PARK Qualiï¬ed To Lead Hon ï¬llanis iiiarric admirer 16 Buflflld Sm Barrie Ontario SATURDAY AUGUII in 4m 3y DON OBEARN gangid IShe party interest is mom lame allows Ontario Economlc Survey how disuse uhteiih is magnum when with the Frost admits on He probably could Shows Spectacular rGrowthw lime new light The ninth edition of the Economic As well as beta the most bi bi in mbebflef 1° mm urvay we Ir dudtï¬iilzed ro ca anida80hlario hesitation lugmm You new had mm mm lar owth of this province ntarics also ranks in agricultural produc men will carry on the Frost policies opu atlon which stands at 82mllllonre etion5incaWorldWar lithe annual farm Tlle out no party leaderin But you know very well any has increased by over onecthird since cash income in Ontario has been hlgb thedintueltf litboth the publicr they won and the public mind 1951 and may reach nearly nine million er than in any other province Last l3hawnartymlltsctttli the 1970 The labor force has also ex year farm cash income totaUed some my mm Tmehngsï¬igzi bited stead upward trend and at 880 million livestole and livestock mummy mu Tï¬illlon ls peYTenthigbef the re ucts rovide threequarters of tï¬ie Au willnnt associate any oftheln strongly with Mr host T00 QUICK Therella gréildriï¬hfloï¬ik 10 cars otal To acco is the second largest Annex CONFIDENCE young men in the PC party he re grt shows that personal in source of cash income accounting for Eiggmffï¬ibuguï¬efgm iï¬fyhflg Hespeamyfln come in ntario during 1900 stood at over onetenth of the gregate follow the only man ol the men or mmierwlflddu that they an alltime high of over $11 billion ed by field temps and ts and voget hum who we Framed mm much hm better than 80 per cent above the 1951 ables level For ca ita ersonai income which reached $18p20 Eras higher thanin any The Vin mum 1mm bundle use job In their eagerness they would He is the only man one could imh mum 00 MW bave full nfid They would put up oom its lea position ill mineral output by the highs ï¬gs pleter new image and in dolhg he province which last ear reacheda record level of wins the on 50 in at th mb mo pulling 011W mums Wm °f the $984 millidn Ontarios five topranking that for whiliaalrleagtfv WW dd total value of Canadian manufacturing minerals are nickel uranium Bowen He mm mum And they could be much wiser to °tPt 1114980 the vamC°5 manu gold and iron With an output valued actual experience than anyone mm mm gm fawning indusmes wdmea at $768 million the accounted for more of his own age on the ill pht My mad at 31mm 512 bm°na °f than threequartersy of the total value honor he wm Wm 325393 close to 50 per cent over the list dec mvmw He certainly has mor than ever And in the interval build ade Increasing industrializs on and of mineral pmdupuon in me any of the younger me And up some at the younger men urbanization have been accompanied by The economic reï¬ort frailty tdemon frankly none of the at this mom them further ll remarkable additions to Ontarios elec strates the contribu on ario to Particular Itase have swarm it they followed this course ing to inspire confidence that the PCs would be ve tric generating lant and equipment the economic life of the nation This 3ng would not get hm hmto knock om rlimvfnrz nuclear power sources areuaLheingifur flawrapid aggeAresultioioutstanding for years ther developed while the use of natural leaders both in overnment and 6v gas is gaining rapidly er wide field of ac vity guruwillinggrax collectors The provinces ydraulic thermal and province continues to for ahead at orriiwa across PEI Residents Long Await Conservatives Check About 350000 Bahamian businesses agents are businessmen Many of them vate Eflect from the big est chain to the smallest have become alarmed at the ex anaesth comer Show eight provinces Wm volved in the job The figural costs the By FARMEE iisslNGTDN creased steadily in recent years tions with series of bridges spend at least $14 million of their ouï¬l 222 Gagggliggg Sigryeryggg 31393 0mm how do mincmhhmderfe lulu dupe 3151 fhuoulnz more normal it PATRICK Manorson Iin the general elcctions mone this ear to on out an unw an an ow ance Cont cratlon six have ung uh cozlpulsory 39 collectors the met The hm or small eight or klngrgwemmmh Wm bridge link to their island as It is perhaps not too surpris OWAWAWM deed seen majority of Quebec vow made at the ing that the report should be the omng and hem mmd MP on the 105i lido in I10 of provincial mall sales taxes ammo service store might come to $166 ll year Ask um hum WW 33° fed reported diminution in Quebec ibecomes thereighthprovincefonSept one companytdom bumem pic of Prince Edward island PEI eLilliano meerllloegn azhltgudl letiIlecogiSllclgltfmlfmil support for ma rcmsewnu ilï¬llasrttbggï¬fgighf liedfétloWhl$ to go after consumers to raise $150 mil Vinces esumates ends 37000 and they are likely to suggest Matheson rose in the House of la built the on part mm mm he now Sends 35 MP lion year Seven other provinces Man 000 Yet W199 500 in sales tax that more than five years is Cornmons on January 24 lose some nine mile 123 all mm has found malzrlt Ullade mm and Alberta have touched this es because of the curse of exemptions required For this is the length to urge ledalal study oi the ditlon to the problem of tidas we °¢ Eb MPs on the losing side Five tax ï¬eld yet gamer in $200 muuon creating mountains of internal paper of time that has elapsed since project he declared that engineers have to consider such grmm Elem of the last sixclectoral victories from sales taxes work Another ï¬rm spends $98000 to the federal govsmmant first in causeway would translate into matters as the effect on fish the 1958 mmg the of the Conservative party have collect we more than twice that itiated preliminary studies of terms of modern development cries the availability of suitable senawe many new 50 been Won in spite of the Quebec the muchrtulkcd about and lcng and modern tliinklrl the kinds of ck ll per cent the cube it SomEtim In In all cases the governments ax amount taxes awaited causeway linking PEI of confederation to Errand ecogne ions problelns Ejdlfhtellil1h hells WM hem 95 tlaklj malority biting slIZnend to New Brimswiclr tinuouscommunication he tween winter icinaand whether the flea 4° can 3881 that Party In fact And um mm word Prince Edward island and the when would up on ram gave the Conservatives 50 seats recently 1957 we saw con town officials is that the report mainland way track as well an hlsh and 25 Lima 11 mu Victory aim by MW wlll nuLheJeadyinthe im MN DELAYS months later poll of Public nine Conservatives elected in way mediate future In fact no one opinionmmedmat 1913th Quebec The liberal government of man cosr widened with Conservative sun BARRlE LIONS AT CONVENTION whiskered House of David baseball team 321 ï¬ï¬ï¬btiiazzypï¬gï¬jï¬ the day did initiate some pre In was it was estimated that am soaring tn 62 per cent at CANADIAN UNITY URGED In lateflulymfrlnme Examiner with their portable flaming equipment are an and of 1m Ilmlnary studies that year but the structure could he built Gillfilth Wort and mBLibETm That Giantitin invl957VWPK had paragraph stating that the since Mr Methesons opening for between $50 and $60 mil mums in 35 lief tent the disaster to Canada and in Barrie in Massachusetts This was dis jammed the falls into Agricultural Park LAND common plea questions and comments iion With the change in design Now three years later the the political party concerned at covered by Barrie Lion delegates to Ireagurer Vern Ham estimated the The dream and calmac about the causeway have arisen since then more recent guesses Liberals are in the lead with any one racial group forming commune in Providence Rhode island 31d attendance at 120 but there must tion with Cellndns tilst prom some 65 times in tho houseas haVe boosted the figure to some reported is per cent with 32 predominant phalanx in support hm ave been hundreds more via the back 39 has inn1mm Canadian or members of all parties sought $100 million in 1050 and 1957 per cent of Quebecers support of one party The Liberal oppo en was press and unwind as utwaaHhe ï¬rst many years and has been the to hurry up the feasibility re the Liberal government had ing the Conservatives and the sitinn in Parliament was virtu newclulrtherevBsrriewent PasHresld hottest single issue for PEI port which is necessary first silent only some $6000 on its SocialCredile uWec armchairCanninan em Gordon Longman secretary Ross night game pin ed in Barrie and the and New Brunswick member step toward eventual realization preliminary survey Since then has soared from onerhalf of one with 88 Quebec MiPJ hills smith and Alderman 13m Gamer chair Pellh Royals the Eastern Canadian of parliament The New of the land link to PEI the Conservative government per cent of the Quebec vote in number of French Canadians man of the local International comen PlO L98 here for the occasion in project has cut across party one point It appeared as has poured well over $600000 the l050 election to astated is from other provinces forming on committee The convention lat est biuon beanhe wmskered boys lines to engender au port from if the report would be ready engineering and economic per cent of voterstoday the overwhelming majority 33 with their mem era of all poii cal parties reports 0n the basis of this latest poll Such situation gives French ever held it Lions had over 4000 Lions be to err Norman and has mvulved both when pgaigg gfliï¬dlggï¬ï¬‚s human pm were ho of opinion it is apparent that Canada an undue importance in and more 101000 people attending Hibbs righthmder who had eed and End Conservativo overnments the Conservative old Settlnthe olic as framed in beautifulcontrolFtherbelepi flawlrflwmum MAW121 causeway could hecome some unitels 50 seats Liberals the party cauc worse it WHISKERED BALL TEAM here in years He was purchased by uh hhnfhggjiessgï¬ï¬fï¬mc so causeway would create the Wright eggs hope they would retain no more gives Quebec too small voice In late August 1936 the famous Baltimore Orioles for the next season up will usually mowing si°iiieléii°9t 100th birthday in 1967 Now mnflva NewtW95 belie th mm Emma tourist traffic in the summer back to their drawing hamd5 however there seems little or they WW mid least 39gt cabinet 1W to say nothing of heavy icing and havebeenworking for the Wflibmw Di EVEH it flew the Fésemallm from conditionslNn Musï¬esta pail couple of years on an alti 15 $911M 115 Bdnflda2tpy Ilwgl€llcll0n 513 and fl Nome wt Strait in winter the demand ernata plan which would come year and work started at once with substantial ppm mm east e9 V8 prownc for causeway link has in bine some solid causeway sec it esumnléd 13¢ may Quebec That question has Wm erfhytvifoshggc iaguoneal Mondays coupes meetina itliplifeilfoihei ye macaw Tm or 85 en the councilrreacbedr ts decision asi Franc Canada was successitu The prospects in Canada are for to the future of the city hall Because in ULK And sa 395 said theile by Liberal politi mess of study the poo is of the At iii al art to higher not lower taxes Even if by his inaugural address made in January lantic provlnces do not seem Eoï¬mrncentfsul it lgmzlbu miracle Mr Flaming or successor of this yearbranghlestedimprovementswwm gt to be much nearer to the real exemhm of the ï¬en¢xndlu dantly clear that Quebec voter ShOUId manage to reduce taxes some to the cit hall aim or to what has ust lzation of their dream They mum om Emmi years hence the Provmces and munic beenjpplxovedby me my counciL canvbowever get some encaur ï¬uiwflrlgidglséilflï¬rdgum pidjutliccsmand think for them alities woum quickly take up this decision agement if they pay visit to thinnest selves in their own interests sack Indeed the are generally rais ngbydfamicsianolstofyonheWï¬t took marlyvyenre after mg taxes already mg bagelems jg MR Kls ADVANTAGE on seamlrmmw hem Rielï¬eiui for the Liberals to any prospect of order in ourfederal a1 liaiï¬ioinmggï¬Ã©gï¬céï¬g flew Whip limb irligm and IeSl Supposm fluances awn proved invaluable inhelping en liar 0then Erna1i unwell£31 GUELPHIS Wgsrtl $013518 sgggvetllesalllliltllgatlgéatfrfll By MelNlYRE HOOD Pistols and revolvers souven Sgï¬rspï¬gbï¬iesslhgdhigdebewe is 2111 the blank in Que Th 18 Ba IIY HAL London England Corres irs th Boer tb 9i years ater Quebec the was Guelph Mere Khrushchev ontbe Berlin question For in Emu Euï¬g wm wash and are gong plaguins them slnce 1959 5pm 35 seals or the arm WMrapdmalLtheJmest for the Tories After that the Hi 811 luel hs historic city 1131 is to carry When it °°mesl waver Spadï¬c and Cypnis campaignsformed suggestion mere rhetoric takes over LONDON In the first week Conservatives did not again win After all that long while Oilbu With new 1001 Himaï¬enflhmmnhflenuH Maudie awn flunggel fairetgogï¬hgélegm Exposed Pollcemen majority of Quebecs constitu She recalls with smile There has been much controversy for Khrushchevs advantagq not ours ghlédï¬gmgngï¬gc £9351 stack of pistols iha rifles were Are Re Dried ï¬fgglglgrogm gigggigbak Three small words grands sometime over the city hall Some feel Qwermse he wouldnt use issue Ii Butler homersecretary very mad 1° In one cm Quehec provides only 75 oflthe said in the hau that the building is outoidate and of these weapons turned in to eggbï¬lgznhyfhgyflmï¬lif RlcmvalJ Ind ammunismminm WNW should be retained as weuknown the police more than 1040 fire moss It is therefore uite ob to the police have been city policemen exposed to spl landmark aragrap lea Pea lng arms and 6000 rounds of am an my Th vious that political party Vls munition have been handed in can and away Elynï¬ouhimï¬efécgï¬hnmï¬ï¬‚ able to amass enough support Now both groups should be satisfied There are still few people who can to the Metropolitan Police in mufï¬iégfds °f Hank Sunday were at wark from other regions to tom The tower is to he removed bringing have good time in the summer without L°fld° semi it the VHF The weapons in the common parent good health Friday EWemment Whilst mam me milder aIliearance to the build ex oslng themselves to chiggelj bits $gfeg 33 bear manufacturers markings D°ct°rsh8d said this would my negligib mm mm ing which will also be redecorated and pa son ivy sunburn and drowning from almost every country in be the day Patrdlmen lohn Gel We the council chamber will also be re 9° am the world Most of in Ber 30 and Collins Dickerson Missile experts are still uzzledove mg mullemm war IrCï¬ deem ht 29 would become ill ifrthele ovated When the work is clone the city sues ope geaguegfllrg Vilmaoh hams 1y hijflvfem £35 contracted the disease from ball will wh the ca suits in which rissom sub mpy sax gal 1311 25 ygggi orbyited sap Press report Per mblapnfgmf warsin Anny parts at the high Glee hm haps it sank because it was heavier than At thread of the first week ï¬fth the was ho cuhhflmiggï¬oda TWEDITOR ayor am ht waten 930pistols and revolvers90 an over HEW at The patrolman evwednthh MA felt certain amount of personal satis rlfleS one Stan sun and 19 An average of 35 Americans day shotguns and airguns had been C9 inspection and dispos baby but he died day lat name Aug 26 um The policemen have beentakr drowned in Jul which is alwa bad handed in undiluted at Scot Daniel mm Wm 0F PAY tN BARBIE The Barrie Examiner month for drawiling says stalistlcim 35 Egg Hyman ilnleliloifrltilléfeelhliluhalé $131M hill°hl$ll£ Thfggfgg hxggggg b3 will your authorised as recent eiur mail Other bad months for WW the hew 50mg naming Lhanded over to military mug spinal meningitis and they were drivers in Vs embark rortormrnapartmsntottm iremaininEBlwmspevla chiam Working parts but others WAD we 39 usufctedsg répoxrtlwtheindWWTISh pfoposed reduction Daily Snelly um 17 Romy executedJ It seems many People are just not fit WWW But the loreams 5° mm may me am 5° in Day he will 16 into service with the Army signer fever or pain nlrnï¬ï¬‚rï¬rlhï¬fiuflfl SuhleCls for paradise Adam and Eve ï¬geï¬ï¬thï¬ $3303 They The amnesty is part of the mm this amen on What my ensue got thrown out of the Garden of Eden governments campaign against 511 cem Barm Editor chititans nrnnle ruin um and during July 30000 East Berliners BOMMTRANGE WEAPONS enme cnd to ensure that ov BIBLE THOUGHT k2l$lly°ii°odum firms or prestige in the bushes and livid life of Ronnies IHRIEB Adverttling as Some unusual Weapons were portunitiea for acquiring fira ions sounds circulation urn Ieï¬ their communal parame gguï¬g any rigghm Mm influx mmigi lltirlllaiyglzï¬ zlyslflsï¬ghohmfrn your comm Sublcï¬ptlon utensil byosrrisr also or an over mm as un internalsi an 55 hottest Judi inglili eisfieiilï¬egï¬fiilyifiiililï¬ egghush 10831 Bug gggdruymgint file 5ice3e3h 1535 el €3€liioiliiil eamnmecanaupoceo as eaou than my ut Ontarioicon in logist What does he WBane pie t9 d0 machine gun was sivon to the another 6000 weapons are likely ulgï¬zd hg$dlvs°°m° reduced rate of pay $190 per PA 56302 omm verrtt Stung deaflHn d3 police at silicon The small to be surrendered in the Iron hm WM aha dflnkh bottl effective Sept In the ulmt iiontm ms gammala am about gum in my are alone fringe benelitswera taken into mm mummdm mu Pub In this Iworm were £0015 WNW ches long was made in the The latest amnesty of this type and 15 222 li OliSideiflholherey you might WELCOME WAGON tulle Mmmlon 1h alum pm an em wo be felvlslrange beret United States about 1670 The was held in Bali and it Just short time before ls figuredha Werflii DRY 85 $155 Audit Dunlll blrsulstlonl llA banana theé has hunk News expert said it was vofrttle rtypamhrougbtLflnod of weapons rael was singingintriumphbutP9l Th ashram Pass It entitled to th din worn by wonien in their stock some ll00iibeing surrendered so soon victories are forgotten The takeome pay is from me LL in ggï¬rï¬ï¬hg Pa er Nor EY banana 99 in in the Wild West saloon to the policein period of and the spirit of bitterness re $46 to $48 per sixdayweek so mm the toss nan published on tarsfrom anelepbant do the early daylh six weeks places it BUS DRIVER