NeedBackTOSchooi Money USe Examiner Want an TEE BARRIE EXAMINIlhpTHUIISDAY AUGUST 14 1K1 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS vsrlnoonx sir Ind In cre ry VanKootcn Innnunco the birth or tbelr daughter tuirheue houl born nerdv Airport 21 Niel some 13 nnnlop st sdlLauxN tam 110591 Aururi Ronald unborn ter Terry Ann ztiubctai PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS oi the Blessed Event can be ounced to your triends and removes Icr only $150 Just J2lfllfliil moms ENGAGEMENTS EllTS LAWSON The enun ment Lt announced or so tries inlcui Hills youngest db bier bl Mn Morton nuts and to late rlc Hiltl o1 Barrio to Mr unr fleid vhlthey IJIIOE top or ur Ind Mrs Hurry La or antit wood onleriu Th marlten to take lace on 1ri ptemher 81 to bi Putt ccottal cburt DEATHS McEHERRY At the lidyl Vic torir Hnlpitll arms on Wed negdgy Airgun is mi Stephen hIcSherry beloved husbnnd er the ills Bertha Line lovlnl irisr er Teren thin rinbinion and Gladys him it Comer or barrio Harold and had or Thornton in his 7am year Resunl at the Poth ick nlncrrl llnme nyrield sh arrrie Service In the chrpel sit urdly at 115 pm Interment are rie Union Cemetery CARDS 0F THANKS nlrclnl We wish to expren More think to I11 ol lillncslnl lor the lovely glrtr given us They In It repute ml lv Add Don Ritchie hlANDLEY Vc wilh to thank all our friend and reiItivel who were In kind to union menyweys dearton during iha Inhnny Words cannot exprlu how we reel And rpeelrl in ma to Padre Clark pr chrricn and or outer Prcd and Kay Mlndlcy it easily tillWoman Iury Convicts Police CHICAGO AP Seven for mer Chicago policemen were found guilty of conspiracy to commit burglary and to conceal stolen property by an ellwoman iury tonight The defendants all former membersiotithcrSummerdalc district police on the north side were accused of collaborating with confessed burglar Richard Morrison in looting stores in the district Morrison chief prosecution witness tea led some oi the loot was hauled Away in squad cm The jury recommended peni tentiary sentenceswlitromï¬lnr to ilve years to be set by the court for five of the defendants Allan Erinn 31 Alan Cle ments Frank Faracl 45 Alex Kerras and histwln Sol 28 The jury recommended lines of $500 for the other two Peter Beeltink 58 and Henry Mules JUNE LEAVES HOSPITAL MONTEREY Calif AP June Allyson was discharged Wednesday from hospital where doctors removed kidney stone theactros REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Pnordltn FOB shin HENDERSON REALTth 10 COLLER mm PHONE PA Mal ZVZNINGS CALL mA scmeam PA we react men Phony masoN sWAiN PA some Member oi Berri Ind District Iod Ontario Rel MOVING For enmpi marina eelvice Ir Ilia Ill COOKE CARTAGE VGSTOMGWD voue ALLIED VAN burns rrAGENf Illa lid BIrIlI PArkIy N111 PA 08125 HENRY ELRICK AND MiCHIE lS Owen St Barrie PHONE PA 3655 Mama OF THE HARRIS AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE nDAnD REA oNg DUNuo PA 85568 try relmdlbil or thin ItLrIc vaId dri cllut Intel ye itch liuter hfllht dry wellP 816500 brick with bllck mortar an Intr natllral blond nnirh Racrelllon yicglng Iguagorkleqdup algae mo III CI El or lormatlon phone PA new 00 1011 bright pauredwell basement lamlly eomtort harel quick III with $2000 down NICELY SlIUATED AMO 316500 Very lttnclivl with lttlcbnd Brick Bungalow age The who Very contrli on bin route new live room brirlr bungalow Large kitchen new type bthaxdwaod floor in iivinl room Ob heltlnl This home ll ciosl to Minute and public lchooil Selling prlcl 3131100 Terms to be Irnngcd TriLevel Living room dinio roo kl vlth exhaust IllE bullbill cling and even our piece bath Itirn family room with replace den Ind three piece blth All or drlolrllili wlth 1propergnlud osseu mlwo price Mortgage arick hungrlow large living room kitchen three bldrpbufl end our piece brth prynrcnir only an our month including irxcr rnu price tripod with moo down Busmess Opportunity liloderli rcstIurIIit downtown Barrie nlrnover approximately 10000 per ycIr Five yelr lend be renewed Pull price $15 000 with 315000 down plymcnt cooks open or inspection to tbs purchaser NOTE We arrange iirri merigrgcr lor Victnrll Ind Gr of vuum uy Nitdam and builtin VIIheel good recrcliion room quick poueuion SD 11 NOW 1500 brick bungalow is especially weu large lrltcilap comblnluon living partly liniglled recruitan room owned 111 most ItirIctive motion we nu rollsite buublrl gangl alteredonly tum down and Now vacantimmediate penurie Phone PA was IodIy 913500 threebedroom DiIn tilt it lovely cerImictiled hlthroom Ilnted The owner here LI NHA mortgage sin id noonu notices9A was H131 Phone PA oases alter hour phone nob rieweuinr PA 80083 01 Paddy Mild PA Minn CARSON REAI TOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the lmperlll Theltro lMMEDIATE FUSTOM BUILT POSSESSION Almost new five roo bungalWEmcrdiï¬llï¬ Asking price $12900 Very low down payment carries for ap proximately $87 monthly includ lng interest princi al Phone PA 32419 ARR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PA 82414 iicmmmdusflimmr tisernellts are inserted at the rate of 4c per word per insertion for one and two times do per word for three four or five timtss and 21m penword or or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within loidaysm THE iiilNlMtJlvtteeslL MCLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT 15 96 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS 1F CHARGEDNPER SINGLE 1N SERTION scenes on concessions Advertisers are reminded thlt nu phone insertion order no Icce tr ed II canvcnienca to on to llivert11cr Thererore the unused Advertising Department requires all ufdtrcéilrletrioj tilndly redclhecll Ive amen lmme no alter aret insertion in order that lay errors or omissions may he reported hetero up in order chit enme may be reéuaed rai the tollowinl dcyllllsertlon order We who to point out throne Elmo Examiner iï¬elpflhlibld or only one incorrectly printed insertion on any rdverdrcment and than only to the extent or portion or ad thIt lnvolver the Call Russell Carson office PA 56401 Evenings PA 65161 lNCOME HOME CENTRAL $9300 Full price for this hrick 2stoIey cont fning three apart mcnts These are low rental units and very central to down town This property shows an excellent return all small inveit furme CHLGerry Mallory office PA Midi evenings PA 87072 EDGE TOWN PROPERTY $1000 Down bedroom hrlck home with attached gsrageLnrge161cioseto trchool low payments low muywrï¬llxslTlgl axes $1000 Down bedroom frame home on large lot close to new shopping centre Low taxes also coutainssmail apartment Live for about $10 monthly $1100 For this terrific build mdjust hall mile from town on good pav ed readinessto school For further information regard ing these properties and others cell Gerry Mallory at office PA 66401 Evenings PA 87072 ALLANDALE $1500 down Full price 59 Member or or Older nix room New In turnlu Six room home on the Ind bath two large bedroom it thll week It only Kitchen of which 11 lovely 12 12 in Just outside BIrrib city limits on anI kite en Ind three bedroom with see for your own gar like thh sell rut Builder only HOLIDAY EVERY rim time attend with dinin room LARGE Then alimeans ea tbir on lion in let tented lot Ill Idfl up ruli implouonlny IS GARDENING YOUR HOBBY THENESEE 25eDAViDSONST This is moot attnetlve cil mrbllllt home by Vcltcti On very bll lo both Iilgh and Public schools it on good is no kitchen with loldl uphoudl All woodwork in meat partly done Many other extras herb meoltie laundry station Wflumiuum stoma Ind screen complete the Owner masterred otters excellent Phone PA 20 DOWNSVEW DRIVE area with recrumJar plieneor My 500 down Is required Ind you on thb Roprclonll top me on todlyl market NHA mortllll thlt carrier or Clil PA dollar mil inlormltion 425 CODRINGTON STREET ONE MORTGAGE ONLY$1500 DOWN bedroom bungalow with 1ivinldlninl combine dining combination Ilgdlbib kltch Irinn with immedilte pouenloni EVENINGS CALL MARE MARSHALLPA MI OWEN JONESPA 37031 HAVEYOUR HOME here lend unnruri corner rlreplrce in cery kitchen Dont herorry tomorrow call rhetwocnrecllPA 00001 new in yourlppollltment BUILDERS BRIGHT IDEA Just bnrdorinl the cl living roomkitch=l $7000 month principal inurert Ind taxes us now It wont be aroundilong Ereelbwly attaches house to garage location clone to both public and high Iohooll Practicum PROPERTY roll sAbn ROGERS CONNELL LTORS Psrnczrcasr First in Barrie Home SpiesForemost in Quality at Service TRUNKLINES 65 MELROSE AVENUE ISSUT LEVEL BUNGALOW TRIMMED some with modern carport and 11 old this summer ihll willkept in no nicely planned in rlneAcemgrmér ramalmi winnu elated scumat and early lead to excellent value ior yourrmoneyi time Ark term loan Phone or PurpleElm centrally iocIted cum to Incl natures room Ind coda bathroom in be one 11 Lb ï¬nest hilh that we have seen In norm NIIA monthly includtnl In For lull in 24 SHANNON STREET FACING SOUTH FOR SUNLIGHTI Pair in thrcevunola red brick bungalow ol excrucht plan Situated on heeliltlully kept deep lat it bII lu iIndchptnx lhldl trees enclosed patio ra ndt uviog room lireplrc the kitchen in perteeny inIined with has lovely stood large dinette 011 humll learn at Imalal NG FINE QUALITY HOMES ionl ranch bunfllnw ol loud brick construction Ind property 11 out Ind will hurt it bu the Ivouulo behaped livingdining combination with cnvl Collin Hanover kitchen in nIturIl birch has large iab The basement is divided and hll Phone PA 55568 OAKLEY PARK SCHOOL AREA Tbil nut tldilykept 5bedroom ioclted or schools It bu an extra 4min Ind divided basement with Very good terms arranged with $8202 per month includinl tlxel eufelt Bay thin ii ion Ind in kitchen with concrete floor Very cod terms the balloon on one open mortgage This opportunity wont illt 1on1 riooiliyit Kem 1YEAROLD BRICK BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE SELLING AT OWNERS ACTUAL OOSll univean lavaurite an large aviar with unheard lo nrtunl weed mcnt ll brirnt very dry and holy ng orrrlc Ind ouerr this gnnhlne very low down payment to llagle warmPA H1 17 CONNEIoPA 1750 mam BARBIE DISTRICT Rm ETA BOARD LC50RBY51REAL ESTATE BROKER no Dliolop St COREYPA urea TO YOUR LIKING rl Barries Neuest Subdivision dinette xlieben All with VIEW Located oft Bayvlew Drive near Huronla Drive1n under construction September GORBHOMFDEVEEOPW GORD SPRINGPA l5001 DOUG HOMERPA 94801 Eiouii Agenciesiid ï¬anTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS council STREET PA 35m Earri and District RIILEstItIEBondï¬ LOOK WHAT $100000 DOWN WILL BUY home on Cilpbcrton Street in commercial Ir Concession Veflarn Towner included ving room unrlnirhcd dining room luduti11ty room icdryi gt have tour moored lrnmo bungalow Good condition No lootin owner STONE CASTLEBUILT LIKE GIBRALTAR This home is the molt lonthc money weve hld in long lime $1900 Livinl rnflln bu divider bonkca is divided or separate dining are Priced to modernistic doilirll Thus bedroom one in Buys like then In row Ind hr the loth Iiderold of Innilfli you wlll ind this relrcshinfly new idol oml 1t hls living room ultrI mod Cnport on nublide mm deep lot Clll this minute bccluu values Initin sumo complete DAY ON THIS 12 ACRE bedroom bunlaiow nrale Carries inl only All for $880000 Call FANflLY om 2torey home with bathrooms Upper Pcei at name your REAL ESTATE CLIFF REAL103 32 HIGH mam BARRIE PHONE PA 60241 PA 60242 Imltb CampbellPA 57 run GarveyPA 07 limb ol thl Bulb KIII hull Board Norman DUNLOP ST rinsi MORTGAGE lost 50 ACRE Clou to Ellb lint clIu hbd Belt clIy loan with good turn Ind highwly Good Ill ylu ound bud property Call hex Wlibon LOW COST BUNGALOW Ni one Ind hbll Itomyjunlllow p1 dining room kitchen three bedroom Ind bath large lot with sirem Close lvllfluzgfllnd Ihoppinl 11 Ill £1000 down with low plymentl Coil chk with all beatlng level 2V JoeLanllln PA mm In EVEN Shlilwlil Om 191 Howard Norrie cicnv 98 BA YFlELD ST PA 66453 FOUR BEDROOMS We he lost lLtted an extra lovely home in Angus with not only our bedroom but ILID llrn llvlng room kitchen with room to move Iround in three piece hath room mu size basement forced air dtl hcltinl Mundry tuhl Karate extra large lot Own only Iaklnl 000 with good dovm wï¬ent Clll mory Miller PA WORSLEY AND BAYFI ELD 10 room brick hours on lot ad 1th in commercial mi ou but water hcrung Arklng Iym ii hellï¬re nwn en or er would lcrliloe Palmer PA CLOSE To BARRIE NO 90 HIGHWAY 1415 born on corner or two plved highw Could be divided into 10 lo an 200 act and ltlll have corner lot 100 00 that or service station or any other busineu 82000 down plyment will hlndll CIti Klrl MIrshlli PA 89911 $500 DOWN Located in Angus we have to three bedroom homal wltb all con veniencer siren full price monthly ptyme ti 375 There are new homer and open ropinipeo tlon now For rurthcr details can anory siiller PA solid COUNTRY HOME shanty Bay Read our mile from EIrrie on rbadad weu lnndeclped lot 100 100 Flower and vega thlo Idem eltlbillrhcd This twoyelrrold red brick bungalow bu In attractive Livinl room with view or the country Pour piece hrtbruu hangings gin iï¬rénflnoc no pI ointment cru Norah Real mto nerrrl EVENINGS CALI moln lumen PA 60670 loe PALMER PA MN KAnl MARSHALL PA non NonAn mm on in audio SHERAR PA arses STROUD Reduced in Price by $1000 bedroom bungalow livlng room rrmlly silo kltchen arthrce nui basement rorced air all heating hreecewey plus cu porl This ir In exceptionally nlcahnmo only IBM1t live years old located It Strand about five miles south of eerrie reasonable would bold tho hrlrnce mortgrge DOG KENNELL ACRES Dog xennell located goutb oi Barrie on 17 Hilhway consisting of Ibollt acres n1 land on which is located large brick home with Ill inside conveniencel ate tached garage toned lid oil beltlnli fully landscaped llouude good water iupplerom well th rpre LJfltï¬mAnlkWLL wou suit the larger Imlb or could be rtwo iamlly some CALL mg on EVENING PA 82379 or the Eonla Ind District Rel Ito Bond TAYLOR down payment and in anal Member IIIod elry Largo brick hem Goodwin and ALSO lSOACREFARM BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Servic ltltion Luck bu Ind Kroc LOT or Isle on Queen Street FIVE ROOM lnsul lirielr bunga Ave MORTGAGE LOANS 0w woulammidmmedhtflytooomlidltedehhr flog ailï¬rIIITEEV Prom RENiALS APISE HOUSES T0 BMNI CUMNKIAlLI one Ind bed room unmrnlihed centrally located Ind tinted new unable mL TIIephon PA um mumm two bedroom bunnies spanmoi EL Vincent and Wellington St last Telcphbno PA Mm 910 Im month HEATED Aliment LIfll Ilinl room bedroom dint modtrn kitchen with Itflvo and reinterp ier ornlrei aminec couple ore em TolelIDAQPAAWIG 15 DUEL two bedrooms nita manr privtrcntrrnce Ind driv bested Adults preter CImpbdii Ave reopen1 FOB sans ROWN elm LuluPA Shéisvveil red Mill FARM TWO bedroom llvund floor up mmhbld Iplrlmenl in triplex Availhie September Lined lacilitlu heated relapboo 0100 Idrlorthrr prrtlruurd TWO HIDEOOHI untumlIblA criments pow nirigcratort and Wuhan end dryerl AvIlI zllanlmmedlately Telnpbdno PA lovely bouu CIll IIcI Willlon Going CODE on II will trl ror tum porprity lei contlidld uh ilhed apartm three piece bath parking utilities liendaatu area and child welcome Telepho PA bdrm between up 17111 Dreronmaneo upmlrv one bed room sportmeht in west end liet electricity and water lily plied Availbio September Tel cphonc PA 68915 BIA modern Ieio hedronm apartment in Sirolid apartment house Adults preferred No ob Jectlon Io babies No pets Use of swimming pool Available new no monthly Telep one strand in 1170 mimosa 11vcnntzined uarumiihcd apartment ground floor cenirsl AilnndIic nest orb ruppfled 00 monthly Ava lbil September PA um FOUR room unturnished modern ulr contained apartment with drapes included 1118 loan throughout Telephone PA um rcr rurther information TWO bedroom unfurnished blIted upper duplex Available now Titl in St Close to stores Children welcome 56 monthly relcpnenc PA N401 Living room with nItllrll ï¬re lmli bIlement to Central Col ceil wulron PA um Norm Shelle PA emu IA aim MOVING Dont larger to trInItu your lNSURANCE dine uled extra coverage SEE STEVENSONS PA 0520 113 Dunlap St OPPORTUNITY FOR BUYER WITH $4000 CASH Owner must lollbell trIDIlch red out it town room brick house in pics nl neighborhood near propored rite new public school on Ann dc Letitia Apartment in is build svuinblo Qulctllre 17 mumsllxn lei thm room apartment Heated In central Telephone PA mu munch houuk in with nngetie mm is New RENTALS ms nousfs To naNr mu ITosd Apbnmnl Tr Zinlllhcd Avriirble Septembe rclcpbene PA ass or rlrrihel interdiction rinse BEDROOM hoou Icr rent Atticaed genre herung possession rrter sept It reggae rA 58115 or turther 99 month lint end location breexeuy all now our rho lag plus and hnrpitnh Ap contoan Ava nbie immodlItIiy the el whiten Itor and Bendix Central Telv epboiu PA Host ask or hire rel tier we not bright tarnished hotne heplor room or rent reirigcnier lng tber Wench privlta bath Ind eotrnlcc Ind heavy wiring Apply 56 Wil uam street Barrie BAIT INDThree bedroom hunt Ilow with larden $115 per moatb rant Telephone PA $10 1111 NB the inlormltion JRNISIIBD rooms with electric rtovo Ind re lriurator available at once gk mvburton Ave Two nanooll home with three piece blth Electric month Teie hon PA mus or Room 12 sultan Lance with rpm piece hrih aelr con tlihed hut Ind or lupplied cioro September Telephone PA stove and lolr and ample pub Tale bone PA 01 car up articulan lplrtmo with muted apartment hm AD Telephon Close to General Rent or 360 or upturn shed moral to downtown Avniilhln ROOMS TO LET romance bedroom In reeld tialcre acllitl or eve nu PA Alon SUMMER RESORTS on our line eicphdne deyr PA ml Future Ilill with dlrcct Ic cul to hollla 1nd wnlbmom etc hill price 714500 Curicl or month For full plflicuilrl nl owner apply aox 85 BARRIE EXAMINER Blixalrr three room uhmrnlshed apartment with stove and refrig tor lncludcd Very centr lieuehebla rent Telephone PA H717 UNFUHNISHED three room apart meat with private bath and aa traoce 355 per month Business 161 Telephone PA 50101 or people prrrrrred Telephone PA 56307 lurthIr plrticullrl six nooM mild brick bouts IrBe paved drive pltio Iir conditioned nli halting $1 LetitiI st corner or woslo Telephone PA 50274 alter pin uniurnlsbed ground floor central Close to schools and Laundry raciliticx AinL able September Telephone PA 34569 encl pm me uaDItooM brick bunleiowi three piece bath bellpad living and dining room Finished rem Ition room and Ittlchcd gauge silo per month Telephone PA N16 FURNISHED Iplrtmant belted utilltlea suP pucd parking at our rtep hard wood ï¬nals Allendale district rerrenrblr rent Telephone PA eizlt NEW AND Modern one and two THREE cpsrtmept bedroom low or nic No cdraomi nice size living room it room Ind kitchen piece bath on bcItcd Largo lot Toiophonl mm Smud IUNNmALn noAD ares New N1fA three bcnroombrick bun galow attached Jere stops in llce colored in blth with III storms Ind lcneorloddod lily be Icon It Shirley roll manure Ilia presently rented shop 11 High Street cent rally located mreucnt condi tion Immediate possession Coll not Mr Cielsnd to Judge Apt Ferris Ontario Telephone collect in Ferris oat Gliover 11417 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT AmAcTIve winterized hungr Iow four large rooms hot and cold water up monthly Leonards herch Stroud onirrlo west or Peggy Dance IIru chillson Place Telephone MEirosc 50105 Tarnntr collect three room tnl Ed Aummllio illBl culties PA elm rumsnen modern apartment Kliebep breaklast nook tile bath bedroom living room with view of hay Nelr East End Shopllnl Plan Telephone PA 51114 Two BEDROOM apartment nlwiy decorated private entrInco nont and back lieted hardwood Ind tile floors pIrklnt Include Available Seat Telephone PA Wood FARMS FOR SALE FARM F011 sIu silo 1m 1e menu flock dllly hard Ind 11 lng contract milk pipl line new house Two miles from Elmvnle Telephone 719111 Eimvnle MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE BONUS ents inmrcd against Iccidcnt atomic dclth CRESCENT FINANCE 56 DUNLDP ST WEST HARRIS PA 50203 Two EBDnooM apartment living room kitchen three piece bath Private entrance heated close to rtorcl banks rcboolr and bul stops Apply 51 Tillinst be tween 68 13111 zasr arm one bedroom heiied unfurnished apartment prlvee cninnce Available September Adults preierred Telephone PA e710 TWORmmdlpfll ancl prlete bath Hut hydro Ind water included Central 355 monthly Telephone PA 84951 at tel pm or mrtller particular for rent large living room and kitchen three picce bath Avail able any time Large landscaped lot Telephone Straud lkii ltlam mamma Street dlstrlc two bedrooms rin ished recreation room liaison able to circrul tenants as owner is aIlsicrreri Telephone PA 0305 alter pull CENTRAL Location Two bedroom unfurnished heated apartment also one bedroom sotb heva private entrance and min Avail able September Telephone PA ANYWHERE my oil oxidtinl merit es home provements etc can for ap mmuh PA $0901 Mortgage ding aver SimmonsSun 120 Dullle Smut East MORTGAGESill Ind 2nd bought cold and imaged Commercial IndJurldnoLtIlunonlge tallied an onion mortgage mic Mort gm Broken PA mu BUS OPPORTUNITIES EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE 441th race unrurnirbed apart vment combination living room Ind kitchenette bedroom gr deMfllflltdrG reun Suitable or one or two Game Telephone PA oasis FURNISHED room lPIerentr private bathroom lute and hydro en plied Use or laundry room Sutnhle rer two business girls or couple Telnphoue PA 60525 IE tcr ado pm MODERN one bedroom unturn lsbed nrtment stove Ind re Ible new business with tremend ous Illyear demand $5500 cw ere new equipment iIctnry trainlllt Ito Idveltisinl etc Pnctinl mall nnht lnciudd phone number Box Barrie Bummer FOB slim but Pim airbor slice two chairs ample space ror expansion Priced right with my terms iar quicksaia Tale Beach season Phone PA $4497 ARTiCLES for SALE COTTAGES WANTED LARGE COTIAG 91L SUMMER HOME WANTED no new for 1062 summer scascu Three or tourbedroom slimmer cot tage adjacent to good swim ming beach 1n Shanty Bay Big Bay Point Kcswiek or haven tonarea Writenoxiioo Barrie Examiner Include phutqif available COTTAGES FOR SALE GiBSON LAKE HWY l03 12 miles north of Port Severn Scenic Waterfront property proximately Icrel with 115 rrontsga belch Iun deck Ind porch AP Excepiionally sandy modern ranch cottage with copper screened counter top elements prenurb wator sylteln Pllllydrlsuistud panclled tivingroom and large picture Three washroom kitchen To view till Iblo l131 lirEstHlosd vel go Ind iriliuoil Rd Pp own er will be on re ert weekend Price $9100 wlth Very renaonbh terms will knotty Pine dininzroom window Ind nipped comedians Dutouch bedrooms eptlonllly VIlIi turn of Highway south or Gibson No 11 prepany bnANn New two bedroom bunga commas T0 RENT summon cannon mu rm bedrooms at Lnonudl Reasonable or remainder HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLDP 51 WEST PHONE PA 411 EWS PAPER NiATS sixes nus tour or unlng hen source perrch insulator attics garEu etc 25c PER DOZEN Apply The anrrie examiner errle ontsrln CLEARANCE lri enter gupplied Laundry lt ukln e1 esan mltplillt Errors which do not Ava Ihle lessen the value of tho advertise ment In not eligible for oorrob tiooe by mlke Rood phone PA e111 RENTALS APTSJ HOUSES TO RENT ADJOiNlNG PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apsrimenta comPieto with ltovl Ind midlan ator Us wlshnr Ind dryer Redlcorlted Innullly PA 010 UNrLIItNIsnen threeroom apIrt meat Prlvrte entrance Tole phone PA 0434 THEE bedreom house our school Availbib september Telepbone PA 06060 SIX BOOMED boule or rent on LetitlI St AVIllIbln September Telephone PA 83050 or further Lnlormutlon LARGE three bedroom house All conveniences Relrlgerctor Ahlul Telephone HE AIIKHII ROOM halted apartment with stove and ridge Hot lup plied Centrll iodltion CIil PA 68701 bedrooms living room own down payment and term not do it now Asking only mambo fling room and kltche Lar lot car garage WWWm METICULOUS MEMORABLE Carson ollice PA 60481 Ev him Pm artct two storey Iamny ham VemnggPA natural pIrt ot1tr well landscaped lot beehiltul trbel lunoun tr deep garden large bedroom dining room that puts lrIclouIllcu riilylilic J°no1riruihii ethic en $500 DOWN Ebb Domyeu have cerht Owner will dlrcouht price In quick crrit $3750 Full price carries for $5000 monthly rooms and pce bath Large lot Just off CLEAIOXLthUggUR NERVES df 11 St Oil ll cifcoï¬ officreeEPA inch MEND YOUR srmrr enlngs PA osisi bvrel Wombatchad ncerlvmcw horn PAS6481 ouTh Athree good Iildd bedrooms uember er arrri end about Elli Estate Bo A1umlnuln tornil and screen SHIRLEY AVE peclri lighting nxturee Iiving room with dining end lwe storey rihcco benre six large rooms and mporcb Second Diitided kitchen with no on hands clnopy end ever rievu rill divlded has merit Wits pentice Ind printed Owner requires in horn minnomi wasllreom till hhrement ell hast Ierra int garden supine Low down pry $55 monthly will STEALAIIOMEIf err min homoo nerbcclu blgb ed 1WIt Ion putting been paym Mom mumulpiu clrry immediate olleniim Clil PA 54011 In no in art Hero ll an unulubl opportunity ibr IlErge irmuy Ind room to rent Very central $750000 win by 1t 00mm Member Toronto Ind Ontario 11 PA Hire nouso three large bedrooms roe RENT SEPARATE APT iarld kitchen emlll dining are o0rcverythlng in this three roamed artiila on Newton Times nannoom hunglow ior my rmm7 will Illa by owner Vancouver Street Gem Nearly new Full price mono Iteng Ichoollultd hue oll heated Reasonhie Owner matter at or Oakley ark Square REAL is CLAPPERTDN sr aAnltna mum EA AMP catc TSAJEf es Acres Southot Barrie $14 100 Acres Sunnldhle urea $5000 down 100 Acres New Lowell $10 50 Acres Ore $8000 100 Acres Minesing $10000 Acres Ore house and barn $5500 only $800 down 50 Acres Oro bush and creek $5200 45 Acres New Lowell pas ture $1650 0150 Acres Hillsdale district $5000 down so Acres South of $14800 Two nnoM Aantlnentr on mmirhed downtown locltl MOFFAT RANGES EmIGERATORS entrance Laundry hcated and pIrkinlrplcl DRï¬cRs PA szise deyr PA eim It 335 BlG REDUCTIONS lmflhed before September lat and 33 c°nlcehiein and but in sales tax entrance On ground floor Private ROBNSON veranda wasbcr and dryer dup plied Appliancugueml Bing HARDWARE Akiqgg Mm at DUNLOP 51 EAST PA rziai ONE BEDROOM modern hillside My uvlltg room bath unturnr gt VACUUM CLE $5900 ill Emilio hallligbleNlcEmgseidenhtilzl USED Tv SETS $4900 dlrtrict Apply Puget or phone PA 0101 REFRIGERATORS $95 00 micron 25liili room kitchen bathroom lame McFADDENS l28 PENETANG ST PA 89288 lunroam overlooking buy contin ASPHALT DRIVEWAYB Tale unit not water refrigerator Ind heavy duty stave Avliibhlo Sept mile PA 00274 DilhthIrrInd ltod gt Coming Events St per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 15 words oVer 25 words per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used 3c per word extra BLIND omen REPLHLS Idiomodd redrrdinr advertisers ullllg aund Letter cox Numberl rer ncpllrr tr held strictly cones econ Re liceito Letter sorc will be bed only in dryr arm Inn dry or publication classiï¬ed advertisements and him notices for these pages must be received by 5pm dey pre ceding publication with thee ception of 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