uanaaammnmarauounum TrainCar Crashes Not So Frequent IOROMO CPI Traincar accidents In Ontario thIl year have been more requenl in up ban area than nrrel areas rurvey by the pravlnciahaov ernrnent ahm The survey released Wednes day aborted so aecidenta Involv in train and onto vehicle in urban arena with of lmor more durtnl the tint air montha oi the year with re ruth accidents In rural area The total or ruck chdmtl showed decreaee of 149 per eent over the rameperlod at last ear In the first all month ol year man were killed as mined and propem damage totalieti 1141350 DAILY cnosswonn amoea flanner Wetlame rurer Sun god chinm 10 111th DOWN 1er You pronoun Armadillo Palatine Regulu town Inquire 211mm 311 kbodeeaneee 18 butth 14 Word CONTRACT name 1A Partner bide One Diarnood out er new both rides nrlnerahe What would you mwbldwithucholthelol lowing our handrt am on or wear lemma or on we an on one um em an em one rpade The unipolar worth eonriderlnl are one Ipade one notrump and two cluhr The notrummmgm would be Iomewhat mlaiudlnz became it would represent balanced hand which in ehn1plynotthe cue Hand conta hing elnzle tom lead themaelvee more to unit play than notrump play While it In true that the no tnrmp resporue would reprea mm tom llldl Iulttlm and iheorateeparmerrmit nrieeequuoepermitethe blddlnl to die under lame mic mm that lathe limit oi the hand Two eiuhe Game tr very likely to be made but where the belt contract llee II at the moment uncertain The best we can do In describeer diatrib utlon ea accurately pouihle and then let partner make the tinal choice Ihe tint etep In thin direc Joniaaruponle or two clubs partner5 rehld in two dia month we bid two hearts This identlllee tourcard hurt and greater length In ciuhl II partner thembldttwo notrump or three ciubl we bid three Hail Daniagee Tobacco Craps LONDON Ont cmam hall and windatorm atruek the Remote area this timing main thousand ol dollar in damage to tables tanna Ko rszoh In 15 mllu vol 01 Ian John Black who am tour iarma around the villue with total at 144 acres estimated hie at mum cormmore been taken oil he rald It we the second eonaeeutlve year that Mr Black has lort The ten in artiaily insured he laid Staryation Cause Of Womans Death éï¬DhURY UP coronerl diamond completing the let WM and am on of olrr dirtrlbutlon jury ruled Wedan um would be precise It would Im neceeearliy misrepresent the TI 0th to PM Yearold woman who witnnrlee distribution muflgne hurt Ilhet It mg relueï¬d toealtl diedot nu ma ore or mpor va on an na ur uuaee in skin ldzznrmï¬a In or elble later to reveal the exact nonvalercent home raven mile more pointa end In hence im dilmï¬ueï¬ï¬‚dsELUS mm dined 181w proper The epade response fnlgn Dr Edgar leelatr and Dr 210mm 105mm name EM ehowe hand with almost any Fernand Levesque both at distribution and to to high Tomorrow Playinrtor min whomueated Mite Violet Johng card polalnflhla hand fella into lake aton tor month before her name gt 21AM that wide category deathJuly so laid the woman no mm spades The be my man Wm ADD would not eat and peralated in EII lieI 280 birth In premonition that llcy la to Identify the nature the hand Immediater and PM an me was mu dh let partner do the rest This head would quality as an open ing preemptive three spade bid as dealer and should not be treated any dltlerently mer aly heron partner opened the hiddinl The thme hid In elth er eaee show long eult with little deienre Partnar la not No clubs This hand Is not quite good enough for lump ralee to three diamonds forcing to game but is too good for Iimple raise to two diamonds The best way to deal with altuatluna of this kind is cbolee 1hlltpplne 15 We MW IBM 17 NW narypereen men Woods 19 Thin blocla coverto 11 Mon cmun MissYou It your carrier has not arrived by pin pleasephone PA 82433 AMA Copyrwmhe Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGEFOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS ANP TRUCKS Approximatelyhow many US cars enter Canada during the summermonthe 500M 1000000 or 5000000 0n the backof Canadiajllabels yomllï¬miqucstimuanif answentolo uq Canadianihdingtheanswers isextra good fun because you get to inn the taste of areal lagerbeer TIyaMolsoismiiï¬anlagerBeerand Ahaveagoodiimeplaying herflanadiangt gamemsmouoonsl if LMS WMMihjoLargef loud Constant Audience Theree nothing hitorlnlse about thelnewspdper audience its eonstont audience that vdrier little throughout the year gt1 Thats bécouse newspaper circulation remains constant with Iittlevoriotion trern month to monthrThereiHHummer slump in newspaperreeding habits Furthermdre readers can pick their ï¬rmrmlmrurIIrmmlr own tuneiday or nightto enjoy thepoper And they dn For gt Mr auratire resulte advertise consistently invthe tldllyvnSVIopupel Pinrimarrwsxm lt