MEMBERS OF township councils conferred with each other to rcnppralse the audi torium issue during 15min YIELDSIGNS PROPOSED Allistdn Council OKs Blan To Control Street Traffic ALLISTON Staift Council carried motion to accept the proposed sign ol and street classification plan pre pared by the Department of Transport at the regular meet lag hero last night The motion Count Fatalities District In Iuly There were seven fatalities in five fatal car accidents investi gated by Ontario Provincial Po lice in District according to July figures released by Dist rlct Headquarters here District is comprised of the counties oi Dufferln and Simcoe and the District of Mus kola Sergeant Andrews offic er in charge of the traffic div isian said there were total of 252 accidents investigated during the month 128 persans injured andproperty damage amounting to $155379 There were total of 2856 vehicles checked for all rea sons 1672 warnings given and 965 charges laid Property damage totals for 1961 to the end of July in the District amounts to total of 5683255 Barries first public relationsy bureau will soon be in opera tion PR Services located at 58 Collier Street will he run by John Macbean an prizewin niananedleniournalistrMh MacLean said today he believes commerce and industry in this area have expanded to the point where many organizations aservicesofr publicrelations bureau Main objective of the bur stated that where no signs are proposed yield signs should be installed hylaw is to be prepared and presented to coun cil Councillors Besttle Nosworthy and Taylor voted against accch ance of the reports recommen dations in presenting the report to council George McCague said his police committee could not at ak recommendation to council as members had split vote What does the police com mittee feel theyre going to at la Tires Catch Fire Neighbors Upset The Barrie fire department responded to an alarm shortly before pm yesterday when pile of old creosoted timbers and used tires caught fire be hind tha Nixon Building Prod ucts Ltd plant on Tifiln Street The alarm was turned in by neighbors who became alarmed when the flames and smoke became rather dense Fireman on duty said that there was absolutely no danger to adjac ent properties Service In Barrie Mr MaeLean hopes to work closely with the city govern ment the Chamber of Com merce and the office of the in dustrial commissioner in pres enting an attractive image of dubsCity of Barrie to thapubf The bureau will arrange na tional publicity coverage through liaison with journalists and oth whiterrelations firms in Canada and the United States he said ute recess last night gain going to he more accid ggts or least Mr Beattle ask Mr McCague replied the new plan will curb motorists who make practice of creeping through stop signs without stop ping Only 31 per cent stop at bc signs One of the main reasons for using yield sign is that people dont stop any way he said Mr Beattle said that if the plan is put into effect there wont be any motorists stopping If they ignore the stop signs what will they do with the yield slgnsftjgheAasked NOT IN REPORT 11001Seat Auditorium Inked BY City Council COUNCILS LOCK HORNSI Continued iorm page one deflation of separation from and went on to read state ment from his council in regard to separation Bar rie should take good look at the andthe waship Coancilrfliouldï¬akea good look iural ass on muthiEhe in the city ll Barrie de sires an auditorium they should pay the difference themselva All Barrie would need to do is assume the balance over and ho vs the 3304000 including land cost we have agreed to We our percentage of WOULD RECIPROCATE Canaan Downey Reeve oi Vespra said Vespra Township needs recreation centres in the worst way If Barrie helps us build themwe will reciprocate He said that Vespra Council had written to the Department of Education to ask what ap proach other municipalities were taking to this problem We ro celved reply he said that iLwaLmorLcnmman to build combination gymnasiumauditor iums which were subject to grants than andllorlums which were not subject to grants After Oro and Inalsiilfr dont know what to sayTPeeve Mcrvyn Denney of Essa began We have decided to spend but considering the small amount of money involv biock ii the MODseat lum ls decided upon Alderman Les Cooke of Bar rio said he was sorry the em phasis tntheiiscusslou hsd been rural versus urban Itchaneen decidedireanc ago he said that the dist rict school system was neces sary and this was still valid He added that Barrie had lull mnï¬deaca in the District Col legiate Board who had made careful study of the needs of the community andiithstrthe growth oirtha community de manded the type of auditorium recommended by the board PRIVATE BUDDIES After marinate recess dur ing which the representatives from each council went into private the meeting was called to order again and auditor again Chairman Lockhart asked each group to state its position once All council groups held to their original positions with the exception of Essa which swung over to support the Collegiate Boardpmmsaimaking tissue al linerm three for and thre againstitho 110035eat Jdudito am The mectingwas adjourned in deadlock and wlLb com ment by Christie of the Collegiate Board LETS BE FRIENDS uments brought up here about assess ment are disgraceful he said If we are all thinking men here we should talk the same language its unfortunate that glveappro at School Board plans for an 1100 Committee Report Approved lit Special tPreBoard Meet Hams City Council last night voted overwhelmingly in support of combined genenl govern ment and finance committee ro port recommending the council to Collegiate seat auditorium The motion was nude at special council meeting prior to meeting with the Couegiatc Board and rural representatives Council had previously gone onlrecordbasldlglng in favorhoi arggr one at wFide seat 1500 and 1600 persons The new auditorium is plan ned as anaddltion to Barrie District Central Collegiate it we cant see eye to eye mwmmmart of an expun be friends and neighbors to each other if not get out of it dont want to waste my time Iury urges Signs Guardrails litter DroWning BRADFORD clal Of Barrie Man and the verdï¬t of en ure was return ast night in the drowning of Douglas Ball 24 of Barrie fiveman coroners jury in Missing 0n Lake Men Rescued SIMCOE CP Three men who had been missing alter set ting out on fishing trip in Lake Erie early Sunday were located at cottage Monday James Storey so Wray Edward Broad 44 and James Gee 18 all of Burgessville put out from Turkey Point Wh they did not return at night One of the main reasons for this report was the parking sit uation What does it recom msad about parking Mr Beat tie asked That is not in the report Mr McCague replied Well isnt that what the report was for asked Mr Beattle vlbe councillors discussed the matter at length until Mr Tay lor said Id like to check few towns The councillors could not aglee on which towns to check and then Mr McCag us said that if the Department of Transport did not think the plan would work it would not have recommended it Two Take Prize In Safety Contest No district residents have won prizes in the Elmers Wh Wrong in this Pict ure contest heldby the On arlo Safety League John Hodgson School St Camp Borden and Germaine Moreau 130 Robert Street West Penetang were both in The second prize category and were awarded SanaLites Alliston Gives Nod To House Trailers he says viii be to prelt sent the city its industry com merce and tourist attractions to the public via all uewsand in form on dis The bureaus field of opera tions will include eneral pub lic relations pubh and pub lic relations counselling in the John Marleen has been reporterphotographer on major Canadian newspapers for the past 18 years and has won sev eral at 31 Newspaper Awards for both wr ng and photography Prior to his decis lan to enter the public relations field he was member of areas of industrial commercial club and association activity the editorial staff of The Bar rie Examiner search was started Harold Hammond of St Wil liams piloting light aircraft spotted their boat beached at Ill isolated cottage at the tip of Long Point Peninsula where the men hadspent the night after their boat motor broke down Charge Created Dieturbance litter Iight Outside Restaurant 19yearold go youth Bernard Smith was arrested late yesterday afternoon by On tario Provincial Police and charged with escaping ody Thechargeisinaddi artJ one of creating disturbance laid against Smith and four oth ers following ï¬ght outside an Angus restaurant late Sunday evening SERIOUS OPERATION One of those char eLlil man reasoziofnofixeda dress is in Royal Victoria Hos pital being treated for cut to his arm caused during fight when his arm went through window one the hospital were required to perform threeand ahalf hour operation on the injured man early Monday moming7 Charged in addition to Smith and Bresso are John Smith and hiLwlfe Doris parents of SELISTONTStaffr Coimcil has decided to grant permission for person to live in house trailers for period of two mantis The trailer owner own his lot and be in the poo cem of building home All regulations laid down by the Simooe County Health Unit musl be observed and thme is fee of $10 per month Nrw Batocrro EASETRliIlIC Barrirurck When completed this newhrid ge willallow traffic between A1 listbna and Cookstown to flow in me direction unintérrupted overthe Nottnwasaga in ti At present onelane Bailey bridge carriestraffic over the river whilethe new bridge is being constructed Joseph Dumr mond inspector of construe lor the Department of Highways saysof the ew snags There is almost no limit tortheeweighL it will carryf But he points out there is lot to he done yet and it is hard to say just when it will be completed When completed it will carry two lanes and can easily baswitchv Bernard Smith and Robert Ad ams Ritz Angus with Bresso in hospital the four othersreportedly involved in thmaltercationvweroï¬tek 18 Charged In Home Raid TORONTO CP Eighteen persons were charged Sunday in the first raid one house party since new regulations in volving bail went into effect last Thursday Morality detectives following complain Three persons were charged with keeping liquor for sale Five women and In men charged as foundins were re leased on small ball usually whatever sum they happened to have in their pockets The Metro police commando as to jail foundms followingcom plaints by personserrested at one party that they werersub jected to intimate medical ex aminations in the Don Liar Garages are prercut or Pro cision Built by our Home Improvement Division vnriety of slau aignl ench with on log overheld steel Garage maK be purchased BNO WN PAYMM and Payments as low It $14 per month Boll Planing Mill ed into athreeelana crossing raided the home at 350 am Sharon last night ruled that Ball driver of cat which plunged off Riverde Pork Bridge into the Holland River July is was unfamiliar with the curve in the road and that there wareno forewarnlng signs lathe approach to the bridge The jury recommended the erection of more substantial guardrails signs be erected warning drivers they are sp proaching tho bridgede that several trees be cut back for better vision Walter Young resident in the area for 10 years testified the 24inch high chain link fence was not sufficlt to stop car at any speed Mr Young said that after the accident the guardrail had been ripped out to OPP headquarters in Barrie After charges had been laid and the prisoners were being placed in cruiser for trans port to the county goal the younger Smith is reported to ave broken away from the ar resting otficers and made dash for freedom across fields anddbackyerds in theneighbor oo muons rumor anon rm was broadcast to Two passengers in Balis car Donald Redpath 26 of Shirley St Barrie and Clifford Nussay so of Newmarket testified re calling little after their car passed another before it plung ed intowater Nussey helped Bedpath to share although both said they were nonswimmers Bell was said to bribe only swimmer The depth was estim ated over eightfeet postmartem on Hall show ed parts of alcohol per thousand inthe blood and slight abrasion th right temploBls body was recover edsomo distanocfr the scene of the accident two hours after the car was located GUARDIAN MAINTENANIIE fence was lvlns any the bank sion program at the school which would see additional classrooms and vocational shops built Tliese would be paid for by provincial and federal gov ernments but the cost of tho audilorlum is chargeable to the municipalities comprising the Barrie District Collegiate Board $85000 ESTIMATE Estimated cost of the audit orium as proposed by the $85000pllls1ahdmsts majority oftthe rural mun icipal councils involved had pre viously voted to support an and itorium building program not to exceed $750M All had ag recdwlth thosswooprice for land There was little discussion prior to presenting last nights motion for vote Alderman Williams pointed out that if the propos ed auditorium was to be used for school purposes only then he had no quarrel with it awéver lie said if the unitvbto be used partly as theatre my experience in these matters indicates that the pro posed building is poorly laid out EXTRAS NM CLEAR hlr Williams added he didnt think the committeesport made it too clear as to the He asked whether the towni ship councils would be proper ed to pay their share of these exttas They will be coconutz cred be said Various coundl members asi lured the alderman that all participating councils would pay i3 extras on proportionate he Boats Collide In Kempenielt Ontario Provincial Police ro ported today that charges are pending against the operator or an outboard motor boat who was in collision with another boat on Kempenfeit Bay early Slmday was vzecaw boats driven by William Chap man RR Hanover and Clyde Johnson Wellington St West Barrie Police report only minor dam age to the boats and no one was injured in the mishap Pamgesshï¬iï¬schbpman boat were Walter Adair Barrie and William Chapman Jr Meno Tomato police officer CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storm Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA dGEES onsvnulnflinnns police units and search for the escaped man proved fruitless Barrie police were notified on two occasions that man answering thenes cripï¬mrm Smith had been seen in the area OPP officers made the ar rest ln Angus late afternoon PLAYER mas school footballplayer Tommy Sims 16 collapsed and died Monday after brief workout EMERSON SWAIN IwoildIHsEmyHieam in and County to know am now associated with Henderson Realtor at 19 Collier St Barrie PA 847678 The acquiring or disposing of home farm or other busin ess or investment in real estate may be the major event in familys life in such situations my long re dance in the com munity and varied exper ience could be helpful to you You are sincerely invited to call ordrop in tossee me at Henderson WINTERS Tex AmAhigir at MGM Dealers doesrilt stop at parts replacement The Guardian Maintenance insballs these parts lsbackedfï¬y WWW MototsVTralnhig Centr Hergets the ob do erfest servloaimanwm right Substitute toriqualiiy parts and work but on nioresafely if you stop Maintenance service today EEvouaoraeai AiERFOR mess one