Gen Sir Rollan Delocombe salutes as be inspects British hoops and points along the border dividing the British and Soviet zones in Berlin glNNlSPIL NOTES Councilors yesterday In background flag flies from on East Ger man imbalancevehicle missing FDJ on flag de notes Free German Youtb aintain Auditorium Stand By 1163 Innisfil Council members at tended tire general meeting with the Barrie District High School Board Monday evening They had not gone authorized to act on any motion made at the meeting but as all were there they conferred with their rep resentatives at the board meet ing following an adiournement allowed for this They maintained their prev ious assertion that they would be willing to assume their por tion of an amount of 3250000 subject to the grants allowable on gym conslmction type of auditorium With two other councils of the district they claimed that the estimated costs emtorhlgbflrauoltnrlum expenditure Vespra and Oro were oi the same opinion even alter the board building committee chair man had told them the large auditorium was needed and South Simcoe 4H HOMEMAKING Thefall project for 4H Homemaking clubs in South Simcoeis Working With Wool Club leaders from the county will be meeting at St Johns United Church Alliston on Aug 23 and 29 and at Stayner Leg ion Hall on Aug 30 and 31 for their training SHEEP ASSISTANCE The new policy iscdesigned to aid farmers who are desir one of establishing sheep flocks of sizelwhlch is considered to be an economic unit or of obtaining breeding stock The Principal Bowman had stated it was necessity to all pupils attending the school and would be used more than ordinarily The city of Barrie had sgv reed to abide by the mooscat capacity instead of the 1600 seats raviouslysuggested but only gym type auditorium is subject to grants in this case 37500000 This is whet Innisfil members were satisilEd with for the $275000 The board is left with the need to revise their plans and come back to the district coun cils with another proposal They also have to have approval of their plans by the two govern1 ments who are providing the funds in full for additional rooms lnnialil Council at their meet ing appointed three members to be deIEgates to this meet ing However all members er in attendance including Mrs Law who is Vacationing in Relihurton WOMAN MAY CHARGE poncr TORONTO CF Mrs Margaret OReiliy of Tor onto whose dog was shot to death by policeman Sat urday said she would coax suit her lawyer about the possibility of laying charges Coast Kennett Hoover said he shot the dog when it leaped for his iiIroet when he Weht the OReliiy home on routine matter Mrs OReilly said her dog Brownie just barked at the officer and was toothless upplamaniinwisting flocksiinTï¬ywfl ewes purchased under this pol Wrï¬usrbébiughrln Week Canadaand each farmer ob taining sheep must purchase at st to ewes Rams for flocks llshed under this policy wi be available on loan from the Ontario Live Stock Branch for period of two years Anyone wishing to participate must file notice of intention With the department previous to 0ct1 and forms for this pur pose are now availableat the local agricultural representat ives office Alliston or Barrie COUNTY JUDGING ioint livestock and grain judging competitidnsponsored by the North and South Sim coe Junior Farmers in clHtpet atlon with the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture will be held at Barrie Fmr Grounds on Wednesday Aug30 All Jun iors of H1 and Junior Farther age are invited to participate and test their skillin judging the various classes of livestock grain and forages Prizes are being offered and full details may be obtained from the De partment of Agriculture Bar firie Alliatour unrivnermn season Wheat harvesting is progress mg favorably in South Simcoe Mrs OReiliy said she is havlngithe dogs stuffed and mounted lViau Man Leader Is Free To Roam NAIROBI Bantamme last remaining restrictions on damp Kenyatta convicted Man Man terror cult leader and hero of Africa nationalism werelifted Monday Alter eight years in prison anflrï¬tï¬ifed resIdence Ken yatta now is free to travel and makumoliticaLspeeches Kenyatta was arrested in 1952 and sentenced to seven years in prison Released after years was confined to remote areas this British colony until last week Because Kenyatta has spent more than two years in prison be barred from running for BRITISH courtroom Insemination M¢aernaundings Lure Businesses ELLISON NAJOVHG Canadian Press Ital Writer moment or Con alruction is nearing final stages in Moatreail Dorchesur Bottle vard skyscraper complex First AREA British moved additional troops into position along the twomile border following report of troop concentration on the East Berlin side the line AP erephoto Will Open Season Ii Dispute Settled NEW YORK AP The Metropolitan Opera has assured Labor Secretary Arthur Gold berg that it will try to reinstate 1L9 196162 season if union trou bles are ironed out it was dis closed Monday spokesman for the local Mu slciana union said it had re ccived telegram from Gold berg inlormlng the union of the Metropolitans assurances The Metropolitan recently cancelled the coming season after failure to reach agreement with the musicianst pay dispute OTTAWA UP Tall husky 1Maj Gen Geotfrey Walsh is fighting engineer whollkcs to think no task is impossible has been appointed Canadas new army chief Gen Walsh 52yearold gen eral officer commanding West ernConrmnnd Edmonton Monday was promoted to chief of the general staff of the Ca nadian Army climaxlng dis tinguished military career Prime Minister Dlafenbaker announcing the appointment said Gen Walsh will begin his new duties in Ottawa Oct TORONTO CF 59year old Toronto businessman has bought Saturday night and Lib irty magazinesfrom former Ca nadian publisher Jack Kent Cooke thought they were about the last things we hadnt given to the United States Percy Bishop told press conference Monday and decidedsome shadyshould holdthem The man who now holds them was born in New Brunswickand has financial interests in se ries of westernrrnatural gas giréms and Ill TOTOHtOJGEiek No purchase price was dis closed Mr Cooke is reportedto ve paid $400000 for Liberty in 1947 and between $100000 and 6300000 forrConsVoltda rl Press which then published scilaser trade magazines in addition to Saturday Night in 1952 Iengate Publishing Company tenniswillbcmovinglnnsxt spring Bpeeuintlon in business circles that the 8000000 square feet of new allies space would be men largely dispelled In three of the largest buildingsRoyal Bank ClL House and Canadian impen Iial Bank of Commerce two tblrda tetbreequartars of avail able space has alreedy been rented Many prominent firms are re locatingrinrtbe me in an exodus from tbeflnanclal district around St James Street and the ciUl major commercial thor oughlsre St Catherine Street The exodus has caused donor of for rent signs to appear on buildings where formerly it was almost impossible to lind an rented space Rent in the skyscrapers will range from $530 to $7 square foot about twice as much as older buildings in other parts of the city But the prestige and utility of some of the most ultra modcrn buildings in the world have lured many into the high oolt drea MORE UTILITY Edward Strother vicepresi dent of casing and management for the Place Ville Marie prol ect says that because of the architecture of the building ten ants can make better use of space and as result their rents will not be much more tbsn they would pay for similar footage in the older buildings and they will have lot more utility other leasing agents cite that the new buildings are fully alr conriltloned clean high above city street noises contain vast pillarfree spaces and are re plete with hygenlc and social utilities Eml strongest supporters of the development admit how ever that the area has seri ous trelllc problema problem Canadas New Arrrtv Chief Thinks No Task Impossible succeeding Lt Gen Samuel Findlay Clark yGen Clark bzsyearoid Win nipeg native known through the ranks as lin takes on $20 oooayear assignment as chair man of the National Capital Commission the federal ag ency responsible for the long4 term development of Ottawa RECORD IMPRESSES Assuming his new post at tima when Canada is urgently reviewing her defences Gen Walsh combines more than years experience as an expert military engineer with an im Toronto Businessman Purchases iwoeMagazinesEronLEublisheL Frank Realty editorfor the last six years Saturday Night was circula tion of about 75000 copies fortnight Libertys monthly or window is approximately 000 000 Mr bishop pledged to leave editorial control in Mr Edinbur oughs heads although might drop in to see him once in while He termed it disgrace that truly Canadian publications were hard to find on Canadian newsstands IMPERIAL Limited new company has been set up by Mr Bishop to ta over the magazines from Consolidated Press by Oct its presidentwlll he Arnold Edinhorough Englishborn led itor of Saturday Night since 1853 former editor of the Kingston Whig Standard Mr Edinborough will remainas Sa turday Nights editor Liberty willlcontinue to be edited by PLAY liiiitltl Now SHOWING AIR CONDITIONED EMATiNEES DAILY pni NIKKIQhalfdogmalfwolf his courage and cunning which has takeneliectaven be fore the first tenants move in WWMV built to handle 3000 cars an hour and in punk perindsnow about moo can use the eightlane thoroughlm When the sky scrapers are complete an addi tional 40000 to 50000 people and one to 1100 can an hour will invade the area maxing thorl es have of solve the problem Mc Laughiln ole agent for CH Rouse say the city will to come to regard the area so the point otrvorlgia of the travelling pubiiccnd plmscoordingly Mr strothcrrsusgemJbst rhaps the city will be com ad to make St Catherine and Dor cbester one way streets Impressive Imong the new build age is the storey cross lbnped Royal Bank Building which Is the major component of the planned Place Ville Mari non moms HOLLYWOOD AP lhe Kingston duo have found new and nowtheyrc trio gain you are at all hep with the top music fieldyou know about the Kingston Trlos problems Thisswlnglng bunch of folk singer has been earning o1 000000 year butfound that money didnt buy happiness Their troubles broke into print four months ago with Dave Guard our acknowledged leader claiming his partners were ciods who didnt wantto climb onward and upward with the act Bob Shane oun sex symbol and Nick Reynolds the runt of the litter count cred that Guard was tyrant who tampered with the trios success formula They tried to carry on with presslve record lnthe Second World War In career which hartskcn him to Spitsbergen and China Gen Walsh rose to be chief en gineer of the 1st Canadian Army overseas during the war He has been commanding officer in Ed monton since July 1959 Called Geoff by his friends Gen Walsh was born in Brant ford Aug 10 1909 son of for mer editor of the St Cathar lnes Standard lie was commis sloned in 1930 on graduation from the Royal Military College after earlier training at Nova Scotia Technical College and McGill University In ten he led Canadian troops ashore in the bloodless raid on Spltzbergen 600 miles from the North Pole major com manding the 8rd Field Com pany of the Royal Canadian Engineers he directed demoli tions including homing of the coal mines durnplng fuel into the sea and other measures to deny Spitsbergenbase4othr Germans Later in Sicily he won the Distinguished Service Order for organizing engineerln work to keep thawing roads to the Eu ropean front openday and night job involving thousands of men and hundreds of vehicles He recalls he usedto tell his Think how can it be Now SHOWING AirConditioned not why souid it be fared number of suggesqu to Li CHARGED mire to Quebec liquor Emiirector 7w vcbsrgedr rllugust with knowingly allowing his men is ullsaixcdliuprtoboot le are and wi ep rovlag big expense accounts de frauded the treasury oi $00 000 lhs chargu against Le mlr covered the period 1052 to mo OP Photo Kingston Trio Solves Problems Will Continue With New Singer some of their elements But it didnt we on Joy is one ol their tr marks ranr COMPANY Lastweek their batteries of Guard will go his own way with new group Shane and Reyn olds will carry on the Kingston name with new partner noun surrealist Canadian Press stall Writer The time seems to heap prosching for formulation of Britains long term plans to strengthen her shaky financial position The shortw term measures are already in ellect Purchase and excise taxes have been boosted by to per cent and the government is clamping down hard on wages Now speculation suggests Chancellor of the Exchequer Sel wyn Lloyd may be getting readyvto formulate measures designed to put the economy on firm foundation MEETS BOTH SIDES This week the chancellor is meeting members at the Trades Union Con ss economic com mittee are also scheduled with four of Britains employers organizations The general aim of these meetings lfauccessiul will be to bringthe two sides of in dustry together either in Sep tember or October to discuss problems of wages productivity investment and exports Eventually the TUC and em ployers may join the govern ment in regular consultations and there have been indications that Lloyd is toying with the idea of new national planning board The governments hope either by this means or another is to madamepermanent method that would balance increases in income with increases in pro policy Both the unions and the em announcedinths July hungerT it WWW ductlon This would result in lodsafomt WWW rec lanai statuses most sooner no Teachers Wont Be Replay By Machines Professor States TORONTO CPi the piece at the teaching and toe in the school has not yet been tel lubed the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics was told Monday by Deloe Wick ens professor oi etymology at Ohio State University He said the chine definitely will not replace teachers although it might supplement their eliorra provides th student with the correct answer to question In mediater alter the student Elli his own answer on plpe niLPrOi Wickenrï¬m prohl will he to leave gaps nor Yusblhe student phead more up dly than he can grasp the material other draw backs are the cost of the ma chines theirmsintenance and provision of storage space Advantages are that the stu dent can work ahead at his own rate leaving the teacher free to concentrate attention on those needing help or on the highly gilted who ere ready for further work The machines are client proof and provide definite record of progress The student until he has before snows LESSONS Prof Wickens said teaching machines come in many differ machine presents the lessons on contin uous roll of paper which is brought into view by pushing bIIttonorpulllngaIever LongTerm Plans FormulatedSoonto ployers have been cautiously optimistic about the talks Al though the TUC is opposed to any strict form at national wages policy observers think it would be ready to join plan ning board th wide scope and influence concerned with wages and supplies of la bor rather than incomes would welcome any practical scheme that could solve their problems on national basis Arctic Outpost Broadcasting Weather Data BALTIMORE fAPtAn atomicpowered Weather station has begun broadcasting tempe reture wind and barometric pressure reports from an icy arctic outpost north of Canadas mainland Every three hours the weather readings are transmitted from the automatic unmanned sta tion at Sherwood Read on Axel liolberg Island 225 miles north east of Resolute Bay The weather data is received by short wave station at Reso lute Bay says the Martin com pany of Baltimore from what used to be blank area on the US and Canadian weather re port maps 77 Martin designed and built the station for the US Atomic En ergy Commission The device of Weather bureau and Martin Company technicians my learning programVida neitiï¬ cannot advlncc to the next step lurned what went entforms coating from 17 to lawyers worked out soldWCtï¬ithPypical Was Instillmlacently by crew Beneath each lesson is ques lion which the student answers In writing on another roll paper By using button or Is ver ho inserts the answer into the machine ll he replied cor rectly he goes on to the next lesson Some machines will not show lhe next lesson until the student has correctly answered the one be removed from the mains for daily checkon his pro dilflcultlea to overcome TeacherCritrcizese SoCalled Experts BRACEBRlDGE CPlRuby McLean of Leamlngton retiring president of the Ontario Teach ers Federation Monday ulti clsed socalled experts who think every student should graduate from university Speaking at the opening ses sion of the tourney annual 01 meeting Miss McLean said ev ery young person should have as much education as he is cap able oi absorbing She said some educationlsls are obsess ed with education for its own sake Also criticized were persons suggesting that raising the schoolleaving age would hep unemployment If we are going to raise the compulsory school age than we must provide for those children who are just occupying desks in the classroom and who are in ofeducation she said HURONIA DIM Vii1N THEATRE PA 84301 PLUS CARTON STARTS weo Illliil WAYNE Aduii Sittlllll iilllltilE EIIIIIE lnvIos giveryou on moneyto spend but helps keep your budget scorIA PLAN curiouscirca is TheBank of Nova Scotlaa system vmrmnmnesuwnnomm Each payment you make ra bu do your ChequeCredit reserve the plan works Youselecttliemon thlypayment illilllllllillll From Widow amount of credit you have used that you can errors and then apply giving you continual supply of for twelve timge thatgarnount When your application has been approved you receive hook oispo gciai personalized cheques gt You are not conï¬ned lagin speciï¬ed stores Your cheques are good for anything you need credit branch Scotia Plan ChequeCredit is life nsuredtowat no extracoatrtoyou Findout today all about Cheque 4lredit at your nearest ScotiabankA JapahanLahsorblngssnysform anytime anywhere in Canada You pay only on the amotintof credit actually used The charge on ChequeCredit accounts is $600 per year for each $100 horrowe YOu do not payanytbing for the mace di rsearvovforyouraccount Each month you will receive statement of cheques written pay manta toba mango the amount of edt till en monthly pa Howto determine your total ChequeCredit IFYOtI vouxrorAL can new CREDIT Is $200tlamonth $24000 underwent $36000 Momsmonth Isnooo $5000a month $60000 with considerable variation in 1°59 an unmde hm yleids being reported Southc Western Ontario is reported sprouting in the standing crop and serious rust damage so that it would appear that the situation in Simcoe County Is much better Although there has been considerable lodging wlth spring grain in some areas the harvest is now underway and good crops arebeing reported Harvesting of potato and tobac to cropsvis in full swing now and good crops are reported says Keith McRuer Rep for South sImE Allilton WWWWE remmlmfaaaa PL ASESEE IT FROMrIIs BEGINNING FEATURE AT 630 1110 VAOVANCEDfIIATE HISTENGAGEAIENT Vt 000 OF THE NM TECHNICOLOR Arlusipï¬hisd bl ursmon Ms cu Reeleel Iludonthemillnpsdnnlunmal ymsntris ximately oneatweltth of the