wellington Street East TRENT CANAL rum Mr Ind Mrs Herbert Browne Napier Street have re ersehinerip on the Trent CannlSystem and Sovcrn River This was trial run for the Brownes in their new four metro 23foot sailboat as yet unnamed NEW YORK HOLIDAY Miss Dianne Smith Shirley Avenue and Miss Sally Symes of Angus left the citythis mom in by motor for two weeks holiday at Stony Creek New York They will beh aying at the Dude Ranch LONGLIFE ELMIRA Ont CP Mrs Catharine Schierholtz who cele breted her mist birthday in this town near Kitchener has cut lived two of her five children Born of Germnnepnrents who emigrated to Elmira she clearly remembers the cams row of Willowdale are guests munity as it was when she was iï¬ueerï¬sthdetharw Accommodation Up To 300 Guests Banquet Permits Available CALL an 60291 or assess nor ekeyour next banquet an annual one by having Kenneys serve your group deli our Chinese food BARN mu SATURDAY AUGUST an MORE TEXTILE Canadians are among the worlds largest users of textiles It per capits rate about three times the world average POISON IVY ll poison ivy is touched th Ikin should be washed with strong household soap or do tergent FALL SPECIAL for Mother and mower imam Permanent Wave Special MOTHER PAYS vmum PRICE DAUGHTER Good during August and September ll Prowa Beauty Care Wicks Beauty Salon 45 DUNLOP ST PA 82980 MONDAY cram ncrrorv coLon moons UNIV SIX SURVIVEII IIIE TERRIFYIIIII GAIIVDII TONIGHT AND KIRKDOUGIIIS ANIHONYQUINN HIIWAIIIS use Adult Entertainment BOX errch OPENS 7aopm snow Sr 15 stone ullllnlnl mumsrenun will demonstrate in nowstveamllned we at putting In rippers Comeln and learn how and not your tree Instrucllon cells Miss mortalsV wm be in Walkers Fabric Department Monday nun sun has Tuesday All