IO HELP WANTED CLERK FEMALE HWY TYPIST AGE l7 SINGLE Minimum three cars High School Excellent starting salary All emp oyee benefits Apply Consumers Gas Co gt567 ToronloSl Barrie AROUND sun CREEMOIIE PARRY SOUND HOLIDAY Mr and Mrs Harold Corby and Jimmy Mrs Mary Me Carthy and Mrs Bernice Gr have renamed to Creernorc alt er holidaying or two weeks near Parry Sound Mr and Mrn Jocelyn ha purchasedirom Harry Prl the old Mackay home on Elise mm CLERK FOR Sales Deparlmenl YOUNG MAN AGE 21 TO 25 To handle customer to dealer inquiries Must have matriculation loadspczsonality4ndtelememWendï¬dnierestedinw Excellent opportunity for advancement sales career rants should be able to APPLY CONSUMERSLGASéliéï¬llh$diiiviiliwllfi COMPANY 67 TORONTO ST noon CLEANING service re quires Ihrea men or Wednesday only noon until ago canrmn wanted noon in new ho lao Flaw lerer wanted Telcph no PA Mm between and it pro or further Iniomatlon rounNmIAN Electriclan rennin cd or immediate steady employ merit State references and salary expected Apply to nor Barrie hamlrter MALE FEMALE MALI on FEMALE or or over Unusual opportunity in sales and services Car essential Phona PA 0891 between iiimn on Wednesday morning EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper ro outred main or female or local hitaincurnan Reply stating qtlaII ileations and salary desired Box 97 Harris Exlmlnar SALES near AGENTS START Rawielzh auxinu iteal oportunity now for permanent pm iitabie work in Barrie Write lelellha Dept mom was Richelieu Montreal WOULD You like to supplement your income by two to 3200 per monlh during your apar tint7 Write no 92 Demo Examlnor No door door oiitun Eh AGENT FOR the fantaatlc Galu Jet Outboard Motor Run hours on gallon of fuel Write Crystal Sales Richwili Road Hamilton Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED hm AnaNrioN Mammal For your cultnmcomhlnlng telephone tim nuns Bradford Pros ect I355 or loei Presser try not Try An Examiner Want Ad NONE PA 824 BARRIE IZ TENDERS TENDERS Will be received by in under lined until September IMI for Ibo installation oI flush toilets and leptlc tank system in Thorn ton ornac Hall certiï¬ed cheque or of the total value of the tender payable to the trellqu of LOL No is Thornton must accompany each tender Work to be completed by October lost For rurtner information apply CHARLES SPENCER freon THORNTON ONTARIO 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE FRDAY EVENING AUGUST 23 PM SHARP Auction rule of household rumi turo hardwood and tools for DR HARVEY BALDWINWL at Lot Concession Drn Town Kin ht south of Dalston Terms Cash givllu up houscknapinl Please notice sale at van sharp 1mm COUGIILIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE SATURDAY SEPT 1961 AT Pltf Iture including many electrical appliances for ERNEST FOSTER BARRIE ONTARIO Terms cash Noreserve as the Foster are leaving tnwn JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer BUSINESS SERVICE DJRECTORYV Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 Appli shlphrllnt on Rflihway 91 mile No reserve as the home ll sold and Dr Baldwin to Auction sale of household fum home is rented Mr and Mrs possession air and Mrs Ed Steed re turned to their home in Ottawa this week after spending the past three weeks with relatives and friends in the village Albert Orr workingat Hess lips drug store for the next two weeks while Mr Healip is on vacation PURCHASE RBIDENCE Mr and Mrs Walter Win cheater of fluhnw Township have purchased the residence of Penney Thomas the new 6Wniï¬hto get munch Oct LIBRARY CLOSED Creemore Public Library la resumed next week on Wednes day and Saturday afternoons and Friday evening Mrs Marlon Priddle librar ian reports decided increase in book landings during the summer to date THE LATE JIM CDULIER Funeral services were held on Aug is from the Crawford and Mumford Funeral Home Creemore for the late ira Gor don Jim Coultcr who passed away at Creemore on Aug 14 Mr Coultor was the son of the late Mr and Mrs Robert Coulter and leaves to mourn one brotherI Melville oi Cree more Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bob Pickering on the birth of their son Gary Doug las at the General and Marina Hospital Colllngwood on Aug MARITIME TRIP Mr and Mrs Jim Miller re turned this week to their home on Coilingwood Street after twoweek tour which took them through Quebec New anawick and Capo Breton island HUGHES EMMETT Mr and Mrs William Em mett Creemore have announc ed the marriage of their dau nhter Virginia Ruth to Wil liam Lloyd Hughes son of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hughes Cree more on Friday July 28 at St Lukes Anglican Church in Crcemore FIX RAIL CROSSINGS The old railway crossings on Mill and Collingwood streets had AT 189 swarms STREEifaBccliflingjalrlast week uri der directional the village works department The paving was done by Barrie ï¬rm and the results are definite improvement Welling ton Street was also treated to coat of rolledin chips MP VISITS HERE Heher Smith QC Progressive Conservative Member of Parlia ment for North Slincoo paid it visit to Creemore rday last Mrs Ross Walker is reported doing nicely after majorop oration at Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie last week We APPLIANCE SERVICES TONY sAPPLIANcE SERVICE Service to all makes of appliances 147 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES rmnsr DIAPER SERVICE Nice weekly pickup at delivery ti FRANCIS sr REAR PA 68551 Len than pack of cigarettes dIY EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL 1ille Sail SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED lxcavatlnl and outline Delivery crusaec non am Yard Baekhoa for bin DENNIS MORAN so Anna smet PA Mani PAINTING AND rArmnANGING nnWAao sonm AND son Painting and Paper Hanaliu Spray Paintlnl Service Since mo an aAnma PA are if PLASTERING STUCCQL SEON QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Archwaya Patches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS NO DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRIK LEFROY sou Ipsouarcocoecn SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISVOSAL ACT Wa have heal licensed to remove war dead and crippled farm ani Innis under the soon not FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECi BARREE PArkway 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 9506i DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle horses and hogs removed For fast service PHONE BARRIE PA 97751 or ask for ZENITH 94130 COLLECT houra dry7 days week ICKS DEAITSTOC RR Foxmead Ontario License No 99017 UPIIOLSIEE UPHOLSTERY Chesterfield Chairs Chrome Chairs Boat Seats Summer Porch and Garden Furniture 15 YEARS sartva BARBIE FREE ESTIMATES AND PICKUP BARRIE VTENT ANDTAVVNING CO 34 EBAYFIELD BARBIE PHONE PA 66437 wm mama WELLS DRILLED rumrs INSTALLED av LICENSED onunans FREE ESTIMATES Anvnansa 1N THEIBARRIE EXAMINER lIs Wonderful The Way BarrieExarniner Couplhnd Drilling 23mm PA 87645 ClassifiedAds GetsResultsAPhone PADS2414 wish her speedy recoveryI GIRLS BALL TEAM WINS The Creemorc girls softball team defeated the Bordeneties 37 here on Tuesday evenlng to finish top spot in the sixteam league Home runs played big part in the locals win with Joyce Jordan and Barbara Jenkins hit ting them to tie andwin the game respectively Gertie Gowan pitched all the way tomickJIHhe win Creemore meets the Air Por on here Monday night in the first game of best of five playoff IN AND HOSPITAL Thomas Hisey is patimht General and Marina Hospital Collingwood Diagnosis showed that he had suffered heart and latest reports are he is progressing favorably GALA JAMBOREE Ir Dont forget the Gala Jam boree in Creemore Arena on Wednesday August 30 with en iertainment headed by Major Alex Maiheson oi Camp Bord en quartet from the Bow manville pipe band and other acts Bingo games and refrefli mentslucky drawn for cash prizes Free admission is being sponsored by the Creemore Curl lng Clubi THE LATE WILLIAM SERVICE Sincere sympathy is extended to the family of the late Wil liam Service who passedgnway th Golf II ho ital on Tuesday Aug 15 nrnu 88th MEL Besides his wife the former ida Madiii he leaves to mourn Marjorie Mrs Biil Coe of Maxwell and son Stanley of Creemore Funeral services were held on Aug 11 at the Crawford and Mumford Funeral interment Honoywond Cemetery Mr and Mrs Harold Craw ford and children are on hull day for week at Craigleith Dr and Mrs Boyd are vlsillng friends at Ralnay River Winnipeg and Morris oil and Rugby wr will be held graduation diplomas at polling results included Ron ald Rhodes with one record one third and onecredit and ï¬larth mbitt with three crad WONDEII VALLEY werehir and Mrs Craig and family of Craighurst Mr and Mrs Handy and family of Dalston AILDild illraiackmanaad iami were at Oro Memorial Park Sunday Mr nd Mrs Handy at tended the EBP celebration at Lindsay on Saturday Congratulaqu to Misses Ei nine and Margaret Dmry Miss Kathleen Kenny William Ken by and Miss Mary Dunamore who won special Glee Club award All are Grade xiii stu iielntr at Barrie North Colleg Church aendce will be held Sunday August 20 MlDlIUIIST STN Mervin Reid of Port Colborne and Veral Reid of Sudhiry spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Victor Reid Mr and Mrs Campbell and Mrs Alexander of De troit spent few days last week with Mr and Mrs AAngio Mr and Mrs Hickman and family of islington spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Vic tor Reid Mr and Mrs Anderson and Sharron Toronto are spand ing this week with Mr Bow dery Mr and Mrs Bard and family of Oshawa spent Tues day with Mr and Mrs Victor Reid Mrs ltiontelth and Brown spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Kirk oi Barrie Mrs Victor Reid accompan ied Mr and Mrs Bruce Kei lough of Barrie to the 50th an niversary of Womans institute at Heathcoie on Wednesday Dr and Mrs Eric Channen and family of Windsor are vis iting itir and Mrs Chan aen this week The DAngio family held the annual ionic and birlIday par ty at iidland Park Sunday in honor of Mr DAngin Mr Peacock and Philip Peacock of arric attended the weddinghf DonaldField house and Joy Standwick at Markdale on Saturday and also visited Mrs vandewater oi Waterfall Mr and Mrs Stan Hills of Barrie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Sam Hiltz Mr and Mrs Collins and Mrs McNeil and Carol of Barrie motored to Midland to visit friends on Sunday MfihdMEE John Haipenny and family spent the long weekend with Mr and Mrs Goodhand and family at 0x bow Lake lilich Sorry io hcarMrs William Anderson is patient in the Soldiers Memorial Hospital in Orillia We all wish her speedy recovery Visitors at Mr and Mrs Wil fred and Bernal Johnstons were Canon and Mrs Fred Nichol son of Vancouver Mr andMrs William Robson Tor onto Donaid Thompson and daughter Mary of Capetown SoutlnAfrica and Jithom son of Drill Mrs John and Jack Langman on Wednesday evening with good turnout The second viceIpresidcni Mrs Edward Johnson presided ihere was discussion on the W1 bus trip to Manitoulin island inSeptember The Wi JllorlLSlm YMCA Oriiila on Sept at 10 om to pm when the first and second vicepresidents Mrs Tyson Langman and Mrs Edward Johnson will attend The September meeting of the first Thursday Sept at ans at the home of Mn Ray Show Mrs Edward Johnson intro duced the guest speaker Mrs Earl Scntttwho gave won1 derful discourse on her trip to Vancouver ostesses and th helper served lunch Mr and Mrs Ophic Johnson of Tornnbo visited Mr and Mrs Everett Horne andlfamiiy Mrs William Langman spent few days in Orillia visI mg relatives and friends ML and Mrs LynneJlling gt Lb and iamiy Hamilton have returned home after spendA ing some time with her par ents Mr and Mrs Art Lang man brother Jimand fam ily while onhollday Mr and Mrs Manford Horne and Mr and Clarke Hor he and family attended the Jermey reunion at Midhurst Park on Saturday James ariow of Melfort Sask and friend Douglas Ficm mlng of Edmonton Alberta who are taking training course in the Air Cadets at Cam Bor den andMiss Barbara Thoring ton of OrilIia vlaited Mr and Saskatchewan Creemoro students who CBAIGHIIIIST bliss Mary LynaMalona of Dalston and Wayne Mccncken oi shanty Bay have been spend ing holiday wlth Mr and Mrs Rory McCracken Bobble Dunn left on Sunday to spend two weeks at Alber too Mr and Mrs Harry Batea spending holiday with Mr and Mrs Carr They all spent Monday at his Bay Point number from the vdlade attended Derry Day in Lindsay on Saturday Mr and Mrs Ernest Elia mere Connie Beth and Denny are in North Bay for few days The sympathy oi the village Con COUNTY oclved Secondary School no is extended to Mrs David Som mrrs in the death of her bro ther in Ehnvaie Mr nnd Mrs Max Craig and family visited Crown Hill at the weekend STEELES CORNERS Mrs Dales and Mrs 1F Porritt spent several daya lbMend TH DARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY AUGUST II in on Wednesday in the reforestry shipping aheds it was suc cess lovely lot of flower and vegetables were on dis play hy the Seniors and Jun iors Jackie Rumble is visiting her grandparenta Mr and Mrs Dewsbury Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs Ford of Gait visited on Thursday with their uncle Brown Mr and Mrs John liaipenny and family spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Hllpenny in AyltrLer Mr and Mrs Collins spent Sunday evening guests with Mr and Mrs Ernest DalesI were Mr and Mrs RussellDra per Cookstown Mr and Mrs Ernest Kneez show Mr and Mn Gordon Kneeshaw and Sandra and Shir ley Kirkup visited irtenda in lMount Forest Sunday nowen snow Vespra Horticultural clety held their annual flower show Im few days last week with Mr and Mrs iii Collinsrilnm Wi am ltInKnlght has return game from an enjoyable trip through the United Charlie Howdery and Mr and Mrs John Anderson and Shar on oi Toronto spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lang ley Coldwater Mrs Dawn and daughters of Montreal nre visiting this week with Mr and am Peacock SUFFERS INJURY Sorry to hear that Dennis Holder hurt his fingers with sawing machine last week Brown and Mrs Montelih accompanied Mr and Mrs Kirk oi Barrie to Toronto on niesday to see Mrs Bab ers lovely dahlia garden Pleased to see Mr Paine and Art Kollough home from the hospital BECOMES EFFECTIVE OIiAWA ICPlThe govern mcnts oiball legislation and part of the new narcotic control act will become effec tive Sept 15 says the Canada Gazette The legislation creates an nifencécnrrylng penalty of up to 14 years in prison for il legal troificking in the medici nal drugs mainly barbiturates and amphetamines used in con coctifna that give the users or llllll lllllllll iilllllilnnnll amt llllml Is ll llilllllill If lllllllllll illilllllll lllllllllllllllllll II ll II ll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF ass the WI met at the home of Mrs Wilfred and Bernhl JohnI Eton on Saturday iaillum till up Ia It lllllll ill llll PA ssm There stirring words of the TweniyThird Psalm Ha makatll me 90 We dont The Churd Is the purest factor on ï¬rth fix the building of chantfer and good dhzznship It is 01de of spirihul values Without strong Church neither clemency nor dvflinhon no son me Thele In four sordid moo on should attend satiric stitchens hit For the aloe of his and nahoia For the sake of the Church itself whidi need his moral and material support to no todnudi mhrlymdmdyoor Day Book Sunday Ewilsalnx 23 Monday Arts Tuesday Beneï¬t was Friday interim 26 Servant Roman IN CNURCN roa ALL ALL FOR IN cannon lady md Rapport the comet They in sermon own sake For no own Vene pastures He leads llll beside the still wafers Me More The psalmist must have known the turmoil of life was though he lived three thousand years ago At last he had experienced the peace which com upon man when he escapes the bustling world and rests in the quiet Stilan natures some he caught its spiritual manirgi mans soul like his body needs on be restarted lost as sleep and recreation rebuild our physical strength player and worship revitalise our spiritual being EIEodghifully our forefathers taught as to spmd part if mob day in spiritual pursuits Wisely the set aside ooedq In Chm Miles for 31 dmwinewydaydevoamucoa evenperson mutually Plan Bible daily 716 3033 847 41 63 annï¬mmm THIS FEATURE Is CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE or THEVCHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS QESTABLISHMENTS BERTRAM BROS LTD EUJLD1NG MAERIALS Kama 429 El 133le SHEARD LTD LUMBER AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES Zenith 56600 Phone Barrie MAURICE MILLER BUILDING MATERIALS SANDERSON lt MONUMENT CO PA 94821 154 Burton JIHE CABINET8H0 TORTK RUSSELL Prop PA 54444 zap Brodie MACHINE SHOP Mr Lackie Propl 849M VERNON airmanIa Stroud so Painswick Highway 90 manna mount muons I+sA Mnnrm rsor PA smai No some SIECKLEI Ii UNEML HOME PA assets on Woraiey St PHILPOII Sr RICHARDSON SPRING SERVICE PA 68971 180 Vom JOHNS ma sanvrca am AND SNACK Ban Jolm Van Der Welie Prop Karine wn° on was as yanty Bay paaassa 99 st meanest Gannon SPRING harmonious LL CaddiesEwmnmomo anmcaomacroa gt MAch LTD +1 13s ConsumeristPA 74 All Wampum PA com an no Barrie dSt mmom Paintingand gacorntingï¬ontraclor 77 P11 aria In moss St EXCAVATING CONIRAGIOBS PA MES Bradford Britains mxaco analion GRAF BINNIELESSEE PA ems Highway 28 and