our TELEPHONES For Examiner Wani Ada tele phone PA mt The LOCAL WEATHER Variable cloudiness tomorrow Sbowers Winds light law to number to call tor me Boston night 65 High Friday 75 For or Editorial Dept to PA 65537 full sununary see page two 87th gamma 191 MENACE T0 PEACE Nérspringboard In Cuban Attack UNITED NATIONS AP United States and its allies was hiba lr egpeQed aisLtho 3a menace to world peace and NiTilslan debate in the UN Gen called for its immediate liquidir era Assembly as springboard tion for newattack today on the Britain and the United States continued presence of the US already have denounced Russia naval base at Guantanamo for dragging the issue of West Informed sources said Cuban ern bases into the debate on delegate Marlo GarciaInchaus the French dispute tegui would charge that the US ambassador Adlai Stew navy base on the southeast cnson called the attack by So coasl of Cuba ahd otherJLS visthdrsotwmuinmwu bases inLatia America threaten shameless exhibition by coun the security of Castros regime try whose troops are still sta The Soviet Union first inlected tioned throughout eastern Eu the issuc of US bases into the rope assembly debate on French no Britain accused the Soviet lionsaround thcir naval base at bloc of heaping abuse on the Bizerte Tunisia The Russians Western powers in order to ob rchargeddhe WflHdAWidBnltWfllkWSucc55lul negotiations of bases maintained by the between France and Tunisia Brawl Erupts At Union llleeting Police Called To Restore Order Regard Situation By THE CANADIAN PRES Sky watchers will see an almost total eclipse otihe moon lrlday de pending upon ity More than 99 per cent of the moons disc will pass through the earths shadow the American MuseumHay den Planetarium in New York said Astronomers at the plan etarium said the eclipse could be visible from all parts of North America ex cept the northwestern tip of Alaska starting at 99 35 mvrJ Mid eclipse will come at 1108 pm withail of the moon shadowed except for thin crescent at the lower cdge The visible phase of the eclipse will end at 1241 am EDT Saturday OP Iroin APReotera BERLINTh Sov govern ment posed threat to the West ern ailics links with Berlin in note published today It said thc West German gov eminent is interfering illegally In West Berlins affairs and de manded that agitators be kept from using air corridors into the city informantsin loted that the Russian complaint may herald some Soviet tamper ing with the aircorndors The Berlin air control system is the only fourpower agency in which the Russians still cooperate with Western authorities The brush at the rich strasse cheatpoint illustrated the resolve of th Western allies to make military show at The note was delivered fines day to the US British and every mm c°mmumm Fï¬lï¬hem assies Moscow It thwMheb°r coun ics uiiz through which the Communists it the lEISlfll Cflfliml over air are allowing foreigners to enter communicatio are clearly East gal1 abusing their situation in West Meanwh new Communist BGIlInA restriction of travel from East In London foreign office Germany was disclosed For spokesman said any threat to eigners living in East Berlin Western air communications and East Germany have been with Berlin would be regarded bnned mm leaving the Red 35 ali extremEll serious mat ruled country since the Commu l9 nist clampdown on refugees was mqu pmmub launched Aug lit Loniioa observers said offi CHARGE tmEAClI dais appealed to regard the As disclosed officlaiiyin illos EastWest situation as poten cow the new Russian note said lially graver than it had yet TrainTruck Crash Causes Deaths WESTBERLIN woman mnsoles her crying daughter after they were refused en trance to East Berlin yester day to visit the womens sick muhists concrete WW whic mother Man at right also tries to calm the two as they Strasse walk away from the Com ivldes the city at Bermaocl AP Wirephoto Opticsns Parking ed motion authorizing the City counciilast night pass traffic committee to negotiate and that the revcil split three ways between the busi nessmen the city and the met gites The inference is that council is adopting Mr Giggs report CoonciiloLG EJobacLsJot thrown during the scuffle and SJJDBURYJCEEAmoetingmatiooaLNickel Company It was iof the international Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers iInd Local 598 erupted lna fight Wednesday night and po llco were called in to restore order President Don Gillis called police when clash developed between his supporters and those oi District President Mike Solskl longtime opponent the Grii faction Chairs and ebotlfef were Gillis said Some of the boys got beaten up pretty badly Nooo required hospital treat ment however and no arrests were made Iour uniformed policemen and two plainciothcsmen were in the hall at the height of the battle After peace retirrnecLthgy re mained outside SHOVING CONTEST Friction also developed at an afternoon meeting held for night shift workers at the Inte limited to shoving contest however when Glilis threatened to call police The disturbances were touched off when Solski sought the microphone to ask questions Gillis maintained Solski had no right to speak at the special meeting and won his point both times The ma later voted to oust 31 dissident stewards and and hisexccutive in theircon duct ol the local The motion to dismiss the stewards followed an advertise ment which appeared Monday in The Star bearing the names of 215 union members and asking National President Ken Smith to take over the administration of Local 593 The signers accused the Gillis executive of promoting seces sion from thenatlonai union withholding percapita levies to the national officepnd tending forextension or three and purchase of two further options on sites for downtown offstreet parking lots The special meeting was held to discuss the report of the fire and traffic committee on the dqvaimnsoarklos problem Alderman Frank Hersey chairman of the traffic com mittee moved that the busi ness people supply the property or downtown offstreet parking IN NUTSHELLI 4hrreport Wimumï¬erï¬cmfï¬mï¬alnmw 5c oundlan an Cannon con Applylor Bargaining Rights HAMILTON The National Union of Public Em ployees has applied for bargaining rights on behalf of 156 employees at the Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital in Bor lington Wins CNE Accordion Scholarship TORONTO tCEl Terry Roses of Downsview Wednesday was awarded the senioraccordianuschnlarshipsatterehowom the open accordion class competition at the Canadian National Exhibition er or gate soppller REPORT SKETCHY Before vote could be taken on the motion severalcooncil members protested thatthe traf fic committee reportwas sket chy and inadequate The report was apparently based on study of parking facilities sub mitted last April by city man ed that Mr Giggs report was identical to the motion before council Mr Roberts added go ing to be critical of the traf fic committee These recom mendations were given to the committeeiby Mr Gigg five months ago They are long time getting before council The traffic committee 1531mm northeast coast and Dunncs Smoke Hampering Gander Operations ST JOHNS CWThe hot spots in Newfoundlands scourge iofforestfirea mountedtodarto include bad outbreaks at Norris Arm near Lewisporto on the years ago on an an leftwing Pruidenti loos two ticket and has been at odds Willi the national executive ever since three men were killed today when loaded gasoline truck with Wabash Railroad passen ger train in suburban Taylor township identified as the engineer and fireman of the train and the driver of the truck fled the train as its No run between5t1ouls and Detroit lvoiced fullbppilivatftdGfilfs deadman control device which applies the brakes when the engineer releases his arm or foot train about Vi mile from the in tersection gioeer of the tr Duvall and the fireman as Bushway both of Detroit lies and an aide to Prince Rai letters had been received threat suing the two children of Rain ier and Princess by spokesman sa purejnveaii ary emergency Man 65 Charged DETROlT AP At least iirst into flame after collision Ioiice said the dead were Wabash officials here identié Policesald thegasollne was till homing an hour after the pectaciilarvcollision Railroad spokesmen said the apparently Stopped the Therailroad iden ï¬cd the en as 11 onclmsrnnaars pied rumors that WidtMurdér agcr Waiter Glgg Alderman Les Cooke said mncrronThe spot They should bring in report and concrete recommendations about what the city sh old do about parking HOW TO BE PAID Alderman Wilson said as to what property was to be supplied or how it was to be paid for At He was apparen underthe impr ssion at he had insti ted the other mem bers crit of the report Mr Cooke then proposed 114m to page three please Rlver on t5 inaccessible and coast Many of the so new pumps which arrived in theprovince Wednesday rnightandatanlr truckare being rushed to the areas Resources department of flcials said the other dange us the Honovista Coast will have to be fought without reinforce ments weather change early in the week brought rain to the Gender aLeiLand reduced fires some what but they were springing up again with the return of fine weather Smoke still hampered operations at the Gender inter national airpo Oi Pembroke Man 42 Yearsth SAULT STE MARIE Ont CPlCiifford OBrien 65 was charged Wednesday with mur der In the death of Pembroke tobaccrstortaowner 42 year Insp Bert Dickie of the Pem broke police department laid the charge in the death of Michael Legge 54 after lengthy talk wi OBrien He said OBrienwillba taken to Pembroke OBrien known around his idenee at Hawk Junction as professor because of his neat appearance and stimulat nversationwas arrested liked to carry large sums of money whichJigJ urisbed public merchant said he operated shoe store opposite Leggesto bacco shop at the end First World 3War Wallace said IIe knew and money in huge roll and liked to flourish it in public in Pembroke older residents ecalied Legge as man who Wallace do retired of the Legge was character Mr pokato everyone He carried been There has been flagrant Berlin border today after can start operating emergency head removed from prime NATO commitments and the state of preparednus at home Mr Harkness also announced that federal and provincial at tackrweroing centres will be manned key part of the sur vival communications network the manned centre would test emergea of the agreement reached in 1945 under which air corridors were set aside for the three Western powers on tem porary basis to ensure the needs of their military gar risons and not for subversive and revanchist revengeseek ing purposes oi West German militarism The note was interpreted by Diplomatic sources said it seemed clear that the new notes Introduced an entirely new ele ment into the Berlin situation and must be expected to delay the Western reply to the Sovie notes of Aug American ofï¬cers handed out tear gas grenades to US de tachmcnt goarding the West munist forccs loosed stream of wateragainstphotographersr from the powerful nozzle of an armored car tion wilLbe the banning of Thedncident at the Friedrich transport to any West Berlin strasse checkpoint ended with representatives into West Ber oot further Red action iiii SHARPEN armors as rigothatone demand to be made by Russia atfuture ne gotiatioas over the Berlin situa pare For Emergency OTTAWA CF The Cana dian Army is sharpening its borne defences in case of mint Prime Minister Diefeobaker said last week tliegxejrciserpre viously planned for next spring will be held between midOcto ber and rriid November Last From Friday the army will target areas it possible enemy attack to ensure continuity of command and control of the army in the event of an emer gency The irew defence measure was announced was designed to see how quickly federal provincial and munici pal authorities couid be put on an emergency footing to deal with the aftermath of mock nuclear attack LONG PLANNEDs unyspokesmansardea tablishment of alternate head quarters has been planned for some months The plan includes defence headquarters in Ottawa command headquarters in Hall fax Montreal Oakville and Ed monton and area headquarters in StJohns Nfid Frederic ton Quebec City Kiri ston Lon don 0nt Winnipeg Regina and Vancouver procedures in prep Western diplomats in Moscow spriags exereise Torsin 1951 Hint Penalties For Advertisers OTTAWA GP Wednesday in the second session of the Lightning Starts New Blazes after he went to them voluntar week long public hearings BEG Choirrnanwpr AndrelL jStavartdroppedifgentlehml at the board may be thinking of penalties for Canadian advertisers who buytime on US He made the suggestion after Winnipeg broadcaster expressed fear that new television station border stations in Pembins ND may beam nipeg area and seek advertising from the Winnipeg market UN Will Make Voice Heard UNITED NATIONS AP Secretaryvtkneralnsg Ham marskjold said today the United Nations is an interested partyinftheBerlinrproblem and has right to make its voice heard if the situation becomes threat to peace Police cant Locate Missing Girl WALLACEBURG CF Six police reported today thEy have had no success in their search Elaine McDougali 14yearold daughter of Mr and The girl has been missing from her for June Mrs Cecil McDoogall home since Friday Fire Chiefs Want Portable Pumps supply of portable firefighting was called for here today at the annual convention of the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs ask that the supply of such pumps be handled by the federal EmergeneyMeasures Organization KITCHENER CF pumps in strategic areas The association will Order Union Man Out Of Court John Jocko Kane Loagshoremens Association was or dered to leave magistratea court today for speaking while HAMILTON CF Local 1654 International Vidence was being given its programs into the Win days after she disappeared Heavwaownpour BC SHOpejif PRINCEGEDRGE BC MP Forest fires continued advanc ing across northern British Co iumhlatimberiands today and weather forecasts held no hope for an army of 1700 men battl ing the outbreaksr The hazard rating was ex treme in the Vast Prince George district where lightning started nine new blazes Wednesday There were 85 tires in the dis trict and forestry officials said only heavy downpoorwouid put them no itothather was forecast The hazard in the Prince Ru pert district was also extreme Thirteen new outbreaks raised the total there to 59 Prince George forestry of ficial said arson is suspected in two blazes near Fort St James 65 miles Ground crews rushed into the area Wednesday and brought the fires under control to the northwest ï¬lly in connection with the liege The4iargest fire in the prov ince coveringwolmoo acres of srrobmpruce and pine extended on both sides of the Alaska business agent of Highway about 10o miles south ottbe 30 Yukon burdenNo attempt was being made to fight the hlazoso remote it will have to burn itself out 451100 acre blaze miles east of thisnorthern city re mained the greatest concern Several ésTwas broken through firegoards in stands of jackpine closure on industrial opera tions was imposed Wednesday on the Vancouverdistrict which includes Vancouver Island after 45new blazes broke out to taLclosore was lifted six days ago after at hours of rain The total closure may again be im posed There were 55 tires in the district There were 111 blazes in the Kamloops district and 11 in the Nelson district HERES ONE Customer fThis yclock bought froni you loses 15 mln ates every hour Clerk Didnt you see the sign 25 perceat off when you bought it with reporter Tuesday that day he would talk too death Legge was found cut to pieces on railway track near Pem broke in 1919 after apparently being hit by train and crushed under itcwheels coroners iury ruled at the time thattbe death was accidental MADE PROMISE OBrien said in an interview he talked to police about the Legge death because of promise made to my father He said he wanted to get the whole thing off his conscience He told the reporter he was angered by Legge punched him fad he fell on the railroad rac He said in the interview he had revealed his secret to his father and promised that one clergy man or police author My parentrandmy dead now so therels as can hurt byteliingmy story aid