Quddtée WOWEE THIS WATERS THE GREATEST LET NOT GET INTOTHE DEEP END LITTLE SISTER LOCAL WEATHER Partly cloudy with isolated thunderstorms Winds light Low tonight 62 High Sunday 75 Full summary on page 91th YearNo 199 Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday August 26 1901 chii AP SETS Jacqueline Cochran poses yesterday beside incl381a on supersonic jet trainer in per hour over iskilometer 74ourse at Edwards Air Force Base Calif Thursday to claim anew worlds speed re iircono iis ORLDS riisrrsi WOMAN cord oluiiomen The present record 11507 mph is held by Mme Jacqueline Auriol ofHFrsnce AP Wirephoto which she flew at 8426 miles Bï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ Fences AGAINST Mri R€S1griatidn Politich Manoeuvré strike if anyattempt ismade By EDWARD BUTLER to blhck him from taking over at the closest scientists hailed as perfect at io with the achieved orbit being close to the RIO DE JANEIRO AP Brazil was plunged into cri sis hy the sudden resignation of President laolo Quadros with ing1eftist Vice President Joa Goulart flying home today to take power Supporters of the 43yearold Goulart threatened general the presidency if he wants to and an aide says he does gt Goulart wealthy rancher who headsiBraziis Labor party is flying fro mSingapore after touring Communist China where he sang the praises of Mao Tsetuiig and accomplish Aments under the Peking regime us Orbits Beer CanSateliiter Test Effect 0i Cosmic Particles WASHINGTON AP beer can satellite whirled around the earth today on space dustbunting mission that may help ensure the safety of astronauts on interplanetary flights The illpound space messen gerthe 50th American satellite to be placedin orbit since Jan uary1950wasocbiting around the earth every 90 minut at altitudes estimated aim lies pointJ and 565 at the farthest The satellite was hurled aloft Friday by Scout launching rocket in what space agency tually to biomile orbit ginaily lonnEd Scientists of the Nat nal Aer onautlce and Space Adminisirm tion termed the venture signal success for the Scout tho worlds first kï¬wn soldfiiei booster which is considered major potential tool in the space racewith Russia though its limited to relatively moderator payloads lnownras the poor mans rdcket because of its relatively low cost the Scout had failed in two jo three previous at tempts to launch asatellite into orbit The lob of the prbiti satel lite which beganredioing inn formation to the earth soon after launch is to make the best study yet of the number and penetrating power of tiny spare bullets called micrometeor oids which could strike space vehicle at speedafrornsevenjos 45 miles second The satellite launched atg 2m p111 EDTFridey from the space agencys Wallops Island Goulart favors the same for eigh policy for Brazil that brougbtuuadros under attack independef llty with friendship for all including in Communist bloc The army and police kept firm hold in the giant country of 55000000 South Americas larg est but actions were boiling up mummy sivNNED The resignation of the unpre dictable Quadros Friday came with such suddenness it stunned the country and mu edltinto confusion over its are Quit tinga week shortoi seven tur bulent months in office Quad ros said beaten by forces ainstme He blamed forces ins and outside Brazii of fighting him but didnot identify inem Pro Quadros student demon strations occurred Friday night in at least three cities mob of 200 stonehurling attackers slmasbed two windows and front glass door of the US Em bassy in the capital of Brasilia before militiamen drove them off with tear gasand rubber clubs Quadross resignation automa tically dumped the presidency into Goularts lop But there was some speculation that Quadros shrewd politician rmmeimrrmflmatiwrhw quit erely recapture the public supp he hadfor his londslide election Victory last term Then he got4300000 Va station is formally named Explorer xiii votes more than anyone in Brazilian history the United States and France 11 today against tampering with air corridors to West Berlin The Western Allies agree Friday on the wording of notes replying to Soviet charge that the Allies have been airlittlng West German spies and pro Vocateurs to West Berlin The Western capitals have re jeoted the Moscow charga in public statements The White Housesawtbo Kremiin allegation contained in Russian note Wednesday ss threat to interfere with flights to West Berlin and ex pressed solemn warning against any such ggrassive act bythe Communists Meanwhile more words were fired back and forth across the Iron Curtain State Secretary DeanRusk writing in aiorewnrdio state department booklet on Berlin saldfor the third time in just ï¬th we Reject Rea mes ilb Berlin irIIiifli WASHINGTON Aeperitain intervention In the divided human right to take control of the ac cess routeslandI water and air =afterRiisaiLsignaapeacs treaty with Communist Ger many The Western ambassadorlel group which has been confers ring in Washington ongthe Berfl iio crisis had little trouble agreeing on firm stand in their nevrnote to Russia But the Allies are having more dif ficulty thr ther Soviet note is document dated Aug spoke of negotiations for peace fui settlement of the German issue but didnot retreat from proposalstbe West deems un acceptable The Wests prob lem whether to enter into ne gotiations with theCommunists soonorhold oft for while HERES ONE out4 On an Arizona dude ranch over is years the Soviets have launched am or threat toithe freedom of West Berlin He said he is dent th United States its allies and the stalwartpeople of West Berlin will meet the Soviet challenge in Eerlin East Germanys chief of state Walterfllhricht deaared Iriday an Western UNITED NATIONS AP wThemtieneralAsseroblymgave overwhelming approval Friday night to demand that France negotiate withdrawal of her Mops from Tunisia Britain the United States Canada and othgr NATO po ers abstained when the vote came France boycotted the da bate with thu the assem iy approved the resolution sponsored by 31 As ionAfrican powers and Commu nistYugoslavla It called on France to pull back her forces from territory Télzéd bloody battle around Bizertena tahlo for complete troop with drawal from Tunisia had made clear during the UN Demands France Negotiate Withdrain 0i Troopsin Tunisia ing vote of 00 to irriTin estmonthlv itd val base and to negotiate time Britain and thoUnitedStates Swahili tniiymiiiiy spn slexe ro reites onehanded One duly impressed Eastener expressed his admiration for therskill in volved 0h rolling them dont take muc said the cow hand its eltthig the filter in thats the weeklong= debate they woiild mottekopartioaoyimpllsd censure of France atthisicru cial stageiin the Berlin show down us ambassador Adlai sw vensonsaid after the vote his dele eedrbecause it feared that the resolution might retard lotions between Froncoand Tunisia Stevenson repeated his pledge that the United States would do all in its power to bringvabout an early solution of throng egotistions through harnessembiy ycoit and collapse rat an aortic csli amimr NotMore Than 1s per Copy10 Pages 11 Bolste GANDER Nfldi CPlSoma 200 families from the New foundland community of Glen wood began moving back to their homestoday after rain stalled athreateningJorest fire withhrhaif smile or welbwii late Friday Glenwood 18 miles west of here was evacuated Friday when therfirewas only mile rs The rainfall coincided with the arrival Friday of 400 more troops from Camp Gagetown NB and three federalcabinet ministers despatched by Prime MinishsiQiefenbaker for first hand assessment of the situa tion Four hundred more troops were to arrive during the week end raising thototal in the roidMrsMellproviucotom vig Voters said we just had time to get our clothes and get Then the prayedfor rain be gan felling Although today the steady downpour which brought tbreequarters of an inch during thanigthadvtaperedoffrshow era are still falling in most areas of the firetorn province This morning some 700 of Glenwoods residents housed in ingotLMMLmoldGsnderAirpoithoteloto bacon and eggs in shifts of 100 before preparing to go home Officials at forest fire fighting headquarters here saw the rain as more of an encouragement for firefighters than as cure for the drought that has turned almost 1500 square miles of prime timberland into charred wasteland They say at least fiveor six inches arsneeded Canada To send Hockey Team To WorldMeet TORONTO CF Canada will have steam in the world Junior hockey championships in Prague year The son uncerneut was made today byiJnckRoxburgh resi dent of the CanadianAmgte Hockeyhssociation said it was possible Edmonton Oil Kings Memorial Cupfinnl ofdnnisfll Township ay Charles of Eastviewand ért Curtimian Wilton117007 Five hundred will be sent to Bonavista North wheroa tire withrsomile front threatened string of coastal communities The remainder will go to blaze in the Dunns RivcrSwlft Current district and to an out breakatnearby Glenwood which forces evacuation of 200 families Friday night MAY SAVETOWN Iharalnceme with the flames less than half mile from Gienwood Firefighters be lieved theyjould sathbaJown Women and children were evac uated Ito Gander when the wind driven flames raced through more than four miles of prime spruce fromï¬ellshreoMey were taken out in RCMPlled convoys of buses and cars along thev TransC Highway open to emergency traffic only The same fire burned through Kidrlumpfcun Before Opening 0i Barrie Pool Barrles new community pool opens officially at ll prn tn dey but dozens of children jumped the gun this morning and enjoyed proopening dip Workmen were still busy with lastminute mopping up opera tions as the kids went wild plunging off the diving board getting into water fights and splashing spectators Dave Keyho got in some prac tice for the diving eithibitionhg Purposo of the diving show Dave said is to show how dif ficult dives are built up from simple basic movements This afternoon he will demon strate such manoeuvres as the swan dive tuck dive and jack knife single anddoublc somer saults and full twisting somer nultn Iiicited Beaten Chemist Dies BUFFALO AHA 26year old chemist waskicked and beaten to death Friday In his downtown hotel room the victim Donald Moran of Minneapolis Minn was liter ally stomped to death so cordlng to report on the au topsy by assistant detective chief John McCarthy Moran died of abdominal hem neys and small intestines and multiple face and neck wounds Most of his front teeth were knocked out Missing Aircraft FinallyS ows TRENTON CP 7A single englne RCAF otter reported missing Friday night on stormy toomilsfiight from Fort Chlino to Great Whale River flew into Fort Chimo this morn ng Ari RCAFspokesman said to day the pilot landed the float equlpped Otter on aNorthern Quebeclakevtorwoitontathun derstorm overnight None of the four passengers was injured Search aircraft sent out early this morning by the RCAF Res cue Coordinating Centre hers transmission lines carrying elec tricity from Battling Brook have been called back the spokesman said Czechoslovakia next INVeA MennoniteChurch Elects Moderator JOHNSTOWN Po AP Rev John Muntow president of Eastern Mennonite College at HarrisonburgVe was elected moderatorof the MennoniteChuicb Friday succeeding Rev Jessa Martin of Waterloo Ont Charged with Theit 0i 4000 PORT HOPE ICP Police Friday arrested one youth and charged another and three boys under is with than of $5000 hecartru oiHariy Globeriiving at motel hersPolice sold $1000 to americsn currenc was recovered TREGINAYCPlf The loaderPost says Agriculture Minister Alvin Hamilton is expected to announce yvithin the next law days ilie select 0000000 bushels of wheat to Red China The spapersws it is understood the grain will be Shipped rn1her am terminals wherekwheat prices are bushel It would be the third sale negotiated by the government with Red Ohina tth year estiiepiies To Red Notes Moscow Reuters TheWestom powers today handed ver new notes on Berlinto Russia The notes weis undar od wnrntheSovist Union about thaiconsequences of iégyllnterterencs with Westernvrlghtsoifree accesslowest