viltilathe first and second and 47mmo long to remain 35 HERE NOW THIS SORT OI THIN David Walsh of Shanty Buy wont get hway with this kind oi art work when school starts soon ile will be pupil at Shanty Bay School which has new addi tion when it opens Sept New section of the school cost 560000 and will have staii no THE BARR EXAMINER SATURDAY AUGUST ill Drivefs Beware OPP QrLLookout For All Violators of three teachers under Prin cipal George Cooper of 0ril lla It will service students from Crown Hill Barrie Ter gOn Frost This is busy time for to bacco growers or they must work seven days aweek to get their tobacco harvested Chiei worrynow is the threat of hail storms and early frosts Most growers upect to con inue picking tobacco until some time in midSeptember But declares Eeni Vanhnverbeke if there is an early irost we iwlil iinish it in hurry AMPLE WATER SUPPLY Mr Vanbaverbcke and his sons came from the Tiiison burg area live years ago and purchased term on the sixth line of Essa Township conven iently located on the Nottawa TObchO Growers Wh saga River which assures an ample supply gatiuh This year we bought new irrigation system remarked Mr Vanhsverbeke but so much rainieii that we had no cause to use it Mostly we have to irrigate three or our times in season to grow good tobacco Asked how long he thought dorm would grow tobacco he replied that some farm at Tili sonburg have been growing that crop for so years becauseevery other year the land is planted to another crop On his Essa farm he rotates his planting to one year potatoes and one year tobacco of water for irri Hmwyemï¬hmrmnï¬mlrw At present says Mr Van haverbeke we are on the sec ond pickingh tRe added that con ary many pro is think tobacco picking is divine in five passes spread over the picking season and not in onceover operation In each ass two or three leaves are on from each plant working m1hebottomoiï¬‚ï¬ plant to eetopr asifheTleavermature third and fourth pickings make top grade tobacco usually the fifth are of lower quality After the leaves are picked they are brought to the tying iablewberetheyaretied sev eral onto each stick which is about three feet long like lath Then these sticks of leaves are elevated into the kiln Mr Van haverbeke has 10 kilns ior cur ing One kiln holds 1266 sticks andcosts in lalLor to ï¬ll one amounts to approximatelyszoo plus $61 for propane heating fuel emceerevs HEAT Forthe inexperienced half Lancaster Miss Wins Preliminary TORONTO CP Jean Mac Rea b0 oi Lancaster won the sixth division of the Dairy Prim cess competition atthe Can dian National Exhibition Fri Repre Glengarry County Miss MacRea goes into the semi iinals which begin Aug 29 Others in the milking contest Friday were Dolly Boyce 19 Osgoode Carleton County Joan Robinson 20 Courtland Nor lkrduyceDrmrfIETEiET towel Perth and Jean Allen 17 Mountain Dundasu George liuvros CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrie PA 33186 LOCAL residents tieing to vator behind conveys these sticks oi tobacco into the in the suiiocating 165Adegree heat maintained in these kilns for from five to seven days Too little or too much heat can quickly ruin kilnof tobacco which may be Worth irom $500 £31000 depending onthe mar Mter kiln oi tobacco is dried the sides oi the kiln must be opened to allow atmc spheric moisture to be absorb ed by the dry leaves Otherwise says Mr Van haverbeke they would be so brittle that when we move them to the storage born they would break up like corn flakes It takes great deal oiex perience to cure tobacco it it is insuilicientiyvcured it will mold in the storage barn and ii it is heated too much to say 185 degrees it will turn white While many growers hire pro fessional kiln operators Mr Vanhaverbeke operates his own This means curing 45 to 50 kiln loadsvof tobacco year After you have made few mistakes in caring tobacco you learn to do it right he says for every mistake you ROLLS SIMPSON 24 Hour service rs c2659 Barrie Wbutthisisnotsowhile race and Shanty Bay nearby kilns ready for curlt asegiven by Miss Joanna An dersen oi Shanty Bay at the RCAF Edgar pool and Jim ile Harvesting Ii crackdown on all motor ists violating any section oi the Highway Trailic Act was prom lsed today by otticials oi seven district headquarters at the On tario Provincoal Police here to day Tbewarning came as direct result at an order by assistant oer Thomas Tnmï¬le oi OPP Headquarters in To mate The Toronto oliicial said All districtJonmdm have been told to cut down on warnings and step up arrests There is direct relationship between prosecutions and fatal injuries Commenting on the local sit uation Siail Sgt E1 Ayers Seven District Headquarters said We intend to crack down as we have been ordered There will be no more wurn iogs issudc We intend to prose ings issued We intend to prose cute each and every violation at 14 Pass Tests At Camp Pool Fourteen young people from the northeastern part of the county and the Stayner am area pussed Royal Life Saving Societyexamination at Camp Borden Aug Instruction for these classes Gower of liieaiord at Pirates Cove on the Nottawasaga River during the summer months They were under the sponsor ship and direction ol the Sim one County Recreation Service Those who were awarded the bronze medallion were Donald Reardsoil Elmvale Linda Speer Diane Tolian and Suz anne Levisoo Shanty Bay Syl via Franka and Sharon Gal braith Midhurst Marilyn Lam son Leiroy Jim Bond To ronto Robert Watson and Rev 1rlcyWotsom1taynerrflarvey Eherhardt Wasoga Beach and Wayne McNabb Ottawa Tom Pamenter Toronto re ceived the intermediate RLSS certificate and Elaine Dniry of Crown Hill the bar to the bronze Both instructors were award ed the Royal Liie Saving So cletys hematoramrï¬ï¬‚catc which showed they underslood all aspects of instruction at this level and that at least 75 per cent of the candidates they had presented for examination had passed AID AFRICAN COLONY FEEETOWN AP Carter Canadian high commie sinner in Sierra Leone said Fri day the Canadian government has provided £70000 in annual aid to Sierra Leone and that he has discussed further Canadian aid with the government of the BritishWest African colony conducted traific onthe main the act that our oiflcers ob serve Sergeant Ayers added that marry motorists feel we allow slight leeway in respect to the so mph lindtihtrhas been fact but this leeway is no more Our ofï¬cers will prosecute driv ers who so much as exceed the speedlï¬rrrlby lraaion The oiiiccr pointed out that speeding is the main reason for the increased numbernLdenths on highways in the province generally and in district seven speciï¬cally Road fatalities in district sev en comprised oftbeoouolies ol Simone Dufferin and the His trict oi Muskoka are up 57 per cent from the previous year up to the cod oi June fur ther seven deaths were report ed here in July G0 70 MP NOW Sergeant Ayers said We are getting fatalities now that prev iously might have been only in juries This is brought about by the increased speed oi driv ers using the highways When the limit was raised to 60 mph the majority of drivers seemed to accept this as signal to go 7n mph He added it is this sort ol thing that is causing our fatal ities and it is the thing we in tend to put an immediate stop to The sergeant said any car tbdt passes cruiser which is cruising at 60 wiilautomatically be ticketed Drivers think that ii they ass cruiser which ir doing so gently easing by nothing will be done or said They will find out difierently now neamrrsrer The crackdown order from Tomato closely follows com mens by Attorney General Kelso Roberts that the death rate on Ontario highways was 41 per cent higher than year ago He has recommended the ad ditinn of up to 850 men to the OPP force in the province Lendlng support to the babe in increased speed is the cul in this tremendous in crease in highway fatalities is DTRICT TEACRS annsynnrn saucer Ontario Public School Men Teachers Federation Friday wound up its ninth summer schooiin school supervision and administration at St An drews College Aurora The school was conducted irom Plan Special Meet About Auditorium Barrie District Collegiate Board will hold special meet ing on Wednesd Aug 30 at pm in the etcria OIJCEII tral Collegiate Main item on the agenda will be buildin No d17 dcaiing pro posed Central Collegiate audi torlum Captains Death Mars Tug Race TORONTO CP tugboat race at the Canadian National Exhibition to trout was marred Friday when skipper aboard one of the tugs died as his boat rounded the first turn Seven tugs fivedieseldrlven and two poweredbysteam got off to test start the steam driven craft given threemine uto head start The race our times over marked course was won by Paula captained by Steve Powell 39 oi Dunnville His tug the fact that the number of accidents is down from that of last year whipped around the 25 mile cause in at minutes and eight seconds Garbed Only In Pair Socks Mali Guides Trafï¬c On Street NEWARKET CF VA48 yearold NewmarkeLmen who street here while wearing only pair oi gray socks was con victed Friday oi committing an indecent act Benjamin Cox explained to police who picked him up am looking for my wife Constable Clare Penrose es corted him home while pedes trians cheered end shouted more rl understand said Coxs lawyer Joseph paddled his behind all the way up airs certainly did not said the constable who told the court Cox had been drinking but did not appear to be drunk Cox teitifiede he had been sleeping efore the incident All ever wear in bed is pair of socks and guess got said Benny has no bad instincts his lawyer said oiltheiarm oiRerni Vanbaverbeke who hires 15 local people to harvest his to bacco crop of 60 acres make you lose money and so you learn fast grids 71 lot of people think tobacco growers make their money pre ty easily said Mrs Vanhavere she admits good livingcam be obtained from it if person has thorough knowledge of tobacco she points out that the cost ofequipment buildings and labor is tremendous And in our case she said my husband the boys and my sdl have to worlLright along The cost of production is the same even when the price paid to growers is right down One bail storm or early frost like we had in 59 and your crop that has cost so much to grow is lost You can soon lose your eltirt in this business if things Barrie Girl ops7 French Horn0pen TORONTO CF Robert Gray oi Toronto who earlier won the comet class for play erselaalearaoiogeoumlmder Friday was awarded the innior brass scholarship at the Cana dian National Exhib on He placed first in his class ahead of John Avery of Handl ton and Tommy Merklinger of Waterloo Barri girl Linda Lee Stur gess placed ï¬rst in the French horn class at the Canadian Na Lional Exhibition Friday The brass beginners 14 and under award was awarded to JanMarie Mustard oFSudhury so wrong all You Goon Money alone will not keep you iree from are case But you can obs that will prevent any illness from ravaging your 4R trust Follow his advice first symptoms of any ailineot merit Dependonmpharmacy foyali med icioes We are interated in proval not quickproiits yous oocroncsn need medicine Pick shopping nearby or withourextrachargeTAgieat many people entrust thelr prescriptions May we compound us with yours ianDWELLs DRUGx 744 Geo CsldweliPnni Doognare Firm Cor Owen and Dunlap so gt RlRDRa Osanlsdndslnan greaseif you havenot yet done so select for your family physician one that you will implicitly David Lyon of Welland won the trombone compe on or ANT suv HEALTH erve certain precautions exactly Visit him at the your continuous at mono us when you upyyour prescription it will deliver promptly STORE other winners included players under 11 Cameron Kick of Waterloo was second Cornet 11 and under Ian McKay Toronto Richard Langler Saroia Tornmyliila ther Preston Cornet 1s and under Brian Eaton Woodstoc Ted Grimes Aylmer Lee Sturgess Barrie John Heidebrecht St Cathannes Punishmentyoucouldgive is to mak him walk down the street in the same statebut sober The Court of Appeal would frown on that commented Ma gistrate gave Coir of six months iThe tugoiwar isslatedior alestbatyou outof bed bail asleep he The wrap Aug 14 to 75 Sixtysit men and six lady teachers and principalslirorn all parts at Ontario received lecturu by outstanding educators and discussed various sublecie Among those who attended were from left above Raymond Picknrd oi Mmord Bay Norman Eisenherg Paul Pogue and nald Johhstonfalloillafne Jamel Rniney oi West Gwillim bury TSA No Gary Vasey oi Bradford and John Schmidt at Camp Borden Plan TugOTWF PoiElmvale Fair WANTED Six big brawny men for Simcoe Comty cham onsldp tugoiwar tournament Thntswhattthotsigz saidrthat big Jock Ritchie oi Elmvaie has been carrying around the county trying to interest groups and organizations in the novelty attraction at Eimvaie Fair this year We are trying to revive the old sport that our fathers and granolathers used to do to work off steam libRitchie said We hope to have all the coun ty fairs doing it in iew years and draw teams from all corn ers oi Simcoe County Mr Ritchie stopped Friday at police and lire stations in Bar rie and Oriilia and has already gained enthusiach response from other bodies Wednesday Sept 20 at 280 pm Prires total $140 Any six men from any part oi the county may form team for the big pull Among the most important of limitations is ioot gear no attached traction ap paratus like cleats or spikes What about womens teams Well Mr Ritcbie hedged maybe in iew years But we went to have our innings before the girls get involved 2hour Manhunt Results In Arrest onmma CPiAn intenslve twonour manhunt involving two police cruisers and tour oflicers oi the Oriilia police department ended Thursday night when the wanted man was found sitting in local park munching raw hamburger Raymond Wilson of no iixed address but believed originally oi Woodstock was arrested and charged with break enter and theft of government mall after bcmuuï¬uetioconnection with series of breaklns ln Orfl lla Thursday CAMBELL LTD Furniture Moving and storage Commonin Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines on oosss as Rd East Barrie Midland PenetaaghElrnvachEiionelenlth No Toll Charge PA 38021 Ir up on yo VYDo warn your children to havegoodsunrw or areas itun hearxingédi Call me may and let me mil you how SUN LIFE ASSURANCF c9MPANV OF CANADA District Supervisor wank me mom you ow terir Al alsossnlor gé 0i 0pm 351 din gus Al HNNnuN5mrnï¬r assume Jniuue DISTRlCT COLLEGIATE INsTITures September 571 CENTRAL CQLkEGIATE comma Grades and 10 Students in Grades 13 who have not made out tlmetablcs and all others who have problems are advised to discussthesepreblemsattheschoo office during school hours on August 3lst and September lst NonrHCOLLseIATs ReelsrsAriON Grades 1112 and 13 900 Grades and 10 120 pm Students in gradeRrwho have not made out in others Who have special problems are advised to see Mr Hamilton or Mr zpNIHG ARRANGEMENTS THEFOLLOWINGWILL ATTEND CENTRAL COLLEGIATE Allstudents pm Barrie estTE Toronto Street to ophia Street then westoi Bayiiel Stree to the waterfronfand those ttendm Via school bus from Innisï¬l Sunnidale and Essa except the Village of any some ntJakinanstmmantal music Band and Special Commercral HE rottowrris WILL Annes NORTH couseiAT All studentsinBarrie resrding onToronto Street and eastof Toronto Street to Sophia Street and then Hayï¬eld and studen 961 timetables and all gus Also of Bayfield Street by ch 01 usfrom vespra an dent taking instrumental music