Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Aug 1961, p. 5

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ildry of this event TANKS MOVE ltvo US tanks move into position today at the Fried rw rickstraase crossing the one East German Communlsts have assigned to all foreign ers who want to cater Eost UP TO BORDER CROSSING Berlin Big armored car an appears in background below muzzle of erepholo tankrgun INNISFII NOTES cadets End Course lit RCAF Borden By 1268 Through the courtesy of our publisher Kenneth Walls who was unable to attend we acted as his substitute at the gradu ation parade of the Senior Sum mer Camp oi the Royal Cun Idi Cadets1henewx use three We were present at the lun cheon for the special guests in the officers mess precedingthe parade on the invitation ot the Commanding officer Group Capt Hilton The par ade took place at pm when some 200 cadels from across Caqadn took part They were chosen from thousands nation wide Completing the course at appears onT Into the car for day at the Ex atolls now and there are some good ones The pigs are in their new hero which is equlp pedwithsomeiahcy1663ads Including an elevator Pigs who have gone there will need to have spare room house in order to feel at home At least there will be no harvesting at home and it might be good time to for get about It for the day Per haps we have talked ourselves intodolngiustthit CAR WBECKED 0N 8th LINE The cattle are all in their in the Judith Byers of Weston PAYS $1 FINE IN GOLD DUST EDMONTON CF resident of Dawson City in the goldrich Yukon Terri tories who picked up $1 parking tag here Aug has mailed his payment in glass phlal With the phlal Harry Ebert sent an explanatory note As have no lolding money or silver find an closed the sum of 81 in good old Yukon gold He added cautionary please dont spend this all in one place Mayor Roper said the gold would be tested ll it doesnt meet the hill Well have to send out posse to get him llrrest Man 46 CritiCize Travel Ban By TOM MITCHELL Canadian Press sun Writer The cold war has always pointed up one fact it Is dill cuil or group at cooperating but individual Western nations to put up the some solid trout the nations of the Communist The present cold war focal point Berlin has reempha Ilud the fact Russia and its satellites are linedup solidly bdilnd the tra vel sanctions laid down by the East German government In the divided city Berlin Faced with an evergrowing East to West rdugee stream that proved an embarrassing for Liie With asonliobards In B03 THOMAS HOLLYWOOD APlbauren Bacall looking long and lovely isbackinlownwithanewhus band new lile But not for long The widow Bogart now is Mrs Robards Jr She came to Holly wood while her bridegroom finished Tender Is the Night But return to her old haunts didnt temper her View at the movie town So people think Im bit ihe Wm mented in her hoteiapartment lm not bitter lm realistic was in quicksand bclole leftthistownlfiwastoeon linue to function as an ochess as woman and as mother had to leave did and it was the greatest thing that ever hap pened to me She went cast with her two children by Humphrey Bogart She did Goodbye Charlie on the stage loved me hated the play She met Ro bards then doing Big Fish Little fish Alter an international quest for marriage licence they Stage BALTIMORE AP Three Negroes staged mappereat elaborate hoaxdn at well known downtown Bhltimore res taurantandwere served along with the white customers The men one robed like wed last month in Mexico The new Mrs Robards Jr who speaks mildly on no topic said herihushand is not only great actor most critics agree but helluva guy Healsoisogoodboozer Arent all the good ones she asked lnson does every thing intensely He works hard and he plays hard He hasnt learned to relax yet Everything that has happened to him has been in the last six years he workedlikeadog ye to teach him that he doesnt have to keep going at such furious pace Jason likes todrink lot and like all people who drink lot there is the danger oi drinking too much But he is good about it He doesnt throw furniture out the window or anything like that The biggest problem Is with other people If may say this he likes people He trusts them sometimes too much in this business there are lot of hangerson who are out for what they can get He doesnt realize that and he is apt to get hurt Phony Dignitaries oax In Identified the finance minister as Sorta Adiwba ln Washing ton the Gabon Embassy said their finance minister Francois Meyer is in Gabon The limousine was identified by the department of motor ve Packets background to boastsroirthei suc ocss of communism in East Ger many the brrununisu decided to stop the flow there was any bickering about the ways and molars at doing this no sound ever seeped through the lmn Curtarn There have been varied ideas TEE BARR THURSDAY Nehru Qligstions Righti on what steps the War should take in reaction to the Commu nist moves die evenquned the Western powers to criticiu the Communist travd ban Took sovmr sroz ln foreign Wiley debate in India Parliament Nehru said Russia and the big three West era powers reached agreement on the occupation rnnes oi Ber lln The question of free access between the zones in the city llo miles inside the East Ger man borders was granted ratio later by the Russians he This access was nuts right but concession by the So This was dlrec contradlc tion oi the Western stand that the Communists violated the fourpower agreement by as llcally curtailing movement within the divided city The speech came alter visits to Nehru by the US ambassa dor and undersecretary of state Chester Bowlsaimed at point ing out the legality of the West ern positionand alter he re celved iipage letter and an East German delegation sent to point out the Communist stand Nehru also called for negotia tions to end the dispute Here he was closer to the general po altion JUDGE HELPS T0 par run TORONTO UP Paul Wilson 20 who pleaded guilty to drinking while un der use named in ML trying to raisehis 10 line He could only come with $970 Magistrate Fosscl AUGUST 161 WWmtouttoeofloctMacbmmta WintemellQITIYingTo Force Byelections In Toronto Ridings TORONTO CP Hon Wil llam Murdoch Speaker of the Ontario legislature Wednesday addressed warrant to the chief election otiicer for the issuance of writs for byelectlons in the Toronto riding of Egllnton and Beaches The warrants were addressed under provisions of the Legis lative Assembly Act at the re quest of literal Leader Winter meyer Roderick Lewis chief election olilcer is in Europe until early October but said earlier he muldcnotrismebyelectlon writs until the lleutenantgovernorln council appointed returning officer Mr Wintelrneyer who is seeking court order to force the byelectloas has said the two ridings should be represented at the fall session of the legisla election olficer is nothing more than formality required under the Legislative Assembly Act Byelectlon writs issued by the chief election oiiicer are to r4L turning officers In the riding concerned directing them to prepare for elections Mr Frost said the same pro cedure is being followed as that which the government adopted in the Sudhury and Nickd Belt area in 1954 when byelectlons were called in three of our Va cant seats We didnt call one in Sud hury because the redistribu tion that was going to aifect it the premier said At that time the single seat which covere Sudhury and the Nickel Belt wal airpau nded to two in redistribu on Mr Frost noted that both seats than returned Conserve live members lure But Premier Frost an bouncedrho willpostponeaiiy byelectlona until committee at the legislature is appointed to study the redistribution or rid ings driving east on the 8th line at 410 Wednesday alternoon with two Mexican Chihuahuas lost control of her car and it turn ed over into the ditch There was so much damage to the car that it is considelcdia complete writeoil hEIVidellily onemoi bthe dogs ch were ack seat jumped over and bumped he den in an Ottawa hotel room ami causing the driver to lose He 15 formerly °f vedm Qua troloftheveidclrorlenrb has had n0 fixed the dogs is still at large he an ingvescaped during the ace Turners body was discovered ent Mrs Byers was not injur in the parking lot of national de fence headquarters by da ed Constable Thompson of the lnnlsiil Police investigated fence employee Police beg eirinvestiga Le pathfloin tion Tuesday after an autopsy showed he died of strangulation Promote Exports Madden is to appear in ma gistrates purl today DETROIT APl Five major GreatLak Police said Madden and Tur have joined in acampsign to day night Turners sister and her apparen had lng party together Satur promote the export by waterfbrothcrinlaw gave him ride The spokesman for the group EmflmNWEAmER goods manufactured in the Mid part of the way home but It may not be good weather 411 Wenv dmoredhim near the defence GOVt bliSheS Childrens lol the Canadian National Err Representatives of the live deHartman headquarters Warm °m°v°eu ToSolvelarentsTVLProblFms also not JanHilwauker doner er and the ram last announced plan following night it could be good day Tuesday to dis WASHINGTON AMArms eat is father orfainotheru Are you parent meeting here for farmersto till the old car cuss cargo movements from altar It you eretho 175418th ment of health education and ch ékmodl thellIpufirgW 498110 ulICé Charges un on line RalhlMcEl lentil mchigahleciiilhfiééih 0f Discnmmahon Gas Company and chairman of are up primer will annot gnore begging asrnall boo or This primer is called Page 15 Crime Link Detroits waterfront sever MONTREAL MONAwhom imer for Parents TV Divis TORONTO CP Liberal opment committee saidthe Wat elmilinon of the Greater port ofli ais agreed they must Montreal Protestant achoolJ It was writtenbyWalt Kelly Leader John Wintermeyer said He daws arm fled Wednesday the Ontario govem present united frontinbid board Wednesday de9wn=éd Pogo Pogo is an oppossum ment cannot ignore statements hlcles as belonging to Arlington Sylvester Phillips funeral di rector who said the limousine ll rented out lrequently Charles assistant Jones and Sons costumers shop said bum added mum man Whalidentified hirnsulja reporter Herbert Mangnnri oi Am CONDITIONED The AfroAmerican newspaper mx ungMATINEES DAILY pm picked up an African costume halfwolf Camp Borden were two cadets from Barrie Currie and WestgarthTaylor from l02 Squadron The training had consisted of drill sports general services ephemeralgr anization leadership ellectlve speaking character guidance in stnlctionai techniques firearms and range practice and educa tional tours The cadet also took ogdiiflgfigjfan em aircFai urng training Following the hour and forty tive minute parade the guests were served tea in the hang ar Alderman Frank Hersey re presenting the Meyor of Bar rie Were two oithose assisting to handing out diplomas It was with special appreciation that we filled in for Mr Walla as last year our grandson had been among the cadetstalung rtra ancouv Maharaja and the othersin for ma diplomch attire stopped at Miller Brothers Restaurant Tuesday afternoon Theodore Cook the head walterrsaide spokumairforthr gxouptold him the robed man was the furnace minister the new Africannation of Gabon and that the party had come from conferences at the state department in Washington Cools said in view of past snubs of Negro diplomats in Maryland and Governor Millard Taweaa request that restaurateurs be particularly careful and courteous to foreign dignitaries seated them The three men stayed less than half hour and ate what the head waiter described as token meaL They left in lim ousine alter Negro photog Weitoo TWO DIED The two seats became vacant with the death of Dr William Dunlopforrner minister of education and William CoI lings liquor coriuriissloner Mr Frost said Wednesday night that the Speakers ad dressingof warrants to the chin muons NOW SHOWING flipdped him quarter and sex Thats all the change have Court Constable Buy Hall On Murder Charge OTTAWA cmAlma Mad den 46 Wednesday was charged with murder in connec fionrwithrthestrangulntiondeath Sunday of Kenneth Tinoer 37 of nearby Eastview Police said they arrested Mud whit Willi Adult TONlGHT AND FRIDAY managing editor of the Negro newspaper said Wednesday he wu shocked and surprised at the storypand denied that Man grum worked for the newspa per Baltimore city police said presseard has been issued to Mangrum Sorta the first name of the finance nums er is Aims spelled backwards Monday and asked that the newspaper be billed for the ren to 410s his coinage and larnes Williams assistant legendln an untamed land 9i 46s ids WILD Dill OF THEM TECHNICOLOR EM lam mums in phenomenaimmune leMES DillBl GURWWD read Pages questlons andhsn swers Such as ARMSTRONG HARDWARE also holstrations They want to 9in ounlopsi rm or know what to do They are afraid bi man sters On TV they sometimes meet lot of them These monsters can become their constant companionsI AMonstelsnrenotwsgoodnr parents to learn things from Excep in matters of de structio At this point is picture of Harry Rail ding for more of the overseas Charges market Fhim by Berle La Pogo is very smart of New York state crime com mittee that there are connec Although the pans On the Rocque president of the French Great Lakes compete with each gemé Paint Asswlamn other for business McEivenny gamma by tions between United States gamblers and illegal organiza tions here said The group we realize we must form common front to get the busi ness for the lakesor we will have nothing to compete for said it will hold an Rocque was complete ndsrepresentahon and seems particularly personal The clash came in the contro versy concerning FranchAlanguv Pogo telis youdn the primer what to do and what not to do Tbloutletting your child watch lie uses pictures to teach you couple of monsters blowing up the world name so away In summing up the primer says SUNBEAM ELECTRIC RAZORS Avery low price indeed for those well known razors noted no brushes gt Buy New and save the NEW TAX other meefin Eek es paren in discuss if wnglglhvzfim mands that special highschaol Re resent be established for their children ave been 4355 es 93355 board has agreed to set for months attend up an eighthgrade ill Peace We have had such an accu mg 31 sexual PHI muiation of facts that we can TEACBEitsESCAPE inotfdoubt United States gambl ALGIERS Reuters Euro as haw links withdloronto pean schoolteacher Claude in ermeyer aal Charlnn 27 escaped near Bar en ItlJlnk Kelso Roberts has an the Eastelzn Algeria Wednes Eepizmhzgmgolhmhlgwfirafd obligation to serve as attorney day night after being kid announced plans for province generai and lead the assault capped by nationalist insure wide federation to back do against crime and illegality gents three months ago mands for French speaking here Instead he fen Dome ifs11 military spokesman said gfisflsechon in the school no not be afraid of your TV set These things are probably here to stay Do not be afraid of your child Eels not here to stay He is preciourvisitor Do not dflyourrhild seth watch the TV un guided love your child You can order Pogos Primer from the government printing office Washingtonfls DC it costs 20 cents Mr Wintermeyer said prom lnent jurists and senators told Senate subcommittee things the Liberals what to do and what not to do He says the parent should guide the child He says the most im portant thing to do is to love your child He says it twice love your child Pogosbuok Iszrpageflong On its yellow covers are pic tures of Pogo and friend Al bert the Alligator Albert poses as parent Soon parents everywhere can €57299 cANs Wanr ONLY GALvalean GARBAGE RONNIE FRIDAY AUGUST 25 CLUBgPAVALONWa lLLlA AT THE noon NO ADVANCEVSALEH

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