nmssaansaxssuxm Now EXPERIENCE mamas Auausrn not Dining In Space Without MOSCOW AmMa thr man Titov hiesday gave future space travellers tips on dining out of tubes from his own es pericoce aboard the globevgirdl log Voslck party newspaper Pravda Tltov There were no plates storks papkins Via the the first tube 0n earth it weiged about 150 grains about five ounccst But here in space it weighed nothing The space pilot said the first course was soup then meet and liver paste with black currant JUICE FLOATED law drops of the Juice dribbiedout and hung In front of my face like berries scooped them up with the cap from the tube andrswallorwed them Thewunrairtorcepilot said he had been taught by physlA clans how to drop off to sleep at will and described how he strapped himself down to the flight coue on the evening of Aug and slepL awoke because of some kind of strange position of my body he related saw my arms had risen by themselves and were hanging in the air Dishes He said he tucked his hands under the safety belt and went back to sleep LEARN IMPORTANT DATA Pravda said medianbiological flight was at tremendous signif icance not only for space mod icine but for biology and medl icine in general Tim said ons difficulty he en countered was orientatlng his movements about the spaceship because of unpleasant disturb ances in his inner ear tie said he used handoper ntcd film camera to photograph the earth through his portholo from which he earlier said he was able to distinguish tilled fields from green pastures Its also photographed the IRS which ranged in all the union of the rainbow from the illumiost ed earth to the black sky litov claimed he could do everytiag and made regular entries in his log book and used pencil and paper He also said he did exercises and car ried out observations as ordered in his flight plan could direct my spaceship could orientate it felt was master of the ship and in com plete control He said that at times the earth appeared to be overhead Alan nresuiL of wleghtless ness British Guiana May Become CubaType Thorn In Side 118 By BORIS MISKEW Canadian Press Staff Writer Washingtons patience will likely be tested to the limit as British Guiana goes through its final stage of change from colony into an Independent Com monwealth country This final stage was setin motion with the first general election under the countrys new constitution The new gov ernment to be formed by the dominant Peoples Progressive Party will lead British Guiana to internal selfruler Dr Cheddi Jngan Chicago trained dentist heading the PPP has indicated he will demand immediate full independence within the Commonwealth and Britain has agreed in principle to independence within 12 months TOUGH PERIOD This period could be the most tricky in British Guianas his tory The attitude of the neigh boring South American States as well as that of the United States may have bearing on to countrys future political de velopment Jagan has stated that he will seek US financial aid under plan agreed to earlier this month at the inter conomle Conference at Punta also said he will accept aid from the Soviet Union Will the Americans be able to stomach British Gulanaa dealings with Communist counlt tries Or will they make it necessary for the emerging na tion to choose between Com munist and Western association To force the issue could drive lagun and his followerssome are described as pure Com munistsaway from the West ern bloc or even raault in Cubatype thorn in the side of the US TWO LEFTWING PARTIES There is little difference pol itically between the PPP and the second most important party the Peoples National Congress also leftwing group Forbes Burnham the PNC leader was Jagans associate before breaking away in 1955 The third party the right wing United Force led by Peter Daguiargot little support des pite hacking by US money Both the PPP and the PNC say they ave no plans for im mediate socialization Jagan whose party speaks for the in dian rice farmer and the field workers on the sugarestates denied specifically that his tionali del Este Uruguay But he has Iisir Study OiOrienial Countries suicides to Col JRACEBRIDGE CP The Ontarl Federation voted Tuesday it the cdn nation department to included study of Oriental countries in the curriculum of teachers coi iegea The decision is an outgrowth of 10 earproject launched in 956 United Nations Ed ucatlooal Scientific and Cultu ral Organization to improve EastWest understanding The tederations board of gov ernors also set up committee to study history and geography as taught in Ontario schools tol iowing statement from lVfacNamaia head of the history department of Sir James Dunn sugarestates now controlled by two British companies Collegiate and Vocation at School in Sault Ste Marie Mr mEEN reopens dian history should be taught as an entityunrelated to that of other countriesto contribute to national culture He also thought geogra by in struction should be reexalinined VUIES FOR SITE The board also voted to spend $211000 during the next ilvs years to develop site in Parry Sound district as teachers recreation and training area The LZWacre site is planned as vast education centre rival ling Geneva Park on Lake Cou ebiehing the meeuagwastoldFIKRA Aotress Portrays By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD AmMiriam Hopkins is back making movie after decade off the screen She Isplaying her 9wnannt Explanatio In theChildrens Hour she the aunt of Shirley macLaineiwvho has the role Miss Hopkins played when the Lillian Hellman drama was filmed in 1336 as These Three Complicated You bet So is listening to Miss Hopkins who canerattlelon charmingly about almost anything The best way to interpret her Is to turn the tap on the pick selections at ran om The earlier picture Oh dear were not supposed to talk about that No guess its all right because Iheard Willie Wyler who directed bothver down over one eye remember telling myself Oh goodia now Ill look like Marlene Dietrich Ma temperamental never was Prooiof that is that made fonrpietnrerwithWilli Wyler who is very demand ing director made two with Reuben Mamoullan who is the same Two with Ernst Lubitsch such dear man When you are asked to work again withsuch directors you cannotbetem just like social life You arent going to be asked to some bodys house again if youstink up their party Yes know the Legend is that Bette Davis and were supposed to have had feud Utter ru bbia The Whrncra publicity department triedv to dream that one umnthoy PRICESEFFEC IIVE AUGUSI 28 24 25 26 lOBLAW QUALITY BEEFFOR UNIFORM TENDERNESS seem BLADE soNERmoiEo CHOICE plans Roasr SPECIAL SPECIAL serum IDEAL ion to ROASI Leon Bolieloss BltlSlel SPECIALI IDEAL FOR MEAT LOAF Oil HAMBURGERS EXTRA lEAN MINCED BEEF séscml CHOPPED BEEi martenEs sass snozEN FISHPAN READY CHOICE HADDDCK FILLEIS smvuurrmwvw 5mm 39 RIB ROAST 399 CROSSCIIIRIB Rosier 39° 55° 35° ILI PMI lODlAWS LEAD WITH OUTSTANDING PRODUCE VALUES Illl AIIITDCMT DI THI CRAPI WDRLDI ll BLACK 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With Coupon Purchase one LLB aAo NAVEL ORAIIGESï¬ frlrlllCnqu3m Ann EXTRA STAMPS minimum it runs ONE nuART FRESH PLUMS sis Coupon Exp sun so Irism To Visit Lobiaws TEA and coarse CENTRE can soon raonucrs BUILDING AT ran $1 ZNJOY CUP Loasaws PRIDE 0F Aint on soomws nan LAIEJ was amvan wrrn manaws mnnma CAKE ONLY IOc lions talking about it on the ssh REMEMBERS nar Whatydo remember abou vii LSilly little things having to do with womens vanity re IPIDIALI LOILAWS KITCHIN PIIDI llllEIilillliYilli 49 nice Locum irido Arabic corral rwï¬md gt wuh bo When You Purchase Your cup objen Cullen our ninth Yon Receive COUPON REDEEMABLE it Your 10th Store ror on the Purchase or he gonna 50 LUCKY GREEN STAMPS Pride of Arahln coffee or Lobllwl IE3 Lnï¬Ã©l urea PEAS its 41 Availbl lnMoM made two pictures togethe old Maid which was fine and Old iAcqualntance th Longhairs