Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1961, p. 4

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orrswn arbour iiaarrir Emotion gt K111 Something 3y GWlmL standing behludatlee not to VV No Longer Fantasy See Man on Moon ay PATRICK Nicaoisolv eat the earths W151 burned end It is ieet sway would snort Ind YilAWANow that Russias it its 33wa mm with war supnew Nov nu fflnmfinfifiwififl Impact occasionally but stand iiitilted the earth ior distance goes hunting What will he do pup Eerlmental station at Shirley == when deer are iound only in an whbih mum ey near Ottawa which tor can any name man Moon and back ltis no longer eiilgyinmuscumstenditwuut mm woman for In one had been recordi be long sud why doeeIhe pick mm to ma am an WJAgiLQIfi over that type mm we on 11 1° laws orrsteliitu which werenot ragtime the General Electric Comp mumuolm ilah too whei dragged by the bu Med mu Not so long ago they went mouth train their only homes hum mm FLYING um === into the hunting me by train and turretIndian Proudly eat on the thin th in those notwfaraw day 00 no sy dam =r guggmggéegoltg 11113 whgflrwfinggymlf El EARL OP AVON fluctuations achlgedi loss it was iasbiooahie to loot at were runrm £=c presettier lo drivethemintow entritirreaDybetter sport Sir AaifiorIEden dinner an imam knighted by ElliAline mgr camp or by boat ii convenient watch them Wm Prim hm is or shut complacency oi mung Vorronichartel withcxuidcaw ATheApsstiaummer eremrfluwarhvmfiflkbfllionolifi or as much ear man race knows no bounds and Fr Sam hung WNW the year has meant lttle teed vl Finance Minister Fleming ool this complacency boggled at the the title Earl oiAvou Ha gown simply on ii named as am in lists monogram and paw themed be destroyed these almost en Kg gmggkamggvgm Meanwhile Mnlor lltovs flight might be peopled by sentient with Maw mamas OI at 13110 in made on two impor beitm who are more advanced mo um he wildeme the am III phomI ant verearles It is not one than ourselves But today the hunter may drive in his car A9mm °gt n3 LMI VIE since USA laun ed the not so mythical Majors who to hi mud my ZaadfimfiNRbkgossIlflfiua Ilial mommy IIaIntiIiIsIIIItzalloon sksItelllteIII Echo have made flights in flying on om IIde the IIIgeOIIII III bountiful and LONDON ICPI ootapar erw chwe Iaucers oi Russian and 15 Amoug pres thrilled to see traversing our origin have com led those meggmigfishgwfhigmr goldIavere weikiagI slowlyI Iide cutsIrecgilIIed or PriilgsssI MaIr evening skIy last August it has smartAlec ecolierspg eat crow across roe es gar expec now trave ed 155 million miles irig in September it could have pits iralile as though hmfail is set at clothes made by as it circles the earth once every 15333 fififiifiifilyfly mum 3° 10th Wilh where to go Were they golden prisoners in the Holloway twu hours and maywell total 19m me leg mum 03 113503111313 fulfilmeg DilWelTI womens jail hall billion miles before re mi can lying saucers ls EEG wings was amultide edecientlst trained No with good camera itiw°isllttt° um discs at 119 15 men mg 15 es idiiléldiifiiié tiidtifllnitiuitttfii WW mm in ggrglndgrwmfingfiggmg Out Homes On Wheels tawahe has long been voice crying in the wilderness to as usually hack in the woods near mums IIIIII mm am By DOUG MARSHALL Vehicles th have sure the sceptics that beings of living on some willowshaded mm Other Pl ets much mm mu be mu when Canadian Press Stan Writer evolved frfilfifififiltiveIgypay river linked totheshare by only Elmerth watchins not alarmed LONDON OP Amber figflffiafag 31131 cm iflpfl aimed éeven years ago wrote in iormerly the England the an this column The bet in th picture long to be remem In plots with modern iurnishlng housing shortage also produced GERMAN bend is that or hcsnuini doe eat an wriggling and domestic equipment the answer to it or the water medal and scientific bralns is on om clients on mm on about me but Most be how ofuiimiishfiihi fll thick hush to the water in the moamm an an Infinity many prefer aka advantage boots are converted landing new be The prob gm mownfi sIIuinlighbi niinid stortifig adIIEIIIIIIaIIIIIEIII thcII IIIII of cheap nuns up An craft motor torpedo boats and do aegooacros um gImIm other surplus naval vessels bum that Inlet topped with heed up neuroticrecently in London Ssendalfiir handayfflpfigflg Once laden with moo they Pm Khans and while the few moved over newspaper ll mptomaiic pi churned mammal towards the not hguudnaunng um 01 You um dour 13 mg new trend in southern England summer Wing bloody beeches up Normandy that the flying saucers are alien hear at course where recent population shuts Swarm $033 Now reiurblshed and made mm5 mm 3mm 31 have made ordinary acoommo habitable th jogue incl body like our earth or perhaps mi km mama dation scarce and expensive nomad mm mm hlmd my who wander the high roads in Wm Engulh V95 mm moth dhflemln Whm Effects Of Automation Age usi=slicriilil we so We do not and exam we pm are making their castles out of language and secretive way oi munitiea are cheeritu class they mm by Dont WorryComrade Im Standing on Gliard iiota with bodies recognitiny omes on wheels or piloat life that have changed little iu One group along the Chol iiifiriisgihnhiiiicieeiiiiii thuelsJibW 250900 PEOPIEJVB par siuce the middleagenicsr Nicaombankmeutenaarthe ceu Llfshsnuire°flafifi°fla speed euminagmg weigh mow MEIER in Milt15 and than ire of London boasts owners who tamnuom harder Du little depth in hnprint are nearly 10000 houseboats PRIVACY WADE are stockbrokersgeuarals ac scattored in clusters along am an iYPiiehmmfimfi tors bank rlerks and plumbers UPTODATE ADVICE The powerful weapon of automation occupation shifts and retrainin em mFWWDE Win bulb hr rivers and canals gram fm 53 am 3mm or an Chase ham Today Mr Smith who has is one of which Canada must make all Iplo ment is not unfavorany ai ected tufibmfliomgmffi 617 mm PROVE mugging 11de ggk boats have electricity hot and long considered those probablli possible use in the fierce competition ii act over the long term it is lmprov cod wa Er egviglon and g9 ties to be an tinderestimate JillU WBIde out on dead The tierdwellers are the privacy and sqleez n5 mm of world trade the Canadian Imperial ed dry tree which became loogg newest breed Britain still has land where they have lived ior phone mmEH mama and laymen upunl Bank of Commerce says in its current Moat evidence suggests that thaov and floated away on the slow long way to go betoroit develops centuries mm primitive iniflalcosts can has made some svspeech to Commercial Letter erall efiect oiautomatlon is that in the moving stream None oi the North American style trailer Parking III be anywhere from law huns lwcndgbl BllId limllfi mmWar til initial hili ts early stages it retards but does not lIWV°¥aserSWereln=1inedt° Wits mm Wm with Mamas WIDE sand 1° we amid has ywzrm ecause C08 ID sto the rate of growth of employment assist him and the tree would p001 Ind IiiW Olluail pleutilul and cheap Many are 111 appeal pygmy alone 111311011 313 economicall sound only finally 80 hold at NW9 But in five or six years the attracted by the romantic idea cases when large sea Pradumon ls wh the long term effect on emp oy to men but most women stick it Today it is known he asserts ossibié and because it has less scope mm Mummy Mimi and suitprdcuifihiymiceiigimgisrwizd igheiisfiiglimwifiidefl iii smith tiglétiinii grit primary lIndIustry gginpiegelauitoa WEI fiaefszggiigetggi more it is interesting to watch col REPORT FROM On may p055 833 01 once tippei over and once gin They range in size from un any of muskrats in small riv the present for many branches of in tons threat lies in unemployment caught fire says she has be manned satellites of irom or pool usually playing around come used to these things and inches to two feet iii diameter flushy in Canada through obsolescence as result of fail and dissing each other and has no intention oi leaving up to huge auperzeppelins as Nevertheless it is probably tmeI mg to make use of the latest technolog ItIiIiItIngIelyII enougdh swimImlgg Chelsea sculptor howaver big as the liner Queen Mary says the Latte that no major capital 31 impmvementf up mm has decided to abandon her 1913 carrying big crew and passen 85ioot estnaval pinnace She gers In between are the draw said she found it less than lar taperidliiscsfi mautic when the tide want out saucers irorri 35 to 150 feet in and left her home cradled in diameter and carrying iew the mud beings very like us clad in back showing but slight noise expenditure undertaken in recent years TeChDOIOECHI advance 1135 Ye be in Idirsgrmnd they sink by business industry orgovemment has matched by social progresswhlch has dtzwn once until only the back To Work In Germany been devoid of an element of automa failed to find means 0f supplying two oithsheadisshowing Theywlil tion thirds of the worldspnpu on with play and chase each other also The economic advantages of automg the barest necessities While surplus cap While watching it was part oi loo coverail garmInut These but big By MoleE HOOD been scrapped by the Schlieker all all our earths away near tlon are hardly open to question its llth Slims the Other until Ms am 01 dos or social effects are less easy to assess The solution of this problem saysi Wk manly had been Egggnufg€533333 myfii 50 mfmsfihgfi 323 gm no Suns meyecl art because the can onl be viewed the Letter is like to engage our at an Eu ice is sample of the water per the contiu oi ope for is mproperlyminehislo pets activeandvtention volunt or otherwise GLASGOW Scotland Earx we are still too close to evem in for many years to come IeSt supimsm 15 13 mm labor supply Two reasons were lIBPS three 01 four gallons and was caused in Scottish trade med Fr tie dropping or the dléyewgmkgzsynfly évgfi mullean fiat bitefit to many 03595 major product of automation has man was by mm 33 stinginénmwgmngy Econ ys shaIlIl Ibo Ilhlldclllig mum twmuvw Automation has made possible hith been more Ieisure and the process I15 mm II ML II mm that Mud in Ham make It womwhileI Mimi alure on me on erto inconceivable tasks and spawned likely to roceed furtherfiThlsaiso rais WW 5° mm any burg West Germany was re iiim was embarrassed by Who mlefinmmj in manmadesateiliteasc more at entirely new industries and rofessiona as rob em not only for the indivxdual cniitlng workers on the Clyde hostile reception its plan recolv God never said Keep the us watch the skies and with The outstandln example is electron but or society as whole With 5°1 mung Pew The 5113 at ck ed inthe Unltediilngdom par commandments and be saved more knowledge than ever be ics industryw ch employs about 18000 The Latte also takes look at Can 33 993 it ticulorly in the trade union eople in Canada and has an annual Th 11 um labor 0n the Clyde were many rdme Mimi man suburbia and the mmasem back oush our co Hrs so In Me WWW Wka mm Scotland flooring rusemtogc sir at oi real UFOs is now in rnoverof more than$400000000 summer living This form of re And we feellike strap The Letter as that among problems There were some underlying we mightbe saved by faith creasing like 1031931 wm causes or the allure oi the atlon chiefly gardening and other Lets be thankful were not mutual advantages arising from all omation the impIiIift 051 915 in planEx alainleIesen oiiic outdoor pursuits centred around the wearin stays NOWihewiloie scheme has my smemfgmpw employment holds the widest home have provided various supply in an has been its moat thoroughly ex idutries with an annual market valued sound mi it plored aspect at an estimated $100000000 nurmmu be °°m We Therapld development of organized if usnio gigslug amine In introduced duringa period of continuing camping for young people is third rouourou number Theycould not have growth and are slow enough to allow feature of the Banks midsummer issue gigging regime Over Amalgamation iiiflqihsiiaiiiiinhiii iéiis DI II 7workers and eat spflgetflf is ON OEEATN trouble heforethe approach can II II II giItthgsgisiIsIlIi oi temperaments TORO III key deI really work satisfactorily om scHoom ALLANDALE thetourth seniorfland lamorclasses Nominatedanimus willow Municipal Board iriisiéiifiifihmm Oldtimers in town or Vicinity will Grin small fifth class was also taught gaff ¥Liktfimfié has approved the OakvllieTre that the farmers in the new ma days when my 3de 13 $3239 itiffiihiéfi tight madam ans im5° dfiptilslitesllitlil Public 11°91 mundae It Md otroom for thoriumber attendingtheri fi°im soiling tic mini drawing it malgamfiim EDP 315$139512ZIZfizypggzfiltajzh°ghgufVéiIhgaIIlgtggongld lieu was above Ted an my in 1mm has agreed that the town near cation with Emma may mama WI Toronto and adjoining Traiaigar ed Across the back were two rooms wit Some oldfimvm may recall that the east side for prim and some of WW mldeu 1°ij get with assessmentI oi tlieIIFord IJMotItIu amon teachers unior odes his CITY onipeny pant on also yt the partsecond uplls titers were in wetefiheelatermssrsmiej nix 31132150 mfiifigmidrfieen mm in doing so it has set up the prospect oi getting good price next room with second book classes Misses Sadie Campbell and Elsie HoweI ms mm may MM Wm pm second largest municipality in for their land in years to come and the two front rooms for third and both married men vmmum gem of SeattlshJWea in the province But when theyget down to fourth class pupils The extra room on in this they undoubtedly weL swayed by the large industrial common is workers who went to Hamburg only Mdmwmm nut W1 59 and the in bi they si aroma me in the yam The exceed its 80000 acres probably will take asecond look iilniewlfiii finial in if dialog ilhesigi SPORTS 50 YEARS AGO would have liked many more But the new Imunléllpfllitl IIIIFDIIIItthlIlBhAHIEle or gift PEEcTpal Edward Shear took over for that recess 05 33 of them on its payroll have populist on only IIIIInIIIsI IIIIIIIeIII fifinfie cunt es PompPompBullaway Ifor theI Allow however workers oi oth magma ubl taxes nonetheless Wm nos girls The boys had Prisoner Base immune are moving An all area ro II III III pI The Barrie Examiner and also tag of different types but base where the Scots have hesitated mil Pgtm 53 ggfvmfllg ballhad not step ed up to its present to tread Now there are aever mm polity gets into operationm mm speed The late PTed Shear was an al hundred in Hamburss labor Lam SENSE om mpm athlete at lacrosse and football and the Starved industriesimfi Schlleker ifor it will be run by council Dally Sund and statutoryuoud excepted The board in ordering the terprlse alone has sum or gutlg latter was in general use sticks cost ml bk am am or an character scum wanns Publis le 51 policy which it and everyone And it will be hard to get city mm money with cop Iers and nickels rais ling oi Greeks and Spaniards cffifiosisaiiiilfflirn s53 ingtliIe price baseball at $125 else knows makes ans erm men very concerned bout Now to ease the labor ahortagg use drain it which is deecrlbeiLaadesporato establishing now ioits pmblfi giggflgfidgm II the ilrm hastiiruod torTurlIiey very early stage as one mu mm for workers andover the next melpamy an area which obvj The already has been some month or two some to or 50 to have great mks Wm be anmng III Ham uuaiy is g0 as experience of this in Burlington burg which at the moment is grizwfiia had been do yea and St Catherine where there have been somewhat similar se hlphundlns mm Elm ago in iorIoviiIfiiIi HnmiIIltou St orIgIIeInlzafians Cotharlnea aoran numers are no reason course thing an mgfiwgg 222wallflfififlfimfifigfi am DAY our other oentres great deal why this cant be wbrkedoutL chem lnwenther pattern VANCOUVER top Birth oi trouble would have been perhaps by some special com 65 mm mdAumt may duc ajor errors days for the three daughters avaide mlttea oi council But therein rriildSeptemberdnthESOday ismprccipilclnncniyisorc Mr and Mrs Arthur Dickie are in min ills the move in un strong feeling that until It is the outlookathqUnitedfitsterdicted ior the prairies GP rproaphiio rIrIiuiiioipal or eather Ioillcog The outlook Nowsunapt on won 1c camps WAD HillimLMuuer swimwear3400mm itonunITdllm advertising Manner JOHN BDLDKR coccinoniumger insecticides ii dire Paragraph allylspeaking mo yurb not six monthl not three moutgs pd Whom itsi°° Girls at 12 stop making foods at boys 011an no tilmgfii Agra forppm lid staitjillaking eye 553° mm Theman with moxie ttI burn JiIlIIfalr ll Nowpl uriileeribiirszciuon Ta Pru figs mint woman in ma Audit aumu oi r5 PRECIPHAI 0N combined into one event ovary guestlonebiy good ideal year The birth But in practice there may be ganiIzat

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