Need BackToSchool Money Use Examiner WantdAds Now IIIE BARBIE WE TUEDAY AUGUST nil ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROPBR FOR SALE mismrm AldlLl sisroan unberrrlttrn with en ptbu rrnm otuDrl Nawlelnlhlfll zunlbs lmu Bun anom nbtr AIR ENGAG rtrPtN sunr tum lhfl WEDDINGS Notices or tneu ore to only also am torn CENTRAL Wlrli Bumrm GARAGE $2000 down prymrnt sunrrtnv 315 to ctrrruleo counter Mlb who for arrrio crrnunrr pa lc toms and screens are included This property covers 21 acres Stuach the choice end of Strabane where the homes rre lingierdtTllum ownillnpgrci an of land part being cedar blush Good and brick only year old and in spotlcs condition it has the HOME OF CHARACTER popular Lshbped livrngdinlng combination finished new few miles from Baril this well kept home Is 01 stone has NUMIUM °°m and SF Edwm NBA Imgge We beautiful large livingjodanlth fireplace dining room sun communal TM ï¬ï¬hmflrxmï¬nï¬g gifts imam mudurlaï¬tmm PA SEEmTï¬om modern kitcben and two piece bath on main floor bod Manhuntbed rooms and piece bath on 3me1 throug mum ngtggg Eï¬fï¬ï¬ 21 Wm out hill basement rec room oil hot air heated pressure system and septic tank Weillandscaped lot Priced at $11500 with mod Wmn crate down payment 3312 Ln new ST PAULS DISTRICT nice room bungalow oi white bevelled riding diort distance from Barrie Good living room kitchen bedrooms bath and basement Pressure system oil furnace garage The lot in 60 235 The price is $8500 with low down payment N0 11 HWY GUTHRIE well built bungalow ol stucco exterior to admire on half acre of land Living mom large kitchen with dining area plenty oi ace Sbedrooml piece bath hill basement laun dry tubs forced air oil heating Well Insulated Would qualify for VLA home Priced at $11500 down payment arranged BUILDHlG LOTS Lots just outside the Ely on No 11 Highway We have otherr in any part of the City Enquire at this office smith CpmphellPA um lurn LangPA um serrur GarveyPA om Mrmborr or tbrarrrlr ltcrl EatIo norrd REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Paoraarv FOR SALE ROGERS SFCONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Qtlality oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES ios STRABANE AVENUE RENTALS RENTALS msnï¬uï¬ï¬s 10 Km ms HOUSES T0 BET no nan noonu for rent menu mam bedroom to unfurnished Pflva catsran lrtlnqnirinnntr ceatnL Apply Grvnnd floor Abstrtnen Iclo rt ctr non is phana PA Hm PA ulu we my two mloox unitAirbed mmm our room spurnsat murals now nlflunlarl an or rent Central mouth humanism Ind drym AIfl rlrpbnne PA rum1y rolnpbnne mart oou Anrrtmrnt nil cobtatuetAVIlhbld trmbrr SPFole ï¬niï¬tt rep one or Inlamluoh REAL ESTATE CLIFF BROWN REALTOR HIGH 5mm BARRIE PHONES PA PA 60741 HOME AND GARDEN Good garden soil surrounds this iov ly home at brick to the south Barric it has spacious ii in room modern kltdien with dining area bedrooms and piece tiled bath There in full basement with forced air all heating driveway Aluminum as able 5132 umnmnuxn Iplrtmult wltn prlllli bath and entrance fluted and Wil DEATHS nlnr all wotsuddenly at the Runny and orptert dry Aururt to ml sbrrmrn Drown romeriy at Mount st Louir beloved ion of tbelrte Geom rnd urnm Drown dear brother or erltton at Toronto rttor Mrs lrmer loinr or North ary Rorr adrenalinmini rnd boys or Mount st bouir in so otth year Renting rt thr lrmer ri Lynn nrnerri iiomo almvrle lnr runerrl rervlrr on Wednerdr Aururt zi rt pm intermrnt abbrrt Cemetc cursuddenly rt her ho or own st Barri on Mood Junrt lDdl Llll Mary wean lnr beloved wire at Michael Kelly in her doth yerr drrr mother or Alex Sudhury hirrio Mn Desnvrl Nnrmrn Arne Mn rerruronl arynron arrrie rnet err Mn beach in Honor ac Illler or Mn Arne Wyner or rnï¬ieNï¬nrn rnd George de nertlnr rt the Stcclley Home to Wonley St Barrie run mlu riturrdry Aulult 21 p00 cm at St Marys Chu nrrrt Interment room unl rlow with gun oiia per month rent retention PA other ï¬sh mm 3m mm area on bur uril Putting Day telephone PA mil evrn PA um IranianDuncan to rent IIvo blocks rrcmdnwhtowa attri nm nun preferred Iolrpbona PA with central lnc inn 500 dovnr payment bedrooms large living room extrr irm kit PARKDALE CRESCENT SBEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW $135 Very handy to Public and High Schools this lovely bungalow is only years old very well kept and in spotlas condition It has large kitchen with spacious dining area and is lulIyequlpped with aluminum storms and screens The rear garden is beauti fully landscaped and completely lenced in The NRA mortg age carries for $96 monthly including taxes Full down payment in only $3000 See this one right away You wtll agree that it is real buy Phone PA asses £15500 uhlnl pricl anen rtylr bunglow bedroom rttrobod 5mm no Dismlcr bl ï¬â‚¬f5m3 1353 $2 800 70 LEIlIIA 51 FRAMED iN LOVELY TREES md to ion Emit imlgirgmplsurnlun On perfectly landscapedttsvit lot emurtng privacy this stereo aunrrlow bedroom solid brick bungalow was built in 1959 and is complete in mi dining beam to the last deta mbeautlfulleromruonm livrngdlnlng has ï¬lmmm lnfl Mn lovely Georgia arble fireplace The basement is divided very mm mm mm bright and airy second bathroom and laundry Has large break mpd nu fast area in perfectly plannod naturalHanover kitchen with twin 11 ham nuw sinks and hooded exhaust inn Everything about this lovely ultra badmm when modern home is in the most immaculate condition imaginable Please phone PA o5568 for inspection by appointment rnd toilet in basement rully ind SHANNON STREET Marys cetnrtery VMayor Is Pledued rerped lot extra large rrrrra FACING SOUTH FOR SUNLIGHIl 14700 sihis is threeyeamld red brick bungalow of excellent plan Slon Ganasiensm mum to room two rtory brick matepleWbowldorl or the rle rrmlly Situated on beautilully kcpt deep lot it has fine landscaping shade trees carport and enclosed patio The 22ft ilvmg room Joseph Melnzinger told city T2°tn3°gngugif Sunday lg that Ede mm bedroom one rho brlI momm rum we Team has lovely stone ï¬replace the kitchen is perfectly planned with large dinette dry bright pouredtwall basement is complete laundry section all heating and combination aluminum storms and room ldinr now ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BDARD Telephone PA $733 Pumnazndenmm bedroom in widows ham sbuc board Qunnl Park an Ideal for uni tin purines irdy or turner APPLY 72 Parknldl Drive APTS HOUSES WTD DO YOU HAVE THE lMPOSSiBLEt An rprrtmrnt with two lug2 three or oven our bedroom tamed by four lrdy touchn Reply to nor to amt ratminor avalilbll cum outstanding bedroom bunlllow IIIlo linirbcd recur tian room In mlhullly plank ply wood double garlo One of the nlerrt lrndruped lotr in the out and Owner transferred to Ter Avrurblr Tllaphonl PA rumst housekeeping mar with out of retrial atnr bendix contrri Tol tphono PA O50 III for Mn Fob er ammo Nrnubrd Apartment suit coupln or elderly perron Ground floor Prlva trance Putin rp Telephor PA mil immrdlr rly UNFURNLEHBD heated lplrtment three ronnu rno brtb modern kitchen heavy duty Willa nah ly decorated Ccntrlllylocnted Reasonable Tolephnnl PA 66181 urnan nurnax two bedroom ltvinr room kitchen privrto brtir with rhowor privrte ontrrnre driveny herted Adult pret renAppiyLcampbenAvo NormanE Sheisrweliï¬ REAL ESTATE BROKER prrrinr trollitier Ruldcntin DUNLOP ST PA 89961 PA 88742 Our thud welcome Telrpbo PA 56110 between FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE7 it OF VALUEN0 Pm CHANGE IN UNYURNISIISD uplllll mentor Call JO Longtin PA 52740 == SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES WANTET LARGE COTTAGE on as man are no going to rtorey lnmc large ilvlnnh room oil but nr rim now opp ng room apartment in went and Vern Kmenen Hut electricity rho wltu ru plied Avrilbio so tcmbrr centre will lay down my life to stun gangsterism in this city the mayor said producing what he said was threatening let ter from Leonard Schultz of Wu terloo an international repre sentative of the Teamsters un OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES Cnxmlll Rord Painswlck silatlo bedrooms living and dlnlnl worn combination ntll brrement orcen ru oll heating double nrngr rt trclted vi breuwny Owner will screeiw complete the picture lamliy comfort herel Owner trans ferred offers excellent terms for quick sale wtth $2500 down Phone PA 35568 DOWNSVLEW DRIVE NICELY SITUAIED AMONG FINE QUALITY HOMES 516500 Everett shelswcll Ora 29m lrrir wtlunn uni WNnnnuiSlnhwellc PA 59961 aowrrd Norrlr PA and HENDERSON REALTOR OPPORTUNITY FOR puma WITH $4000 CASH nobonc PA deals rwo Doom turnlsbed rprrtrnent hot rnd cold wrtor Suitbio or on or two rdultr Avrilbio now Telephone PA More eveninrr for rurtber prrttculrrr NEW AND Modern and and two or fourbedroom summer cot tage adjacent to good swim ming beach In Shanty Bay Bil Bay Point Keswick or Heaven ton area ion The mayor said the letter written about the citys proposal to put garbage collection in pri hold balance on one mortgage Paiarwick three bedrooms living room kitchrn tllcd piece bath tiled lull basement forced air all hoatlnl Equipped with blu minum storms and rcrecns are Very attractive long ranch bungalow oi solid brick construction lo COLLim srrtm we Mm um Dwnrr murt reubelnr trrnrlen lam ï¬mgwm gm and with attached garage The whole property is neat and well PHONE PA 82678 kept it has the favourite Lshuped living lnlngfomblnlltinn With INCO Emfugn 2325 23211 tor ffungmgflu altarmrrvi mmv mo cove ceilings and bulitin valances ilanoygr kl nimpvn pti Yr upiu tent IchnolApgArnnLh clutter on um birch has large table area th cesses for applianca The mm Tum mm are Fumwm mum mmfl Write Box 100 age vuto hands contained throats and msinmmauarv hirlr thuenlcut bunlaiowu that lxhava been liven the opium The union will pay dearly for tryingto misgulde the public he said He accused both the Teamsters and the Kitchener lo cal of the National Union at Public Employees CLO to try ing to mislead voters with in correct ï¬gures and other misin formation He did not quote from the let ter but Mr Schultz had said in an earlier interview that Mayor tunity to roll for some time You mtut motto an lPPOlhtmunt to see it now it you are in the am ket for this type or home Down prymcnt $1000 and the brlnnco on and mortgage bedroom bungnlnw living room rnd kitchen piece bathroom nil hertlng zrrrgc located just on tha ounkirts Barrie lmmedhtl posselslvn Balance on one mart ergo pryeblc somoo monthly cludlnz interest and princlpr Trxrr rbout $3500 Full prlr $0500 MRS ii lL MOOREPA H137 ROGERSPA 03582 EVENINGS CALL basementlsflivldedandlltis good ecreatlon room Only 52500 down is required and you can have quick possession SEE IT NOW Phone PA 55568 FOSTERlPA Mm coNNm PA own MEMBERS BARRID DISTRICT REAL TATE BcattD Srouil Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS Dnubio house Sophia street in room Mudt no rain to lettla rrtrtr 31mm CBrlck triplex rentlnll $120 mon tbly Make In alter Duplex downtown ireting and antrlncl to roll annc Privy Ford 115 DUCKWORTH $12500 rru trees rrrme tblr cozy three bedroom grey brick bung lnw Lovaly lugs kitcben and living room finlrhcd rec room NBA tarml that carry for reprule Priced nest in house 1nd wrrhroom etc Pull price $14000 Kitchen brrrlrlrrt nook tile brth from ownrr rpply MOVING iNSURANCE and it or my kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 852m 11 Dunlop St month For lull prrtirnlrrr BOX as BARBIE EXAMLNER Dont lorut to wander your you need unsound bedroom living room with view of in Near East End Shoppinl Pin rclcpbonn PA Him Two DBDRooai rrtment livinl room kitchen three piece bath private entrance bolted clore to Itorcl brnlu schnnlr and bur rtopr Apply rmln SL bo an UPPER DUPLEX unrurntrbr modern tinted rwo bedronmr lrrpe living room rnd Iutclre Very close to new shapplnl plaza rchnnlr and downtown Telephone Include photo if available ARTICLES for SALE ovutnva cuss am noon macmic srovr tint 11 cu rr wasr REFRIGEIATDR Quinlunaqu cosr mil LESS THAN YEAR DLD WILL sun r301 MACHINE SPIRALAIOR ACTION tiio nmwoon ELF CONSOLE PA 141 an END One bedroom bertc uniurnlsbcd rtmrnt privrtr entrance Itva able September Adult prnierred Telephone PA a7ioz AT 99 COMB sI BAIL 1w ROOM furnished apartment mm mummy and private bath Hill hydro lawman1mm ill93 533 particulars Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP 51 WEST PHONE PA 81121 EWSPAPER MATS Elle IIXIB tam It Linin hen hauler rtuu viirm porter tnrturtor 25c PER DOZEN Apply The armc Dublinr Barrie Ontario CLEARANCE SALE MOERFAT RANGE mlGERATORS BIG REDUCTIONS Duy belorn September lit and beat the sales Xe MODEL mu NEW 5125 MuumunuudqlwinImlv chino and vacuum riernrr wui lell lor wholerrio price or but ouer union for rellinriervinr coun ry TELEPHONE PA moo 0R SDI FARM 15 monthly lnriudtnr taxes Call 100 ACRES COLLIER smear rd 901 Rth it mm llemberr or the orrrlo rnd nirtrlnt Rerl mm bond 78 DUNDONALD ST Township LIIe ham and drive $14900 Excellent tread location Mr WC mm mm HOW TO GET YOUR SALARY RAISED in the Amelia rrer Three hed 31 Or the equivrient by not having to pry rent Put your rent money In room ranch red brick bungalow SUNNHIALE ROAD 418 gnlo rttcbed rtone fireplace colored tile both with vnnlty storms rrtd screens nodded May be seen rt 27 Shirley TWO BEDROOM Home All can veniences Oil furnace Full bale ment aermrd ceilin knotty nine pnnelled living room no kitchen 5800 snorted rcrnrr rrnm school in Guthrie HOUSE three large kitchen rmrll dining area near rclrnnls rnd bur oil heated Reasonable Owner trrnrrerrcd Apply rt 52 Orkley Park Square SEVEN LARGE Rooms and hlth centr plan an ï¬ancrEl Hoh rlocated DD highway Complete new Plumbing down system and well Low down rnent First mortrnre rt hrnir in terest rate PA 60981 ovonlnn PA 6103 FARMS FORSAL FARM FOR SALE also impie meats stock drlry herd rnd milk lng contract milk pipe line new boure Two miles rrom Eunvrlo Meinzinger was forfeiting good pay and working conditions on behalf of the citys 35 refuse collectors so private firm could impose low wages and poor conditions COULD GET DEATH WASHINGTON AP bill provrding possible death pen alty for aircraft piracy was passed by the House of Repre sentatives Monday Similar to measure previously approved by the Senate the bill would authorize the death penalty on recommendation of jury when large heirwomb nrtliNn NEW two bedroom hungr iow for rent lrru living room rnd kitchen three piece bath Avril nbie rny tlmn ergn lrndrrrprd lot Telephonn str urn ROME modern Su Street district two Ishod recreation room Ransom nble to crreiul tonnnts or owner Is trrnrrerred Telcpbonr PA 0096 after pm HEATED modern two bedroom partmentimStroudapuflmentv house Adults prelerrcd ND nblt action to babies Na DELI In of swimming pool Available now $65 monthly rerrp one Strand 43 CENTRAL Loon on Two bedroom unturnlrhed horte nprmnent also and bedroom laan it private rntrrnrr rnd brth Av abic September Tnlepbona PA easier CARSON it AviiTeOrRr 45 DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre FIVE ROOM BRICK WDIATE POSSESSION Telephone minis Eimva Low down payment Asking MORTGAGES price $12 900 bedrooms large kitchen IvmgmmrandbathtAMeRTGAGEtokNS Full basement divided off for ANYWHERE rec room Oi furnnce Close to Public and High School Cali Wt $21 Russell Carson PA 66481 alter whim tawï¬ry tang 53 PA 151 minding over simpronrsrrrr izp nuninp Street East STOUTTS ARE ABOUT TO ROUT OUT MODERN one bedroom unmrn lshed rprrtment stove rnd re rrlrorrtnr supplied Lrundry fun ultler Indparitlng Centrrily in crted Available September Telephone PA Hon ROOM hrtnrentr illIPnilhld downtan location PH 300 and tcnlt row aererthr pirn nrturruy rhrped living rnd dining rnnnt mm Wm IngliZdncltlnmigimelmoiï¬ work llnr yougynu hrve to hrve some ot the rotins to rult buyer the owner aria mortnze tuil rlrtr drri trite rhout $200000 Three Thousand rtrrts you on will hold an open first mortgrgr the road to independenca rim dont mern Missouri You rent two may my run am my CALL DAY OR EVENING Aprrtmenir and live in the other one rcnt free is this meetr your 11 sump PA 82379 needs we recommend quick actionl Emmcs Cub timber or the rrle and District DRIVE SLOWLY Riut scANmtmr PA Mass 3m by dim Street youll reo our rirn out front rnd look over this mggg Fgflmlgflgggw tree rhrded herrtr hrven But please dont disturb theowner Just phone ur instead rnd wrli route or drte for your convenience Well Member or Barrie rnd District and pick you up rnd deliver yap rrrely back to our office where you can Dnhrlo Rel Estt Board mrko your oticr on this tour bedroom older honre Dirt as donor for your appointment now force violence or threat of force or violence had been used to REALTOR seize control of plane Bil BAYFIELD SI PA $645 More listingt Sales dont lust hlppnn If you wrnt to sell you CL Four Bedroom Home property at the but possible pricelist tt nowl You will find any cum med Tom or our slicspcoplo listed below most honert courteous rnd willing to mm Down gum gm give good rervieo Call us tooy Carrier for cos including inter ADVERTISING eemem PROPERTT he yum an urge lot on lurin street in Allandle store with two apartments up TELEPHONE atalrl also small rprriment at rerr Excellent location for drug or work Shop clothing rtore Cant be rorry tomorrowcall todayl rayw not by um roar JaorAro GROWERS PA 37332 pfleffï¬aog 3312 with the excellent crop or potrtorr to hrrvrrt thLI rruon and the price Condensed $50 at month mm use not too high why not store them we brve lust thevpince cement an ass enadver all block warehounron irrre lvt twofioorx was well insulrted and are sere ene or up space or our ruc nnr or our pnr burlness on Joe Primer PA for one and times do per STAYNER AREA 100 Acre farm with creek Large barn with steel strhllng brick house woldTolutree four or five $500 DOWN with pieca bath BUILDING LOT times and 2m per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENTISWFFOITM WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR Three bedroom barrier in Angus Your choice or color in brick tile sblngler bathroom rlxturo and interior Ililllh some mil price Carilea for $7511 month including interert and pdnclpli buy now and avoid the srler that call mnry Miller PA 50475 Jersey milk Merv GouldOrb 151 Doris NuttycnmbcPA atmv Edith GouldOra 1513 mlur truck prrrer rrrm 51 WINGS CALL Cbrncn to get on Ihlpplnl Barry sternerpa com OICI BrawnPA E7255 Frank CollllloDPA $1475 EDGE 01 TOWN $1100 Full Price for this excel lent building lot Situated on paved road close to schoolgThis is very desirable location Gall Gerry Mallory Office PA 66481 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured nvcidcnt richness CRESCENT FINANCE Vlte entr no Laundry facilities Rented rklrll spade Tole pbnnc PA 84500 deyr PA em evenlnls as ROOM Aprrtment newly decorated cnmlcrtrbly Itmidhed very central Laundry and in facilities rnvlded suit In ROBINSON HARDWARE DUNDOP 51 East PA82481 NEEDANEW nest cpuplm ono PA can alter mm STOVE on meat THREE ROOM heated unlurnubed pnrtmcnt Private brtbroom rad mm floor PH to agar atuml hm plied ApPiiances op FL The Bankot Nova Scuttle FILL YOUR pa oinlz oNe aennnolvi modern kitchen completr Linn or with the liner itvinr rnnin brth unrurnirhed Rm rudï¬luip lieted Avatlable Immediately Meters ETC close to l1 rtop Nico rerldenurl 100 Guaranteed QIII Evenings PA 57072 NEW BRICK BUNGALOW 01 4$woaDOWN 934mm Very close to town on paved highway School nearby love ly bedrooms full basement at tadled garage See this home today Call Garry Mallory of fice PA 66481 Evenings PA $14K FOR 24 WORDS atom bxvzï¬r sham CHARGEDm SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS OR CORRECTION Advertisers are reminded that all phone insertion orders or accept en no conveniencn to you the advertiser Theretore the Classiï¬ed Advertlelnf Department requires all advert ran to kindly recheck their Idvefluemont immediately after first Insertion in order that lily aran Dr omission may be reported brroe um no in order VCORBY REAL ESTATE ORO TOWNSHIP BROKER 170 acre irrrn is rcrrr bush Erick houre Large hrrn Gerre and poultry house an mild tram prved rnrd ntll price 311000 in rorer rdlrrent to paved rord over iooo foot irontrre on non cession rord $4000 mil price LAKE SHORE PROPERTIES Lovely homer nnd lots on nth penrelt pry between arwkertnne rnd nrrrle Contact Norrh ltrlker MORTGAGES1n and 2nd bought Mecmurulnlv and residential monnyr loaned on existing mortgages Darri More lulu Broken PA 1504 BUS OPPORTUNITIES EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE for tennis rrrd tiltrier Prone rblo new bupiness with tremend nus alloyenr demand $5500 unv era new equipment rectory trainlnflr ltaBk advertising etc Practical malt only include pbnne numb Box Barrie Examiner Phone PA 32419 LOCATION SUPERB rooms with ï¬replace in living room recreation room in basement Iblr twostorey brick home affords all the privacy thrt could be dellred yet close to shopping schools etc This lovely older bnmr bu many potentlniy LARGE FAMILY HOME Nerriy newburllaltlwwith hunt in doubir lingo rooms rlrn re mm tl It Elnftlohï¬wse3 itilitit nlriiï¬mirienm Mk EAST END BRICK HQME $12500 Full price for this ZiomQuAkEFEET year old brick bungalow Forced NHA resale rt interert Livingdining room 22 long three large In on hénting fenced yard district Apply ind Puget or phone PA oio mat ROOM Aprrtment ce trrily located heated Lama trined rnn unrurnlrhrd on ground floor Nicely decorted Tale hone PA oalai cram pm to Examiner only one tnoorreoï¬mmm may kitchen ierren thn merit are vfloni by mrkvmnr Coming Events do per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words it per word extra in Memoriam N04 tices$1750li verse used ï¬le per word extra bbmn Lmrart arenas inrormrtion regrrding rdvertlrerr ring altnd Letter no Number lor Repuer ir held rtrlcUy condo entiri Replies to Latte Boxal will be held only 10 or rrter Inst dry or puhilortion Class ed advertisements and notices for these pages must Motsreceived by pm day pra ceding publication with the ear ception of Classiï¬ed Display advertisements which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day Ratcs rnd ty ttyirr ror leml display clasll eds may be ob llllled throurh rho lbtanilnar Id vrrtirlnd drprrttnrnt Barrie1 Newest Subdivision BARRVIE ViEW Located off Enyview Drive near Huronin DriveTn under construction September VGOYRD HOMEDEVELOPMENT LTD an Room mmisbed lDart mat with piano hub and kitch enette Halt light and water dupv pllnd ParkinE spree Nico port or city close in downtown $75 per month suit couple PA 111425 ATIRACTIVE two room npnro merit in Aiirndrle Completely furnished rtnve rcllrigdrrtor bundluce hot wrter facilities ilnenl ll desire GORD SPRINGPA Him DOUG HOMER948443 Its Wtirlclerful The1 Way Barrie Examiner sféci Get suits PhonePA 82444 nhï¬ï¬‚f 53 aï¬wm bedrooms nicely kept in choice location closeFulï¬l01373wayhe boa sane East Plnzl arrber mouumm WHY PAY RENT rooms modern kitchen and Shop two chairs rmpie rnca 3m rims RoomA JOE PALMlm Pa bum bl only termr so nickLILJIIL donedmh entrfleltvii Kent MARSHALL PA 3m mm of mm any men mMWEW lntrined rround on with tree SHANTY BAY condition For down payment puking Avlualoï¬ Anrurtflzvu 51 luau SHERAR PA 37555 storey end hrlr let among till treer hutde flayed rand Three bedrooms and furlher Particulars RENTALS hm by am wm mm my mm Evenings PA 57072 APTS HOUSES T0 RENT moon ROOM unfurnished apart MARE MARSHALLPA 014450 connir pA some km 1°mtndrso complete moron rrrnire Tom4ong=ira=mx1 CODRINGTON STREET traily ioorte urn rr il ilt lt mm mum Wm ll tied No oblectlon to COOKE CARTAGE 335 sis signersgspgmgpem zanfhzhlnn mod LOWEST pm om STORAGE LTD CUSTOMBUILTTO YOUR LIKING ill£00 dilwn Wltlzï¬iimggsgg YOUR ALLIED van muss in 55m mm hemm °° three piece nrtn Sci con Carsm PA ML an 530 £l°hétniillh Shï¬rleslflgotï¬lgug trinrd bent rntl water supplied rt your Rd Elm CID l0 downtown Available 181 mumm me tgvbbirllgungoggflpï¬m ll STOREY and hall home mug Bun ï¬upba ly rented rhnp ii lith Street mg mm Plus car garage Lrl ti tth Centrally ioented excellent condi Ehon Ell sbloiwlnggrtbér in tlon Immediata porrcsslon Con month Can Russell Carson 12A gmmon PHONE PA 00501 nd oust alter 530 PA 66161 pres Delivery rlmna aaDRoom bung10w or me erzzrlgneiugvggn brmnflnl Dprn rlnry tll in sale by owner Vancouverstreet ï¬k at un er ovnr no ng bay li Wlllt heating Wlllj oil Loll DI hllllll0n PIICEI KIDv0 all Ill Dnflfl payment Cln b3 arranged plant needle models Singer 55W 3172 PA tlelslTeitzphona PA Haoaror rp lng Mrclilnr Company in Dunlap pu men mince can At thlrlow price one or two acres with sour room house Close in roomy living room with dining ti110m Priced WHEN in duletholue the NORAH RAIKES 011 401 kitchurr and dining room rnd living room excellent basement rblr Gerry Mallory office PA 56481 memorialize two bedroom for rnaerrrrr basement rprrtmont unmmlrbrd HAVEVYQUR HOME tie five room bungalow0nly nilvln innmm hr mm mm mmuhd to purcnrro their order only AG PA 06161 70 ma mph September Telephone on 03 mnmn LE9mm range and rerrlgnrrtor nrlgh Only $1500 down and $7900 no TIFFINSTREED bluntly not airirnd birynr Motel Fumst FEET DUPIEX PHY DPECIAL crnrdlrn Nnuonrt urn Nrrrly now run price sizn0n rupborrd rnroe Lrundry train street West PA sim