mammm mneontuounuflufl than Advances 32a 9311 ï¬nd ¢1°Ple Forts Politics To Take Back Seat mpress Pearkes We do not understand changes at VICTORIA ant Chlet Ambrose Munitions gegsï¬mzcdrgirnLE 231 pmflnï¬ï¬‚ufld my in our gaugingyd to than Mr prï¬mh 110 hYuxmw ï¬lm at all in our eeonomle Diplomats nth sel coastalk isgfmmriilagzs 133 £352 my 3331 211 memmï¬Ã© Erode Say Mlgflungselgl 1va mm and as basket and so earold mask 1h Communist trouble are not n7ff2mmflu which he added ti his collection 35er mm antiCommunist Just not inte nyearold veteran of two world mm Pd bo mm It is continuing battle by mmflfuuw my Bel yu dined on barbecued and crochet work Yugoslav mums math go In as had its revolution man watched tribal dancer At each 5101 the 8M is youngstuers pectin tried on grotesque headdreues SignJor more sophistich ones in the nw and had village baseball teams mm mm elm The party is doing bet WESTERN LOOK intgeduced to him by masking €23 gem man In ter job with the country youth Clad in blue zenith or an ya an gm who city boulevards or was deeply lmï¬reï¬m by 15 El gedï¬hihzaiménmz BTW slnccvthe eathu in am Mm ml the games that be Union Jack centred by the 80 5° 35 19 WENin PM gt an SWï¬uï¬ made in all the Indian villages coal am man struggle rm m9 rammfï¬ coun ryl po Swingingwaft ALSoliItuln FinnishCana Med 1611 Jean and ialop nggyï¬gï¬azï¬ffbgg traditio ot whicheth arouse an mum Mam 55 map they are In Pom ninx to think at owning cars buuhe land group of small boys The problem oI youth ls one Some yam have acquired mi hggsucms magi asked Can you tire to gun that you an airing almost daily mm and ma nning mam em Canadian living sir realtee milled but the In the Yugoslav pressi mm Wm mm Iused to commit himself He PolitikaaBelgrede dollyre universm Menu The IP afforded Em °°n whispered to Capt John Charles centiy interviewed Mlku lri Md by the mic and many trasts for MoiGem Penrklsi commnnoer oi the Asslniholne pale president oi the central to be Ema under rm who since his resignation ns de vand lam chars comnï¬ummmum Bee Perl fence minister last all tnthA untes hut the government is British Calmme Heme honmcdtrnnrrlï¬oflar ol Yugoslawn lie complained mundmg mmle on me mme Integovcrnnr has largely been allowance to force slackers oil occupied at Govelnlnenl Renee the campus and into jobs the Iszoooooo midcncc that Iom Industry er Jill government has taken wimflEfmVWBWEEVHEWT over on Suggested By Economic Study helmn mostween are road gangs of boys and girls myguiï¬gervcimflaifntéflf By DAVID DANCIA shift trim industry to servicesJ1talplng to build Yugoslaviua limbo cunoien hm Stall Writer in the study which was co new hishwny system No one is on til qualms an the we was LONDON cmHave can girlssafflttieytggpilil ugly iigd jlitnnn eelegyany hilt vmmuvuumug the was ad and mud 5m pan me two Noï¬h American have vacation They only work giftggngsy lngwï¬s somedmaovxzw Wm em countrics st invarinhiv Part of the div Afterward am wage Residents 01 um my phasls Wm be less on hummus seemed to prove the exceptions comes swmmlng campï¬res to the rule and all the trimmings ot settlement have turned Pentii Dads and more on chmMu costnl and are repainting the 5mm 0M 0f Um general Conpiu picnic few Indoctrination sions wit that the increase In coursos are thrown in but on °d 10mm 59 the new study on growth in the mans output in year rather the whole it is tree vacation 95 last century suggests this than population increases nc with good food and EOM Im vmflfliuagméegkgc32 We may expect some shift taunted he parlunfly remmmend Irom industry to services says 15 was than in pliacetlme They also Sudyrlmiismd 1° produced the slowest cacetime rate am higï¬eieï¬ï¬ï¬mï¬w rent review at the National ln Canola the Netherlands and gromi stltute of Economic and Social 19 39 ne id 01165 JUL Indians of Opltsaht Village on Research In 559 countries WW1 mimics lgzï¬llflxrarllgglnnrsanhagcm ghï¬sgngilaihin ï¬nrgamï¬gt it would be dangerous to on so plums about El Irom three to six per cent Wickanlnlsh It has been used draw ï¬rm conclusions from the mm Pd°° These included Jillian Norway by hereditary chieIs the upcrience the last to years WAR slums GROWTH ltaly Germany France and band tor generations and means but it seems possible that the The North American countries NehefandSA band at wolves because leg process has started in Cannon also are the exceptions to the Canadas production rate in end says the Ciuyaqnnt people the United States and Sweden general pattcm during two mu creased at an average rate of descended Irom wolves the study adds jnr world wars and severe two per cent your during the Mn pcurkes walked through This is natural outcome or depressloiii decade compared with the lung uw Village between Edward the development patterns at the They showed higher rates at term roe since 1672 oIl7 pe Joseph hereditary chiel and North American nations For growth dining theflwm pkllLdSt cent zonally Alexander hereditary decadesvrworkmdeffï¬ie farms EVERY WEEK TN THI anme isewnd Chief They were gala and hemch for steady employ POPULAR Wm WIDTH imedals awarded their ancestors m9 VIMES and Wmk ltln 1880 by the president at the Ships United States for sav ng ip SERVICES IN DEMAND wrecked seamen Therm almost no sub BY JAY BECKER In mixture of old and new cesslnl As their real incomes custflms Indians dBnCEd the Increased they Inun it they North dealer vantagenus in case spade W0 and SEYPOD dances wanted more services along Nmlhsauh vulnerable was led it the lead came up to fwhile the women of the band with tho goods they bought his hand mgme and sad°h In addition to this the econi 133 WES opened the nine of spad HISTORIC LINK mists say the rapid rises in eg i7 59h Sm The lieutenant governors riculturnlï¬and mantltacturinz AQ With the qua Stisgnaling party also landed at historic productivitv Il not seem to lie mJ the 58 MIG taking Friendly Cove where Chief Ma matched by enrrurnnding in WEST mar 99 nds °f mis decm quinne had greeted Captain creases in distributiona lac 95 411576 355 the queen of dia Cook in me direct descend tor whn should hasten til 72 minds and cashed the ace mwnnmmemgon Bottom Km Ea 50 maniac Fort wuz wtsmmw om Eggs Aga Qnoe led spade to the ace and 59 fyggpuw 55 55 citAura MW soum lhreiv West Into the lead With zip or All his ausvaomtgm cizowpuwu GROWS TELEVISION PROGRAMS in new 33nd letth result at declarersi msiï¬wof We thLuueuer Jeanrow AT GANDEK man my whiskunis we on son mien LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE JULIET JONES CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE gt loresight in cashing the ace spades led the ace South rut DAY AUGUST 21 not Sumo Circuit erz zï¬gnltilnr nounnup one Checkgntn North East South West enter dummy wm sail Huckleberry Hound mo Parade Pm three of diamonds which he News Headlines limo Country Junction had caretully preserved got rid PM gmnellusrknet taagas 1030 Pet Gum Htsspaneloserohnie king Dun Jamieson 15 glee Wemï¬mn at clubs and thus made the grammeta Dieml nggugéfgï¬ Dpeningrleadnlneofnspadg slam It was wellplayed hand Bachelor nether 1153 Decoy It seems that no two people At the other cooler is dilre 11urfllllllioanlslanzlnnl mwnv AUGUST 25 bid alike in bridge and this on 55 ader vi Tm Pm serum is Where the NorthSouth hands ngain THEY WERE CALLED DINOSAURGANROAMED 50LLYGHANDMAWHN Â¥Kéisx Lao Movie min Outpost more forcibly in dp North opened With diamond LEAer MILLIONS oYEARSAaoI Reamer 300 flgï¬gï¬ï¬am wigfgmu humndgkwheme but here East ovorcalled with Tho neitherm lntcrvlewx Clltnonl plays the same hands spades South went directly to Mum five diamonds and West made €231 93 Cum This deal occurred in team match nd the hr di What seemed like sound dou Nm For NEEWtienunlinu table waeni as slgovyng aï¬m Evande F555 and EaSt Int AuGUsr Invisible Monstcr ht 1h led the queen of clubs 5t Pattern ch It the CNE mg 99 The was not evte mm mm nepm trump instead of diamond pay ninhow sachet Don imluoh and might have raised to only Dada mad dummyv Wei glam Vg$rafï¬om two hearts instead high but oshed the queen and ace am 1m he pushed me and hi side diamonds and ran the hearts Clttflimn Music Red ltiver Jumbo West made 0111 one trick Yunlor Roundup Perry mm Wound up in six hearts is the king of diamondsfind North Eï¬lggï¬ifl 335MeJ£Jghoumnoifl made the contract With an ov en nï¬mtglzeBSCNE gagghrgwuew hearts He might have consid rem Market Report The Waltherman ered letting his partner Play E1 51 lift im oz gggleweaSEï¬r 5m ggmngbsnggg the hand in diamonds but the VESY Wsva 24 4355 72m Gnnrinnhn moi thought it would be mar ed dalmxs 130 The nehel Am Elmer $2 crroCHANNsL TORONTOW DAILY CBOSSWOBDé WEDNESDAY nuuusr noo plenum meow fitmieiiyhféum scenes am noon flriiybirds 11333 Iha genial LDrIentai children met me Moments Vin 5ndrts iosoï¬menemihnlufln 532 sums nanwild 33 dï¬tlit° SW envï¬Ã©meee Wm ghostgzlzInulgmnnn 12n NBWI witthensperu mthoroughly vtBnneInm 11 Cleans India =5 mm mm cw mime annular News Weather seam 1105 the and my 35mm Better Late zoo Channel Theatre gsmuwuthm Inert Salmon lt an gt coo Professors EMSWU mndmmafl THUMBAY Auï¬usr 1m CAMDIISIIMNERI women AND CHILDREN WliL at News €133 £23m iï¬mgu 95wa usx ANn ARERIFLEiFaRAtL siren onwrenouuoriooi rm and Easy Magic Moments in sport 13min 7Velblom gonhulnsrs wiio ANDSETIIEM RIFLEMMLWMOWEIR mm in mm New Weather minimum arms FROMTHEWLAGE °5E£2RETnis MAWWmilllllR WW Manama pa GRANDMA Ii Wi SDONALD nucx Cafe Mo hie oo Outdoor Boltzmann g3 hows so convert lnBuvax am Proteuorr Hideaway aoo Elg reneweaihii and Whlzlyblrds mo tint or the Matter MW deer orts 00 News Weather Sports blrd gum serum on no were we own as at ny en Best or the Past The my 231bc EM Lockuh 155 Epilogue 1+me contain jiiilss toil If your carrier has 2101 arrived by pm WIVES MDCKILDREN our IIIILDINGS CONVERSE ON MR SONGS HOUSE BUZ SAWYER please phone ï¬ihï¬zï¬ï¬fnd RAiNiNe 9242 Muso ND SKEETER