Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1961, p. 17

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CARRET REMNANT CLEARANCE 27iox54in 595 EA sans assumes mam crwaca FARM SUPPLIES C1 ERVICE can New Holland David awn lastly hm Equipment 116 BURNN AVE HARVESTING CLEANUP hinder Masseyl 22 33 Diana ihraher MANY CL BOA 18 MOTORS LTD Buy now and save the extra Up to 86 months iopa One only 14 fibreglass boat One rkansas Traveller Dart with 40 ER Johnson Regular price 31315 Sale price 3995 One only Arkansas Traveller Rocket upholstered hardware windshield regularprice $805 Sale price 3595 One only it moulded ply wood Regular price $495 Sale price $355 is it asna Lapstro trbls windshield hardw top battery with 40 in Fire stonemotors is it Delcrait runabout top windwieid hardware controls battery with 1960 Gale 35 HP Sale price $1395 FT 0F BAYFIELD ST PHONE PA 83461 l7 good solid cruising boat ror two Excellent buy at Show complete Contact Bed ford Oro Station Telephone Ore ml 15 CEDAR erl Petarhoro VGIY good con on 50 Also root Plywood s55 14 mt rm bottom punts $25 so as John son router in excellent condition 3100 RP Johnson motors Sill Three to choose mm in Bani mnning condition Apply Little Lakes Cedar Park or telephone PA PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMEN=F USED CAMERAS STILL 35 KODAK PONY $2695 35 CENTURY $3495 630 KODAK TOURIST $995 828 KODAK PONY $2000 MOVE CAMERAS ELMO zoom sumo rgxooasrsn moo KODAK SL WLIGHT BAR AND LIGHTS mm SiNGLE LENS $4000 RECORDEB irs zoo $15000 All Guaranteed Other Cameras Lower Priced Also for Camera Repairs soo PHOTOGRAPHY BY wFAVERO 29DUNLOP STW 85394 ARTICLES WANTED WANTED REFRIGERATORS FOR SUMMER COHTAGES HIGHEST TRADEINVVALUE Call McFaddens rozz PRICES PA aszos PIANOApartment size in send conditlon wantedn Telephone Stayner 357 HAM cuLLiscTiaNs old letters and coins Wanted Best pri plld White Box lechUnt TAPE AntII oni onror Central cu Telephone as some altar DELANEYBOATS Ailfurrriturrsa 4AR1ticissror SALE 5JFARMERSSIotkkicrr Vuprl7m1nm 5PARMERSMARKET in Aciuss second cut Ophelia PA Sat 20 ACEEB clinic reasonably issuer ivy isms wannas on rid whlat WWW Bali If Lam£269 EA 9H l2lrgFrom 7650 OTHER SIZES TO CHOOSEFROMJBUY NOW TO AVOID ARKs HOME URNISHINO 3738 Baylieid Sr RAB2843 gjjiBURROUGH Es FurnilureCo Ltd 94 DUNEQR STREET WEST 2ZEREEEESTERFEfljfiflffli 24 HEstR ELD nylon Erzeze beige PC CHESTERFIELD beige ywool fréize floor sample CHESTERFIE Ion freize LD green ny PC BEDROOM Dchavsed 46 tilting mirrorrharrdrubbedffiw ish floor sample PC5DINETTE Harvest Walnut glass front buffet large exten sion table side chairs arborijg tags flgor sgAmp la 21 MARCONI Mgk finish table rnodel 21 SYLVANIA TV CONSOLE Walnut cabinet completely Ire cOndifioned 21 MARCONITV CONSOLE wa nut cabinet floor sample war 18995 STUDIO COUCH pull out type ra cenrly recovered outstanding value 995 Many other modelsto chrooseirornv No Phone Calls Please ldaifiUfiOughEfiafion ey back guarantee mom VEGFIVABLES cucuMaaaa mu and Gerklnl sweet corn lor corn routs Con tact larneWilsnn sin concession OT Min LIVESTOCK ilwsm Plus Well startld also let disc Telephone IV sum for lurthsr purgicmu ranm maximum DEIAVAL SKEES SERVICE fishy anI and pulsatan cinn Service on inmlneu HANKBROWN alohaEli luau PA 60338 ATTENTION FARMERS 202 Bayflald way PA cuss or eslng FEED SEED GRAIN tandlnl ali clover hly sorr nienr 3L EMU iao AMP $15500 COMPLETE large quantity of wheat In the field Apply to Frank Grier HANDY HARDWARE gt STR UD aw blind and stocked 121995 49333 and row your on Lianl pus ERS available ALSO 1951 Wily 1958 Austin case reams Limos trailer with aonusa al min no New flru Tehpnono PA STATION THE 3721M 3¥Yffli SEETHEMTODAY AT hauling needs no beauty to look at pleasure to drive and own Gorgeous 1957 Meteor in 853 live red and white tin tan with white wall tires Wash able durable nylon and leather ts interior Economical Ford cylinder engine with standard transmission or greater gas mileage Factory installed push bulton radio window Washers air conditioning heater etc This is local one owner car in immaculate condition to trade ior this handsome wagon Only $1395 at ORV HARDY MOTORS USED CALDEPOT TTGBRADFORD ST PHONE PA 84272 lAUm RAMBLER MOTORS 10 DOWN l7 GOWAN STREET PAfiwa HAROLDJOR MOTORS TRIUMPH STANDARD DEALERS Rapalra to Ali Muiri am and NALTowlnl service 7s BAYFIELD sr annals ONE OWNER FROM NE 1953 MORRIS OXFORD Oxford isoo Sedan new August as white with red upholstery teach Padded duh fllshlnx turn electric clock hloak sceond car PHONE as sense on an manna mansion ro manna son ram onsva Diastilmnoit twordoor clean no money down 511 weekly Tale Flinn PA 34750 alter Pan mo Monora oxmim Recent motor ion Good um Talephrina re Moia use nominee in real good condi tion Two ton Nu rust on body Telephone as com 1560 PLYMOUTH or sale Four door radio low mileall as new But offer over 31450 Sluflllcfl at IIIll price Tllephnna PA 7535 5PAKMER5 MARKET munour wheel rmn AUTOMOTIVE moron cans rpaaaiasi T957 METEOR sportsman Seriies all your sedan our door station wagon throughout Today is the day mm AND LAND auxan 84165 gthlltllr Oflllnll III III flfiWcmWfmfi PA szm Used sell propelled swathss AND YOUR CAR FROM AUTOMOTIVE unfron case has nu mason mm mamas BETTER USED CARS STEWSCHOhTTMOTORS BRADFORD arninera photography section YOU will BE PLEASANEY SURPRISE AT THE valégggfi DOLLARS YOU CAN SAVE internUna Position In ma ssnsra mu ananm Inn turb llda can our dellvlry truck or Illa To pliant PA 578 tune or mat or Available ser longer Phon Camp nordon ab Fe no es Lo Sh to or Mr Con day at August iw mem HAIR Finder Street West Barrie YOUNG GIRL mothers hll er in Toronto Vata room ii eral um PERSONALS FORTUNE TilLING Do you via your lnrtuna told blfiudlLAIII inhoaaFA £50 or uppotarman any time CARVLIAVWO Brandon Man Iioba Stand1 Ann 21 or our panm cousinat primes dlaind Teilphona PA was armors wltnaninl an accident on Int 13 Shl ba Run availabl Ifli 1030 My Bay 11 i1 last nl Barri Diem la outs pleall re Fug Contact erln ANDERSON BILL towns or us cumber land amat Barrie Ontaria will ha mnnflb WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING cam now In this government comma school where you on thorouth tralned in all branohe beauty cuilun For alarmtion write 19 COLL cor DR PHONE PA N932 newrd allMo watch vicinity i141 enlnl fie awne 11 Eacis waner lost salonsy night vicinlt rerun Dance Hall Stroud Con alna paper or vruiirs owner an Edward phone rateme IO HELP WANTED some new warms Wanted experienced rein dining room litll Lima phone PA 3442 Bxpmagggp up Wanna want more YOU WILL GET WHEN YOU BUY Curtains and Volkr rp moms norm or an honor PA at rumr coltala Telephone IIII 197M Lenny Mrs Huber Wholl about at Mildred Ann relsump Tub mm by nae Carlson or any information that might lead to her where Barflnan Sollelt Box Flln Flonanlloba so will not bl ldr any debIlv LNG SCHOOL glean leave at Curtis WORM 0R WOMAN newspaper AP BRADFORD ONT The General Manager 110mm 511 NONE Barric Examiner moons muons mr Unusual run and non on Wetlands autumnal ran to HELP WANTED romance BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Burroughs Senairnatlc 806 Per manent position day week Must be able to assume respoa lbllity under minimum rection Prelcrenca glv to fully trained personnel Phone loakkaa tr Dunnnoun anallone desired norn mmur 1a mwoa am two Xandufitocm in some mepseai WILD LOOK Illl to Help wANrso YOUNG MAN To train darkroom operator and engraver in The Barrio Ex naws department at your daily ease or or manila ii between 1111 morning um hula Br llinala lull In lilting II1L EMPIDYMENT WANTED idson Wu lldnn In in SPENCERTOWN NY AP One oi Joseph Frateilencios cows was missing at milking time Later when the armer turned on kitchen laucetno water Both mysteries wen solved When Fratellcacio iound hoary down in the well In sitting position blocking the water supply it took ilve hours back to the milking line HIT POWER LINE BOLZANO AP Sshotenrs dynamited an electric pylon Tiicsday night in ltalys trou bled Alto Adige South iyrnll then firedrnachinegun bursts or is minutes at investigaling troops and police The troops and police returned the fire but apparently no one was hit and the terrorists escaped in the dark or In ro ox ncos aoosr some ViEhN 71A Om President thorgha Gheorghiu De said today Romania has Parkway soon for an Intcrv ilfloiiflrflim flhufggéigfiwfispnliwflmflm view Positionuvaliable face at war preparations by the Immedre rt imperialists Gheorghlu Del nouscmras wanted or thna elderly peopII IIllphona PA or Mthlr lnlonnation 13 AUCTION SALE drug store Experienced pnlarud Apply in person IslRm Drula sol alas at nanv amnisenday throusn Friday or two vwxchool Ila chi Prefer someone to live In Tolurhima PA 31366 aousaxcarxa experienced lo in ulnd ply two adults congenial one eieoaono PA sacs John king 10 mm at1 alone 0053Kka ulrud or riod Mil la in Wilt rm olGOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE received Instructions from MRS ANDREW MILLER MULHOLLAND ST BARE at Park Street on SATURDAY AUG 16th at pan Sharp Sell the Following In electric Frigidaire incurred In my na witnout my in Houla written consent 17 us this our 32 mlzr Ielectric Moilat burner stove An smsu Cralthurst pron BR m7 altar one mnlnn snanY mesovmr available or reliable woman willing to do homework or altlrnonnl Monday Lhrolllll Frid north electric clock Utility tablep white enamel iikitchen table and chairs cheateriield suite and to match end table lmagazlne rack trillgh speed livid oom table Fern IIIli aromas nnuuku Ir Hollisad tocara or three ca dren onl Kindergarten and two ho mothsr worn Lllht ho duties in was Ml Pfllmd IIIan room suite biiifd sum sane Coidwavar on um um chm mm aunsrrcnranyuonr ivyosrtlaed hairdrua in your chm 51mg cham BILBAO Reuters Paco ERREEPAFAFW II MALE LP mm dock Caminoljpalns leading mata +OR living9 Imam mirrors Hull swath wah hm == ca are rpet sweeper LOST FOUND FOOD AND DéUG mm mm and about to make hissccond kill LDIT $30 in Angus springs new 1dresser rslnger antique writing desk woodeurchest lwooden bad springs complete chest at drawers lwashstand toilet se lwlciscr com chair ask writing desk lllylngrroom tabla stern stands $4380 $4920 Food and Drug Directorate Dcpt oi National Heallh and Welfare TORONTO Ontario With graduation Lrom university with completed courses in cnem buy PhamICYIIIIEterlololy or related rcience For full particulars as to nllfllnco qualllicatlnn requiremanla and up pileatlnn lam Isa Pollen on display atthl Nallonli Employ ment Service and Port Ollicd Ap PI before SEPTEMBER 1961 to the Civil Service Commlui 25 St Ch lAvuiill RIOIORD to pleta linoleum rugs ball tree all Dunlap street or woman Warnar nulnnfl Ask Also as JUSlNésseSERVICE DIRECTORY ut Lowndtes By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 Quota Competition 5111 mm MEN on WOMEN in your own hon Stm our own Watkins auslnesr Pu or parttime Ne axplrtanca necel er Montreal II Que ierent designs Cushions Pic es Several good aqullts Curtains iset or curtain stretchera set oi tub stands copper boiler lvlarga table 1bedund springs Quantity rugL iironing boar kitchen cabinet electric hot plates ac smut drapes irse VOLKSWAGEN good condllt tion Rebuilt undue1V0 new tires anew Ural radio phone PA 60851 altar litm lain DODGE good running order General load condition But ler accepted Apply 250 St Vin cent SL Barrie 1551 PONTIAC Laurentlan door ll All the extra Cash trade or rtemar Private sale Telephoni Orlllia FA +75 or FA More iiao vonvo ort noise white wall tires no can dun radio etc Must sell owner leaving country Telephone PA 5644 up to pan ask lorCarl less PLYMOUTH cylinder Suv automatic our door sedan Ml age mono Lovely condition cash otter takes it Apply as Til Park Squara m1 vourswaaan deluxe black with red leatherette upholstery seat hells radio windshield washer one owner car Must aell DECIHSG moving from province Excellent opportunity it Dre cans Wamuc BUY llerarries NOTvest Car Loft Urgefmly Requires Used Cars TRADE UP ORDOWN We Will lendycu mane on your present car ORv HARDY MOTORS 175 BRADFORD ST PHONE PA 3427 all cown Al Wa trlda up or Ba Motor witness momma FILL SE lacv cowann su Pain Phone 42 Cniiirlilvl New Ma agemeni PHONE 5111001 In 1950 CHEVROLET pickup truck or sale in excellent in lnlcl condition Body fair bi Telephon PAsBa TONYS APPLIANCE ocusrors comma ELLIN ummmv curaoanos Pfiona Strand mail collect omen saovwc JAMIE FINEST 418qu Twice waéklp RikiID dlllv muczg 51 mm nxqavama Deliveryr mo 27 APPLIANCE seavrcss SERVICE gt PP DUNLOPST PAs6ll42 moms ED MILLS Building Contractor ainswicléé W01 GHAVEL IlP 13 7REEREMOVAL Dead orcrippled cattle horses owed ipiclilo cracks Quantity lruitdars Laundry tubs step ladders lawnmower good ladder12 long Quantity of garden hose quantityoi garden tools quantity oi =ilower pots quantity oi emply bags semen nisrosas DEAD ANIMAL lSPOSAL ACT up licensed to renew and cripnIo nun uni the above an Phone COLLECT BARREE PArkway 83817 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE fucmoa spas DEAD STOCK pans knickdacka and many list Terms No reserve as Nothingvto be removed until settled tor cmxmmx wean runny COUGHLIN Auctioneer Milliong For fast service gt PHONE EARRIE Pt 57751 or ask or aniréighter ZENITH $1130 COLLECT hours day1 day Wink RcleasaanBail NEWSWSW onmoad Dntarlo cease No 18ml Tenorawn fii QLSTERXL rfi 1d Chairs Chrome Chairs Boat Seats de Cubaisailcd or Havana Tues Jaydupboiiigginderax too since July 251 PTIC TANKS PUMPED agingans mama rsraaasaoma an Paper Honins ay Paintlnl service aim im saunas Summer Eorch as Garden Furniture AucrioaTsAL£ The undersigacdAuctloneer has nlrn leit oli Parkelde Drive electric toaster electric iron step stool rocking chair chm complete good as mattress and loot stooI stretcher with mattress com mflaeulidakksam Quantity oi hooked and plalted mats brand new several dli Dust mopmltts dishes pots Weiertcrnumronrtr lnaspeech broadcast by Radio Bucharest acid the other Com munist countries are doing the some PRIESIS 0N TRIAL HAVANA APiThe Cuban govemmcat has asked prison terms of 10 to 30 years or 74 persons including two Roman Catholirprlests cadmium er at students charged with plot ting agalnet the regime of Prime Minister Fidel Castro At the trial in Santiago the pros ecution asked 20 years for priests Eelncrlo Lebroc Mar tinez ondJose Luis Roio Selina and so years or Alberto Muller student leader MINE ENTOMBED TOKYO Reuteral The bodies of 67 mincrs entomhcd lit mine cavcin in southern Japan last September will re maln there or good The mom agemant oi the mine In Fukuoka preiecture said it has decided to close the coal plt it wasdangerous to resume recov ery workrand virtually lmpon slblevto remove the danger oi the day at the Bilbao lair TuesdayCamino has 56 lights to his credit seven more than biatneagcstleal US ACCIDENTS DROP CHICAGO AP Accident caused the deaths of 12500 parl sons in theUnited States during thcilrsl six months thisyear drop of four per cent from the comparable period in 1960 tha Nationalsafety Council said tow day Traffic deaths at 19080 showed one per cent drop from the 17170 highway fatal flies in the iiist six months last year rtCPITOppeelT tion Leader Pearson and Mrs Pearson were guests tot Quebec Liberal members oi the House offCommons at reception niesday night to marktheir 35th wedding anniversary Didnt Oppose Public Schools NEW YORK AP Francia Cardinal Spellrnan says there wasno truth in charge by Senator Wa ne Morse Dem mfmrirsmmm Catholic clergy are opposed to improving public schools The cisrdiual RomanCatholic Archbishop of NewYork said Morse made the ataeernent in speech Aug 14 in rareply Monday Cardinal Spellman said SJ ealleges look upon them public schools as competltors butlas part new in the great work of edu cating Americas children We recognize their essential place InArnerican lile Massimo deeply can cerned for the protection of our Catholic schools We do not be eye that th best interests of this nation an best be served by makingpubllc school educa tion monopoly HThec rdinalsaidr school Vducatio would eventu ally becomeramonopoly under Kennedy Eadmihistratlon pro osalbaEkd by Morse to aid Jolyi public schools with federal OAMPBELL LTD FurnitureJdovia anL SuragaL Commmial Warehousing rgtNortb American Va Lines 15 YEARS VICERI datum FREE osmosis AND morgue BARRIE TENTAND AWNING I1 request of Linen Golio Cub registered wownarotfli 10 COMPLE Plolwclir by papaor demoId MORE DISNEYKINS lE YOUR SET

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