BIOLOGIST Tuck of SC Johns Nfld has written book on the history and pres ent state of the penguinlike murrr once in demand for its eggs and meat and now banned to all hunters NorthAmericamcxcept New foundland Mr nrck writes that oil pollution by freighters Prime Minister Newiyrublishedwqrg By 1ch VAN DUSEN Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA CPlFedernl offi cials predict book about the penguinlike murre will gain in ternational recognition for New foundlands Mr Conservation The reaction so far has been wonderful says Leslie Tuck who took almost 10 years to carry out the study Itvre suited in the first book on the sleek black and white sea bird that wings over his native New foundland and much of the northern hemisphere The Murres Prime Minister Diefeabaker its conceivable thatlhe Murres may become classic in its field said Resources Minister Dinsdale Mr Tuck onetime natural is the only working biologist in the fed history teacher Blame Shortages On Poor Not Bad HONG KONG ReuterslA bad system rather than bad weather is to blame for Com munist Chinas agricultural shortages which have necessi tated big grain deals with Can ada andAustralia says Profes sor Stuart Kirby head of the de partment of economics and po litical science at Hong Kong University The professor believes the Chinese Communist party is facing today an acute political as well as severe economic crisIs Agriculture has always been System gt Weather in recently pub lished by the Queens Printer has already had much favorable comment including praise from The commune system as or iginally planned has been modi fied and decentralized practilt cally out of existence the pro fessor says and free markets for trading in specified com modities are allowed in some places The Communists have found that the only effective way to in the North Atlantic is kitt in flm9remurres than Newfoundland hunters who bag about 100000 year on Photo Praises ernl Canadian Wildlife Service without degree in biology MEANS EXTRA EFFORT Sometimes think its better that way he said in an inter view You work harder because you have to prove something The 19yearold outdoors exv pert stopped here en route to his home in St Johns Nfld after working at Churchill Man on his latest assignmenta book on the snipe In his study of the munes the greyhaired naturalist was away from home for as longias three monthsat time mb fag rock cliffs and treacher ous coastlines in Newfoundland Labrador Ungava Bay Hudson Bay and Lancaster Sound He toured museums and its braries in Europe studying ma terial on the bird that nests by the millions in summer in cliff colonies It spends thafaliand winter in vast flocks around the coasts on the northern con tinents At least snoonoo winter off the south and southeast coasts of Newfoundland SCIENTIFIC WORK The result of his studies was scientific yet easytoread selfinterest increase production is to repeal one aspect after another of rural communism and progressively to restore little of capitalist Ths professor sees this coupA history of the murre once used extensively for food on both sides of the Atlantic and now banned to hunters in all of North America except Newfoundland The murre was once im portant to the economy of New VASEY fhom Wash of Toronto spent three or with Mr and Mrs Kenneth Robinson Miss Faint in spending the Iinnmer with her aunt and un cle Mr andMra Ken Robin MIL Nelson Brown of Toronto spent the weekend with his brothers and families here Robert McMahon ll visiting his brother Charles Butty and WEDDINGANNIVEREARY Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Herman Robinson on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary Mrs Robinsons sin ters and brothers from the western provinces were here to help celebrate There were 22 people who signed theregister Everyone reported good time Congratulations to Miss Lorna Brown who was successful in passing her fifth form in high school at Midland and to all others who were successful EDWARDS BROWN The Edwards Brown wed ding was held in Vasey Church August to There were around 75 guests After buffet lunch the happy couple left on wedding trip to different points We extend our congratulations to them in their future years Mrs Nelson Edwards left on Thursday to visit her daughter and soninlaw and grandchild in Calgary Congratulations to Mrs ber wthhirthday Aug 27 Mr and Mrs Howard Clarke of Barrie Mr and Mrs Barry ngby attended the OKeefc Cen tre show in Toronto on Thurs day nightJost grandmother Mrs Doan at Woodland Beach recently Allan Wice and Miss Marg aret Wice of Toronto and Mrs McManus of Calgary visited Bruce Wice and Joe Cochraoes last week Mr and Mr Frank Cowan and Margnre Mï¬nndMiS Tom Bowman and Mr and Mrs George McCovlston en Joyed the Friday night session of the Old Time Fiddlers 0on test ntSbelburner COMMUNITY CLUB Mrs Sturgcss presided when the Community Club met Dgra Webbs Wednesday Meeting opened With doxology and Lords Pray er Minutes of June meeting at sister Mrs Greeninw of Midland Edwards who is celebrating Clarke and Mr and Mrs Dick Ross Wice holidayed withhls were read and approved Club is to be organized with Mrs Edd WebbJLsecrctaryr treosnrer Mrs Wice and Mrs Gosney are to see about matlt erial for new animal banner MrsHogg is to look after the painting of the stand at the ave an interesting and burn Erous motto Men like good looks but prefer good coon The program was demonstra tion on ï¬rst aid ably given by Mrs Gomey Meeting closed by singing God Save The Queen tasty lunch followed liIlGBlf Mrs hianford Home and Mrs Nettie Davis are spending two cottage on Moon Miss Minnie Roberts and Nel sonRobertsoFOrflhaaod Mr and Mrs Art Roberts visited Mr and Mrs Wilfrw Johnston Sorry to hear Mrs William Anderson luffered stroke and is in the Soldiers Memorial Hospital Oriilia We all Wish her speedy recovery Mr and Mn Tad Blogg and Karen of Ottawa and Mr and Mn Lloyd Home and daughter of Orillla visited Mr and Mrs Albert Home recently Miss Katherine and Ellenor Langman are visiting their rel atlves Mr and Mrs Leonard Dawson Tomato and Mr and Mrs Lynn filingwortb in Ham ilton ih was saddened on Saturday with the sudden sod Mrs parting ot Mn Dan Barr Deépes lympathy is extended in Mr Barr and Gordon in the to of loving wife and mother and also to her moth er Mrs William Gordon and family Mr and tin Beronl John mo and Bryan attended the Hewitt reunion It the home of Mr and Mr John Hewitt Ardlrea GILFORD Mr and Mrs Rupar and family of Sarnia are visit ing the iatters parents Mr Weaver MIsr hiarxiret Sawyer of do rooto was home with her per il me BARR THURSDAY AUGUST COUNTY NEWS eats Mr and tin El Sawyer for the weekend Mrs El Lictt and baby were also home Mr and Mrs Hugh Mcuao of new floronto were visitors with Mr and Mrs Dong Hugh es for few days BRIDE103E Miss Marjorie Todd gave shower in honor of the bride tohe Glenda Stewart on Sat urday evening MISSION BAND PICNIC The Mission Band held their annual picnic at lonlrttl Park on Aug 15 with fair attend ance Swimming and games WW noon and Im down to supper Auousr CLEARANCE 20 OFF REGULAR encroach IiIIIIIIEII llilSliS POLYETHELENE PLASTIC Reg 198 to 998 ALUMINUM CAR Torrens Reg 2l900 TO CLEAR EATO ball park Roll call was ans wered by 24 members and one visitor win written exchange of your favorite pickle or rel recipe Mrs OConnell 9IAHDAYE4 at these remarkably lowFain nre Prices SPORTS EQUIPMENT Morons BOATS FISHING TACKLE BARBECUES BARBECUE ACCESSORIES GOLF CLUBS E1c CAMPING EQUIPMENT AIR Minmasses SLEEPING BAGS GAS STOVES CAMP COTS AIR PUMPS VIKING THUNDERBOLT gtFIBERGLAS HULL REG 79590 REDUCED TO CLEAR 545°0 17500 NS FALL FURNITURE FESTIVAL Continues until Saturday IT EATON ct IllutN mm caneA the weak Wm of modem com led withithe malnutrition of the munism he declares citing masses as the source of poli toundland When the island name+proviae MHPECi racirofjpersonal Incentive in the system as perhaps the most poriant factor in Chinas present plight one of HnngKongs au thorities on Chinese affairs has analysed the Peking regi repeatedclaims inthelastthree years that bad weather or as lural calamities as they say has caused repeated crop fail lres Writing in Current Scene magazine published by the United States consulate in Hong Kong he says the party plan ners have neither overhauled nor recast their programs to improve their countrys de fences against its climate But they have relaxed their basic organization in the coun try wIth each successive emer gency allowing the peasants more individual interest slightly larger plots of land for their own use and little more The traditional at the ChInese natural disasters and real to the regime re calling that Chinese dynasties for centuries basically have risen and fallen on agrarian dif ficulties and the rural rebellions which grew out of them unrest is that the regime in power has lost the mandate of allowance was made in the gratory bird regulations to allow residents to continue rig the big bird About 190000 year are killed over the province now consid 1rably fewer than years ago Some European countriesespe cially Russia consider murre heaven and is about to fall 0n the mainland Kirby enn freedom to grow sidelines tends while no accessor inspec tion was possible to outsiders official reports suggested crop losses of 30 per cent in some cases and an overall average of 15 to 20 per cent It seems he says that the CommrmisUavemggerated tFadverse effect of the weather and the belief generlt ally in the East Asian area out1 side the Communistruled main land is that at leafst half5ft percent or moreo the ri cultural shortfall is inimiin system eggs delicacy There is also plenty of meat on the bird which weighs about two pounds murres eggs than chickens writes Mr Tuck Each bird lays only one egg and yet they are probably the most abundant sea birds in the northern hemis phere The most serious factor en dangering the murre is oil pol lution The birds frequent the shipp lanes of the North At lantic and oil fouling their wings Qs killing more birds off the coast of Newfoundland than the gt hunters There is more nourishment to coop Armour SAVE Heavy duty gleaming white porcelain inside and out Flex ible sure seal lid Keylockinside light baskets divid er syear guarantee on sealed unit Steel runners 15 cu ft size Reg 24900 lSARRlE FURNITURE AUGUST zri LTD Vision gt PA 60561 Smart slim Vstyling Beautifully grained cabinets Clear full picture screen Transformer powered high gained Of Fine Brand NamevFumIture By VobassiaSwrvelbaseReg anadqs Finest Manufacturers Gleaming chroma trim Broiling rack SnirZ in ANDREWMALCOLM QflSLEY Ignite Smartly styled for the modern homa maker heat dials for elements SiIrev cook and bake oven warmingovea lithone $335 Jae219 No Trade SIMMONS Sm 139 QHEIRLQOM BEAVER REGUMRW AVAILABLE ysAVEFRQM ONshéiVEllfVISTA II Slllti With warning lights and lock Reg 36500 iv Clear fullpicture screen Transforrner powered Picture control clockcontrolled rotisserie har IN éucUsyAND AVE AN 31 becue unit Special preheat oven control flle lift off door and lift out oven walls for WItb warni ha and lock Re 81900 easy cleaning Sununer value 30 nghg Also See The CobpS Own fluidN Viscount Simone District Coeop Z59lnnIs Sh Borne COOPER Seven heatsivitches automatic clock