Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1961, p. 5

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By DAVID DANCIA Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON CPLFew reputa tions In British politics have risen and fallen with almost tidal regularity that of Sei wyn Lloyd new chancellor of the excbequer Only three months agowhen he deliveer his first budget after moving out of the foreign officethe Tory backbenchars verdict was Al for Lloyd Now austerity measures to deal with the nations economic ills there are rumblings from the party inithiuL They cheered little when the new chancellor unveliere pro gram aimed at hitting the pocket books of most Britons Both the Labor opposition and Liberal members have once again made him primary tar getalong with Prime Minister McMillanin their efforts to discredit the government This is hardly new position for Lloyd He survived one of the Javaat bettering evar the east sidaoi the crossing However the Jelthcadligbtob both vehicles met and the crash did considerable damage to both cars Mr Wylies vehicle had bconvover the centre of the road he was charged with caus ing the accident by not allow lng half the road Wylie was lined $15 and costs His wife given politician when as for eign minister he had to defend the governmmte Suez policy Lloyds position in Parlia meut was swellineg humiliat ing commented The Obsemr London Sunday newspaper mo alter this At time when nearly every Tory MP realized the failure oi the Suez policy and Macmil laus silent reversal of that pol lcy Lloyd had to pretendthat oothin CALLED LUCKY two years before Suez behnd been described as the Lhrcirlestepolltleian of the year Is was in 1955 when he was lifted from the obscurity of junior post to the limelight of the foreign office top branch of the political tree During the years following Suez his position improved grad ually and noticeably Less than year age be was made chau cellar ihls yes the pundits were touting him as strong possi bility for the prime minlsters office But with the deepening eco nomic crisis the country faces there are an increasing number of expressions of sobering sec ond thoughts The opposition salvoes strengthened by the growing unity of the Labor party are having Limitingeffect not only on the government front bench SeInyl Lloyd Experienoes Fall In Political Popularity be said to the accompaniment of Sodaiist cheers Bach came Wilsonrin the eco nomic debate the next day ilow can the chancellor go on talking bravely about Ive yeer plan when his own bud get stood up for three months Throughout Wilsons rapier at tack Lloyd sat impassively with his feet on the table beside the dispatch box ZL crisis bu get Is about the stilv est minister can facemore so than abudget when ieers can be balanced with cheers said HIBAACQDSEWHIIVG Daily Telegraph noteworthy aspect was the unexpected confidence and snap oi the chancellors de meanor it Is not so long since Selwyn Lloyd found appearances at he dispatch box unendurable His nerve was heavily poundeddori ing the Suez episode and at one stggwjissirieodsedespaired of Is recovering it The pundis conclusion was that Lioydsdoggedness would survive the current crisis The tide may yet again run at the flood for the present chancellor VonceA Bustling Trading Post NowHeap Oi Crumbling Ruins By DENB NLELD BUELO Angola MP This village of red sunbailed brick once bustling trading post lust inside Angola near the Congo lae frontier now is heap of crumbling ruins in night of terror five months ago eight of Euelos nine Portuguese residents were butchered by Negro rebels The fled tell cat out ginning of na tionalist uprlsIng which has turned broad northern strip of this Portuguese colony into nomansland oi ghostflowus scorched plantations and bome less wandering refugees Angola erupted March 14 when hundreds of Portuguese the men women and children were Ion fled in concerted rebel attacks is on scores of towns and villages and isolated farms throughout thenorth Here in Buelo the rebels tell Ilco st ion customs post and the home Portuguese rtrader HACKED T0 PIECES One customs officer managed to shoot his way out But he got IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING AirConditioned JW NIB 4Yerwbeirncd the pa lt only few miles before his auto was ambushed on the tree llned road to the south Rebels how they hacked him to pieces as he staggered from his Portuguese troops returned to Buclo within days of the nation alist attack Before they pulled again every house in the towns Negro quarter was de alloyed But the population bush or tied Congolese frontier Now agnilfreochipied the town Buelo is six hour drive from Leopoldvilie capital city of The Congo where Portuguese have headquarters of UPA is situated UPAUnl of the Populations of Angola my the motor driving force be bind the Angolan rebellion and It maintaios rigid political control over people remaining nccuniedhp Ita N0 DRIVING WORRIES NO PARKING PROBLEMS NO LONG WALKS WHEN YOU 60 BY sus TO THE Wt CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION DIRECT INTO THE GROUNDS $335 mm 11 passenger in his car had severe cuts to her leg as ONLY SURVIVOR OF FAMILY AT FUNERAL result of the accident char hlrs Antoine Wallewa icen aged to in Winnipeg on family was not lnth74car geptcaroless drivingwas1vithr tre on stretchert is comfort alwaysAllme V511 05D 5111 NW lering rom shock since the This crossing is dangerous ed by was as She attends lemflmmg mam In Du accident and attended the one not so much for the trains funeral her WenW 11 MW Ffldfiy night MW funeral on stretcher CP operatin onit but because of husband and her six children Walleyne only survivor in the Photo poor vie bility for motor vehicl INNISFIL NOTES but on the seats in the rear as well Harold Wilson the Labor partys shadow chancellor is enhancing his reputation as the Commonl most penetrating de bater by tripping Lloyd up with seemingly effortless ease UNDER ATTACK Planning Lloyd lnteriectod in delivering his midsummer cure for the economic crisis lm not afraid of the word es approachlog from opposite directions it should be centre have made up bum °l marked hea line so mcrtnhbercr our withanJgdfibmammrarfirarfiofild be at Ella Wm guided to either side bltloo They will tour the grounds during the day and LIQUOR AT DANCE HALL after attending the 9V eninl Five charges oi having liquor grandstand show will have their in cars were heard in Magist private bus to wait them rates Court after lnnisiil Pol boma ice had checked vehicles at name out at the grounds dance hall on the 10th line One after the night show is some lad claimed two bottles of thingvtbosLtattlng their own found under his frontseat lotion calling for the Canadian cats must do and is to say have belonged to his father Association of Fire Chiefs to the least feat hard to ac He said he did not know they break away from the parent were there He pleaded guilty United States body was shelved complish and paid line of 5230 and for year by the Dominion con BRAKES FMLED costs Five others pleaded guilty vention Tuesday Carran Kindle 50 of Churc and were lined from 10 to The association decided to Mill Wk CUT91 01 the dollars each Magistrate Foster up an executive committee 5to tuWnShlP 0i Innis Headed lectured the drivers on hring study the move and report next guilty in Maglstrates Court mg qua to Idaho yen psalms aus TERMINAL Monday to operating truck uzlthoutbrakcs mcharoesr DRUNK In our SCREAMEI Safifmgglefigmfi iguana of Jacqueline Tomms who was rm Maple and Simone Sta mnmmmnMw PM PA 571 ose following auaccident onzs Wm Jam can on he mum charged the is mm PLEASE SEE IT FROM THE BEGINNING slderoad near the 10th line highway at Churchill In car and bankbtmg the We FEATURE AT 630 and 910 when crew members of the township dump truck wm try which they claimed mum not natonn association and the pre stanrsuaHheeaoseofrpolice 5° Gamma bndy He 55 ADVANCED RATES THIS ENGAGEMENT FREE use SUSPENDED Reduced Fare includes Admission EXPRESS viii Highway 400 Fire Chiefs Asked EE Leave US Body excep lltlrcaaa1n cmA ruse Building Committee 850 min Tlmmenmfum Grand Ilaod Performance REGULAR SERVICE To Toronto 11 Trips Each Way Every Day in mm uiug mullm from Im ul lfil ill To say Cfiles man of thebuilding committee of the Barrie District Colleg iate is discouraged would be putting it lightly Members of the building committee have giv en generously of their time trying to put the proposals into an acceptable form so that all the councils ould agree This time is part of their personal effort they do not receive remuneration for most of it and it is donation to the public service When asked if he felt that the $350000 which the proposal makes for the auditorium might be reduc ed to the amount which innis fil Vospra and On councils have agreed to Mr Griffin answered that theYcuuld at least try HeAsaidJLdepactmcntkr al official had told th8m that in his opinion the estimates were slightly below what tend ers would ask The best we can do is try again he said and hoped they meeting Monday night remark could come up with something ed that of his 5300 taxes he that might serve aiLconmncdpald about $75 towards second The additional rooms which the cry eduoatipn which he says proposal covershas an cstim is pittance for the returns bah mm at expenditure of 51010300 they get We hear mention Mr Hmdle assured MagIstrate without the auditorium propos the days when high school Bd Glrdm Fm lat 51mm and this is many the canon waLmrchawamccidelIt would never happen to cost of the two senior govern well within the memory of him BEHIP He said he mu ments The auditorium part of many of those in the rural ar plead sullty He was not ask this is over and above those ads when they had to arrange ad Ema how he 19 esglmates whigh have been for boarding house in town he dTiVlflB the Mk When prove Lsethdaysriudbrakeewerrootmforder Hev emflmm rwaikoLget ride to and W85 fiflwrflo and Costs rand to cover that port ot the from home while going to the 101d by the mugi51rat€ he Should bulldlIIg is lot of money in Barrie school The educational Mi Java time the rvehmr any mans language and would costs were paid by county when if 11031 Shape to be direct expense on the levy iJBVB 01 the highway His der mum politics with no portion Those in the south end of ers licence was endorsed but covered in grants From thov JanisiiLtooiubeJraineiromiekJIewafallowed to continue driv talk given at the meeting by toy or Gilford site walldngeéiuEAfcflfeififdlivmg Charge Principaltihomas Bowman miles todand rilliom tlhhe staltion WE Withdrawn the grea est use to be made nigh an mo ng is none of this portion of the building cost more than the average Afihogfil ggsigfiEE the 1m so far as the school is con ratepayer pays now of course cerned would be by the band only those who wanted that ed fangs 2d Wm members They would be using ucation badly enoughvand could bop the this at noon hours and after afford it made these efforts an Meme 940 can 0° school hours for practising and HARVEST RETARDED Jul 25 Gordgn or also the storage of the valuable This is not good harvest wea gum 33 he had id 40 hand instruments Without that ther This last couple of days the mam mi on type of auditorium there would the combines have been almost finding Vum the pit was not be place sultable for client it was Just too murky0 had seen was mm band practice as iii Ing He was not speeding and eJeiiingAiLanddidnotsatficienfiydrylhe at the crossing saw no lights It gymnlisilrrll11yrztleI is not suitd standing grain Ito combining le owing rig it wou or even step as ing of of any approaching vehicle un appear that Without the audit gra One of the best crops of it was in mm short dish ance away According to the orlum the collegiate band would oats In still standin simply fade out Mr Bowmansome ramithacfigg investigating officer he skidded said it had been tried at the is still to be seen in many North Collegiate and found fields gt hlfd find fbamdss and practicable so string ins Painswick Womens lustitute 59 dm ruments are now being consld cred The fame of Barrie Colleg iate Band has gone for and wide but it would appear that if $360000 auditorium is re quired to have it continue this will not be part of the train ing for long in the future un irssCharJesGrlffI fendhis committee can find solution for the reduction of the costs PER PUPIL COSTS Another thing that came out of our conversation with Mr Griffin was the fact that the Barrie District Collegiate was educating pupils for about $60 day less than the pro vinclal average The cost ac cording to Barrie records is sols per year whereas the ro Exhibition passengers travel ling on regular buses will trans fer at Toronto Bus Terminal to buses running into the grounds pkels and Information at ing to reach the township shed and at memompiete action when some neighbors thirds of annual 315 Phoned there was disturban 555 Pam bot 19 the work assigned them for be international Association of Eire The oilhe betwezn Me When the officer asked them morning lifs fwith Canadians getting to get into his cruiser the no we brake mm id the ar lady began to scream and tried wheel broke leavmg the truck sh 1d svithout any means of stopping zluflg on 6b narcotuérd The hand brake was not in op an es before and was objecting to eratlon either At the 10th line vehicle drove out of lane mmpanim John ress pleaded guilty to being in front of the truck and stop bu In ped This happened so quickly ma he dfle that the truck collided with the mg of e9 we lagdflgorah car causing damages estimated aV ing liquor Miss Tomms was igfihfirsgfigfi 131 fined $1410 with costs and Mr assistant oi the truck crew Cu wm double Charges war those board members who give so muchof their time for the hen am of youth and education One ratepayer attending the BEST BUYS BEST BUYI SAVE IS SWIFTS Luncheon Meats 12 oz Tins Swifts PREM 283° aesraw SWIFT save 29 Paid Dog Food 931oo aesraUvI 18 OFF PACK GIANT SIZE RF 63° aesr aUVI sHIRRII=I=s coop MORNING sAve 4e MARIVIALAIIE 47° gt SAVE so gaiada Tea BagS 75 iscounESA Health And Beauty Aids GILLETTE BLUE BLADES Reg 25 pkg of 15 CREST TOOTH PASTE Rep 67o tube BRYLCIIEEM linir Dressing new nan JOHNSONS BABY POWDER Rep 75c tube 49 pair supreme Seamless Nylons withihe purchase of pairs at regular price of $109 per paira DONTTET YOUR POCKETBOOK HEAD FOR CRASH Let us provide complete coverage at littlecost lor nil your insurance needs See us no ob ligation MALCOMSONS Insunslvca Alsan IiDunlop sale on some Effiflfimwnm PREMIUM 89 was sooo nu PKG BESTBUYI PRETRIMMED his courage and cunning xi legend in an untamed land GS 43c Rmdless BAcoN 69 $VllfiTSEREMIUM4 VARIETIES SWIFTS EVERSWEET THREETIG DAYS TONIGHT THURSDAY FRIDAY JilllllWIlllE All STEWART illllillE ElllilE lunar FIBlIll Ma Cheese Mock Chicken Pickle Pimento VIIIOMB VTECHNICOLOR Armp limo mono pramon Me emsIn Rockies ImIi landmineml JAMES WWW FEATURElFAAVE eel sauce so AVESSA FLEETlllllVlSg

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