MONTREAL CPI Joseph Oppenheimer noted Montreal artist says Minister Macmillan is very charming helpful and cooper ative manat least for paint era hir Oppenheimer whose lense of humor and keen inter est in people belie his 85 years tormcd this opinion during three portrait sittings recently minister had to wait nearly year before could see him because little while earlier he had had to have is sittings for poitrait and everyone was airald would tmadiï¬ï¬nf the Ba varianltborn artist said in an interview But needed only three The British statesman isnt the only celebrity whose lea turcs have been captured by Mr Oppenheimers bnish The others include two former gov ernorsgeneral of Canada the Earl of Athlnne and Lord Bess Montreal 77 lloude Houde used to live ncarby two times he came for sittings his bodyguard came too Alter thottbough he came alone LIFELONG TALENT The fourth generation of painters in his inmily Mr 0p penheimer lelt school in his native Wurzburg Bavaria alter teacher told his parents he was spending all his study time drawing He was sent to Munich and there began the work which eventually led hlm to fame in ndon He still spends much of is time there The painters present home is By JAMES BAeON nonuvwooo AP De Hollywood has only two glamor girls leftMarilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfieldand he could write book on the problems at dressing them LeMalre fashion designer at 20th Century Fox for many years says Marilyn gave him his most anxious and embar rassing moments That was in 1953 when Mari lyn attended large dinnergin trafficstopping gown and put on hlpwavingoxhihition that shocked Hollywood Heres LeMuires versionz JMarilynsr sexy publicityhad brought on some blasts from womens clubs and her latest picture as result was not doing well The studio was wor ried Then come this dinner Dar ManucHead of the studio ordered me to dress Marilyn or the dinner Even Joe DiMaggio then her hoy friend called me to make sure there would he no slipups IN GOOD TASTE Ldesigned dress that was chic and in good taste it united sexy on her That couldnt be helped because we once proved that even burlap bag looked sexy onMariiyns form We ordered 7a special foun dation garment that gave her nice lines Then mink stole vas added coached her how to 3113 told her that when her ame was called she should aep the stoleon until she oouldmemoveï¬tï¬mfmake appearance in re ceiving the award She prom ised to follow my orders when her name was oiled slï¬ï¬mh door at the back of the hall immediatelythrew oit the mink stole and started that hipshak Tingwaik It looked like two puppies fighting under silk bedspread Marilyn had shed the inun dation garment The next day she called me as pig boroeghï¬nnd tholate Eolorrui DeSignerDiscussesProblems 0i Dressing Glamorous Stars signer Charles LeMaire says Britains Prime Jossrn nonhuman Bavarianhoinartlst now liv aiéihiEiEvEEhe Ahecityhelssoonrdrsw the painter recalled The first 55 kWh 05 him Sometimes the consequences are amusing remember once having dinner in restaurant and sketching portrait ol womar nearby he said As she wa leaving she stopped at my tabh and looked at the sketch Oh youre an artist she said said yes and then she said Eut what do you do for living Still Mr Oppenheimer thinks highly of Montreal women it had time he says Id paint them all foundation telt uncomtortahle just couldnt wear it few years later came Miss Mansï¬eld and some gowns that made Monroes look like muti muus Lemaire continued One day Jayne calmly an nounced to me that she was to be presented to Queen Elizabeth at command periormance got an instant ulcer All could envision was Jayne in lowcut skintight gown curtsying and sprawling But Jayne was serious about making good impression so laid down the law There must be no cleavage there must be long sleoyeselegance yes but nonyious sexappea1 Jayne agreed and it was against her mode of dressbut most important she obeyed The result was presentation in iadylike elegance Sun Pump To Hit WalerPbor iireas NEW YORK AP small merit box that turns the suns heat into eiectricity to run irri gation systemsfor sun Lrichr waterpoor tropical areas was announced Sunday The sun pump still under de velopment should he ready by End of the year it is de signed to pump water from depth of 20 feet to irrigate four acru land with 24 inches of water year Or it could supply enough well water for the personal needs of 1200 people enough 131 er per per son per day The sun pump was developed by Westinghouse Electric Corpo ration with the cooperation of the University of Wisconsins so lar energy laboratory The metalrhox is thermo electric generator able to turn heat inimelectricity It is held by rods at the focus of an eight foot solar reflector which on large scale resembles flash reilector tor camera The suns heat caused on the black clbarlie Im sorry but that sharpening iriotherin his méai this young swallow was all mouth at feeding Wcouverriporchironingtheir box is converted to electricity whieh runs th lime The birds made Van Artists Favorite Subject Prime Minister Ma ing in Montreal his pmmgfi tiny celebrities EMhsmhi Harold MauriillanNow as he holds his jlavorite work painting of his wife CP Photo ml 19 $499 VAIIUEI Sizes to 14 Charmineg styled Cotton Piaids for ailsea sons wear All with love ly full skirts and dainty detailing savé42l home Photo SAVINGS Buy now and if Cubans Leek Fats cmillan ForEriedzcooking By JACK BEST Clnadlan Press and Writer HAVANA mar nio key word in Cuba today is fmin tees Translated from the Spanish it means lard or Iota Mantecoor the lack of it has presented Fidel Castros revolutionary regime with stlfly problem For the wear story the regime has had to impose rs tinning Families will bsrestricted to one pound of lard and one pound oLcooklng all monthly or each nhovctbnfl of one year This is going to hurt Cublns normally coosuma an extraordi nariiyiarge amount of fat The government blamu American economic aggres sion for the present embar rassing situation claiming that the U$ is maintaining ariunT announcedoembargorngalnst Pofls oi inmtdCuha The US has traditionally beenCubas sole sirppllernell ng this country 98000 tons year It is fact that Ihlpments from the United States have ceased or practicallyceasedx LUCKYBUY CONTE CONTINUES noun CHARGEl1 ominn tannins eelail 277a sumz 341 tackrlhro xi Some observers however sm pect that Cubasdolinrshortage may have nsmnch todo with as any realorimPltned rm hlrgo SUPPLIED BY REDS They note that shortly alter the talk of an embargo was llrst heard here the government so 000 tons oi lard was coming from Communist countriel Cuba does not pay dollars for its purchase from the Soviet iiipm Killed in iiigeria rUnresl ALGIERS viReutersi Four teen persons six of them Euro peans hobo been killed and la others injured In insurgent nt Wmflniidiï¬ing tha last hour rronch niillti ary officials announced Monday night lhiTnnouncenientcame alter an angry crowd attacked and critically injured young Mos lem who threw grenade into an Algiers cafe wounding itva Europeans 5T FOR CHARGEIT T0 SEPT 9i ENTER NOWI mo BlllllYilllll rurovrns lhegovernm¢nH mï¬tlyi through importszdrom CUSTOMERS hloe it pm in kindsugar to bucoo lruh lruit Shortages hove been cropping up all over the place in Cuba during the last several months as the v5 embargo on most ex ports sinks in But none bu the lord shortage me word mlnteea is per haps the most oftheard word in the local lexicon Everybody talks about how difï¬cult it In to obtain it People queue up for long periods to get pack at it and otten have to go without Cooking oil is just as scarce or more market places there have been scenes oi nearriot or peo ple actually fought one another to geta can ol oil beloreths supply should run out Cuba imports most at Its cook ing oil tram Spain but it also makes some of its own lheCubnn peopia like their food fried sothey use lot of latmany times the one pound monthly now to be allotted They also like to douse certain foods for instance rice and sat ads with vegetable oil will be over in 18 months it is feverishly building up the countrys pig stocks no Canada ln the meantime high powsred campaign is being waged to get people to do less lryingjnd more of other types of cooking Recipce or plates WEiil SiiilllS $419 flï¬ud Sizes 141nm 5mm Long L°V51Y 3135519 Orlon sleeves made mm Style ash77 99jhaydn em DieL011 sketc ed lar White r951 Plllmg ab Iours balling mm Many new Primi Beaumul colours sizes colours 87 Rieiiftzls9Bririttne lGirls size 53 29 an oyS coours and charming styiei at 24 dirt sayings or illBulk Orion flinging Bu slivmrsrnm srrcmii onion me name zmmn wzoszsnn nucusr mi HUBEltl lr 01 Mimi she or ruï¬ï¬ï¬mgmu She doesnt like it ms nu posed to be automa 1111510 banEtheeggahy handvtu ithat do not require fat in thT re food is the fact ithlt cooking have been appearing in one newspaper Revolution the newspapers An indication porhopsnot the Cuban peoples obsession with No Down Paymentl And Remember ehool 0min for Girl or allots and enter the Contest 7siircmi REG $399 0r ion Popular neck style as he male approved eolours contrasting trim Goodlooking longlasting Sa vingspriced runovrn srzrs 2634 dcemcd it expedient to print in structions on how to make poached eggs on toast TiillilTYTSH0PPEBIS Buy New for the TBocktoSchool Setand Chars olt Customers are eiigibioro win Smortj in other merchandise Ask for your luky8uy Boy or equal value NOW Tlll BOYS Sronr snmrs 5le5 are Sanforized cotton Doe skin in prints and solid col ours Reg $199 connirnns washable Sizes 46x LITTLEoikt PULLOVER Sizes 462tJStyia as sketch ediniovaly colours washable Reg $199 21 Savlngsl 1797 EHSÂ¥Cilli£ JEANS cotton random SIZES hiz Hall=bnxerslto cord Saniorized 267 pun easy care LliTLEBOY SHIRTS Sizes 37 Longsleeves Grownup buttondown collar Ging ham plaids sroke nouns Dally 915 Wed pain nitrogen tll ooo pm ZELLER LiMlTEp PAWL