ran BAR BALMWEDNESDAY AUGUST III SPORTS TYPE By STEVE JONESCU Sports Editor PROTECTION FROM SELVES Arena manager Wes Allsopp must like people or he wouldnt be happy in his job heseverhadto revstruss om Next weeks professiona wrestling card at his shop is going to be little differ wil lie thesame and its cut Four of the wrestlers oodbétthit the BOOodd fans that attended last nig ts do will try to keep that night free for the matches However the fans and wrestlers wont be so class They were bit too close Many ringsiders obviousl emotions Some will be to last night went home with mixed their neighbors how they belted the villain Others will remark on their feat at banging Rocket Monroe across the legs with bench Some may even be Its for the rotection of inst bit for good of Rocco Columboand Maurice showingoff their bruises all of these and we think apointe that the ring will be fencedin for the return match between the above pair and Tarzan Tourville and Monroe As far as fighting and was concerned Rocket and Tanan got little sheepish in the ring any how But once down on the floor amongst the spect VAators these guys took onnew life like beasts Spectators cited the pa thing imagine le Monroe got ing Lapointe among the ringsi of customers It would be pretty wrestler to explain perso ir of villains with every partly even by throw ers floored two rows nal assault on fan But by landing one of the good guys on the fans in its all part of the game and thats putting it mild The majority of ringsiders do little more than scream their heads off Thats good Some get excited to the point where they make challenges and acri tually do land blows on the the latters backs are urally Thats good as far as the grunt and groaners while turned or theyre down nat rest of the house is con cerned But its still mighty dangerous We always prefer to stay our distance If any loese battling fans are amiteperturhedi at the fencebuilding take that it will give your heroes the bad guys what for consolation in the fact more of chance to give See you behind the mesh curtain next Tuesday JUST NOTES Dont forget the two big ball games slated for Queens Park today At 530 its Meaford and MacTier After supper its Bristows Plumbln and Heating and RCAF Camp Borden in them ame of the round robin series to decide whos where the Barrie and District picture Softball League playoff nasty remark Wgve stated our impatience with Lou Agase the Argos for allowing Tobin Rote to throw the pigskin all the time Now wed like to tell Lou to stick to the game forget the fancy stuff We read somewhere that Cookie Gilchrist who threw the pass that killed the Argos was the Who shouldjemnamseas games goat BASEBALL RECORD ay run CANADIAN ranss American Pet GEL New York 82 42 661 Detroit 30 44 645 Baltimore 72 54 57111 hicage6460ls 18 Cleveland 63 51 505 19 Boston 58 70 453 26 Los Angeles 53 70 431 28 Minnesota 53 7O 43l 23 Washington 50 71 413 30 Kansas City 45 78 366 36 Todays Probable Pitchers Boston Monbououette a12 Minnesota Pascual 1013 at Chicago Herbert 2111 New York Ford 213 at Los Angeles Daren 511 Detroit Kline 47 at Cleve land Latman 98 Baltimore Brown 94 or Fis cher 611 at Kansas City Show 811 ThursdaysGames Washington at Boston Detroit at Cleveland Minnesota at Chicago Baltimore at City New York at Los Aug Tuesdays Results Chicago olfhiladelphla MllWaukFe Pittsburgh San Fran 125 Cincinnati to Los Angeles St Louis Todays Probable Pitchers Jblcago Curtis at Phila delphla Owens 10 Milwaukee Cloninger 42 or Burdette 158 at Pittsburgh Francis 25 Thursdays Gaines Milwaukee at Pitts San Fran at Cincinnati Wasnngtmmcmrmwflmnï¬hhmml Only games scheduled International League Pct GEL 1445 632 72 57 553 10 13 60 549 11 63 6d 50 16V 64 99 481 20 60 71 458 23 Columbus Charleston Buman Toronto Rochester Jersey City Richmond 60 71 458 23 Syracuse so 358 SW Tuesdays Results Tomato sB Syracuseoz Jersey City 42 Richmond Columbus Charleston Buffalo Rochester awkward forn 1W EVEBYBODY GOT INTO THE ACT llT YESTERDAYS WRESTLING CARD They were supposed to be fighting in the ring at Barrio Arena last night But as you can see the four husky main evenlers fought everywhere preferring the floor in front of and among the ringsidospec tstors The blood manner at left looking like he was on lestrlcgsris TarzanToarr ville The guy respomibls for his position is Mnuria LI points In the Rocco Columbo is giving Roc fket Monroe Tomvilles parii Fly RCAF Flych defeated Stew arts Lunch 13 last night at Camp Borden in the second matureBarrie and District Softball League roundrobin to decide the last two playoff posi lions Final game of the robin is scheduled for tonight at Queens Park between Flycrs and Bristows Flaming and Healing Enstows needs vic tory to he considered for playoff spot Stewarts has one win and loss RCAF one win and Eris tnws is wlnless Stewarts gave the Flyezs good scafe before bowing last evening The visitors slugged Bill Henderson for five hits and three runs in the that in nine Homers by Bob McCartney and George Falconer his first accounted for the tallies other firstinning bingles were by Jim Bertram Lorne Arm strongand Art Martin tworpitchersrifenLcapointe andanhmBpmï¬HS5°L ers Top Stewarts In Round Robin Art Goyeiche slammed roundvirlppel for Flyers first run in the bottom of the initial Raine The next frame Camp got rid of starting pitcher Laurie Bar ron with four hits and three runs Two of the hits were don bles by Gingras and Henderson Bud Kelly and Don Sheppard had singles Al Smith who relieved Bar ron went the rest of the way for Stewarts and was touched for five hits and three runs in cluding fourthframe homer by Kelly Smitty incidentally may have suffered serious ankle injury in the fourth while sliding medical attention today Stewarts versatile Joe Mar ley also came out of the game with hurt He pulled liga ment in his arm No decision has yet been reached on the severity of this either Stewarts AB Wanamaker 1f Bertram ss Marley 2b Bertram 1b McCartney Sb Falconer cf Armstrong 1b Martin Barron rf White rf Smith RCAF Kelly of Gingras 2b Goyetche lf Horne anointe 1b Gilhuly ss eBoucher 1b rf Henderson rf Sheppard 3b Totals Barron Smith and Mar tin Lapointe Henderson and Home Umpires Bud Knapp plate BiiLHarebasm at el man apogeeINon ui oaaoonsoou Luaumun wi QHHMHMHOOH KANSAS CITY APlFrank Lane baseballs most talkative figure was dismisscdfluesday as general manager of Kansas City Athletics and said its great relief knew it was com ins He was bounced by team owner Charles Finley for al legedly spreading false rumor out the Athletics Lane spread rumors all over the United States and wherever went and read newspaper could see nothing but poison and dirt thwhhï¬Ã©lt behind Finley said at press confer ence in his Chicago insurance office He appointed Pat Erl day 37 vicepresident of the club and an official in his insur ance business to succeed Lane Finley said onerumor Lane WIREWLhat the Athletics in last place in the American League race might be shifted to Dallas Fort WorthasreL ported in the Kansas City Star las wee Finlay denied he plans to move the ciiih and ehargedtwo Star baseball writers who crit icized him with acceptingv mo ney from former club owner the late Arnold Johnson served as general manager with Jituationmsfar as was con Talkativelircmk Lane Fired By Kansas City The newspaper and two writ ers sports editor Ernest Mehl and baseball reporter Joe Mc Guif denied the charges Lana who came here from Cleveland in also has Chicago White Sox and St Louis Cardinals Always fast talking free wheeling trader of baseball players he had followed the same pattern in Kansas City He had fouryear contract and will be paid off on the rem ing three years at $50000 year it was an absolutely hopeless ed 7Lane said Those in feel sorry for are the baseball fans of Kansas City for having toput up with such an operation as this Lane has no immediate plans but would like to become gen ernl manageLothLWhitem if Hank Greenberg vacates the post at the end of the sees 15 SURPRISED Friday said his appointment was surprise Mr Finley called and said Ive held newsconierence up here in Chicago and have de cided the time has come for Frank Lane and me to have parting of the ways By the way youre the new general man Im Just rookie in the base ball business but lve been in it eight months and thatls long enough to know that we have capable staff here The job is matter of management and getting along with others in the organization Finley who bought the club last winter lawman ary and called him the great est general manager in the game But Tuesday he bitterly described Laneas afailurevwith the Athletics in my book general man ager is not only man who can make trade over the phone any damned iool can do that but he must be able to oversee everything Lane did hotdo this 4ndtheseother4esponsibilities felt with Friday and myself was forced to let Joe Gor don go as manager because it was impossible for him and Lane towork together If had known then what know now ameiem new or aflowill play live raincdout oer belt on the drops This W0 PMMsnnamazh sgcr Wes Allaopp to order We out around diaries ucxf weekF return clash Legion Bail Near Playoffs gama this week and start play downs next week Games yet to he played are Tonight Miami vs Richmond and Yankees vs Dodgers both at Oakley Park Thursday Richmond vs Montreal at Oak ley Park mid Dodgers vs Pir ates Shear Park Friday Red Sox vs Athletics at Shear Perk Inthe Peewee section Indians hold sixpoint bulge at the top with 19 points as compared to 13 for the Pirates Syracuse leads Havana 1211 in the race for the Atom flag Peewee Indians l9 Pirates lS Athletics Red Sox Dodgers Yankees Atoms Syracuse Havana Montreal nunnmmmag unapow mmbubuntlqumawo Heweoobflod Hallean is 11 Barrie Kids lire Honored In Winnipeg Ron Pickards minor soccer club tied its first game at Win nipeg this week 22 Conrad Maloney and Clare Shephard got the goals for the Barrie kids The locals left Saturday for Winnipeg for series of exhib ition contests Last summer Winnipeg team came East Once landing at the western city the boys were taken in hand and treated royally First bit of business was for the mom to fill the Barrie kids with pop and doughnu Before yesterdays gem able the boys were treated to swim and another luncheon this time the food being court esythe Hudsons Bay Cd Today the Barrie gang is scheduled to meet Winnipegs mayor Steve Jobs Theyll be feted again then taken on tonrottlie conservatory and zoo Thursday the lads go to Lock port and the Lower Fort Gar ry Theyll be guests at civic onan Gordon still would be my monk ager LFriday its another free lun cheon dinner by City of West Kiid Buffalos Bisons Take Second Spot ASSOCIATED PRESS Buffalo Bisons are making determined bid for second place to the International League They won their sixth straight game Tuesday night as Paul Brown lint out Radiator Red Wings on seven bitl it was the so year old right hand crs second shutout in three starts The victory put the Herd one game behind the sec ondspot Carlcston Marlins yo swept pair from ï¬rscuse Chiefs and 82 Charlciton blanked the Leagueleading Columbus Jets dBobIlcilhhuerï¬id Richmond Virginians Ind Jen ley City Jerseys split double header lbe Jerseys took tho mamas Majorileal VANCOUVER CF Ralph Henderson president of the Brit ish Cnlumbla Lions saidTues day the club is trying to ar range major player deal He refused to give details but told reporters When and if the deal is completed youll have major news story across Can ada and possibly the United States The club called press con ference alter the executive dis turbed by the teams early sea son showing hod met for 26 hours with head coach Wayne Robinson first game 40 and lost the nighleap 51 Jim Frey and Jim Cokar rapped tworun homers oil loser Gordon Jones to provide the winning margin for Brown cons nxsrmcs Ron Negray went the distenu for Tomato in the opener scat tering five hits Fritz Brlchcll hit his seventh homer of the sea son off loser Ted Sadowski veRlddlrgs bits in the second game but one was double by reliever Gerry Ankh which drove in Ben Mateosk 10th home propelled the Marlins to victory All four hits yielded by lielen auer were singles Rob Vealo was the loser Former Virginian Zack Mon roe stopped his old teammates on five hits in the opener Don Locks tworun homer in the ninth inning his fist won for the Virginians in the night lciap rcryBlcyloch won in no SmiilisflBlanks Barrie Welding Smiths Dairy blanked Barrio Welding 60 last night at Queens Park to win the Industrial lea gue semifinal softball series George MacDonald chucked the victory Smiths now waits the winner ol the Lake view DairyCase Eagles Earl Please yourself with Maisonfs Export Ale which no result is yet avail MOLSONS BREWERY ONTARIO LTD iNDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 National League Pct GEL Cincinnati 7549 505 Los Aogeles 09 4a 590 San Francisco 67 51 568 Milwaukee 6453 547 St Louis 60 59 504 12 Pittsburgh 57 59 491 14 Chicago Todays Games Tomato at Syracuse Columbus at Charln Buffalo at Rochester City at Richmond Thindays Games Toronto at Sylacuse City at Richmond Columbus at Charln 50 BB 424 22 Philadelphia 32 d7 Zfl9 40 Buffalo at Rochester 194954 can owners We will installgenuineFORKRe buiit enchnnge motorfor only 45222 complete 00 day or 4000 tulle warrantyNotioawide warranty protection Easy terms IVAEIMO BAY CITY MARKET SQ MOTORS m5 BARBIE ea asses as amino 7A5K7Y9IlllNEIGHBOUR Ask the man whos enjoyingthe quiet carefree comfort of completely automatic gas heating Hell tell you theres nothing like it ibrrcal luxuryand for real economy too Ask ydur ue linstallniodemgashea convanr vocal onasaur runuaca Replace your worn out burner with an mexpeosrve easytoinstali ooversion Borne RENT for only gerbil 57 TORONTO si MONTHLY on your NED Payment oniyv own ForCoinplete Informdtion meagersCflés some ighbourLand then REPLACEWITIIA new runuacs If 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