Irma YearNo andwestaenin East Berlrners from gathering tinaljoinral naueras dear7lonny and said OUR TELEPHONES For Summer Want Ans rete pboqe PA Suu The telephone number to call for me Businesl or Editorial Dept in PA 66537 195 British Centurion tank parked yï¬terday near the line separating the British and Soviet sectors of Berlin geLs close inspection from Grman younyters The Brlt ish placed four of these tank lull company of infantry nrrir Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday August 22 1381 men and other weapons along the border as soon as East Germans began to reinforce barbed wire fences along the line AP Wirepholo ADENBUER TOURS BORDER Egst Berliners Cheer VGerman Chancellor CP from ReutersAP BERLIN Crowds of East Berliners cheered Konrad Ade oauer todayns the West Ger man chancellor toured the bare ricaded border between East Communist loudspeaker trucks blasted attacks against AdeA nauen on two occasions but tense faced peoples police were unable to prevent excited to wave at him police cordon held back large crowd of Communistzone residents in the Brunoenstrasse about 500 yards from the Bran denburg gate but the East Ber liners recognized Adennuers motorcade and began cheering and waving handkerchiefs The chancellor toured the sector border shortly after he arrived from Bonn with sfprom fse that West Germany will use power to preserve the freedom of West Berliners in coming ne gotiations with Russia REDS MOCK VISITOR rrthe Potsdamer Platz junc tron of the Soviet 15 and Brit ish sectors Communist loud speaker taunts referred to Ade his serious face recalled the rages of Adolf Hitler At the Brandenburg Gate an other truck played Western hit tune as Adenauer drove up for look at the closed crossing point The truck boomed out an ironic welcome You come Hate Mr Chancellor We have acted in the meantime About 200 yards behind the gate scoresof the East Berlin erssome armed with binocu loregathered Police and East German soldiers ordered them to move on but few left the scene Adennuer also was cheered by East Berlin citizens as he passedccmmumsEzone houses that front the burderwith West Berlin East Germans waved rand wept in windows along the Bernauerstrssse In the swinemuenderstrnsse long row of EastGerman T34 tanks had driven up for Ade nauers tour The loudspeaker truck at the Potsdamer Platz was accom panied by water cannon that pointed its hose in Adenauers direction Communist televi slon unit filmed the chancellor from across the barricades Sev eral East German police were at the scene with machineguns or NUTSHELLV Eirelossistimatediit sienna LONDON Ont CF Loss was estimated at $15000 to 320000 in spectacular fire which swept theDevincyhuel Company coalsheds early today About 120 tons of coal were lost along with the sheds loading equipmentand truck Tpllnveil Historic Plaque TORONTO CP Two histo cal plaques commemorating the 17th century mission of Rev Joseph Poncet SJ and the Anglicanlmission at Manltowaning wiilbeunveiled on toulin Island Aug announced today 27 the department of travel and publicity Adenauer was mobbed by photographers and reporters but West Berlin citizens were kept outside the square by West Ber lin police Thousands of West Berliners lined the streets to wave to AdonauerBut many others kept walking without looking at his motorcade presumably be cause thcy were SocialDemo4 crats opposed to Adenanérs Christian Democrat Party in the coming West German election Mayor Willy Brandt and American commandant Maj Gen Albert Watson welcomed the West German chancellor as he arrived aboard an American nlriliittary planeioranelghï¬hnnr crowd of several hundred cheered Adenauer as he drove out of Tempelhof Airport They held aloft two bannersone said Hurrah the Saviour is Here and the other said Too Late it was Adenauers first visit to West Berlin since the Com munists Aug is closed the bor der between the two halves of the city to halt the flow of East German refugees into theWest and zone Political opponents in West Berlin criticized the elderly statesman for delaying his visit until the tension created by the border closing had begun to subside Signs displayed at thejuim last weekend of LS VicePres identLyndon Johnson empha sized Adenauers delay Wash ington is closer than Bono said one During his visit Adenauer planned an appearance at special session of the city par liament and conference with Brandt Meanwhile police reported Seyearold East Berlin woman was killed by jumping from thirdstorey window in desper ale attempt to escape to the Wes out today as the forest fire near havngrcedJndernrotesttL Policemen Injurecl In Race Outbreak MIDDLESBROUGH Reuters Colored and white children played together amid broken bottles and smashed window panes today inCannon Street centre of third night of racial violence in this northern indus trial English city Eleven persons including two women were scheduled to ap pear ln court later in the day to answer fortheir part in Mon day nights disturbances Three policemen and several rioters were taken to hospital after police tried to disperse crowd of 1000 whites gathered in the slum inhabited by Pakis tanis Arabs Africans and West Indians Beer bottles and bricks were hurled at the policemen as they made two baton charges against hardcore crowd of 300 Monday nights clash came after 21 whites were sentenced to Jail terms of up to six months for taking part in weekend riots which broke out in the area Saturday night The evidence shows that on this occasion the colored popu lation were qulet and peaceful Send Out Call For Volunteers To Battle Raging Forestlire ST JOHNS Nfld or csllslurmorevolunteerywcnh Benton began building up into serious proportions after do overnight lull The ECAF at Gander dis patched 140 airmen and 40 civil ian employees to help fire fight ers Officials appealedfor more The fire crossed theTrans Canada Highway Monday but died down during the night giv ing RCMP chance to escort hundreds of vehicles held up by roadblocks to continue along the highway in convoy The highway was blocked again to ay Butldozers worked throughout the night cutting toofoot fire Buanversiigree To Workiior Less sr rmTurer or Council was told Monday night that bus drivers and mechanics work for longer hours and lower wages for the city when it takes over the Niagara St Cathar ilnes and Toronto Railway Sept The transportation committee recommended that drivers for the bus operation be required to work ninehour day without lunch They will be paid $100 an hour drop of less than two cents Mechanics now worklnga 40 hour week will work 45 hours at sz announa drnpamwnisWuwwmhad been operating in some cas talrentogthospital One an infant High LOCAL WEATHER Mainly sunny with cloudy inter vain um WM Low tonight Wednesday 70 For full mmrnery see page two ot More Thus 19 per Copy12 Pam and never did anything at all to do any provocation but they wereattacked the magistrate said The rioting came after an 18 yearold white was stabbed to death Friday nightand an Arab was charged with murder Employment Rises From June Figures OiiAWA CP Unemploy ment in Canada eased in July to $51000 from 370000 to mid June the bureau of statistics reported today The midJuly figure of ioblesr represented 52 per cent of the labor force com pared with five per cent year Iarlicr The relatively small decline of 10000 is typical of this time of year the report said About 100000 teenage job seekers entered the labor mar ket with the start of the vacation periodfan influx that was partly offset by the tem porary withdrawal from the la bor force of significant num ber of married women break from Deadmons Pond lo Ganderhakefme fireieariyflor day was two miles from the break less than four miles from Gander The latest report on the Bonn vlsta North fire was that it was buming fiercely in the Ware hnrn lndlan Arm Trinity area prhng up heavy smoke from HaseBaytoGarmenville RCMP were advlslng residents WINSTON WELL nunonsrnrsr MONTECARLO AP Sir Winston Churchill who ar rlved here Monday to begin twoweek vacation was taking leisurely breakfast in his hotel suite today when suddenly the hotel lwltchboard was flooded with anxious calls In London there was rumor the British states man had died At first Churchills secretary and then the Hotel de Paris switchboard operators took the calls giving the same nxnswer to the same ques ton The rumor was falscvond Sir Winston was feeling fit An aide said Sir Winston ate hearty dinner Monday night slept soundly and awoke at 1015 am Interon Sets Experts Straight TORONTO lCPA Toronto youngster set the rt straight at the ONE art exhibi tionby pointing out that an ab stract was hanging sideways Embarassed officials twisted the work to the positionthe pointer intended on the advice of Heather Moore 14 Heather who says she paints 1bstracte herself sald wliatcorf vinced her the picture our of the Night was hanging sideways was spotting the signature of the artist Marlon Scott standingon its side in one corner An exhibit spokesman sug gested the safut way for ab stractlonlsts sending examples of their work to art showsrwould be to mark the back of the who ha evacuated their homes not to attempt to return Perish SYDNEY MINES NSCP Mrs Mary Campbell boarder 11113 éhzleet of herl five Childrens war perished in The hit swep atwostorey wooden dwelling hereearly to day The two other words were was believed thrown from secondstorey bedroom window by Mrs Campbell The other jumped Dcadrbesides the 64yearold Mrs Campbell are Gus Mae Nell 78 wards Betty is Tony 13 and Wanda Last names of the wards were not available Fire Chief Mike Nugent said litwasabouifba4norsttire he had seen in his 33 years on the force in this townof 0500 He saidMrs Campbella the childrens home for 20 years Children SaVed painting with thiswayupno tlce In 31¢ Theflremdtï¬elï¬e must have happened very very suddenly fireman had walked by the home few min utes before the siren sounded at 185 aimand saw nothiog He heard the siren turned around and saw smoke The fire chief said he believed the fire started in downstairs sitting room on the childrens side possibly in Chesterfield The cause might have been wir ing None of the seven living there was believed smoker The fire never reached the up stairs where ell were sleeping he said They must have all to Georgetown today fromhls ToWnships Ilsk Two hot round of verbal sparring last night ended in split decision as Barrie District Collegiate Board met with city and township ooun representatives to discuss the proposed Barrie District Central Collegiate auditorium in this comer supporting the boards plans for 1100 sent auditorium were Barrie Sunni dals and Essex And in the other corner Oro lnnfsfll and Vesprn townships reaffirmed their positions for ceiling of $250000 on the cost of the auditorium and told the board theydgive their share at that amount and the board could build what it liked with NEED FAST ACTION Meeting began with board fin ancecommittee chairman Char les Griffin emphasizing the need for fast aetionon the boards proposals and saying that he hoped the four townships had reconsidered th elr ceiling of 3250000 Board Chairman Lockhart then askedscachconncil tostate its position Elect lidmierer First Premier In By nrcnnnofc MASSDIIK GEORGETOWN British Gul ona AP Cheddl Jason Mandatadmlren of uFldel Oas tro promising forelgopolfcy of active neutralism was re turned to powerfor four more years today in Britains only South American colony Returns from Mondays gen eral election gave Jagans Com munlst leaning Peoples Pro gressiv Part 10 of he 95 seats in the new legls store and at least two of the five unre ported cohstituencles were ex pected to be added to the 43 yearold East Indian dentlsts majority The Negro dominated Peo ples National Congress led by Forbes Bumham won nine seats and Peter Daguiars Conserva tive anti Communist United Force won two The British ousted govern nnenrhead 953 chargfng that he was planning to establish Communist beach head on South Amerlcg th coast flanking the Pana no In electionsinï¬BST PPP won nine of the 14 legis lative council seats and Jagan became minister of industry post equivalent to premier un der Britsh Governor Sir Ralph Grey wru 10de none Jagen was expected to come inland home district to accept Greys invitation to become British Gulanas first premier died of suffocation None of the bedding was burned in name aswell as fact Britain has promised the col Linkwlriizrunrsmncoins rle said motion was in the selection lililflSéativProjectBlocked Ceiling Cost Mayor Willard Kinzie of Bar pal red In council this evening to support the boards proposal for l100scat auditorium We or iginally thought of larger nud Itorlum he sold for many reasons larger nuditorium would be of cultural value to the whole district and conven tions would bring more em ployment andbusiness to the whole area However we have agreed to retract our original position because we feel Ihat harmony and cooperation are of the utmost importance in this matteri SAYS 3250000 AMPLE We think $250000 is ample to build an auditorium for school purposes Reeve Char les Sproule of lnnfrlll said it might be fine to have theat re for Barrie We are not too interested in other things Schools should provide the es sentials for education Deputy Reeve George MaeKay of ore referred to news re ports in The Barrie Examiner regnrdtoinarrle Councils Turn to pagethree please 0i Fidel Castro British Guiana onylnternelselt goremment and sold it could apply for in dependence withln two years Jagan is expected to demand lndependencswlthln the Com monw as lth immediately alsoopposedB entry into the West indies fedlt eration and said he will hold referendum on thequestion Bp parently being convinced that he can defeat the proposal The Western world watched trithconcember cause of Jagans avowed frien ship toward Communist coun tries and the Castro regime But the election apparently was decided on racial lines Jagan was hacked largely by his fellow IEatst t1indfens tnIrvho as L0 court to work the rice Mr fields and who now make up about half the population of 500000 The Negroes supported Bum ham while the colonys busi mmin and Roman Catholics liked Da guiar beer baron of Portuw guese extracjon HERES ONE An absconding teller had been caught and was on trial for getting away with $1000 Im pleading insanty for my client said his lawyer Hows that ke the judge Well your honor he had access to $50000 but took only one thousand replied the law yer PrinCe Marries Beauty Winner JOHORE earmi MalayafAP The Sultan of Johores on has married the Malay beautytontustwirmerwbo cost him his place as crown prince of Johore State Prince Mahmud who as Moslem is allowed four wives married 22yearold Princess Zaoaria Ahmad Sunday He married an English girl Josephine Trevarrow in 1956 and has four chil dren by her ance Fire On Youths12i Killed KRAR Su an Retuers Sudanese nolr fired on crowd of youths in Omdurrnao Monday night killing 12 and wounding 10 it was killed and five injur Woman Pleadstui llAMILTON or ydung Niagarh Falls on pleaded guilty £910de to passing five stolen money announcedtodayThreepolicemen were lty woman orders worth atotel of 20 last Fridaynight Carol Kirch 21 of no fixed address was remanded in custody one week for sentence WBelieiLeCholera Under Control HONG KONG AP With more than half of llong Kongs 3000000 population inoculated cholera in the congested Brit ish crown colony apparently has been brought under control government spokesman said todpy only two cups had been reported in 24 hours The total number of cases slncathe outbreak of cholera four he died Detecting Scientis last Wednesday now stands at 33lncludlng Wont Return VIENNA AP young Soviet scientist has detected to Austrian police reported today ofcctor member of the provincial he rode nahlain the yes Germany Nikolaiilvanoviclt Seredn laminatoroturmtmkusslal Police officials identified the 24 technical Tribe Academy of Science at Kiev meantline and now is reportedin Stale lProtectio sEonneLLiquorPolicelnspeclor QUEBEC CPY lab at and hotel keeper testr ed Monday they received illicit nor from Leopold Rerreault former inspector with the QueA bec liquor police and inter paid moneytwhlmforiproteetioH Oscar Emond 55 of Ste An de Portneuf Que and hotel keeper Cyriss Tremblay 62 of Riviere Portneuf Que were nestifying at the preliminary hearing of three former mem bers of the Quebec liquor police charged with defrauding the provincial government of more than $500000 Charged with Perreault are Rosario hemire former Quebec district chief of the now dis banded force and forest Le res stepso Emond said he gave Ferre aplt $100 for protection on two occasionswhen Perreault de manded the money after selling him illicit liquor Anothertime said told Perreault didnt have any money that alll had was family pleasure craft EmondsaidPerruulttook the boat and sent it to Quebec City person the name of Lucien TrcmblayJ laidvhe was given police as WENT 0N nuns under the protection ofvthe one one occasionï¬Emondv nMoneyfPaid cortback to Anneafter he came to On nee City and bought 50 gallons of liquor from Perreeult Ernond said Perreault told him When you need my ser Vieesrget in touch with me Tremblny testified he met Perreault in Quebec City ho tel and later paid $225 for protection on two occasions Earlier former inspector of the force said hundreds ofdol lars charged to expense ac counts for special investiga tions were used to finance fishing and hunting trips Rene Mercier now Mont real private detective said he and other menrincluding Per reault went on several trips be tween 1055 and 1058 and charged their expenses to the force Mercier testified last week couit that honor other mem bers of the force worked on houses being built for Lemiro andJ maxedno was battered to hayethronn threeyearolddohn from sec ondstorey window Clifford 14 jumped and was reported to have hurt his shoulder ESCAPE Mr and Mrs Alphonse OCon nell living lnthe back ï¬ction of the twooompartment dwell ing escaped with their seven children None was reported in jured Man Chains Wile Must Stand Trial coroner reelA Calgary man was committed for trial Monday on charge of forcible confinement despite testimony by his wife that shehadgasked him to chain her toa basement post in their home Police told Magistrate Readthey were called July to the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Wright to nd Mrs Wright chained by an ankle and padlocked to steelpole They cutthefounfoot ch in hacksaw Mrs Wright 33 signeda mat complaint and her noisyrid was arrested tiresome ay She told the court Monday he ILbusband Soviet 6Give UNITED NATIONS OP Britain today was reported to be encouraging baclrstagerï¬ forts to soften spropos Gen eral Assembly resolution Bi zerte which already is regarded by some delegations mild to ease the fan dispute The British haye exp as their viewsvprivately to sponsors of bid for ate tnegotiations bet total Erench military drawalfrom Tunisianth FrancoTum Deléeat laiv against th of foreign millt ry ses ijrgeSi PF°IgnaneSi might outline American lives oblservTehrs solidit ThaBg refer ern rs came under attack Mongay Vwideranging Soviet offenv no Sovletdelegato Pia onMo zov urgedlfquldation of all for lgn bases occupied by the West accused lheOriiteF of maintaining its big toned ussias southern orders With bases krstan