Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Aug 1961, p. 4

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Therm Examiner Published oyICanadlan Newspapers Limited 10 Bayrield street Ernie Ontario TlIURSDAY AUGUST 1961 Pego Sciles de 80611 In Ontario ut We Could BeWorSe Ofl nSeptomberlthHesidenisMQ Qutario and in particular the march ants will be faced with the provrnces first sales tax The tax is three per cent but some people suspect it is only the beginning Could there also be re clal income tax in the future his was good time for Premier Frost to announce his retirement Someonerelse will have to face the music and it Will lie discordant But was there an altemativel You cannot have we are state Without paying for it and the taxpayer does the paying However we could be inches than we think at the moment Seven other provinces already have the sales tax and granted for cars This is strictly nuisance lax ut money must be raised for education and roads and other things How about the United States Well for examplelooli at West Virginia where recently brand new personal income tax was boost in sales taxfrom two to three er cent Illinois has hiked its sales air half cent to four North Carolina has extended its sales tax to include food Missouri New Mexico and Okla homa have just started taking state in come taxes from payrolls In almost ev erystatethere was an increaseintaxesr So we of Ontario better wait before we start yelping to much uput intoeffect on top of Townships Like yTurtles Noliookfprwmd10 ears 0ro lnnisfil arid Vespra township councils must feel just little bit like the turtles on the ot mof King Yer The on on the very bottom sneezed They might even be justified in look ing upgn Barrie as playin the role of King ertle in the comp cated Barrie District Collegiate gymnasiumauditorw ium dispute The City of Barrie wanted 1600 seats but compromised to the looseat plan for the proposed collegiate auditorium Now the OrolnnisfilVespra group is holding out for the combination gymnasiumauditorium idea on the ground that the straight auditorium would receive no government grant Driving highpowered boats in areas designated as awrmming areas is very dangerous practice we have not had any serious accidents of this typejet and we dont WanF them OPP Cpl Giddens of the Barrie detachment expressed the sentiment of thousands of cottageowners and bath ers in lateseason bid to avert vaca Ition or weekend casualities in Kempen rile byDr Warning To Boot Drivers They want to set ceiling of $250000 on the cost they would give their share of that figure and the school board could build what it liked withitw So all right King Yertle Wh not go for broke Start building wha need ed if necessary without full township backing The townshi have their tax ation troubles too an rightly or wrong ly feel justified in putting strangle hold on the pursestrings Look back on the situation from 1970 viewpoint Inside of decade Bar rie will have wished she had one ahead with the 1600seat plan espite op position And the turtles on the bottom oé the stack will wish they hadnt sneez felt Bay and other nearby bodies of water The summer isnt over and Gid ens warningTs welIfififi for this part of the season the waning days of the boating and swimming year that motorboat drivers may be tempted to feel their oats and take few passes at the shoreline If swimmer should be on collision course it could be fatal Other Editors Views CROWDED HOSPITALS Fort Erie LetterR view Getting into hospital rapidly be coming major problem in Canada This njnthecas ill State hos ital insurance has created demand for ospital beds whi tar exceeds even the expanded faCiiiies now available Authorities even doubt whether present hospital building boom biggest inthe countrys history will ialoneebersufficieritr tovsolve the problem Main trouble according to hospital authorities is that hospitals are becom aéds of hospital attention will deterior INNER DISSENSION OttawaJourn Mr Douglas has graces that bring him gondwillfron1faLbeynndthemembei ship of his party Known for wit elo quence and ability in organization he must also be realist The delegates going home will honor him if they rem ember bestapolemnwa them Moresocial democratic parties have beenruined by essays pans BackBooms Missed In Tory convention non onnnau TORONTOThere will be no backrooms The PCe have picked the foot for their leadership conven on The convention is to be held in rinkVaulty arena And this means there will hr changes PREE LOAD Our provincial leadership con ventions he traditionally been lively freewheeling affairs Except in the care of the CCF they have been held at hotels The main mectlngr have been held in the conventionad bani quet rooms and delegates have taken over most of the other accommodation All the candidates usually have had wideopen suites The dele Come Come sen Upper Lip Old Boy By DAVE PIKE Clnndlan Pres Staff Writer HALIFAX CF The Marl times two biggest shipyards are predicting 1061 will turn out to be quite good year de spite strikes in both yards last Shipbuilding and Drydock Co Ltd and the Halifax Shipyards Ltd yards are bustling total of about 2700 men are working on list of projects ranging from tug to destroyer es curt Both yards were quiet much of the spring while members of arlnc Workers Federation CLO battled with management inlbotb port cities fér higher wages And officials in both yards predict expansion Lezie director ship building at the Saint John Com pany snid bluntly were going to have the most modern yard in Canada and one of the most modern in North America Dan Scouler Jr general man ager offithenllalitnxnfirmrsa that with proper opportunity facilities could be expanded and employment enlarged upon as well Mr uzie says the Saint John yard which has adopted an ag 0obecorna1he Mar itimea largest shipbuilder fore sees great deal of work his the future The Halifax yard at present the largest east of at Saint John dissension from The lack of qualitied abipw ing cluttereHitHonvaiescentsahdéwithinthanhnveeVerbeMeahoyeHyauumrfimfro been with people who are in just for check ii Tré critically ill frequently have long Ffiaretul iwflrso out waits before ho tal bed can be se cured Doctors it would seem are not entire ly blameless for this situation More discrimination in rth hospitalization prompter discharges of convalescents and the establishment of more lowcost convalescent homes would seem to be the onlyanswer In the ab sence of such measures hos ital costs viflib ospial beds rove andtbe general stand isnt dangerous to climb con tain but it is hazardous to stop climbing and fall off it week after an employer put up box for employees to drop suggestions in be pasted this note on it Iam not interested either injumpingindhel or going to hotter climate Authorized lecond charmll Pelt our oerrunning cum auy sunsy and Statutory Holldlnfixcopt marinara WALLS running swear denm Menage MEPWON MIDI Editor cannons wanes Blulnue Mm or noannranarsa Adverflxlnliiun JOHN Bonna circulation Min chirisi wee c3313 Byline In until 3250 three months air Ontlide on Subrmption are your $1qu on monmllrbdhiaa Ontrip no moo nu 32 Memnar not aim DIllyNewslll iliaen AsaoclltlonTho chansonPran Audit Bureau OI Circulltionr Th Canadian Prue mueionv op credited to it or The Mu It tareva and the ubihhfl in dotslronl attacks from withoutf PARTY LABELS Vancouver Province If the voters are confused these days it is understandable if party names are to have any meanin the Socialists tiTliem Liberals to being Grits and the Conserva tives to Tories And whiletiie Soc reds cant go back as far as the others they can return firmly to the princigles on which the party was aunc ed There are too many political chame leons on the political foliage these days throWs evens says alittle Nagynéw giddfiahsfsrthe Wiili about516000000 in con tracts beliaved to be about $2 MELEOURNE CPlTlle Ex perience of Canada is being cited to Australia in warnings against outside takeovers of in dustrial enterprises Latest to quote Canada is Hooker chairman and mana as director of the mnrerlnvestment Corporation Australias biggest real estate organization whose NnyhAus trollan interests include pastor paper Natura Mumeanima$mpmhgmgatmg nearly ran dont ya Another thing that us dothygripelC Seeing woman smoke pipe anmovietheatre accepts fish in payment for admissionPress report Nonoubtethereare days when the box office smells almostvas leader plummets inpthejficase ofymanyfa perso ori ence doesnt keep him from srn ing It just makes him remorseful after he has sinned Man will iiever able toiproduce flying apparatus with the manoeuver ability of the humming bird nevervas bad arder Another pep vmgunder the pence at an mewrecks is oleb position 10000 square miles In press conference he stressed Australias need of overseas capital for new indus tries and new techniques in sec ondary industries but added warning that if her industries fellelndiscrimiuately into the hands of overseas companies we would vary aoonroach now exists in Canada The majority Can an dustries arerAmerican owned with the resultthat profits have heeia drained across the border totheWtédemesl he added This has seriously weakene theCanadian economy il company believed the land in North Australia muat main Australian hands Earlierrlan Potter head of Australias leading brokers underwnters lecture to Mnadiaumhmhu hand Mdritirnes Shipyards Look Good Year Despite Strikes 000000 more than Saint John in hand at present Mr Secular suggests that the shipbuilding Industry will be in good altlon for the next five years The Halifax company owned by the Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation has spent more mnrfimom in last 10 years Both theSaintJohnNiBnonoxpauslon and making things modern The Saint John yard acquired last year by Clrving inter ests has launched its own multi million dollar progress plan Expected to have profound effect on whether the yards actually lchleve their visions of enlfrgennlregltfliiutllxio new federal on er subsidies announced last May varans port Minister Ealcer Although Saint John has not yet taken advantage of the We are building more too nage than any other company in Canada at the moment says Mr Lezie Although not quite as optlmir tie the smaller Maritime ship yards are also eager for new business Ferguson general mon ogor of Ferguson industries Ltd of Pictou NS hasnt seen much of change this year so far although its been bit better than last year The second largest builder of steel vessels in Nova Scotia the company is equipped to build ships up to 2000 tons About half its work involves repairs It normally employs about 215 men One hundred and seventy five are employed now sunsmv mvmaen Mr Ferguson says theaulr icy lilrrLeaiesayaribwiil defWinch certainly an ad initely prove henefi tracilng new contract WILL lflJLP INDUSTRY Also optimistic Mr Scouler says will greatly help the as whole and will in turn have some benefit for the Atlaan region yards Largest priva employer on the Nova Scotia mainland the liaxyardrecontlyla as $450000 bydrographie vessel is currently working on fish erler department inshore vessel transport department ferry for Prince Edward Island and de stroyer escort for the navy 9x pected to be completed in 1009 Montrealemploys about1300Mlbe Saint John firm illflilld men compared with about 1400 ing hydrographic vessel 000 foot tanker CNR cargo and passenger vesselrfor Newfound land waters transport depart impnrtant drawbamrfienftua and 24an ore carrier another of which will be started this year WarnsAustralia standing example in this con nection In the short space of 10 years twothirds of Canadian in dustry had passed into foreign ownership and control Naturally he said Vthir situation has created great con corn in Canada and it has un doubtedly been responsible for vantage although its too early to tell how its going to work out Were hopeful the legisla tion will be the necessary in centive for owners to scrap old ships and build new ones SkyTirede in working on pilot launch diving tender and small eightinch section dredge in all worth about $000000 Although Smith and lihuland Ltd of Lunenburg NS one or wooden boat builders was fairly idle until about twogmonthsago it now is working on two100 foot scallop draggers two plea sure craft and some repair in all about $450000 CanadasExampl¢ many of Canadas current eeo nomic problems capital imports should have placed Canada in an invulner able position as regards her balance of payments but stand her deficit in external account lathe largest in the spite of this American capital still flows in even though all Canadian wth ln duatries are frilly eveloped Any reasonably profitable Ca nadian business feels it is vul nerable to takeover bid from the United Stat Canadians vvere saying they had an automated industry with pushhuttonr in the United States BIBLE BOUGHT And heMosee cried into them and thclmdeeid fr an Lord that honleth threeFExodii 20 God deliberately 1718005va children in situations in which It in ord we may be drawn liim people gates have bad to buy their own food but they eertai incited forfleedrinx And more pertinently much of the real businessthe lobby ing and dickeringhas gun in time upstairs rooms DIFFERENT STORY Varsity arena will tend to change this atmosphere There will rtlli bethe hotel roomr And probably most of them at the Royal Yorkwhere cro 1511ch studio union the strike rhould be settled by convention time But the real backroom lt will be missing MORE noom Vanity arena ll rinkant ing about 3000 and much like the town rink in any large town ltundountcdlywill be dolled prwith hunting and me also will be room for gt will easily handle 15L candidataa booths and few committee rooms in the dressingroomr etc The convention itself as re Illlt should be full of more 118 Ityle lal But it for oldtimers BENEFITS Too The change of course will have its advantages It should mean better attend larly the dull biulnail meetings Once they get there delegates wont have anywhere else to go more at carnival almorphcre with its added excitement But still those hackroomr will be missed People always have run them down But they have had lot to do in our politch develop ment Kent County Famers Develop CHATHAM on or weird wheeled platform which recently chugged into field near here was offered to ngri cultural experts as the fruit of familys 20ltyear laborthe sugarbeet growerr dream Since the early 1000a when he farmed in the Eberta district of Kent County George Francis and his son Arthur and Charles have been planning machine to take the backache out of beet blocking Now patented in live differ entcountriea from corner to corner of its quadrilateral frame the Francis answer has all but arrived The machine it is hoped will give new life to longaban doned system of booing out young beets Referred to as crossblocking it facilitates the harvesting offull grown beetsby some seedlings and leaving the remainder to grow in easily gathered uniform squares The old system of crossblock ing was abandoned in south western Ontario because it in volved too much hoeing and sewing by hand The Francis machine is designed to slim inate this disadvantage of an otherwise superior system Iest Supposin in sumrgfir when birdies Applisadgé so delusional ziilurp urp But if taking too much After effects may be such As to bring an unwelcome hum bum in the know solo SugarBeet GrovieisDream The machine looks like had stood with wheels with an ex ternallymounted rear engine rtierlng column and clump of controls it carries underside whirling blades that dig out 11 of every ill inches of young beota and leaves the land so neatly blocked it can be handled by the harvester from any di rection The Francis loom worked evenings weekends and hell dayr in Chatliam garage to produce their prototype it is powered by ninehorsepower albeooled engine and has so far cost $000 It still has its bugsattaining regular traction over uneven or very light soil is one of them but Art Francis local factory shop foreman is working hard to have the machine ready for pnarible demnnstration at the be strange plooo sparticu manWWW Companys experimental farm in Dover Township Meanwhile company officials are maintaining watching brief on the machine until they see its first trial under field conditions other agricultural experts who have seen it are withholding comment George and Charles Francis working through their patent nt torney in Toronto are busy scouting for farm machinery manufacturer who will take over building distribution and as an CITY HONORS MAE FARGO NJ APJThe city commission went to bat for hometown boy Wednesdayrvo ting to name twomile winding park road finger Maris Drive Maria native of llibblng Minn grew up in Fargo lobgo mmmmunummmm doselabaeutoflbelrhonoymoofihewktdumottfla mnicishndhrddrawnlnonlcdgerblevacahoienflwo mmummnmmmflmm uninstthoinshbaddropoiltsbmihmng mmmoummmnmmm flmndwdqmentotitsmrpoliedherm Thourote alum pleasant hwmmcrsnd winter MMMMWWWHWMW maneroam WRITE fail me LITEIMTURE memennaiomsemsmmlmzm wwwmeommuswmim iliobrgulilagmieloofcalypnmnihebapeflmthe meadow only trinity attention Trinidadftobaga is lesslfmfivehqulylngilme millawyorlr Summer fare Hardwaduidsourtiuniaaolhoiclsmd guest houses mo mgmwtmwurmmu MIIdI For YourReserVeiione CALL NOW gt BARRIE TRAVEL service loaninnssirw PA its6474

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