Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Aug 1961, p. 2

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sraoun lllNIORS ass BASEBALL Stroud junior Basebaiiers beam happily after winning the Ball Planing itiill Trophy for 1061 second year in row Coach Masth Camplt bell has plans now to take his INNISFIL NOTES boys into an international ex hibition From the left top ro Paul Murphy Dale NeIily Don Johnston Dale Pratt John Johnston centre Stewart Fischer man ltfarshall Campbell Chief Brown Wams Against Boat Theits By RGS There has been rash of stealing of outboard motors along the beaches and Innlsfil police chief William Brown warns all boat owners who leave their boats and motors out to keep sharp lookout If anyone is seen or any noise hcnrd police should be contact ed without delay It might just be the ieadrihrat would enable them to be on the job when the thieves are around There are many miles of beaches and it is not hard for thieves to he at the opposite end when the patrol cars are out on their rounds Citizens are asked to he alert and if possible put their motor inside Only one of several motors tak erinthepast weekflas been recovered and this had got as far as Toronto ML Qonstohlcmlmmninmas received some fan mail follow ing the publishing of our story which was picked up by Can adian Press and relayed across Canada This was the account of the boys who let the air out of tires in the summer resort area of Cedar Harbour lnnls fll they were obliged to re rpump thetiresrwhlch took con4 siderably more time than it did todeflate them it also pro vided some enjoyment to the car owners instead of the trou ble that had been anticipated by the lads who deflated them for iark The letter with special delt livery stamp was malledJrom ontreal and commended Con stable Martln for his method of dealing with the matter Nod Cookstown SowGets¥CNE ils Grand Champion 0i Show TORONTO CF Roman dalo farms of Unionvlne showed the grand and reserve grand champion cows in carrying off the premier exhibitors award at the Holstein judging Friday at re Canadian National Exhibi on Raymond Comfort of St Anns took the grand champion Shropshire rem prize with his Comfort By 203 Reserve was Brien lzN owned by George Brien of Ridgetown Grand champion ewe was Gurney 2P owned by arm by cams coach Gary Ayers Ken Bow man Dave Gosney Wayne Neiiiy Raymond Neilly soc rotarytreasurer front row John Sutherland Kenny Green Roger Rik Douglas Campbell WnynoFerguson Glass Smashed $4000 In Loot Taken ilt Shop Batteries tools spark plugs and accessories valued in ex cess of 84000 were stolen early this morning from the premises gvtfamuotorsrflunlopStreo es Barrie police reported this morning the theft was discover ed during routine patrol of businus premises by Constable Johnson Entry to the building was gained by smashing small window adjacent to the door leasing the door An employee of the company told police he had been work ing fairly late last night and everything was in order when he left before Inidnight The building was checked by paliceaLl am and everything found to be in order Con stable Johnson discovered the broken win low and the theft an further ecls at 415 aim Police investigation is con tinuing Phony iliricans Negro Reporters BALIlMOltEJAP Three Negroes who posed as African diplomats to dine at swank downtown restaurant here nies day were identified Friday as reporters for the Baltimore thenrrcaciunrthrougbandfiT spring lock on the SATURDAY AUGUST III CAPSULE NEWS CNR Charged MONTREAL colma Qua bee Trucking Associatiooob blood two lummonsa May charging the 2th with operat ing road transport in Quebec without Quebec transport or nannies permit e7 no complaints charged the ON cog in road transport Richmond nil in the Eastern Townships of Quebec Eliau brought by 1nrsssocl again still is before the Court of Ap peel after judgment against tbaJailwayhg Picket Gardens TORONTO CPI Members of the CsnsdinnHungarlan fed eration picketed Maple Leaf Gardens Friday night prior to the first performance here of the Red Army chorus dancers and musicians The pickets carried antiCom munist placards and handed out leaflets ihcyssid they intended throwing leaflets during the Rus sians performance urging them to defect There were no reports oi Vin ience and no leaflets wsrl thrown inside the Gardens Land Collapses WEST POINT NY APlAn area of land fill the size oi lo football fields collapsed into the Hudson River Friday and cre ated huge wave that swal lowed six pleces oi heavy con struction equipment and do Tehbéili WV About 1000000 yards oi earth taken from housing project excavation on the US Military Academy gave way appar ently from being undermined and dropped into the water spouting wave 10 feet high No one was injured WINDSOR tCP Resolu tions protesting the threeper cant retail sales tax which comes into nffeetSepL willbe heard by the Ontario uniclpal Association meeting re Aug 2780 recordattendsnce of some 1000 persons is expected for the OMAs 63rd annual convention which will feature number of guest speakers including Pre mier Frost HealtlIMinisterDyf mood and Municipal Affairs Minister Warrender Resolutions by Niagara Falls Welland County and Thorold Township endorsed by several at them and cihrlvllla an CAR LEANS HEAVILY AGAINST TREE AS CURIOUS SPECTATORS iNSFECT ACCIDENT Driver In CanalPlunge Car Is Fined On CarelessC cunt BRADFORD Special Ran dolph Needhsm 7A of Lake Wll cox was lined $50 and costs or 10 days on charge of care less driving in Bradford court Friday Bradford OPP charged Need ham with criminal negligence and careless driving June 17 ei ter the car he was driving on North Canal Bank Road went out of control and plunged into Bradford canal Apassmgerdn thrcar EXPLOSION KILLS FIVE INDIAN HEAD Md ior Fiva persons were killed late Friday in an explosion at the US Naval Propellant plant The victims all civil service employees were not identified Resolutions Urge Change Sales Tax tended to be used for other pur poses The Ontario Association of Ur rbau Rural Municipalities urges the establishment oi new formoiceducationctapbecause the cost of education should not be raised from local prop erty taxes alone Kitchener resolution en dorsed by several other munic ipalities mills for an increase isroldageponsions it also asks for action by the Ontarlo gov ernment to obtain reduction in the age limit to 65 years from 70 without means test es Kennedy 35 of Aurora was drowned but Needham and two ctherpuscogers Judy Hitch cock and Colleen Needham both 21oi Lake Wilcox swans toshorc The charge oi criminal negli gence was withdrawn after the court was given evidence here were no warning signs and no guard rails at the curve and no shoulder to the gravel road West Gwilllmhury Township pcillor William Scotch said ce been installed near the scene of the accident He said signs and guard rails have the Scurve looks like dead end from either direction Bradford OPP Constable Al Mason said several cars had plunged into the canal and number of people drowned along that stretch oi road in the last two years The officer ad mitted thtit once car had rsllpped onto the bank the rough terrain would make it impos sIbls for anyone to return his car to the road Needham told the court that after the car plunged into the canal he stood on the roof and Barrie 36919 Injured ils Car Smashes Tree 10yesrvold Barrie youth Henry Lee Dunlap Stwas severely injured and his auto mobile wrecked when it left the highway and struck tree on Highway 90 just west oi Essa Station shortly alter pm yes terdey Police say that Lee apparent ly drove onto the soil shoulde and lost control of his vehici The automobile careened out saw that everyone waseoutfii econtrolaiongvthoshoulderoithe Kennedy appeared to be swimming Needham said so helped the girls to shore When looked back couldnt see Jim and although dived in twice couldnt find him Nild Ijorest Fireflrson Hint May BenewBitter Loggers Feud ST JOHNS CPI feud with roots in the violent strike of Newfoundland loggers two years ago has all the earmarks of breaking into renewed bitter BESS comment by Premier Jos eph Smallwood Friday that most of the people of Newi foundland believe the IWA is be hind mpny oi the fires in the provinces forests brought quick chetihniroffillitfii dd of the International Woodwork ers of America CDC Mr Lsdd eastern director of the IWAsnid in Toronto the union plans to apply forrecerti fication in Newfoundland within few days He saidthe pre miers statement is means to try to fight off the union hid Heated exchanges between the premier and Mr Ladd go back to 1950 and the strike whlds reached its peak in the death of member oi the Newfoundland Constabulary The MA was de certlfied as bargaining agent for the province replaced by the Newfoundland Brotherhood of WoodsWorkers concerns UNIoNf Mr Smallwood angered by picket violence said he would not tolerate gangster unionism and union gnngsterism Mr Smallwood was asked by reporter Friday whether he thought some of the provinces fires were deliberately He replied doesnt matter what think but know that most ofthe Newfoundland peo ple believe the WA is behind many of the fires What Newfoundlanders think reserva to theioint entry oi gfisad champion boar any age Fraser of King was premier breeder for the 10th time at the ONE and was run ner up for premier exhibitor Dennis of Oak Ridges showed the grand champion bull Sheffield Crown Prince Joth the junior and reserve junior champion bulls were pro vided by the senior yearling class with the top award going to Romandale Cornet and the Marriage of Buriord and Mark Logan of Woodstock Two exhibitors showingaat major fair for the first time were Vanderlip and Sons of Brantiord winning the sen ior calf heifer division with Val mar Prefect Gina and Werner Romahn of Petersburgh who had the senior bull calf in Rob inswood Jackpot SHOWS PRIZE BOAR Dona Farm Ken ZIP owned ornus Brownritige of George own was judged grand champion Tamworth boar other winners included Junior champion boar Cedar Heights Roger RC 15 James Hart Gadshill Junior champion sow Dona Farm Bell 61R Bert French Palmerston In the Yorkshire class the title went to May Park Duke owned by Templer of Bus ford Reserve champion was Walker Farms Champion Turk owned by Werner Romahn of Petersburg Grand Championesowiwasllm Drive owned by Arthur Mot row of Cooketown The prize for the best pen of four hogs most suitable forex port bacon went to William Pinkney and Sons of Cooksvllle Gordon Schweitzer of Peters burg was second andVB Templer oi Burford was third BAYCI IIPIIOLSIEIIING amour am MODERN beautiful Samples rxursumans sacs PICKUP arm nnnrvnnv PHONE PA 87138 HARRIS Upholstertng In our BusinessNot Just sideline Gurney of Paris Alasa Kings Major owned by William Bovaird of Brampton was judged the best hackney stallion more than three years Reserve was Cassllis High Flyer rownedrrbjrPrA Gilling of NingaraontbeLake Best stallion under three years was Harvey Moores Alasa Prince from Ridfitown AWEIITIIEREREGAST Forecasts issued by the Tar AlroAmerican The Negro newspaper said it staged the hoax to expose the irony of situation in which na tive colored Americans dressed as Africans can be served in places that normally have pot Icy of discrimination The newspaper sent the three to five restaurants along high way northeast of Baltimore and in the city and its suburbs tonight Sunday partly cloudy onto weather office at smrandhe Tile cooler Winds light EDT Synopsis Slightly cooler and lesshumid air edging into the northwestern part of the prov ince is expected to continue its slow eastward drift bringing at least partial clearing to Central and Southwestern Ontario Sun day gt Lake Erie Lake Huron Wind sor London Partly cloudy with isolated stoma to day Suaday partly cloudy with little change in temperature Winds light Niagara Western Lake Onta rio Georgian Bay Hamilton Toronto cloudy with annoyin tervals and an occasional thun derstorm today Sunday partly cloudy with isolated thunder storms and little change in tem perature Winds light Eastern Lake Ontario rburtonrmainiywlondywithov cosional thunderstorms today and Sunday utthbange in temperature Winds light Timagami North BaySault Ste Marie Sudbnry mainly cloudy with occasional thunderstorms ANDERSQNS EENALD Sn ssvaOU AT YOUR HOMs AT YOUR SERVICE vMarine forecasts vaiid until arn Sunday Lake Ontario Lake Erie Winds south to southwest 10 to 15 knots Isolated thunder storms vrv Lake Huron Georgian Bay Winds south in southwest 10 to 15 to northwesms tonight lsolated thunderstorms ending tonight Forecast Temperature Low tonight High Sunday Windsor 60 7s St Thomas 18 London Kitchener Wingham Hamilon St Catharines Toronto Peterborough Trenton Killai Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton lKapuskasIn White River Moosanee Maria Insurance nosncv PA 66035 You tHoNs wnsrnud ALL CLASES or msunanca pounce seasons neon se Bradford st unis YOU FULL COVERED other municipalities call for em emotion from the provincial sales tax for all municipal pur chases Trentcn urges that building materials used in the construc lion0anconmodationlocthe aged be exempt from the tax in order to keep rents as low as possible Oakvllle urges that the retail tax be replaced by tax on the resources taken by an industry for processing orsale ilIIfissifiiation has named sales tax committee for the convention to answer questions about the tax and explain the legislation Chairman is Tor nto Controller William Ai en Among the more than so reso lutions is one calling for new legislation to provide for reas sessment of telephnnLamLtech graph companies based upon presentday values and taking into consideration the increased waiuerof the installations Toronto resolution asks for some property tax relief for cer tain home owners on fixed in comes particularly those rs ceivingold age assistance or other government allowances The village of Chippawa wants elderly citizens exempt from tschool tax under certain condi IOflli Fallout shelters should be ex shimmerytap courage their constnlction says anvsgesolution from Sudbury But there should be no exemption if any portion of the shelter formnnintegral part of building whicbis used or in Royal Comerm folmic SCHOOL OF MUSIC Govt BookseNarrowiyLIn Black With Big Spending PeriOd ilhead MICBTIIHOVEWL ments books remained nar rowly in the black after four months of the current fiscal yeara year for which Finance Minister Fleming has forecast record peacetime deficit The ministers monthly treas my statement issued Friday night showed slender $4900 000 budgetry surplus for the AprilJilly Pariod Inbis June 20 budget Mr Flemingindlcateli 56mm deficit for the full year ernment spending tends to In crease towards tho and of each fiscal year in 196061 there was $345000000 deficit despite surplusof$m700000inthe first four months of the year Compared with last year gov ernment spending is up sharply and revenues are lagging Outlays in the AprilJuly per iod totalled $1035500000 com parad with 31042700000 Rev enues were down to 5104 000 mainly due to drop In corporation income tax collec tions Government operations in July produceda $2000000 surplus compared with surplus of $51 500000 in July 1900 Expands Jpres passed to from $460500000 and revenues were $509400000 compared with $510000000 year earlier Operations of the old age se cuTIthfundno Inc gen eral budgetary accounts UNIVEISIW OI TONONTO tow an an Deon Ella Mumisnt PrImlpol FALL TERMOPENSSEPT seasons my SPECIAL oouasas FOR TALENTED STUDENTS Moderate saucer mwunisnmlm Mahmrorfhekzm Royal Conseryatoryof Music 135Collegostlhronto23 can howedaaurplusoififidmflii in the four months up to July 31 This is the amount by which the pension payments to all aged 70 and over iflisfifir collections from the three spe cial taxes earmarked for the fund The drop in corporation in come tax returns is delayed reflection of last years business recession Collections during the AprilJuly period dropped to $00000 from$489000000 year earlier Personal income tax oollec tions for the four months how ever increased to$636100000 from $5904 000 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Have our Automatic trans minim pairedMI Sen mechanics You may also flnlnco all Ind Plfll her MOTORS 69 Hayfield St PA 03330 How To Hear Better With JrWithout KItiming Aid certain an of room you can hearb tar Do you know how to liltlnln Ipcflon who mum hlas ll you are only slightly hard fhesring than on can bur bett pub seMce illloo has oma booklet flusd Mthliflm tips on new to gut in mostout of on hearing you hav It his booklet and yours wII mu it to you in InVllOPli nemmcisanvrmf 350 Yonga 52 T0301 WAlnut Lam rum and true booklet nl n01 ocean at the hub of differences be tween the premier Ladd Mr Smallwood said last year he would resign before he wuuld despicablelw The IWA claims it has never lost the support of the loggers despite the of the Mlcggers and independent agree to certifying the brutal highway before hitting nail box post and turning completely over before smacking into the tree Lee was rushed to Royal Vic torla Hospital where doctors de scribed his condition as sails factory Pending results of rays doctors described his in juries as severebrnislnroftiu left face and chest concussion and bruises to his arms and legs in addition to severe shock Barrie Plant Gets Plaque For Safety First Cooperatlve Packers of Ontario Ltd Co sco Food Pro ducts has estab bed one of the flnest industrial safety records in Canada Friday Copacos safety actor Jim Wilson was present ed with plaque by Stan Port er of the Industrial Accident Prevention Association The award was in recognition of Co pscos completion of one million manhours without an accident iNSURANCE QUALITY WITH ECONOMY PROTECTION IS fOUITPRODUCI SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS BENTLEY C0 PA M50 Collier St suite 05 wmre sea comma SRECIAL PINK canon sunny 259 INNISFIL sr LSIIMMER SPECIAL Now IN FULL SWING Persimmoon ssr WITH CHROME PLATED FITTINGS ssr INCLUDES 017 19 macaronitandoori A¢iii3 set Touca peo plug chill and stopper trap Vitreous china close coupled toilet with um el counselled recess bath with tub filler and waste overflow chain and plug $1 COEDURSE 0900 s1 1995 PLUMBING AND IIEAerNc been SECOND FLOOR OFvSUPPLiES BLDG PA 66531

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