Hill Getting the dope straight hom the horses mouth la petite Cynthia Mch 18 GETS lIN monthold daughter of Mi andMrs ll lilcCron 17 Stra banc Avenue Barrie EARFUL lrieod Donna Rae Howartb daughter at Mr and Mrs Rae Howarih of Long Branch looks on The youngsters were snapped consortlag with their fourfooled friends along shanty Bay Road TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by EWFiynn 93 Dunlop at Barrie mansnun Mbcsios Ablllbl Algorha Steel Aluminium Albina Gna All Steel Bk at Montreal bank of N3 Ball Tal Brazilian RA on EC Power Cdn Bk of Com cdn crowria CPR ins nu 3222 7o Ii LN szii am Dom Tar at Label on Pow Homo Pit Home Oil on bu In Canada Cameni Can Chlmlcll can all Con Mindssm Con Paper Conan iraGia Dll Salt luterprov Illc am Nornos ammo Gunnar id Holllnger can Husky Camp Chib Gin Dal Rio Con Danion Con HI ll Sulllvnfl Fllcbnbrlflgl loco Minca Lamaoua omiti Pylmiakl Dom Found Dom Starc nquiili Pfd Famous any Hardaa rim liuflaon Bay Min imp Tobacco Attest lnland Intar Nichol Jockey Club Labor 55 Was Powall Rit Massey Farr KIrDAddllon ninth Ilia 16 mi it lath cola id 11 no 54 is 47 51 351i 7W 310 15 117 iii ss Nor uni Nu slam oars Oshawa Home Polo rein at inc Na in Roa Rothmlfll Royal sank meniscin asliss Shirrlll Sim Ions an ford etcel of Can dumber Tori7om uk rnn Can Pi Trans Mt Ppi moan Fin Pipe Texaco Uni Gas war or now 930 18 10 II 85 anemont Sher Gordon steep Rock While Wllroy 25 775 My Irv nosr acrrvs srocK venturu bamlnlon stores Boll rels Horns and Pilflsld phone Imperial oil mvrnsiw orcbsnsrrous inlerloil Machinl and Tool co more Hunt is it divldtnd am is Clnu Ant ssnts plylbls Oct D0WIJONII NEW YORK AVERAGE Industrial Down 48 TORONTO IIDCII Industriall Down 75 Hold Up 09 SENIOR NEMRERS ot the Walt family discuss earlier days during reunion From atherrerwaltsPicnilt=L Rails Up Utilities Up is EXCHANGE lNDlx Metals Down 59 011 lip 12 STOCK MARKET Volume TORONTO CFOThe Toronto industrial board was led ower today In light morning trading by steels banks and refining oils No marked changes were reg istered andiractlonal inllswcre the order of the day Onindex industrlais fell 75 PRODUCE TORONTO CP Churning cream and butter rint priccs were unchanged to by The egg market was firm with offeriligs inadequate for good dcrnend Country dealer quo db the federal depart out agri culture on Canada grade oggs delivered Toronto in fibre cases large 52 medium as small to and grades no market Rutter prices Canads first grade Ontario tendersble 63 nontenderable amok in light trsdlng Western 02 nominal Addison all of the Barrie area annual Readies Is planned Inclustrials hp Toms Huron eastern Rises to 59919 and base metals 89 to 20586 Golds rose 09 to 8834 western oils 23 to 9511 and the 11 am volume was 351000 shares compared with 828000 at the some time Monday Few issues were traded in the base metals market especially in the senior list Falconbrldge Labrador and Noranda all lost fromlistolla Oold trading was light with McIntyre Porcupine kin down from its new high of salt to rest at 46 up to in weak western oil trading Dome rose 15 cents while Home and Hudsons Bay each fall 15 The market vvas gencrally lower Monday though numbcr otissua reachednew highs NOON DOLLAR NEW YORK CHCanadian dollar 134 lower at 97 116 in terms of us funds Pound ster ling 322 higher at $230 zoos MONTREAL CPlThe rUS dollar was at premium ol 132 per cent in terms of Cana dianiunds the Bank of Mont real reported near noon today Monday the noon rats was $103 llti Pound sterling 5293 down it 3111 BARBIE WI TUESDAY AUGUST 22 ill CAPSULE NEWS Rail Strike BUENOS AIRE AflerIaiI way tralfic throughout ans tina Iraa paralysed Monday by 0hour strike Two main rail unions are protesting gov ernment plans to reorganize the slate owned system and turn some subsidiary services over to private enterprise Floods In Japan Y0 ABFlash floods In Japan have injured 4s persons police reported Monday About $000 houses were flooded in Na goaka city of 150000 north of Tokyo after ion inflsioflgnr ieilln 11 hours Killed 51 GEORGES Que GP Threc persons were killed Mon day and three others inhoed in headon collision between car and small truck near this community 50 miles south of Quebec City The dead all rid ing in racer and all residents of St Evariste Que are Oscar Brochu 38 Joseph Marcoun about 50 and Marc Grondlh 11 To Study Report OTTAWA CPiThe cabinet has assigned subcommittee to study the recommendations ol the royal commission on publi cations Prime Minister Dlefam baker said Monday He did not Identify members of tho subcom OLesry president of the ot iawa recommended measures glvlng Canadian pe riodicals bctler break against foreign titlon chiefly from the US Decide Future OTTAWA CPIThu future at Dr Mikhail Klochko the Run sion chemist who detected to the West last week may be dc clded sometime this week Qne report said Dr Klochko 59 is expected to join the stall oi the National Research Coup cll hero with reg hand to con tinue his research into physical and inorganic chemistry He has been in the protective custody of the RCMP since he leit iourlng group of Soviet scicnt lsts in an Ottawa hulel Tuesday 1an asylum tram the Ca nadian government Slow Development ELISABETHEILLE Reuters Premier MolseTshombe of Ka tanga province Monday pre sented foreign consuls here with government document on sl leged troc ti es by Balubs tribesmen The document included photo graphs of whites and negroes sold to have been skinned alive Tshomhe said the aaluba up rising in North Katao earlier this year led to tenl le atroc ltles and witchcraft lshombea forces crushed the uprising Synopsis Hmonledweather continues across Ontario weak disturbance west of Lake Superior will givepartly cloudy skies and law showers to the regions north of the Great Lakes today and Wednesday little change is expected elsew ere Western Lake Erie Windsor Partly cloudy today and Wool hssday with little change in temperature light winds Lake Erie Niagara Lake 0n onto Hamilton Londonz Cloudy with few sunny periods today chance of brlcr shower during the morning Variable cloudi rvness Wednesday with notmuchr change in temperature light winds GeorgianjaysiiimagamlfAlu goma northern Lake Huron re gions Sault ste Minis sud bumNorthoer About 70 descendants of John Wait and Margaret Fragan rau ging in age from eight weeks to so years gathered around St Vincent Park Sunday to mark the first annual reunion iriiobarts To Seek Leadership PCs TORONTO CF Education Minister John Roberts Monday announced hewill seek the lead7 ershlp of the Ontario Progres sive Conservative party at the partys convention Oct 21 He saldhe made the csion after great thought and consul tation withrrrpeopIefrom all parts of the province Mr Roberts 44 was asked at press conference if he thought AHMrnewed youthful leader will leave that to the good sense or the delegates he said He is the third cabinet minis ter to seek the leadership The other ordinaryResources Minister Robert Macaulay 40 and Health Minister Matthew Dymond 49 Premier Les Frost an nounced his retirement as party endme garlic twill gr Chairman Sandy Ooutts told the gathering how John falt came out to Canada about 1654 from Pennsylvania and worked on the milling north of Ortllla Thcstory goes that he walked from Hoggs Hollow north of Toronto to Orillla in two days He settled on farm west of Dalsloosnd lat er took up farming on Lot Con ti Innlsiil Township Mrs Isabellnt Colitis of Ban markedher doth birth day+fewtdays ago with her immediate family Mrs Mary Boyd oi Painswick and Mrs Reta Paddlson alsoot Painswlck along with William Wait oi Enr rle were present with their children gr children and great grandchildren also the children and grandchildren of Arthur Wait the eldest who was unable tovheJresannsL he left last week to Niall xhlo son Loy and family in Red Dear Alta Art sent vwire to the gathering wishing ads pleasant time The youngest memb pres ent were Valeria Hart daught er of Mr and Mra Bill and Kenneth Maguire son Mr andMrs hob Maguire Committee in charge of next years reunion is Gladys Camp bell recording secretary along with helpers Coutts Vern ï¬aï¬taladdlson and Irene ran onlvnbrm PRESS Basel swltzerland Rudolph Spelch president of the Swiss Bank Corporation since 1944 and member of the council or the Swiss National Bank Parls Abbe Henri rBreu 35member ofthej1rencths historian and specialist on cave paintings Toronto Herbert Durgy 65 Cities Services Oil Company monager and past director of the Canadian Gas Association Toronto Murray Ed muudaA New Toronto manager of theBank of Montreal and bank employee forsi years Montreal fean ODonnell 49 industrial commissioner for Both babies were among the reinahi as premier for the time er maximum St Jerome and vice president edictfaaurentianTourist nd Economic Bureau late and internationally known but with cloudy intervals today and day Not much change in temperature light winds WhiteRiver Cochranere gions Partiycloudy with few scattered showers today and Wednesday Not much change in temperature light winds OrilliaJGirLIslnd In Piano Contest TORONTO CP Julia and Eloise Carbone both of Bront ford Monday won the piano duet competition for persons 20 and under atthe Canadian Na Mailxhlbition Jan Vlarie Mustard oi Sud bury won the rider 14 piano competition with Pat Montgom cry of Orillia second lieorgo lluvies consrnucrlou LTD tarlo Haliburton regions Tor may White River Marine forecasts valid until am Wednesday Lake Huron Georgian Bay whids variable 10 knots Partly cloudy Lake Erie Winds variable 10 knots Mainly cloudy Lake Ontario Winds harm 15 knots becoming variable 10 this evening Cloudy Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Wednesday Windsor 55 75 St Thomas 55 72 London 55 75 Kitchener 55 75 Winghsm 50 72 Hamiltonu 58 72 St Cstharincs so 71 Toronto 72 Paterborough 70 ton 7b Killaloe =70 Muskokn 72 75 75 70 7O 75 65 Sudburyr Earlton Kapuskasing Moosonee ScionoerNow Shrinks Piles Without Painairdlisnomforf comm rm Andlltchbigda sank unsold Toronto Ont SpoolDFor the first ï¬ma scienes has found new healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoidsad to relieva aintand itching lhousands ave been relieved with this inexpensive substance right in the privacy or their own home without any discomfort or convenience In case alter once while gently relieving ain actual reduction shrinkage took place Most nmazmï¬lof allresults were so thoroug th buttersco WE ii FM apro am Theaocratlsanowhooliuzlub stance RioDavao diseoveryofa famous scion dc nstituoes Nowthlsncwheallngsubstanco iaolieredlnsigpositoryorointmcnt term called Chanelz DANGEROUS Pblice Caution Corporal Gidduis oi floor in charge of the OPP pl boat sign in harried II all dangetom oporatlm of mo tor boat bava been laid in three cases to this area within The officer said persons in volved have been merged under thsuimlnaleodsasaresultos recent amendmcrm to the code 711m InclrkmnngM aged be re pop av asylmrnera Tito were It inols BRACEBRIDGE CF Can adns first educational television station slated to begin broad casting ln Toronto by 1983 is In danger of being controlled by provmclal government and school boards the Ontario ToacthIL Federation was told here Monday At the first session of the four doy annual 01 meeting lde oi Port Arthur member or the OFF audiovisual com mittee said the OT should pay $10000 to fees to Join the Metro politan Educational Television Association We whichrhss bem1i mm head by Gram the soahcad by the Board of Broadcast Govemora for the new station now is composed of Metropolitan to school boards Ryelsun institute of Technolorty the University or Toronto the Royal Ontario Mu scum the Toronto Art Gallery and public libraries The Penetangulsheno Road built originally by the military Georgian Bay at Penetangul shone is one of the interesting roads of the county it may al so be the first lt slatted atBradford where the private road from Holland Landing connected the north road and on which was toll gate whichcollectcd Hollsnd Landing and Bradtord Fro rn Kempenfelt Bay it headed north in straight line and separated two located land along the road were given their lots starting from the south end and in their turn as their applications were received However all the land did not have the same ag ricultural value The forms tho south and comprised land lncludlngthnruryhome stead at Crown Hill In order to Mom how Crown Hill got its name we CharlesDrury who in his Bard year has one ol the most per fect memories it is possible to meet HLsaya ber back to his fourth year When We asked him how the said there were two suggestions either ol which might be cor root The Anglican Church stands on the south side of the loop where Highwaya Jo and almost This Is the mas roads of the Penetaoguishene Road and the first line of the township When this church was being consecrated the Bishop mentioned this was certainly real crown for the hill on which it stood However Mr Drury feels that nature the church was started his people who hadcoma front Kennll worth England had probably lN REG sso 1000 1250 now 550 700 sorlirsrsli Fear Educational TV In Danger OiGoTCSTHWBoEdetSnirBT called on she Honorable VEmesL manmmem highway They are sriu$gled Crown Hill name originated ha Vareasaroundrcrown Hill vmake In Boats ftl Beach and one at Ore Beach ous practice he sold it Is Only one charge has been practice that we are trying to heard in court to data and this aiunp out We have been for resulted in conviction and innate in that we have nothad line at will The other drug any serious accidents at this as are scheduled for hearing in type yet and we dont wont magistralei court he Pl Corporal Glddent said his boat and men are continually on the lookout for lnlractloaa of this nature rrlDrlvlng highpowered boats lo arox deilgnated as mink areas is very danger The officer also mentioned the unsafe practice of persons in mull boats being often too far outhug Lake Simeon WEIN approachan the seasoool aud deorflanh storms and anyona knowing the retardation or Lake Sirncoe knows that this practice can lead to serious dilflcuitlcl for all concerned if they are caught on the lake by one oi these brie but vicious storms 0115mm He added Often the persons involved are strangers to the aresand are not familiar wih the dangers involved Cpl Clddens also cautioned operators of small boats to en sure thai sufficient life pron servers and selety equipment Is on board at all times He htlons make it serious of fence tovconlravcnc those safcl rules he said nnd we wi have no choice but summon persons who disregard them PHONE NUMBERS TonerliGrucr City Police PA $5588 Provincial Police PA 5M Flra Department PA Mia RoyalVictoria Hospital PA 55051 Mr Ide said the adlool boards through governmentsubsidized Ryerson are apt to dominate the association He said the MT could give leadership from witth by having teacher mem bership on policymaking bodies to present the professional viewpoint He said the could pre vent the new station from be coming do in on teachers Rev Conway principal of St Patricks College in Ot tawa said the move would be unfair because it asks teachers mmallr over Ontarlo to subsivr dire educational television in Toronto Mr ldo said the new station would sot precedents which would eventually affect all On tarin teachers The 01 will study the ralt quest and decide by January 1062 whether it will join META Penetqng Road Guided Settlers Into County to connect Lake Simooc with fee for using the rosdbetween townships Settlestho wereal ANGLICAN CHURCH REAL CROWN FOR HILL used the name of Crown Hill whichicuts north about mile ï¬nmlcket clublhere with west at 93 ths Pens Crown Hill today is getting tangulshene Road call at some new homes along the the cemetery ot the Crown Hill church rwwwmames of some of the original settlers have disappeared from the com munity Some of the markers are considerably over the centV urymrk ang them the VMairs and Caves among the big spacious farm es built in the early days as the second homes of the set Uera who had outgrown the log cabinstheyoriginatlroccuplgd Therenever was known to bc commercial development at the Crown Hill aeolian of the road although there is now service station there Drury says that once the was store started in the old Rix Hot el ch wrs mi north of the churches and the school but this did not stay long and the hotel was alsodemolished However the rural and tread ideal sites for homeswith PLAZA sprout Venus coirrunr nAm srvusr ALL PERMANENT waves REDUCED LETUSSTYLF yous HAlk THE LATESTFASHION OPEN THURSDAY FRIDAY TlL 900 PM VFOR APPOINTMENTYHONETA II quick entry to Highway 400 ucusr 1qu fO srprcmas lath ssex BARGAIN FAR T0 rononro costs mu $3335 EOR IIll ROUND TRIF Going Thursday August 17th to Monday $5ptambar4th incl Return leltLSeptembar 6th For fares and train service our contact your local agent 3500 on REG 1750 3000