ed areas in the Hol linrrie lice are searching and desert They finally drove for three youths todaywho al ly ares legedly raped alGyenrold Bar one of the girls home rle girl Monday night Insteado etheeremnin eiThegirlsrmotherHodged the inggirl home the driver then complaint with local police ear huded out Highway 400 and 1y yesterday morning The in parked in an isolated ï¬eld It vestlgation is continuing was there the alleged assault Police say that the young took place The girl told police girl in company with another that she was assaultedby Bach girl friend had gone to visit of the youths in turn She third friend claimed that she had escaped fro she was mum and taught to es and forced to On leaving the restourant the return to the car girls walked along Dunlap St Followingrtbc assault the girl and at the corner of Bradford was driven back to Barrio St they were invited by three wher alter youths to accept ride to the midnight Allandnle area She told police that aha did The assaulted girl and her not report the incident at the friend reported that instead of imo because she was too up dnvmg them home the driver set She did however tell her of the car toured several roads mother what had happened rls gtWin Accordion Honors ABarrii girl Ingrid Baum garten won the Canadian Na Lionel Eshibltlons accordion competition for players under in years Tuesday And another Barrie youngster Marsha 6rd was third in the Concert Ban Will Expand To 50 The City Junior Concert Band will expand to membership of 5H Iree or sad today same haicgory Placing second in the contest was Carol Ieltz of Capreol other results included Pieuofor boys under el Kenneth Gee ommlï¬m Piano duet for pianistsvunder is Peter Wingfelder and Allan Low Stratford lIémiernddiéTCmftl Airborne Maiden Journey Success unveil1 home an man took his homemade air craft up for its first flight yes terday at Barrie Airways For OPP Constable George Uranick it was the culmination oi 14 months of hard work when he eascd back on the stick and the little black and yellow craft lifted smoothly off the runway SPOINT TOUCHDOWN George made couple oi cir cuitsof the field and then made threepoint landing and Iaxied up to where his wife Evelyn and spectators were waiting to congratulate him wasnt nervous for him at all Evelyn said as she stop ped biting her fingernails had her up to about so and she handles very nicely George commented Shes as quiet as bird Earl Lebert semiretired carpenter from Parry Sound was Georges partners inthe planebuildlng project and was on hand to see the first flight of the joint creation BORROWED TOOLS We built it Earl beamed with standard carpenters tools and vhatwe didnt have we borrowed from the neighbors The twosealer monoplune con structed of plywood with Irish linen wing fabric was built for total cost of $1500 Cruising speed of the o70 pound plane is about 95 mph and George canrget close to so milesmithe gallon from the 85 hp Continental gin which uses about three an one half gallons of gas an hour Georges aircraft is based on NEW YORK teenaged baby has AF Remarks sitter hates to sorry but you wont be to use the phone Susie There seems to he something wrong with And the TV set is broken meant to give Mary Ann her bath but at the last minute got so rushedyou wouldnt mind would you We only pay 35 cents an hour but on the other hand the ex perience you get will rove highlyusefurzaLerw en you children of rownf Yes suppose it is all right if your boy friend comes by so you can help him with his home work But remember leave all the lights on and the front door open Are you sure youre trust worthy young lady keep reading such wild things about teanagers today Wouldyou mind fixing the design English are sold by an Edmon ton airmmhab ofv Georges sphere of operations Vnew ly limited ment of Transport regulations say he mustcomplete 75 hours ing time in the aircraft be lhe JodEI Club Dll French fly Remarks Sitters Tire Of Heariing Inhis children their find the can on the kitchen table The is out and If junior fights you when you try to give sule dont worry Just fight him pick food back but baver Shes let us show RARINfl TO G0 do hope the children we give you much The rain kep and theyh around the house like Indians on the Oh agers simply refrigerator except two carrots some lettuce Do you like and lettuce Dont tellrne this pretty usually half an hour or GEE as or which blueprints in craft will be strict for time Depart dinner Youll opener and the ice thawing him his vitamin cap Iies strong for his age 50 Mom Do we have to her for babysitter eal kllljoywont even stay up to see the late trouble Susie them in all day ave been rampaging warpat carpiknow yoii teen get so bungryand there isnt thing left in the The newlyformed band opens its doors to new members to day and in doing so about 15 vacancies will be filled with grade school youngsters boys and girls who as yet do not know one instrument from an LOCAL ANDGENERAI FIRE CIIIEF AT TALKS Barrie Fire Chief Holly Ir sin th our stone gives my amt shortsox gttoosoaltngetlier you other This method ofteaching in struments is under the direct nrshlp of Ken Holller and Mac Laren Wilson and the system used is the same as that auth orized by the Department of Education New youngsters are interview ed in the market building each Monday and Tuesday evening at pm fmm today through to the beginning of school Applicants are given aptitude tests and their facial character istics are studied so as to as certain in mchigmupinLjnk struménts they can achieve suc cess New students must be not less than eight or older than is years Local Cadets Finish Course IwoBarrie Air Cadets will be among 200 cadets waded mm and servrco clubsl more than 300 squadrons in Can Purpose ot the group is to adp who mmns$mjopflpromote wroter employment and enters cam5e at 3an Bar encourage firrru in such fields den ceremony today Local Club Beats The two cadets Ronald Currie and Brian WestgarthTaylor gt Team In Manitoba Barrie Bantam Soccer Club have been at Camp Borden for defeated West Kildonan 41 last seven weeks mémwill start at Inï¬ll in an exhibition game piayedin the Manitoba city pm Air ViceMarshall Conrad Maloney paced the Carscallen Air Officer Come mending Training Command Barrie lads with tbreegoals Pat Quinn had the fourth In from Winnipez to take two games Barrie had win win is inKitchendr attending the annual conference of the Dominion Fire Chiefs Associa tion He is expected to return to Barrie on Thursday TOURIST LOSES WHEEL Barrie police said that US tourist who had parked his automobile on the munici pal lot near the waterfront found wheel and tire missing and battery cable twistedoff The thieves did not get into the car but compounded the in th at ch at To Meet First meeting of the Barrie area winter unemployment com mittee will be held Sept Committee will be comprised of representatives of employers employees union grown clergy as of it scocrltarr lore be can carry passenger or fly beyond 95min radius pm Former Policeman Gets Month Iail former Peterboro Ontario police sergeantlouald Moc Kay iii of Toronto was plac ed on years suspended sent ence in Magistrates Court er yesterday for obtaining two outboard motors from Barrie firm by falsely pretend ing to represent Bracehridge company go ill part There will also be representa tives from the national Cadet pr labo works projects Lnbor Minister Michael Starr as released figures on the ef fect of the winter Accordin cost of urists difficulties by removing studs from the wheels also PCI MEET TONIGHT meeting of the Barrie Pro gressive Conservative Associat is being held tonight home of William Garn Shanty Bay DISCUSS PARKING er special council meeting to nigh ing question in downtowrr Ear rie It is expected that repres entatives of the Downtown Mer will deal with the park snts Association will tendance bein Winter ob Eddyfl Sept construction to continue act ivity through the winter Pickles was chairman the committee last year and is hoped many of last years embers continue their work on the committee this year The winter unemployment com rttees work is in relation to the FederalProvincial er Works Incentive which federal Program by provincial vernments subsidize municipal costs on approved winter works pm 96081 winter to Mr Starr 7150 were initiated at $32000 of which gram during the ojects On second charge of fail ing to appear for court hear ing while free on bail he was damn young thing is habysrttingthe kids You go to the movies honey and Ill stay home and you get too bored there few of the childrens things hanging in the abatbroom that need iro ing some dishes in the sink didnt have time to wash andoh well just make yourself at home Ill kneel behind her when she isnt looking sis Then you get in front of herand push her real hard You only had three children to baby sit the last timcyou were here Since then we had the twins The neighbors are going out with us and they are leaving their fou embark have let me see three and two and four more makeob never was any good at arithmetic cmcmms or BREASTS MANNINGS SWEET sï¬ï¬ï¬rs VARIETIES Committee Ottawa and draw the form of payrolls 39 Boys Matches Blamed For Blaze BRADrono Special North Gwlllirnbury Police Chief Alvin Pollock said today four boys aged between seven and lo are to blame for starting bonfire at Keswielr yesterday which caused an estimated $10000 damage The chief said the four boys playing with matches were be lieved to have caused the blaze which demolished large stor agebarn on the 2nd Concession of North Gwlllimhury Township The barn was on the farm of Kenneth Hunter and rented by Carl Glover who was using it as storage shed for lumber ury andQuecnsville were un able to control the blaze Lions Plan Blitz To ilidPool Funds Barrie City Council last night approved Barrie Lions Club request for permission to hold onenight blitz campaign for funds still rcquiredto pay for Barriea new community swimming pool The pool is ficially open on Saturday Aug ust 26 and will mark the cul mination of club to provide the $637000 cost of the structure The Lions Club will hold its doorAtosioor fund drive on Thursday August 81 They ex pect to have over 200 canvas sers in action in an attempt to raise complete their commitment approximately 35000 12 MONTHS arrows on row home will be demonstrated in Barrie Thursday August 24th at the Clarkson Hotel gTricholngist Lang will Accordion for 12 and under Bobby Brown of Weston Stephen Monk of Sudbury Piano to and under Kath ryn Root Stratford Helen Piano open Kathryn Root Hardy Fort William Bremen fromsNorth erllllm mm efforts by the local the money required to Hair Specialist Here Will Show Menend Wom Hair and Prevent St Catharine over St Conservatory of Music is hence Accordion duet l3 and under Lauren and Dianne Manson Accordion quiniette l5 and Cotharlncs Master at BABY TIME brateo the arrival ofaach new baby with blendly Illwith basket of gift and congratulation of entirecommunity WWW Wagon otthe arrival of cry new baby in your PA 66302 WELCOME WAGON IN MoNiHs Thursday on How far Save Baldness or dryn folicle clo treatment methods for saving at hairand improving its growth DONT WAIT WEBITS sooner Baldness wont wait for doubt ers to be convincedl youre go ing to keep right on losingehair til youre baldunless you get your scalp in healthy hair growing condition again be in charge representing the dynamic Roberts Ils and Sealp Speciallets organizatro ll fpersonallyexaminfhirrworried men and women from 1200 noon tosz pm This new treatment is neither ï¬lnail order nor cur It is adapted to the div ual aft er personaleiramination and progress is checked stragular intervals by Roberts Special ist HOME POTATOES 3run 10 aka hbsoluteiy nocbarga on by coming in for anerraniination Your only obligation is to yourself We mohair Willtbe new Roberts treat ment cure baldngs Not For we cannot help men and women an atisfiedwith in 30 days or it will co nu nothin noiunmosnsramusn halftime difficulty with flattened grainp they sires examvnntion and discussio your ha desk clerk for Mr gt so your convenience atio FLATTENED Eoth agriculture representat jives Stewart Page and Gear geiArnold feel that this years said Here llunter Russell is showmg wheat off his Mldhurst for with the help of Henry Lang left wheat crop last years are it vin storm