Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Aug 1961, p. 10

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enL Holplu onihunday II TEE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 25 INI ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS HAPPY WON The birth yuut child To sell 01 soon new friends no nelshnon far Berri mariner cleansed start but Your telephone TI is htnh lurl ole PA did rh at only ENGAGEMENTS FLOWER warning In Ii ounce up ngemfiger 33mm drurntu OllnvRMltFlowNlnd innls lehn trout Flower or Churchill mum to Joseph outern son All nd lure John DRennn oi Scnrboroush the weddlnl to llle piece on Pridy IML In surboro wrunN norms Mn Harvey Wilson wlsh lo pnonneenre en cmrrl of The uxhter an bert to slr Albert Bhtulk Ion or Mr nd Mn Waller notulr or Seer the mmlse to true plue stnrdy September lost Trinity Annien church demo nrunoxuN Pucocn Mr nd Iln no Simeon el Churchill wish to resource the argument their dsushter or meet truth to All wutred Prnntis eoer non elstr nd Mrs will In Pe ook Tho rrlere use piece on Srturdu Srplemher Is tool no clock In Churchill United Church Churchill onlrto DEATHS nnAN Suddenly on Thursd Ausuxl 24 Ml Peter John be loved son or me nd Vlmnl been of Mind Point nd brother Donna Incl nubrra Kenneth nd Ron Are monlhd nesun the lamest Pullerrt Home is Ondlord street nurle Iuneni Iorvlce suurdny mornlneAuznl ilncinrk Interment asrrlo Union cemetery oumammhmntfvrd ml thur Mounmn at to Adellde street nrrle beloved husblhd oi Helen Orlevu nther nl Eric at London Mrs Jnmex Joyce Muthn annuald In his but your Rebtinz the lull nd Rob tneon nlnenl Home Nelson and Queen Streets Brnnuord or vice In the el en Snturdu Ann pm Interment PuTinxdon Eu Grounds Mesnnnlw At the nayl Vic torl Iluspltll nnrrle on Wed nesdey Aulust tool Stephen ucShorry beloved hnlnsnd or the late nertn lne lovlnv lather nl Terese tMrs Robinson nd Guay sin Comer ul nunre Herold nd Fred ol Thornton his 79th Rutan the Petn lei Pup lllom male Szrvlcefn lthIllpel Sat ursil at Ll pm Interment am rie nion Cemetery comm nvnNTs DANCING EVERY SATU RDAY CABARIrl 5m CDUPLE3 ONLY PINECREST 3250 eouple For tshle reservetlone PHONE ELMVALE 757M GhfldsLNurserySchoo Will Reopen on Sept 12 There Are hurries in the school taxi Momlnc only Phone PA bmu or PA um Mn Iilids will return $17 mm IIolldsys ARRIE CHESS CLUB Will be méeting at the YM CA Every Thurs be ginnlng Sept 12 PM ADULTS it FOR DETAILS PHONE YMC VISITORS WELCOME lNSnlucrons PRESENT THCLASSIFIED GET Altth lREAL HE VPIION kitchen new nvvr1 lelnl room with exhaust mediate ooo kitchen three piece bath Business Modern rest Blrfle 3120000 per can 000 be renew Purcbnler Phone ORCHARD PA Mann Residenuel Commenlel Industrial PA osemher or CONC ELRICK AND I5 Owen St Barrie nd nvn our piece bnth Also tmlly room with llreplnu den nd three piece bslh All dupes lo rennin with property nd in Brick hEnéiozUrfgage Psyment only $32 per month including sexes price sluoo with spoon down lrsnse llnt mortzsr sndLmeyJIrustoo PA M565 phone nob Plewelllnr PA N383 orPeddy Allies itesl Eetste GraydOn KOHL hm ESTATE Show 115 DUNLOP ST EAST PA 3432 Mom TIMBER ur Fermxolivule hivhwy Anyone tut tins good be it ILVery ot for ule Timber only ESTATE mortarsn tron sans NRY PA union or mama AND nlsrnICT nun STAT noAan bunnlnl urn Iyp or nine PifiSIOREYANDAHALF mu Near city limits In lnnlsfil good some with some holding to do upstairs Living room square plan kitchen wslh Cupboards and sink hill basement with pump in toilet In this area also Heated by floor all iurnace Nice lot mass good ughmejn of stucco exterior Moderately priced at 5300 Term arranged This home is elose to senrate nd public schools Seulnl price 3800 Terms TriLevel be until lrilnl mam kitrhnn hullteill rtove posscsslon Pull price lsrxe living room bedroom nd our Hill Opportunity Iurlnt downtown mover pproxlmrtely yerr Pivb ynrflxu hill price $15 with looo an margin own payment lnspczdon to ill alter noun PA N209 Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE BROKER DRIVE EMU 32592 DAYS 0R EVENINGS Invited run Cottuu nuuneu olemher nonls nd District iterl mete horrd CAR0N REAI IOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to tho Impala Thaire 66481 Irrll Ind Dilhlct fond not In nii 21 crested in pun would he well it over this buh Itbejolflnt once ESSION ahead Need BctckeTOSchofolv REAL ESTATE ROGERS REAL our DUNLOP monitor FOB eAu CONNELL TORS milram Pint in Barrie Home SelaForemost In Quality or Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES II GOREPA If ROGERPAH EVENINGS CALL munPA in comp mes mans BARR am ms MAT BOARD PHONES PA m1 PA um IN THRIVING Close to 8831 Blacksmith shop and woodworking shop combined Main building aoxso plus stordgc shed oi mxao and null barn Itm on large lot Tbis dillerent bushing I1 necessary culling ill health this property is diluted iorsale for the first time Prlccd reasonable and terms can be arranged Call this office or appointment ANNE ST SOUTH One and ball storey house than well kept and nicely planned Lllvng room ldtdienr bedrooms and 4Piece bath on first floor NO bedrooms upstalrs with 2pleca bath Full basement With partly finished rec loom oil beating House is years old Prle at $15800 Terms arranged COMFOBTVAND BEAUTY deliel home of brick with bonded root 1t leatures the popular living roomdsning room combination wellplanned kl 3th Fullbasnmtm unchy Lot ls completely ienoed Close to ldvély SP schools and churches Priced at interest principal and taxes Smith CampbellPA ems terms annoyPA Hm Member or the Bsrrl Sui Psito Bond COMMUNITY ooultl be changed Into an enther tLbealIng $14300 Carries for $88 monthly John LintPA M191 CORBY R0 Phone PA 82419 FARMS 111 on not all Hwy 11 louth of Births on iii Bil Bay Point Rd rattrn modim three bedroomen rtylprrhunpldwsjicnutlmlilentfl Illpad with nilny trlu Emery com city home Choice amiss In with mm View at hrsrte PARK Si Older home In splendid candluon to rent as per month so well Norm turme nd hone newly Dont miss it ATTACHED GARAGE Modern home three you 01 Vllllty Lana llv n2 olnint comb pslnted belement Close is But this tooy dL Just outIII city Three bedroom bantlful olk floors Roomy kitchen rteslnn well nehuumuy lendsc lam Inns puny Eton Dont mlnthl LOW TAXES LOW PAYME charming our room homo cityllmlb oll rumcc lso basement Only seven you old curries or Per month TM is gnr bus Apertmente numbed and unlurnhhed loe omee open on Owen st thnn MARSHALLPA 6460 0m swim oml VHAVE YO CUSTO Barrlel News located oft Hayview Drive near IIuronia DriveIn under construction September GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD 77TwfloumGPA uoo if¥ DOUG HOMERPA M091 inns rim with View of the STONE AND 13nch BUNOALOW BUILT TO YOUR LIKING in REAL ESTATE KER nonunion St contllninl thrdn room lolrtmont livl rennin room or ownosr plinted union or $65 par month three llrlo beds00ml tlln bill with ltiarl with ilxil kitchen gtDivldod ly See Irlhlped Iivluldinilll room with him sullpornh Wlter IIIPPIY from dpronpd with cement wet collarIn Mina UR HOME st Subdivision onein UseExa REAL ESTATE Pnoranu ran SAL INOrmain Shelswell REAL ETA BROKER DUNLOP 51 nusr uOITdAo or loll IV PA um Hm unwell on all or sale on em strut WTMAW firth Dlrfltulln ml and hurt hotn pllio Air tum PIVM driu eendluonodonb tln ll mlphoal PA um mu pm not Just or II rm hitehen piscd both on ted Lux Iut Tollphono 2312 Strand attachd eolend storm snd me Hey be seen Shirl lion til with Md III on Vincent not we Wed errus IIII hon PA um firmer CidPt slx room and buunlow Custom built an reusenttel trst At inched em stone nnp nmlnnrn storms nd oer as ratio not so mt month saw an NnA tum Telphone PA IUNDI VAwnN mien can noqu Harri PA in mu Bunions bunglow or PA 39961 PA 68742 AVAILABLE1 on mm duh Wllhon PA Normn ebumn PA 91 BUS OPPORTUNITIES In Bnrfll rectory etc RENTALS mmsnva HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME BUILT FOR THIS WORK led and up patients oadlldsy guests Gland careTV lounge lStellon wagon available or transportation andoutings ALCONA such nous smoun eon APTSn HOUSES 10 BENT PROPERTY FOR SALE ed built In Itr in rooms hot And Mr month LeonMs ch Stroud On Fouysil ownu Pun To phonl Huron l0 Toronto on out FARMS FOR SALE AItM FOR SALE II in lo menu stock dun here no milk in eontnct milk pipe llno house Two mile tron um Telephone 11m HMVIII MORTGAGES FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY To LOAN 0N OResldent Properties Business Properties OInlproved well located farm VICTORIA ET GREY TRUST OWEN SOUND ONT REPRENIATIVE FOR BARRIE AND DISTRICT HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Is OWEN 51 PA use No ARRANde FEES 03 BONUS MONEY AVAILAIBIE YFOR Consolidation bl Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES nil1E LNSURED $1549 Oi7$56Monih $3544 at $90Montlily Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCQLNI to coulson ADJOINING PARK BesiderLake On two oodroom so eomvlet with ntovn nd nlrtren Itor Us or wuher nd dryer Roduontcdi nnnruy PA Hood lmrulnnullb three room rInl Private rhirlnne PA lusts bedroom noun ner AVIlIIbl September options PA MW nAlttll thno bedroom hcu onvonlcncu Retrtserslor Tllephonn IE D45 loan hosted IpArImauLwlth nova and Irldu Hot cuter IIIP spiligi Centrlllacllion cll PA IMAM lurnlrhod llIl cantinn srtment lflitlbil or On or two lrla Avrilole Septmoer nphonn PA moi TWO LhrIu room filmllhl Insured PA bowl idiomlion mam than room IP plrtment with rlvnts both 60 to Worslby Aviil September ist on Arm Two Bedroom Arm menu stove relrtr star 12mm rvtc nd lsnndry innitltiu IIIIn tram monthly TGIF vhon Leoc PA mm TWO bedroom hnmmllhud sell contained ment Robsonbio Private arthreern nd entrance too monthly Telepbnn um pm IslAm modern two bedroom prtmsnt in Stroud Ipnrtmlnt hourn Adults pretened No oh Julian to babies No plan Un OI rimminl pool Avnlllbln now monthly Taldp olil Strolui ll snt lIIln Streat Inn RENTALS 3n tfiénfl Connus leeted nd heeled no1 menu rent Telohm PA aw are some III mod Til WI Wuuzl Butt or llNllJINIlm two hadron mu tantrum at Vlnunt it tut TIME ML ADDU to Thom strut mag room rel cohtntnld rpm menl close to downtown Tye children wllcolnl Rushdfl Telephone PA soul min Apsrtmont large uvlur room Om dial modern ntcnen with Jon nd return or CIDLIII Business not pn llmd Telwhond PA us uPPn DUPLxx isle bedrooms Bvinl Nam hitch IIrIVIll blth with power rlyste ntrsnce and drlvnvsy ted Adults pnlutv red Apply Campbell Ave TWO bedroom mud floor uni tarnished spsrtment in triplex AVIIIAIII Septmoor Llund incliill healed Telephonl no or iurthdr pm mlhn TWO nmnomd mushEll heron new reg torr so Immedletely Telephone PA Telephone nyflmer Silt Lnlormltlon Tm BEDROOM noun or rent Athchcd Irla breexewu oil hentinl possession ner sap 15 file ltlzo PA H17 tori nlrther WIRED It contmed three room psrtmsnt Hentld nd cenlnL Avrillbll Immeflil ly Teluphonl PA H143 POUR room holun to rent Oil halted in city modun kitohrn builtin cupboard lnndlclplfl lot Telephone PA o6 mun MOM tsirs ment with Drill nth oll ut ed buAlnnu II II Avellsbls Sept el Phone 9751 Tuna room prtmni tor rent Hutld lull Lrl stove nd rolltumor Iuppllld Tele Fhono PA 59154 or lurihlr in omltlon FURNISHED housekeeplnn room with reunite Use at reiri or ltor Ind Honolx Eentnl li Iphuuo PA Bsflilh or Hrl For nor upon hrllht tarnishd house kcnpinl room or run ave Ind refrilufltor link Ind mph park ing Tole hone PA GIIDI or fur ther psrt culsn UNPunmsm apartmlnt with privlta blth Ind Intnnu IIIM and vy wlflnl Apply wil EAST ENDThree hidrwm bun nlow with nrrldn slls per month rent Telephone PAVE1m Mr no ther Jordantied mquDEJEILJanM Ilnmlnilhed sportmeat ground floor centrni Allnndlle Hui droruppiled too monthly Avsll Ibl Slptember PA NHL JunNum spsrtmn rooms wit ctrlc love on lflnrntor llhle once gly izl Isurton Av Telephon 83494 POUR room unlurnbhed modern roll contained apnrtmerlt with draped included Tile floor throulhout Telephone PA Him for further iulormltlon TWO BEDROOM home with tbru piece both Close to General Electric Rent or er month Telephone PA 84 Pk mam nluiy Immimll cent loutlon noun Air mifler Want Ads NOW SUMMER RESORTS GIBSON LAKE HWY 103 ll miles north 01 Pm Severn Sun Wauflnni property grommuly lg It wuith to sen Much mun nth calla rig graham sad copper screened completely Iqulppcd with romp tutor counter In dumb prulun Inter system III comodlolir pm To VIOV thin unpuonnll Ill ble roperty turn all an Hf all road south oi lhlm pomLl qua no armor VIII DI on proporty IIIII woehnfl Price Mloo with obi ry ARTICLES for SALE HAVE YOU In Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Star 55 DUNLOP ST wm PHONE PA 17 NEWSPAPER MATS It ms t1 ee innstor fioPER DOZEN Apply The Barri mminer JmOnumir Tc EARANCE SALE M0l°=I=AT RANGE momrons DIVEBS BIG REOIJCTIONS lilyDolor Soplelilber Ilt Ind but ha tlx ROBINSON HARDWARE DUNLOP ST EAST PA 84431 11521 hornlcmrona $95 00 IV SETS $4900 NEW AND USED APPLIANCES McFADDENS WIZUENEIANGSTF PA 89288 0mm osumo BAGS nAllnncurs RADIOS DOMINION TIRE STORE no BRADFORD ST BAEIUE FILE YOUR MEATS ETC loath Guusnteed Quality Budge Tom on order sua TAYLOR T011 HAROLD 14 Dunlop St PA 66477 MORTGAGE LOANB N0 BONUS To pay of all ya Bills TO pay at Mortgage ur Two bedroom unturnlshed huted upper dupllx Avlillbln now TiIlA Hurst 0165 to lthlllrnsTIllillgzen we come man es ne PA M402 ya BRIGHT three doom unlttrnlnbld hunt with flow Ind rib included Very centrsl lie oneble rent Telephone PA H711 rumimmsuzn threendpmfilpub ment with privnte bnth nd eu mnr adorn fimufihhe apartment Prime blhroom nd entrsnu no mood tour Private venndl Washer nd dryer auP pued As more lion Tree pnrklnl elephone Aoml or PA 91m ONE nannooos modern kitchen livinl room hsth unturnlshed heated Avlilnhln lmmldiltaiy close to bus no Nice residentlnl district Apply Pupst or phone Hmniollu FREEZER FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES re vsilsble to those who wish In their order dnuy TOWNSHIP FLOS on me term nood cl loin wdrhble room honie butEId with tuxnice Weter on stnbllng Ilo drive shed approximately 40m house Priced to sell tun $55 per month Burinlas REAL 1577cumer people prelerred Telephone PA WW PHONE PA ALLANDALE Room Bunnlowu lute llvln room kitchen bedrooms sun room IIIW Ill lumnce on Ill Int Cornme lot and 2nd Mortgage For any worthwhile purpose your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE Tier Rm mumsnrn nicely looted spertment two bedroom llvlns room kitchen bathroom Ilrld unroom nvurlookinz hsy conun uqu but water reirizentor lPliI hem duty tove Avrilhie Sept Teluphnnn PA 33101 ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 FORSTER fiJEALTOB 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 Tints BEDROOM brloll hunselnw three piece bsth Lsh ed livinz Ind dinlnl room Finis Mi reoree ltinn room Ind attached glrlse Oondensed and cldssilied adver hscmgnLateJnSentethtbe rate of 4W1ummmomo Wand two times do per word for three tour or five times and zinc per word for or more insertions 10 addl tjonal charge if not paid within MEMDL feet Totl Bill Rnwn speell rsrm CONCESSION IO TOWNSHIP FLOS msln hrn60xdo in reel henhoun sax slral 39 Pflfle $10909 Call marvels representative for lor only $1900 with lowdovm psy msnt nlnce on one momre cen 1a or v00 per month PAINSWICK Small bunnlow with gentle on extn lsln tread lot for onlyfimo Eventsls cell NELLISPA Mm MOOREPK TOLLENDALE ROAD Four room home in quilt notion Cull wlu tun but term on be lrrnned Centre ny Forster Slllsmnn TlFFINSTREET room from hour In Com more II Iru sot 68 XIBO Hu VYou Pay Balance Borrow Monthly In yrs $1600 3789 nil 52000 4712 no 32500 5989 gtnll Lower monme payments avail able defined with up to $115 psr month Telephone PA NIL FURNISHED III three room IPIrImlllt heltdd utilities suits plied prrinns at on top hard wood noon Aihndlll district reuonsble rent Telephone PA H211 NEW AND Modem onlvlnd two bedroom psrtmente J10 Wm normed contained Con treny located Also three room basement apartment unhunllhad elr contained No osteouun to childxi Telephone PA mile or PA MODERN unfurnished three room Apartment tour pile tile bllh lront nd bselr entrmce Perkin no mosh Smut aAhtult PHONE PA sosot Free Demery Open Friday till it pm Row nd Stumps removed Apply Leo Sort PA Hill HAND MOWER load condition Gnydors Kohl Em eel mm Broker EVENINGS CALL GnAYnON KOHL PA one MILLIE com 55534 HflNDERSON REALTOR lo comm 5mm PHONE PA 52678 4w WOULD BE PROUD ODWN This lover and hnnsnlo mortnuze erloeuos In Workshop on promer uemoee Toronto and0ntnrin 0w um 34500 till rlee wnet do yenomr on floory Real It Ellrd BLAKE STREET Five morn stucco home in Aglvobn no nnroom overlooldn Mimuzpaiifim mm for perre LII mm sunnnnnanl Dwny5sd filo PEI am CALL DAY DII EVENING mer PA PA 82379 COLLIER STREET Member or the Blrrin nd nutslet Large oven room brick hall Ru with Bond hot wter button with on Two pleee bth downemu four piece CONZElIflORARY HOME hsth upsteln sense eement only noon down Clll so Pslmer PA woos ONE ONLY New NHA contemporary dweuln Allin carport 75rooml llrln llv to room my kitchen dlnlnxl $250 seen master nedroemoermle New humps lln Anxus elore to then bathroom wtth eolored ix schools nd snapping nus one turn nd my rm WP Three bedrooms our piece both boner storms Indscr ITrniflMrlmm when utility room ammy firthél饰tltf5 wflfDuckworth Phon owner mm 15 Film own ymen LP film curler lor only no Po£month gremng Intergrltmlnd prilnol Ll or or Pl In cl Ir SHIRLEYAVE Two ltorey tueee house elx lrlre rooms Ind sunpolch Sacond mrsneuPA Moil Member or mms end pistelet steel Esttn nosrd Walhroom tun bllement on heat vlure Int urn vs Low down pyment sss monthly will EVmINGS CALL EMORY MILL PA chry Immedinte pdueulon Clll PA 34521 It ml 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANYLCLASSTFIED AD VERTISEIVENT IS 96 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R 51361301 24 WGRDS II CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION ao Ind laundry incilltldl llIcIldinl dryer North Owen Immedllte assesion Telephone PA was or usual THREE rnbm fllrnuhdfl Iplrtment wltlrthrco piece hlth Ind kitchen ette nut light nd weter np pund Perkins rpm Nieeprt of city close to downtown $70 per Suit couple Telephone PA ernle Kemnenmt my nut tsr Ipursues nd janitor servch lnciu Automntid Humor emu PA to msm mfiem spsrtment Kltoben breeldest nook tile both bedroom uvlnp room with view or bly East nod Shopplhl Plln Telephone PA Mini TWO BEDROOM Ipnrtment Iivihl room kitchen three piece hath prime eonnee hunted close tn stores bunks schools and on Step Apply 62 Tiffln Eh tween 34 Ell xAsT PM One bedroom halted unlnrnlsned pnrtment prlvets ntrnnce Available September Aduanphnni PA Mm HOME modern Sunnldnle and Ann Strut dlnrlnt two bedroomslin trhed recreetion room Reason JbIIJo cnralul tsnnntsJannu trrnrlured Telephone PA one were pm CENTRAL Location Two bedroom unturnnhed belted apartment Illo one bedroom neth inv privnt enume nd nets Aylllr glazsnptombert Telephone PA ynarWtasLmw teous service BARFEIED Buril relldoutl cl opultor Ind for 12 766 N0 TOLL CIIARGE 0th call Gullph TA not Momber or ontsrlo Momr broker Arsoelstlen MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE Immediltva to onnmlldnto debtl any of existan monores home row eni etc Cll ror go threat PA 5M1Mdrtnlr din over EnglandSam Dunlap street5 MORTGAGESIn In 1nd Dflmi 13 ffitnflm res en unnmorll es Barrio um axis use amen 153 FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY L47 FOIL WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP WEST supremo IMMS PA 60203 Must sell to Army 25a St Vin cent EL nAnlIvs my kid locket on condition Size win no Te room Mm HOBART electric meet silver Plrst clsss condition $75elephnn PA 58534 or forth information PumlAclc coi nd vvood Pipes included Also 2x4 re Ions Telephone PATmo TwwomUTTYlo emnn misfi tiling mm Aluminum screen re am am $3311 creen door But nilsr Telephone mu tleTeluphone days PA soot PA mesa 1°11 gt 531 or twin beds com me with DOUBLE nd single room or man dmmm rent board optionl on on line um TEIEPM PA PA ll nouveninnces Double room 577 Ilium rultnble for two Telephone PArle AGE mm 55 roe me in perreet condition sell in roomy Apply rs nun APTS HOUSES 10 RENT iep Street West usrino enfpleyee recently trennTfiDYE COKE1 ienrth Eur erred requires three bedroom ush murkrnt sire is Alre short home In or our amie Apply one nd oluonlle mnnl sult nox li amt Examiner on Telephone moms ROOM 5531mm uinanna bought bold rant RooMJnd noeld vstlehle ed reptred student rantal retes phone PA Mon ut Sent Try then any Pin tr TYPoerlerhcofl noon accommodation in Tomato for school tenoher who will be Brndlord St PA S6595 zalnz nonle weekend write MTI7 CORRECTION Advertisers ere remtnded out all Phone Insertion orders are me Id an convenience to you dverttrer Thererore the Clnrrined Advertising De artment lecturer advertisers okindly fecbeil their ldvertisemnnt lmmedlrtely lter first Insertion in order my error or omissions nuy he reported heinrn up tn order tint some may he rectified ror the rollowinn days tnsertlon order We wish to point out tint Thu heme ratminer is responsible In only one Incorrectly ted insertion on any dve emant rrd then only to the extent or poruonol ad that involve the misprint Errors which do nnL lessen eneulneorrnrdvertlse ment arena eligible for come lions by rank goodn ComingEvents 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 wordn over 25 words so per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 ii verse used in per word extra aLan LETran mum Ilslarmltion revsrdlnv advertiser urlnvnund Lett nox Numher or Replies held trlctlycnnfla entinl parties to Letter more will he held only in dry liter lust tiny dl pubn tlon lendecnped property with nly III4 Renbonnble mohthly payments Close to schools nd shopping csll Percy Ford SUNNIDALE AREA Nerr 6an Club with orpeous view oi oy nd hlln custom hour with many extras or mud ern living Three double rixe hed roonurfandlybomlllfiiz two nreplnce $8000 down will hndle Cell int ndrstt 240 CODRINGTON AJuy me three bedroom buns low with illg repelled livtnr room nd kltcheltuP two bedroomweompmeA rtment basement Irerepth priced with term Call thu Su ett AlIENIION omnisan ll res our mom annularv nd re also menhoure no men on hlrhwsy nesr viiin Orlly slsoodown Cell Pony Ford EVENINGS CALL gtIIIIA SCANDRm PA moa mcr roan PA amt EMEISPN SWAINPA 53605 Member DI Berrln InerIstiibt IIIII Ontrto It mate is run lwnvtnnIArn tram Ishopdll High ac an io nnTe panelilon con tact Mr nCIelnd lo ludze Avo Apt 13 Farris ntlrlb Telepllnne millet to Perm Ont onover new Telex LARGE room unlurnlsilcd Apert lneni combination Ilvlrll ronln Ind kiinhunbttn bedroom unz atte Ind rurllarltflr Ground floor Suitable for one or two Gnrue Tollpllonl PA 619 PunNrSHSu rnom private bathroom but hydro of laundry room plied lllrls or 25 cOox STOVE piano fumlturo chin nd silverwsre Antique Phlntet ioi Armed Ave ronto ontsrlo g°odhl¥£hrne SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES TO RENT ohmlo SPECIAL cnnsdlsn Nationsl 1hr SUMMER COTTAGE well rumlsh ed hedmonil Leonsrd hlbition Price Sinner round hob Bench Rollnnlbln or rentind bln economy at reuon Phone PALM so PALM PA use KARL MARSHALL PA mil NonAn RAIKES Ore ms MASO smut PA Hess OPPOR NJ normals who W0 CASE UWIIBIHIIIE ellbeinz trunnion no antler town room brick home in pleasant nelznbernood nelr proposed nu new public school onAnned Lettur Features are with street re can to home and washroom no pun price sump Center the month rei lull pertleulm from owner Apply BOX 85 RAREIE EXAMINER Singer sewing urchin camp nnnlop Street West PA was memos Dortuhlal ll SEEDSI our lulr tea Eliital galorlo Julia svgleekfitlr rsnns re fitger Do rndlnrd SL Sithlbln or two Mullins couple Telcphon 191 600 vmfi UNFIJRNIEEED three rdorn lvlrb mint elr contInes but water nd hydro One mull child wel borne Availbin niler September is Telephone PA most or is Bradford Etfllt FIVE Rom pmrnent mlhid downtown donation Pd vntb entrencs Lsundrydscllltl Halted and urinal Jpn phone PA am evenlnll new torrents nutter your INSURANCE Ilidit cg need our an SEE STEVENSONS PA enrol us human St HOUSE thrBIVIlrll bedrooms illno kitchen mul dInInKJPeI nan lnhbnil Ind bur all heated Reudnlnlc Owner trnnllenud APPIyIt s1 Oakley arir Square these pages be received by day pre ceding publication With the ar ceptlon 615 Classified Display advertisements which must be in by 1200 noon precedillgdpy filter sild type ltylu or semi dimly aluminaI mly be ob tAIne through Th nemlnor ed veytlelns deotrtmnt Win All Section acceptadvuntil plan my before publloa SINGER Sllnt Needle will in nhind ldlld rduulnriy for $24100 With lIEllillerllld Take on paysunlit plymentsI Write to Box Wonderful the way CIOSsierd Ads get relK sulfsl Phone PA 82419 an

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