out FLAMING PEACH CREPES Dramatic Dessert For Summer Party FLAMING PEACH CREPES DRAMATIC DESSERT Dramatize your late summer party by serving Flaming Peach Crepes for dessert Theyre not difficult to make and the most timeeonsuming the erepes can he made week ahead and frozen All you need in the way of equipment is small skillet five or six inch one and chafing dish If you dont have chafing dish dont stop reading because the crepes dont have to he flamed Iust glaze them in the oven and your guests will love them Most crepes are rather bland aifairs and depend on the sau ce for flavor Paach Crepes are made with bitesize shredded wheat biscuits which give them nutlike fullbodied goodness or course the peach Â¥772LdmmnderLfoLthLflavon too Heres how you manage the crepes and the flaming First of all make the crepes or pan cakes ahead of time and freeze ï¬themrTheydoAavetoha made individually and are lit tle time consuming Dont for get to separate each crepe with two pieces of wax paper be fore treezing so they wont stick together Thaw than wrap ped and they wont be soggy The morning or afternoon of the party chop the peaehu and be sure to use the juice Add the sugar and ginger Taste to see that they are sweet enough Fill the erepes and store them in the refrigerator If you want to serve them glazed sprinkle with brown sugar and melted butter and heat for about ten minutes if you wish to flame the crepes and its really quite easy here is what you do Fol low thedireetions above and then transfer them to the chef ï¬ingdisheï¬verthedishfor about five minutes They must he very hot before the brandy lsadded Ilse high proofbran dy 86 proof or better The Eigher the proof the easier it is to flame Heat the brandy in the kitchen before taking it tovthe tab No youre ready for the great ama eslre that someone at the table is alerted to direct the attention tn the chafing dish operation The conversation is half the fun of flamhe cooking Now pour all but the last spoonful of hot brandy over the top of the crepesi Light the last of pour the flaming brandy over the crepes See it isnt hard and youll love the ohs and ahs from the audience its the finest thing for the ego that weve found yeti Flaming PerTCFciET Crepes cup sifted allpurpose flour cup sugar pinch salt 24 cup bitesine shredded wheat biscuits crushed to cup eggs cups milk tbsp melted butter or marg arlne Sift together flour sugar and salt Stir in cereal crumbs Beat eggs milk and butter Stir into dry ingredients Stir until smooth Let batter stand hours Heat lightly buttered 5+lnch kiila Stir batter Spoon tbsp batter into skil let Rotate pan to spread bet ter evenly Cook over high heat Vi minute on each side or un til slightly hrown Stack to keep warm 0r crepe can be frozen Thaw in package Fill with Peach toppings Shirritf Sundae Toppings have real maltlnyourmnuth appeal Youliiindtruoflavourgoodness in all shirrltt to In desserts pp as and Eva sausa Shirrflvflursay Productis quell guaranteed by gums ym Excellence the brandy in the spoon and PLAZA SPECIAL VENUS calrruRé gtHAIR STYLIST ails ALL PERMANENT WAVES REDUCED $3°° Zora LET usSTirls Youn HART IN THE LATEST NOW 50 100 950 1200 THIS OFFER GOOD OPEN THUt FASHION NOW 1750 2ono 2250 2500 17 1950 2200 oNLT To AUG 29m 900 PJM FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE PA 61112 For Boys to 16 Special Purchase Boys bongSleeve when Big and tittle Girls and Boys Shop for BlacktoSchooiFashions cl LONGSLEEVE STYLES MILO SHIRTS 0t soft combed cotton iFWovenstrlprond marl patterns Two button collar style Variety of col orings Smol1 med lorga izes fits to l4 many 133 SPECIAL PURCHASE Brings Sayings of up to 21 School Style VBDYST BUTTON JEANS Sonforlzed wash able plain sheen or ramble cord Boxer waist pockets Colors antelope ioden charcoal blue in the lot Sizes to12 Usually we A119 pair 350 GUARANTEED WASIjABLEI BbYS DRESS PANTS Acetate flannel Grey charcoal Frown Two styles or 01m EOXER WAIST REGULAR WAIST 8N1 BOYS SPORT SHIRTS Soniorized cotton aridwoshoblo EACH 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Usually 79 AEAC for lo we QUALITY BOYS DRILL JEANS Boxer maria pockets Bartacked at points of Built to am long IotlIIo tory wear Grey brown or blue Slur th PAIR SIZES To To 129 CARDIGANS each SHORTSLEEVE PULLOVERS each 259 398 LONGgtSLEEVE CARDIGANS each SHORTSLEEVE PULLQVERS huh Rog iiiuStrated with button trim