Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1961, p. 16

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the foliome inseme order Vswiiiiib mm at Thl ANNOUNCEMENTS BLBIHS Need BackTOSchOOlMoneY Use Exci 16 THE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST 23 REAL ESTATE muurAt ihs Royal Victoria Rolpltll Esme on ny Au suii ls mi in Ilr and sin Nam Aiu isiPORrANr Chant pm pm pm ins mm or you child should re pic sun And other will GENT fimimmmmwrcmmr your child gulch ss puuihll dusnthsin ssrris insmines Birth Announce JIIKBL inn cAii our Ginrises rm in not inciuolos osms no will publish mm mm ulna Notice in in out edition iai only 1150 Tsieplion FA Hm lol this classified Service ENGAGEMENTS IIILwAnRTbn enlllement is announced at Meris Elizabeth Hill daughter of hips Wiluam uilii sin or conksinwn On and the late Walter ii lull to Leonard Howrd Csrr son or In Edna and the late Carr ni Slult ste lMrls ssultsta Mule by Rev Mr Holmu DEATHS mnsnddonly Al on ham Owen so aims pn Monday August mi Liuisn ery wru ius beloved win at Michal Kiiy in her win yesr deu mother oi Alex sudhnry aims MlI Desllvs Norman Arne Mn rersuson Raymond Ehrrle ess Mrs Leach Pi Nchon ac sister oi illn Amer Wyner oi as is Nanrun snd Gram do or ed lies no the stream Panelii Home in Worsley SL Barrie ninenl mus roundy August st loo si st Mary Church srrlc Interment st iisrys eemsicry CARDS 0F THANKS aliaslilm Ed and is iiy think their lnlny lrisn relatives sndsnsizhhors Jolvflleil kind expressions ol sympathy and nonl tributes At the tim at their sad heresvemsnt In the Inn at dcar nusbsnd Ind lather Epcrinl thanks in liev Mr Dysl tor his consouns words Jennett iilnuui Home noises ind stall is the has itsi no to Dr swan or their ndneis Reiuse To Barter Ship For Fami ies NORFOLK Va AmFresh dent Kennedy has declined to hold Cuban merchant ship as ransom for the families of in detecting crew members be cause it might provoke retalia tion and be harmful to innov ccnt traveJlers in the future The president in telegram to Capt Jorge Nararro of the freighter Bahia de Nlpe added that such barter might not work and was at any rate li Iecai in illeUiiited States Navarro announced Sunday that he had urged the president to hold the ship until the fam Hies ot the 10 men seeking pm liticai asylum herecouid safely get out of Cuba Navarros fam ily reached the 15 before the exploit took place The Bahia de Nipe 38 ton motorship laden with is 3600000 sugar cargo originally desti ed for behind the iron ain anc ore vnearbyv Lynn haven Roads Thursday after Navarro and his 10 com panions succeeded in imprison ing 28 other men below decks CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINCi TELEPHONE PA 824l4 Condensed and classified adver tisemeiits are inserted stills rate of do per word per insertion for one and two times 3c per word for three four or live times and 21zc per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within it days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT 15 96c FUR 21 $106 FOR 24 WORDS 1F CHARGED PER SINGLE 1N SERTION ERRORS oil CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that in phone Lnseflion orders are are sd as conveniencs in you the advertiser Therefore this claninert Advertising Department requiru nu advertisers to kindly sischeek their advertisement immediltely after first Insertion In order that any errors or omissions may be reported heroin am in order that same may be rectified ior BArria Exam crwis responsibl nlanLincarrectiy printed insertion nn any dvertlsement and then only in Iha extant or portion of IO Lh involves tbs lessen the value ol the advertise ment Its not eligible for conco ions by main good Coming Events lsc per wuid minimum charge $150 Birth DeathNotifesior up to 25 words over 25 words per word extra in Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used 31 per word exts inlormntloh regarding dvertisnrl using Blind Lettes Ear Numbers in Replies is held strictly condd entlIL Replies in Litter Foxes Issi dry or publication Classified advertisements and notices or them pages must hereceiyed by day pre ceding publication with theeit ceplldii of tiled Display advert moments which must he 12 Window preceding day ii humiliate rbEFroom unfilnvs viiiroom Member or tbs aalrls Andlilltflci Mud for seed Close to school and msnwsyHSminniuioasrricr STRTTA¥I9R mm is cLAPPmioN ET PHONE PA Mui 90 ACRES ii mite South OI filrrie 95 mile from Simon Beach barns an cnnditi Owner lrlrislerud IVlilans by SCIIUDI opening East end built as model home many extras Three bedrooms fireplace screened patio harbequs undefined 10 Yes mortgage Principal interest and taxes clrried or $90 You lbntlld sen this orie Clli worms WITHIN iODAYS on 5w In all Hiehway 400 with excellent axpdlllle to traffic in both direc slisooooen siropisce in zo livinl rosin spacious kituluii with dining III bedlflbflll Erick Garals with liilflhedvpliifl Ind Plvld drive Hdt Wltst misprint Error which do not REA ROSE es Fouli oi ssrrie dlulh mi mun aaom lireplscc sunporeh susehed use well kept bn aim down psymsnt bedrooms in n11vinl loom estr ism kit chen luu huemrni oti hesunx nrsre lam luthulv 51000 down payment two storey brick rooms isms int Id 165 lusts Owner will held bli sncs in one mansEs EAST END LNG ouutlndinl hldmom hunxsiow illtn linilhed recru tlan room in mlhflllny Pllnk ply ubie llrlle ans of the ni may loin in in usl and owns innsisrred to Tori onio Issoo sskins prics lisneh style hunsslow bedroom attached me one block rms has sicp sod iwobioeks Irom Dominion Stn Owner irsnslcrrco in Inn don Immedlm possession slim annssisw lhspn liv ing snd dining bedrooms slu minum storms IndJcreenl on ished remciao room ism isnd esped lot mu ism ssrsss tum Thre bedroom bungalow pins no bedroom kitchensits and toilet ln basement iuily dlt scspcd lot sxtrs llns Earn WEST END slum lo room two stony brick home idssi lor the lugs sinin nomc $1000 down payment with in hrs on obs marinas at that 310500 bedroom on and till storey home large living room on hosting clue to now lhnppllu contra OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES Conniil Hand PAlaniek sum bedroom vial and dlnlnl room combination nu busmsnt insend air oil heliinl double at uched bressty own will hold cs on nnn mnril Phinswick three bedrooms livlii room kltchnn tiled piecl bh tiled full basement inrcnd air oil lielint Equipped with slu miniim stems and screens sui Ige This is the nicest bungalow that have been rlvsn tbs on on iunity to all or some time on must make an sprmlnimsni to In it now it you An in the mar ket or this typz or home Down Pument $1000 Ind ihl billion on one mortnusi and kitchen piece bathroom on belting lune ioclicd Just on this outskirts or Barrie lmmsdista possession Balm on one mart eluding lnisrest Taxes About $8500 Full Pricl 00 FARM lOO ACRES loo acre mm iocsted in Oro Township Large bsrn snd drive shed room buck house modern kitchen 11 roots in loot rep1r Full price only 310800 with $4000 down plvment sod tho bsisncs on one sportsre CALI DAY ON EVENING PA 82379 REALTOR is COLLIER 5mm BRENTWOOD FARM 12a ACRESA $10000 Make $3000 by acting now one moo nsy Included with this productive acrelza Ire mod ern smsli equipped trsu good line or implement meni shed 15 scrcs road but and berley crop is purchased before cpmhinins so scrss red clover Sea allusion awnln LOVELY BARRIE HOME $15900 PRESTIGE mDUSTRIAL rounds and residenthi ares alusble denture is 522 font rant JAIL remaining centul city Must be sold suitable arrnerd Possible to sub Call Emerson Swain Terms that carry for so monthlyr includin taxes cui Rita scandrett Your tho but at whsst 114 MELROSE ST Priced right $15500 Invst Lshlped brick bungalow with attached zsraas csutuni deluxe kltchsn REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL EA ONE DUNLDP smzzm EAST in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES evmmcs cams LIIKme ROGERSPA Hm Imus Bum Home IZAL ETA IOAID CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PROPERTY FOR BALI REAL ESTATE PROPISBT FOB BALB mm down pnsmeni Bunxllnw com ividus min In Mammal Mm Dont lorw is room And many SEESTEVENSONS PA ms in Dunlap st OPPORTUNITY FORAMRUYIR wrrli 000 case Phone PA min mu minimPA Iso 0WD JONESPA I79 HAVE YOUR HOME CUSTOM BUILT I10 YOUR LIKING Barries Newest Subdivision BARRIE VI EW Located of anview Drive near Huronis Drive1h under construction September gt GORD HOMENDEVELOPMENT LTD GORD SPRINGPA DOUG noun 048 HOMES BY CROSLEY BERNICK 33 Dunlop 81 COREYPA dual room brisk proposed sits ow sohnol on An VinAiling natures nruc with dimt sc cen in homo and wubroon sic run pric atom Néis eompllie with lid Ind relrixel NJLA thres bedroom brick bun star Use or was and dryer stanl Rodocnrltcd manually nth with PA class umansm ibrss room Islam lfllched in ilel colored in storm and semen sun I1 Shirl rum awnoom bunssiow or phone PA saw by owner Vsneouvsr strut run prlr oddd new 111000 TWO LARGE Room or wnlyplymcni can he smoked unrurnishcn Telc hons PA 01084 or fiber Grdund floor cuisrl PROPERTY FOR SALE CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 81 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONE PA HIM PA sow lmilii CampbellPA 57m nrxiu GarveyPA ems limber or dis Barrio In bushland MOVING in usnaior your INSURANCE on due utn cairnn RENTALS ARK EDEN NURSING HOME BUILT FOR THIS WORK aided and up patients OHoliday guests Kind cureTV launKo Beside Lake On and two bedroom Ivlrtmlnll miss Prlva snirancs phoos PA M159 DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $98700 All Homes Completely Modern and Finishe Every Detail Garages Included FOR APPOINTMENT TO INSPECT DAY on NIGHT PHONE LEECH PA 82670 PUBLIC AND alas SCHOOLS BLOCK PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT AmAcrlvs winterized bunn Iow our large rooms hot sud flmgfigouaggn Ellgum mum halting Telephone PA as or Comm moor lniormsiion Telephone Minion lBiild strand nsnco Ontario any Place Toronifl coilecL FARMS FOR SALE IARM son sate ins is menu stock rillry herd Ind lk UNIURNIHEZD Apartment with In contract milk pipe line now privsis bath and entrancs Heated Two miles irom Eimvsil md heavy wirins iv to wu Tsiophons Violin Eimvals MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABI FOR Consolidation of Bills Horne repairs etc No BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 64 month to repay SEABOARD BISCOUNF 14 Dunlop Sf gt PA 66477 MORTGAGE LOANS INO solves To pay on all your Norman SheIsweII REAL ESTATE BROIEE PA 89801 PA 88742 FUNDS AVAILABLE1 TL AIMEN0 FEES CHARGE SAVE NOW ymehtThese new homes just completed consist large living room large kitchen attached gar paved driveway walks landscaped and completely decorated in and out in Storm and screens supplied Situated in ratt Road just East at st Vincent plus many extras only $14400 and eluding taxes To see these beauti this office meal DUNLOP ST timer MOnTOAOn or $987 Down Pa at three bedroo age lots of closet sndded These homes ar cluding the basement very nice residential street Full price for all this will carry ior $108 per month in lul homes call Joe Loogtin space area on osiansiin iA iim mm shsuwsii Oro sols nowrd Norris rA HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 9a BAYFIELD sl PA salsa NORTH EAST NHA lam hrlsbt kitchen living room and dinin HENDERSON yens old and excellent conditl PA Hui PA m1 ul Two nooM tarnished spsrimsnt Will hlistil NR EIRI AND MICHIE 15 Owen Sin Barrie PHONE PA was To pay oil Mortgage Combine ist and 2nd Mortgage manyworthwhile purpose Fh DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD urea inched gulls and nicely land This home is only as been kepiln Owner been translated And will accept It rend shin down meni raoNE PA was Appointment to lu home lilm Sherar Balance Brick Bungalow central on bus routs nsw anni brick bungalow newsp otnsrdwood ivlnl room as hnlunr on to snpsntn selling pric ss arranlcd TriLevel sinins room kitchen is builtin stove oven iour piece bsih room with and three piece hstii with mom possession Mort Brick bungalow kitchen three Piece bath Per mun prie Borrow Monthly In yrs $1600 3789 $2000 $2500 noon in me is c1 and public schoo 3500 Telnix to Member or asrris sod District as eons wmivds CALL EMORY MILLER JOE PALMER KARL MARSHALL mpiefNomTAmfi MARG 5mm Living room PA with exhaust PA 6086 PA 591 are 4023 Pas7535 teous service BARFRIED ENTERPRISES Blrris rssidsntl clli cpcutor and ask or ZE Mun N0 TOLL CHARGE Omen clil Gullah TA 1408 Member Ontrid Morin Brokers Association MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE Immediately lo consnildhtl debts Iy nil cxistinz mnnllles hom ctc Call or up PA OMB dint over Sim sonhiclrl nuniop street sdoBTaAGEsuist an and bousht sold and Ind residenth annoys leaned on existing mo so Illa Broken H5 mmm $5000 ONLY 47c FOR WEEKS ASK FOR JMNITEQAN scRESCENT JNANCL 26 DUNLOEsuALESL ASK FOR BILLSIMMS PAS0203 mmmmms EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE or Barrie Ind district shin new business with tremend ous Allyalr demand equipment Idvertllinl Include Enx Blrril ilrspla All dra Full price to rem medist no 9°93 llrl iivinl room prism on tn inciudi 25M with when Busmess MedeMuu marnu rlzonoo par he rule 000 with hookups purchuer I00 down pportunity anme mover approximlteiy Five yell less wnd hill pri 15000 down slorrlnspectlon to tbs room house in drive shed all in berries creek thrnulh pro arty for Trout pond also upload gr el pit no this property Priced to sell We vs down wlnti id movements Imam mm lisp shle any time Large lsndsclpnd est with upon COMMERCIAL SITE monommumn lens wiihin Git on El hw 40a Investment or handgun We halls retired cnupis wantin 21013595710 sting léclsldflifl Hhixhthsy In mm Mus exhfihmfin wish to sell csu this niflcl now Evsolnss cell TimesPA MOOREPA um Member Toronto and Ontario nesi gusts hoards HQSCARBATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE IVY zsllll FARMS so to 250 acres Three wsu located lilo Iciu iha clover IInd sh or terms wig srssnu lint moitnges Grey Trust60 cm arranged misu home in Allinlime or we and area It you have ons you PA Mm phons Bob Fiswllllnl TandyMilesme lter hours odors EAiron 715A DUNLOP ST Next door to th impenli Then PA 6643+ Memhsr OI Elsi Rnll MI vacrd CONTEMPORARY qfleMETvT ONE ONLY temporary dwelling rooms isrga liv Ind Didirid 190 Acres or less for mixed Irm mm ins christmsr chonl and shopping in insks 9m bedroom lilm Inch terms Built by Georle Davis Clll Rita Schndreti OLDERHOME Emmi uniTn as Thisrius home is in sis ellnnt con New NHA can with clrpnrt in rnnm isrss hitchsn JulJanitor bedroom tiledblthrnnm with colored lil tiircs And vanity boards soddcd to Mslroscnuekw builder mflr shear ii rlrnic tom cov mp nly nonoo Terms is Ecru over more pines10 to diiion Newly decorated close 12 years Old sprinr mk Elm to downtown Osrsss sndsli convenien Phone Percy Ford in upon any tsrms will he helmoniy do dny mnTGUTImm rivs rooin bungalow on Isrge lot Four piece hllh Full nsnnt with bread llr Percy Fnld trainini Pncticll hone number xlminar son sAus East Plan rher ample space Priced rlaht with his rtlm oi cuP oration Larg good location cornm orth Phone owneh is ALLEN PA 84181 SHIRLEY AVE iwo stony stucco house six larls sunpsreh washroom full basement lsrss lot larlzn mild Adqwil payment 89 carry Immediais os PA mat nos Inlwer call PA 750 oml Ind to vuiago north or nsiils two chairs or cxpnnsln any terms or quick nhono PA Hm so acres near New Lewis room house Ind spring crsek For runner iniorms Diopefllel contct mu on then fine IVY Second nil heat uni colicIi Mrs Eleanor Maw Oscar Eatesv iron nvnunniArn nis rentd shop 11 Hill Street cell Excalisnt candi Tsunami overlookinu hay cant rlily locltld illncriIhroll li Tho ilinl dspnrtmani nvi noon mull brick bunn bedrooms room all lieled immsdlltl possession Con ilci Elfl Cllilnd 40 Judla Farris Dntsrlo low or solo Iiln llvinu room noon hsiied apmmsnt with sum and rides Hot wstsr sup gjmil Ccntssl laclion csu PA Two amaoom uniurnishsd mmanu nlw refrigerators and over Illth Ind drysrx Aniliv shin immsdinte Telsphon PA in lilm Street BIrril BAIT INDThree bedroom hunl slow with llrden $115 per month rent islephons PA sIosd or lur thsr lniorinstlon Pumaimn apartment Two rooms with si trinntor avs able at once Ap Eiy 12 Burton Ave Tclsphohc wet Two BEDROOM soil contained uniamishrd apartment grounii loot csntrsl Aillndlle Host drn lupplied monthly AV soil Sepiambsri PA Hail THREE Room brick bunnlaw ihres piece hath Lshnped living and dining room Finished recre silon room and Attached sirac 8115an month Toicphons PA hot Ind cold water Suitable for one or two adults Avsilshlo now Telephone PA More eveninn or iurthdr particulars NEW AND Modern one and two bldmom apartment rinokin we tar srkln and Janitor lcrvicl tnclu ad utomstto wsshlns clutter PA 3490 FURNISHED odsrn Ipsrimrht Kitchen break nsnk tile hath bedroom living room withvinw 01 in Near Elli End Shoppinl Plan Telephone PA $7184 Two BEDRODMJPIILIIIII new decorated priv entrants front Ind back has hardwood And tlls floors rhinz tacillilu Availsbie Sspl Telopnnnc PA M717 or detlils New room kitchen three piece hath privltc entrance heated class to stores banks schools Ind bus stop Apply iimn sh be twen 1111 urrnit nurnax unlurnilhed modern heated Two bedrooms ism uvina room sod kitciisn Vary close to nsw shoppi plus Ichnull snd downtown Telephone PA 141 pufloeli Map Stunted class to downtown New Ostation wagon available or Elm Owner must nilbeinl transfers mwmuan and an all IO house in plausnt nlllhborhgd m°gfiaal° Aria nonsaaTO rim dent month For iuu films train owner apply BOX 85 BARRIE EXAMINER sumAmoAD are miner Want Add NOiarl RENTALS 4ARTICLES for SALE Am adusan To him mmm our mm mm EATER The MATS Wm mm mm sins nxla local to nun as srimsni with tam olcce $1 um renting Tlirphono PA non 3c PER DOZEN comnnnln con and two bad MIMWW lflm Conlrliiy loclird And hosted In sonsis rent rslsphsns rA um manianonizsiA 5N5 innrm ApmmInL um uvinr MOEnFAT room bedroom dinnttc modlrn Wars Radioman PETERS Irma rlsohoni PA kitchen with ROV uid rIleIrr idl antral Bil1n ll pn It In fligh BIG REDUCTIONS so nilamt rt Wm at the sales tax in 35 ROBINSON mum HARDWARE Amman hw vr 33 DUNLOP sr EAST hallill non IIIr dept PA 8mi Trlehniin PAHIVI losglnrther $1 mufwgfl EILLYDUR Todd 3qu 31hfifl HInLlnl tram no month my PA shoes Luck mind BLUE svsiisblc culet srcs nel rs ho pins pins and hospii Ap 1007 nunmed Quality in ecus 5E Toiapiionu PA sofas and Tm on ssiz contain 00 And as three room rtment nailed nd Emit iwiiihs mm FREEZER HWFRESH MEATST AT THE LARGE hrilhi Furnished hnulc LowEST PRICES Rel11 Email ant stuvs Illkd in suitable to than who wish so on or so amp int Tole lions PA suoi iorpmrs Wmmr ihur pl culln Ii your PEER DUPLKX two bedroom KLEERPAK red Apoly Campbcil Amip ironed $35anfim nuns iscluuu sensesiiu ms no child wslcomc Tols huno PA unis between sin ps pan upfsrerendgeilluvev uni Two noolii rumiihcd bseblor moment with balcony or not RETREADS ROOOCOT tad C101 twin Availn1 immedisioiy vigil 5t FOR SUMMER DRIVING llel Tlllvhflnl PA AT DOMINION TIRE screams iIv Ito sis il STORE old Tsicphons illta scsndrn 110 BRADFORD ST PAVE161B any unis Em muRNisnan upsisus ons had room sriment in west end Holt ctricity ind water in plied Avsiisble September is cations PA M915 nmmnzrm nd Gnriinl reno iiows nd Stumps removed Apply Two aeonooni hams with thre pleasfl bath plan to general nice it ens ar INGM HlNB month Telsphooe PA Mus sh 3351210 $53131 or noon worktnr order Apply 15 flawn rimst lvs room apartment misc can wand as three bedrooms iivinr room and khan Pips included Also 1x5 not inn Telephone PA c1226 three es2hisids $5352 mum mm mcni Good condit on so inn illlr deilils telephone PA lflafl imam adorn two bedroom mun 3mm mam Irlnient in Stroud Apartment hgml Mum Marni hesvy duty good condition nesi bursin st sis Apply 50 st rction to bibles No pail Us or imirnining pool Avsiishls now 55 1mm monthly Toicp one stroud is Wunym cork 1mm Em lilh Inmth ll 18 Also tho fifisfiggfcfnéflgfhflffl one and Masonite mml sult tsinsd nest snd supplied mflhw PA 35 ctosc to downtown Avsiisois Se teinbsr Tee hon PAIR AaPisAlrr nnWEWAYs Talc flakPA mu Dishebrlrrlnd ll Drum nbertecteond Jud inrnsronsbly Apply at 25 nun lop strut West Amacma two room spsrt merit in Alisndais completin beam PARLDE Equipment or iuroisned stove wildcatm sale everything neeosssry lol two bundsncs or hot water isundry some Dryers chain eln facilities linens it dsiireil And mg thL in mm muummgdisisiy Tolnphenn rs MIDI SPECIAL Canadian Natiunll Ibi ltllmlsimn Upper Duplex vflv hibition Prices singer round babe to entrance two bedrooms no Iconomy no1 my p50 in room kitchen nd dint sinus Sewing Machine company Sundeck ovsrlnnklii buy not mm PA 960 wstsr hutan with oil Lots o1 cupbosrd rpsc Lsundry mili 1mg cuesrmmhn chain ties Talarho PA 2198 riroplsco tes Wagon dlnins pointmsnt chsin snd three tshlcs clock sun sod many other nrticlcsAPply vs ROOM BOARD warslsy st Apsrtmeot EAST END one bedroom heated unfurnished Iplrtnient vri Adults darted Telephone PA sIioz Two noolvl tarnished apartment and private bath liet hydro Ind water included Csniui $55 monthly Telephone PA 957 ll ier l5 7111 for lurther particulars wor room unga low or rent llrte living room and kitchen three piece bath Avali Jot Telephone Strand Elrll HOME modern Sunnidsle and Ann street district two bedrooms in ished scorenon room amon shle to carelui tensnti is owner Telephon PA in time nthbedroom apartment siso one bedroom both have private Intranets and bllh Avail Ibis September Tsiaphnno PA 8star FURNIan room apartment and hydrov inpphcd sundry room suitable for two business girls coup Telephone PA Mail on DJ MODERN on bedroom uniurn mplrtmentfsinvcIndre superstar supplied Lsundry lac nuluesmo srkins canirsiiye oer cated Ava sole September TsiephnnuJA com Two is ROOM srtnisnti is furnished downtown location Pri vsts cntrsncs uundry sell Halted sknis sp TE phone PA Hm days PA szm aveninls THREE ROOM heated unmrnishsd spartmnnt Private bathroom ii on round iioor Pri sts versnd Wu or and dryer lflp plied Pfefllncel Iguana Free Parking lephnnn Him or PA sIutiz one BEDROOM modern kitchen iivlnl roam bsth unfurnished district Apply ills Pant or plums PA 1016 UNFUmsIIED nicely located apartment two bedrooms livinl room kitchen bathroom large our hotwatsr sud heavy duty stnvs vsllshle sept TclsphonsPA N104 FOUR nooni unnunlshnd spart mant healed lui contained Con Lula int Giraud countlto ferrld Ont Dhnnn 13111 basement Ir n3 unfurnished sslr cont niiikrmiio obioctina In entrance Avsiishls Septembsr TOWN ROOM AND hand or gentlcmsn Ammo sum collectors All your needs supplie nu1 figs Pgkgxaflfi It the new Stamp Ind Coin Sto si 11 asyrleld Street asrrle out imammun APTS HOUSES WTD sII dsy asiurdsy Do You HAVE THE arscIAi cm Prices The Famous Sin er st icOMhtlc Zhg POSSIBLE obligenova $15950 Slizeutham tolt An nthlent with two tllrlci dsy st your singer Sewing Cen three or and tour bedroom is tre 28 nuniop strct West PA wanted by our lady telchsn Mm plytoacsoqamiomm sPitclAl Clusdlln National Bx hihitinn rlccs Sevenl good used jiglair nwinl Machines from cit in Co as Dunlopn Street West COTTAGES WANTED Telalrhon PA em faculimmcixehgiar for ma sis ac msns cu now mo LARGE ior v50 Many other mnk and models in chcnss from To COTrAGE phone PA Midi mnnnndinnNauonsi Ex 0R hihition Prices $30 off on All slant needle models Singer Ss Lug Machine Company is Dunlap SUMMER street West PA eisso films bl HOME Whigs yszx aiding Term down Per Week is innStar WANTED TO shire Tho stun for 1962 summer season Three 56595 °h5d°°m Summer co CAMERA asinn Olympus Auis isge adjacent to good swim pys Fully suiomsiic disphnom murmflflhmmawr snuiiorAtolsoorcoupicdmge ii dr and filters Like My POIHIKESWIER 395W séw $3033 Telcphnna PA ton area am arsclslr Csnldlur Nationl Ex hlblti Prices SINGER Floor Write BOX 100 clung snd Polishers Special di tsduri theExhlhltinn Barrie Examiner si1swi€L nine 2a is Bunion St West Tsiephona PA Include photoif available was FRUIT VEGETABLES ONIONS smlii vhits picklinl All COTTAGES TO RENT sixes oi cucumbers also Dill reen lid Cochin onto ad bedroom Wm clvaryflshli1 Elgiieldnsst my Bosch iisssonsbie or remainder of se Phone PA 34497 DOGS PETS 11 hi tin di tel gtTALKING BUDOIE tormale green Child to hosvstzpNicc $idcuiiii ARTICLES SALE main with standup Icagh sonhie Telephone PA siioiit Io gt iurther dctsils Home Auctgm Rooms muons all031115 Clll ron sAhs Jasmin econdHOHdSffi rtTo an nlzziflit VIDUNDOP 81 WM altar 530 mm or tsispbon PHONE PA was PA 544 alter M0 p111 smash Slant Nsodilchwinl ins and homeslim it or chins ieiis regularly or 9mm mouth Tslcphonc PA 6003 HAVE YOU TRIED com lets with Illanor and at crescent Home In Dunin st we A1 mm tschlinsnis Take on psymcntl West gt bsisoco owiar psymsnt child TcidphonlPA 106 ai PA 3310 or 000 Writ to Box Han arm nssnin

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