Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1961, p. 8

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lorRepllea la held sirletly cohdd 9091 WQY To Shop POI Hat Bargains IWC1nt Ads THE BARBIE EXAMINE AUGUST ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS BARNuAi ia Royal Victoria PROPER FOR SALE Hosplill on Thundly August I1l 1961 in Mr and Ira Harry Darhes nortie dlulbirr isally Anne IosTxRAi the Royal Victoria 196i to klr acd am June Pas iiospiiai on rrida Anguat ter narrie daugbt oAWnRAt the Royal Victoria anpliai on Thursday Auzuit l1 oi to LAC and Lloyd 5a Anne nUGGAt the Royal Hospital on Wednesday 1a 196 LINN GOOD NEWS STORY When 11 announce the birth or your cbii Tbs Rsrris Ilnminer eupplngs the lice In Ivullble lith iioI Parnin Iras Records and ma those tar away places apnounccmral utter birth cpl Examiner Claulned PA um DEATHS Manor neetao Ont August in mi Alexander in lieu has and at the nub ara Mllir Alexander and dear Jansen and John his path ycar Ruling at Thomas hineral chapel Alliston rior nnlice on Monday August zr Interment Angus Union at pm cemetery Adgur IN MEMORIAM JULIANin loving memory ot nlaar hill1e Iulian who was taken ironl us August in mil wed diva it yes and more To hear her voice and us her smile and greet her at tba door but III we can do dear Diane is go and lend your guy And leave behind tokens or to one or the best daughters yermade Wed like to think when us is done thrcvcr lveii may he Shell be standing at the door Up there to welcome us ihcr ilstcr Louise and brothers John and Robert JRDJLisabellehix In and memory of our dear gntcr who died August 19 196 Fold her In Thine am Lord And lethcr heneeiorth be messenger of love between our humble hearts and Thee Mother Dad and tamily tcr Sherry Victoria August to air and Iln Ilobert nugc Barrie daughter lienniler your tnrnda and rcltilvas In It we had all the world to give lave Invrr remembered by mother HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 96 RAYFIELD ST PA W53 an nouns iN ANGUS SUBDIVISION Three bedroom brick or black homes on very good sized ibis Close to schools Pull price 33500 Down payment only on $75 monthly Includes interest and principll For Inspection call binary Miller PA 6011 Member at no and District Inn at Band EVDHNGS CALL Diarier mun PA mic ion PALMER PA was KARI MARSHALL PA in NaRAii RAIKDS Orn in MARI samAit PA Hus HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE IS Owen St Barrie PHONE PA asssa MEMBER 0P THE BARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL STATE BOARD BRICK BUNGAOW Larga living room lnmlly tin RItA cnen tbms bedrooms and our pleca bath in lint mortgage Payments ta per month includin Ann hill price only SHAW 58 NAPIER ST Large landscaped lot worth or entire price Living room kitcb ca our bedroom and bath Price includes trig and stove and some iurniture Pull prica $8500 with upon down Balance one private mortgage at 15 monthly NOTE we arrangc ilrat mortga es ior Viciniil and Grey Trust53 ni valua Phnpa PA osooi aitcr noun phona bob Flawrlllng PA 55360 or Paddy Miles PA Mina CARDS 0F THANKS MchANsincsrc thanks to all aur iricnds neighbors Ind re dvet for tho invst dnwars acts or kindness and sympathy shown In In the loss of our dear wlie mother daughter and sister Ruth hickn Special thanks to Rev arson ndenvaie Mlle Quar tstte and Pethicit Fun Home The Melan and Rupert Fam llies Adjourn Talks In Hotel Strike TORONTO CP meeting between Royal York Hotel man ager Angus MucKinnon and rep iresentatives ot the striking Ho tel and Club Employees Union tCLC was adjourned Friday un til hiesday Union representatives were trying to seek settlement agreement ior 700 striking work ers dismissed last month when they defied hotel backiowurk order The employees struck April 24 for higher wages The union has appealed to the Ontario Labor Relations Board for permission to prosecute the hotel for dismissing the em ployees VsCLASSIFlED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 8241 Condensed and Classifiet adver tisements are inserted at the rate oi it per word per insertion for one and twotirnes 3c per word or three tour or live times and Ziac per word tor or more insertions 10 nddl tionai diarge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT iS 96 EUR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOB 2A WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE iN ERTION nations on CDtttraCTloNs Advertisers are reminded at an phone Insertion orders are acce so as convenience to you tits advcrtiscr Tbsrctors the classlaed Advertising Department requires all adysr era to kindly recheck tblr ad crtusmaar immediately ttervilrstlnscrtloofin order that any errors or omissiooamay be reported bctore ass in order that some may he rectiasd tor the toliowing days insertion order We wish to point out that Tbs nanre Examiner is redponsihld tor only one incorrectly printed insertion on any advertisement and then only to the extent at portion or ad that involves the misprl Errurl which do not lessen he value at the advertise ment are not eligible for coma lions by make goods Coming Events 5e per word lmiiiimlim charge $150 Birth and Death Nouces for up to 25 wordsover25 wordsr 5c per wordextra In Memoriam No ticessljo iftverseused dc per word extra aLlND barren mum Iniormation regarding adverUa using Blind Letter Dori Numb antigi iicplicsto Letter boxes will he held only in days alter Ici day Vol publication Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre Ceding publication with the ex liapitori oi Ciaaaiilcd Dlspiay advertisements which must be In by 1200 noon preceding day Rates and iyps styles orieniii dlIl tlaasldrdsin tdlrie through The Eight ii tier ROSE REAL MATE exam mm STREET RARRIB CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member oi the Elmo and District Real Estate Board ED CARSON REAI Ton 45ADLLNLQP 51W PA 66481 Member or name and District Real Eat to Board MOVING target to tranrter your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverag ot any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 55201 new St Dont DE RSON 19 COBLEiERTgTBREH Next door to the imperial Theatre REAL ESTATE murmur FOR BALI ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST Firrt in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL Int IL KaolinPA Lain roamPA um RoamPA use GONNnabPA um mam RABBI DISTRICT Rm ETA noAan Norman ShelsWeH REAL ESTATE mm ST PA 89951 PKG87 mn MORTGAGI Plian AlfAiLAanlss mmm 007 or VALUEN0 Pm cuARuzD ON PERRY STREET Close to schoolsGE shopping plaza Lovely two storey stucco bedrooms and bath upstairs Lots oi closet space Living room dining room and large kitchen with tiled counter top Hardwood and tiled floors Full basement with forced iiir all heating that is 66 160 and lots of shade trees real quiet spot to live Cull Jack Wliison Benin Call it Lonxiin PA no lack Willoh PA MAI Dnrntt Shelwell Oro 91 Norman snelrwrli PA omi Edward Norris PA bud Sloull Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA P5901 Members ot the Darrin and District Real nitta Board ITS SLEEPER BUY BEFORE THE OWNER WAKES UP Paternilonslty well built older home in the main section or Angus extra large lot and garage Pull two storey home his summer kitchen well large modern kltchrn laundry room and piecs hath do living room downltlin Upstairs you win ilhd lull bath room and third large bedrooms nch all turncc and invst high dry basement nleely laid out or recreatlon room Less than 111000 will buy this property Hurry out its too good to mist EVENINGS CALL Harry slcsrorPA 6067 Oren Drown PA out Prank congdouPA Mm CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER Merv GlouldOro Lilo Doris NuttyeombcPA 67951 Edith GouldOra 2515 Phone PA euro in Dunlap St MAiilil MARSHALLPA Mo COREYPA Man 1sz IONPsPA um 35 PermLTD Constructs HIGH QUALITY HOMES See Us For GOOF OCATONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTIONL PIONE PA 39358 OR PA salsa CLIFFREERPWN 32 HIGH STREET BARBIE PHONES PA soul PA 60242 Smith CampbellPA Hm Fergus GarveyPA 87 Members at tho barrio Real Estate Baird HAVE YOUR HOME CUSTOM BUILT lTO YOUR LIKING ii Barrics Newest Subdivision BARRIE VIEW Located off Bayview Driyt near Huronla DriveIn under Construction Septernher GOOD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD GoilD SPRINGPA Mow ioad LangPA Mm momma DOUG HOMERPA 34897 EllmlNGS CALL RITA SCANDRm PA 34365 PERCY Putin PA undo Member or aarrlc sod Districtanr Ontario Real Estate Boards MOVING rompeta moving service taisr and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT rfifitbtf itsrfi PA colts OPPORTUNITY FOR BUYER wrrn 34900 CASH owner must sellbeing tranricr red out or town room buck house in pleasant neighborhood near proposed site new public school on Anne at Letitia Features garage with dirchaL cess to house 2nd washroom etc Pull price than Carriea or fin main For Iuli particulars rom owner apply box is BARBIE EXAMINER FRAME Constructed Home 34 it zsr in good conditionrtn be mav ad ordclnolisbed For turther ini iormation write unit 93 Darila Examiner aUNNmALIz ROAD area NJLA three bedroom bri bun galow attached garage atone Iireplacc cblnrcd tlia bath with vanity rtormundscrocnscoddnd May be seen at 21Vshirlcy TWO anbnoaili Home All can veplendea on ruraacs Full bu merit beamed ceiling knottrpia panelled living room and kitchen sum Situated across rrom school to Guthrie HOUSE three large bedrooms iargskitehea smau dining are near schools and has oil heat Reasonable Owner transrerre Apply at or oaklcy Park Square MODERN three hsdrnom home with kitchen bruakrast nook sort and hard wlter aluminum Cap port windows doors screens and awnings Largelot Contact Leslie stroad TRANRPBBRDD Must sell immrdl atelyLovely three bedroom ranch For New style bungalow on well landscaped lot nri dry basement with red relation are and roughed in plumbingTalephona PA 54604 BRICK notion sevrn large rooms all heatednarage near church school and bus stop Has ihrca room apartment or could be on ioxed Low down plymnniinont veriiiln departmeni TyfiliimafFIlnclpnil only 57 Elli Road or telcplioua PA avsao fir iiiimedlateiy to consolidate debts tmsat PA moi Mortgage tarm buniap street ass MostjAnllhlng SEVEN LARGE Rnoml and bath centre hail plan on tlva acres at rich land located on highway on new plumbinKEEWn1L stern and well Low down pay ment rlrtt mortgace at bank in terest rates PA steal evenings PA elm PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT TWO STOREY nous situatrd in shanty Bay last up yards irons the water Features bed rooms fireplace in uving ronm excellent well indoor plumbing oil turnaee large reared in yard Available September to Present tenants moving irons Ontario Call an deLom PA trains or Oro RENTALS flNGBSlNGEGMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME BUILT FOR THIS WORK ones and up patients OiIoiiday guests OKind careTV lounge Osiatiop wagon avhilible lo iralupnrtaticn and outings ALCONA BEACH ROAD sTROUD mu APTS HOUSES 10 RENT Two BEDROOM Cottage or apart ment to rent the year round Pmly furnished Telephone 31311 Waugh Bench or details Two iIzoOM Apartmants unturn ished Immediate possession Tele phone PA Meal tnr further in tormatlon or apply all Bass Road SEVENTODM Britk House tola including hydro in miles from Camp Borden For further details telephone FARMS CFOR SAL FARM FDR PALE also Impla ments stuck dairy herd and mine in contract milk pipe line new house Two miles torn Elmvaic Telephone 7191113 Eimvaiai MORTGAGES MORTGAGE RENTALS RENTALS APTS HOUSES BENT APTS HOUSES T0 BENT Poul Dialom lotus to rent Wm two bedroom City leiphone PA um or tub basement apartment st Vincent the idiotpinion atiu Wellington st not Tekphunl PA $1166 PI month In 8005 or fill Ironicdished Privat Illllnel Ground floor Alistairtern Tel Phone PA L725 IdnnnN hutnd selt contained three room unturnlabcd spam plant with mm plm hath Slh patd an Penctapg st 370 month i1 Tllwhonl PA um Two ummunrnrnidhgd trimati run run ov on an £5lpinietiiatsty um coMmRTAnLl pal and two beds gain lpllrllflalu maimed oninily one an habi mLTpilybonl PA mu mold llll lg rh Run with Pflvdta ltll oil ed Suitbl hr bullpen couple Avaiinhil Sept Phob PA three bedrooms attached Page Adult lainliy refined close to bill APPLY Oumhillnfl St UNPURNism three roam ed ApArtinsht tor not Pri bathroom and entrance Nur Gen eral metric Availabl srpicmhrr Heuapahle Telepho or PA tom ROOMS TO LET CHAN furnllhed main linen tupplied on our route Parking an able Telephonl PA Hm tor lnlonnltioii Tollphv PA HID Bedroomin nltdlnv ital ma on our line Perkins Buys talc himl PA 500 ID iill PA on NIch Prisaimed Rad sitting Room ror rep WM weekly Arena area fiiephonl PA or alter Dam FURNIDDLD IinOaM to nut Tlo block mm downtown Euri lieu map pMemd Talrpbona PA uonm very large art room Apartment In new building now available Quiet Inn near shot ping plara and hospitaL App its series SLVTaiephonn PA SMALL Midland Apartment Stilt couple or tidal Datum Ground flwf Private minus Parking IIIfl Tolephonn PA mill roman tbrra room in mat with barn is and Slovn and relrigerltur Baby come Amiinert Toiephond PA com or apply at inniadl Strut BAIT END One bedroom tinted uniurpirhed rivata entrance Avauablc Sepia tr AdultI pretenctl Telephone PA 51102 WISH heated Ilflmlnt thren menu bllh modern kitchen helvy dniy wirinz resh iy deroratcd Centrally located Reasonable Telepboul PA com Ller Duetnx two bedrooms living room thrhmmm wiih shower private entrance and drivewly hrarcd Adults Preter rrd Apply Campbell Ava Tiutnn ROOM Apartment tor rent fluted separate entrance Stove and rctrlgeraldr supplied Telephone PA 15 or iuriiiar iniormailon TWO ROOM tarnished ailment hot and cold water Sui abla or one or two adults Avliilhid now Telephone PA Mm avcnlnn tor lurihlr Plilliiulara THREE Raotti relt contained fur lsbed apartme three pitta bath parking tarlliues Ruillenilll area One child welcome Tclcphana PA 110 between 1111 UNFURNIannD upilairr one bed ranm lflmLIII wattoak Heat electricity and water sup piled AVIlinhle September Tei apbonc PA 58915 FURNISHED stir contained three room heated apartment with laun dry roam Ellt end at note her Ahlilirleil only Flrklnl utilities Telephone PA 277 THREE BEDROOM House or rent iiuvy wiring coal Iurnaee Var central Immedilie Dolselv aian Apply Box narria kim lner or telephone PA on gt nullran modern two bedroom apartment in strand apartment indigo idling przfiened its obf ed on rs apes sso swimming pool Available now cos for 1962 summer season iliirec monthly Telap one strand 43 Dupbedmam summer my CENTRAL Location rwo bedroom use adjacent to sand swim uliiiurniliied htideted garltmgnt ming beach In Shanty Bay Big one eraorn ave private entrlncl and bath Avall VERY POW Kcswick at Beaver IOCATLD iN Allandale Ciun ruralbed iroht room to rent Convenient to bus and tea room weekly Talophona PA Mm fltzr thin noossmPiNa Room two beds rangetis and relrlgarator For two huuncsa men who would hire qular hotn ln west end distinct Pbo PA Mist ailer pm ROOM at BOARD 1100M AND ROARD Telephone PA Mus FURNISHED Downstairs bedroom ln widows home shats boar queens Park lru ideal tor ura business lady or teacher Apply 72 Parkildc Drive WANTED Poster homo tor two tiny Ior school torin Pretcrably on mat Ior Iurthcr informt Xian apply no Earth Exams er available APTS HOUSES WTD DO YOU HAVE THE IMPOSSIBLEI An apartment with two large three or even tour bedrooms is wanted by our lady teachers ltcpty to Box to barrio Examiner WANInn To Item or heli room housc or winierircd coiulo In or near narria by septcmbrr neuabls rsnants Phona PA 63061 SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES WANTED LARGE COTTAGE on SUMMER this September Telephone PA ton area Hm sIoDnRN one bedroom untur writ Box 100 ished aparinient Sinve and re vithiiiaalidiirwm erhinilylig Barrie Examiner sated Available September Telephone PA cam GROUND FLOOR two bedroom aartmcn uniurairhed healed ton prl lientnnces stove and COTTAGES FOR SALE retrlgera or it desired Gangs Pull basement Available lmmcdi nRANp NEW Cottagcs thrca Itety Apply 1M Cumberland st bedrooms one tully insulated large lots located aansccours Two ROOM Apartments un iurnisbed downtown locltlcn Pri vata entrance Laundry utilities Heated and parking space Tele phone PA 825 days PA attic evenlnls THREE ROOM artm ut newly orar fulnilfila very central Laundry and park ing Iaellitlea provided Suit busl hen Couple Pbana PA L521 alter is or anytime Saturday THREE ROOM hented uniumuhgi apartment Privata bathroom and entrane ground floor Private yermini er and dryer slip tied knees urinal rrec Igniting FTelephonJAbmop PA 510 GROUND FLOOR men room Im fliniisheil fitment Eelted leli contllnld Irdwood llflnix Cen trinity located Available Septem her Telephone PA mud or PA Lam Deaeh 9th Line Innislil Lots tor Apply Sommerr Subdivision ARTICLES for SALE i5€9IIBBDRY Hardwood mostly AaPnALT DRIVEWAYS honed dIgtA M74 ANinR Electric Guitar like Irw 515 with amplifier complete Talaphnnc PA 5569 nuLLDosz and Gradlng Frnea MHaHmchmprw Lea Darts PA N139 wasmNG MACHINE tor alle sis and Mower 10 Butts inrgond worklnp older Ailillv 7LGQHIYLSL SPACE HEATER and oil Drum ior in periect condition sell ing ralmnlhly Apply at Drum lDP Street West AUTOMATIC Transmission tar nialnr 1955 Meteor or Ford A1 condition Tcldpbuue PA 84441 or further dntllly appcIAL Cnnndiln Natlonal Et hibltlon Prices tin art on all slant necdls modsii Sinlar Sew ln Machine Company to Dunlap SigW earn more Have Port SALE heavy duty burner Gurney two burncr rang ettn doable mattress and ana cha Sciling very rsa ahiy Ap 14a Mlpie Avenue BEAUTY PARLon Equipment tor Teln DisherFarrand Answerer large rooms with siovc and reirigarator Cen tral beltedprivnie LIrga lot Parking on child welcome Im media pousssioa Telnphnnd PA c2395 Two anRooM uamraishcd spartment kitchen and living room on ground tlohrigtrivats en trance lnd driveway Available immediately Telephone PA 60667 atter pin Trims ROOM truly located heated cell can talned and unfurnished Dr ground floor Nicely deconied TeleA Phone PA H751 from pm to pm FOUR ROOM heated Iett Cons taincd apartment with three pleas bath On bus route Centrsi no monthly Telephone PA Mon 56 MONTHLY Two bedroom un lumikhed upper duplex Available how children when Telephone Payments tomsed against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE so DUNLOP ST WET DARRIE PA was MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE PA 33401 HEATED Apartment Large living room bedroom dinette modern kitchen with stove nd ratrlgsra tor Control Darius couple pras erred lcphona PA cam my existing mortllxel homo rovernenta ate Call tor ap rale Everything necessary ior two operators Drye chairs etC Priced right Box inarrla Enr aminsr oPIIcn FURNITURE Roll Top Oak Desk and swivel Chair Taylor Sara 25 it to it as in pAppiniinGsier baebphana m2 Colllncwood LLOYD Baby Carriage matter into bed Ind stroller inflMattat Range heavy dutyburners both In good Cuilditlnn Reasonable aJAlaphdua PA 585m Rm Emma Room and kitchen In quiet hauls also one Vnoml and one trooui apartment selt contained ground floor with tree parking Available August 10 PA HIM bainre flrxo am or iter Dim aoun Roomunturnishedapart meat heated asu contained Ccn trally toetad Also thrss room hascment apartment naturalbed sclt contained No obisctioa to child Telephon PA wot or PA doors Timnn ROOM Apartment rat contained Avaliabla September 65 par month East end location Telepbone PA iiiiia 1dr turtber iiiluiinntion MORTGAGESInt and and bought told and arranged ColumnDIAL and residential Janna loaned on existing mortgages harrisntdrt liloBrokers PA 68504 BUS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE FOUR Rmle Aplxtmon unmrd idhed heated lrnund floor in dry tacilitles 0akleyPark vicin ity Available immediately Tnle hone PA Malia East Plan barber Shop tWD chllli ample space THRE ROOM Aplflmufl of tar expansion with rent tove retrigcraior heat and any terms for quick sale Tole hot uter supplied U1 wuher wish SELL lnfl dryer Dont mid seelnl till one Telephone PA Will tor Ip potdrmtut ND AND Modern 1w hedivoom lpnflmentlfngvgguflna scenic Ksmphuialt my Hut gziupllfln Ind Janitor Infii dad utoinatia wuhlnt cilitleL PA Will Tintnn ROOM turnlshad meat with plecabath and enette Ii art teh liEht Ind wlter luP lied Far lint NICI vlrt of It included min small cbud wel Tv ALIGNMENT Equipment or rials Jackson sweep Ganaratnr and Marke also 54th Hickock Scope Wiliaceept rululnblu alter Tele phone 73RZ1 SIroiid aPaCiAr Canadian National Do hibitiorrPricsrr stagcr roundboo bin economy model only $7950 singer Sewinl Machine company to Dunlap StreetWest PA Milan SPECIAIA and Prices Tti Famous singrr StyleOMltic Zig as Ms chinenow sit SUB ham to 111 ynur singer sewing Cen 7mill Dunlap strot West PA Allandaie retirigs av hot watrr laundry linens it deriscdAvali able immediately Telephain PA merit in iuriiilhld stove mammals ground tioor art merit two larga 001111 private entrance auntin cupboards range rririgcrator nrlpht Central location sts manlhly Tel ephone PA ooioi tor iurther inlt ionization MAIN HOD Apartment three roamsunfurnished scu contained 375 month halt water Ind hy SPECIAL Cnnldlln National Ex hibltln priced Several good used Sin Snwlfll Machines from $1750 up Slnler SEWIIIR Mach inn Cm 13 Dunlnp Street Went Telephone PA Bmfl sNACK DAR SIGN torn out anrher 15 PA 14o Dradtord FURNISHED Upper nuplcx prlv ate entrance two bedroom liv ing room kitchanand ti ette Sundeek overlooking hay not upon mu nous tor Include photo if available Inmlprmepunne PA sonozrmrr FIDRDDLABE Boat REFRIGERATORS Tvile with atroud ARTICLES for SALE CLEARANCE SALE MthT RANGE RURIGERATOM DRtRs BIG REDUCTIONS Buy berm tsmbsr lat no heat lhspuhl lax ROBINSON WARE Ii DUNLOP 81 EAST PA lull FILL YOUR Campinas silo0 with the dam In And BLUI MEATS ETC i007 uusranteed tautit nudist Terms ca omen mm and our FREEZER FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES cr avauabla to that who with 10 pursan their order only at your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE 256 TirrLN STEEL nARitu PHONE PA 605m Free Delivery Opnu Friday flit vain HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store is DUNLoP si WILST PHONE PA um mleATOR $150 011 PHIIICO TV LI NEW COST 3m THAN YEAR WILL Sm FOR cm SPIRALATDR ACTION Illl rLlccrrwoon HiFi consolsn noon LIKE NEW tits Alla illvu new unused will inl chine lnd vluIIIlm cleaner Will null for wholemn priuVor halt offer Reason tor sellingleaving coups TELEPHONE PA woo on sns AT ct CtrbtbtntLANp so chip IliE ONTARIO LBWYT Vacuum Cleaner tor Hie all attachments inclnded new ino tor v50 Many other unit and models to choose irons Tele Phone PA 532 SPECIAL Cunnlflun Nlilmill Ex hibition Prices SINGER Floor Cleaners II Falkner Special discounts Ilfllll thamlblilon Singer Vsewing Machine Go 25 Dunlap St West Telephnnu PA 7960 FRUIT VEGETABLES Ideal for treulilR Corn roast nmmoda tldn Telephone PA in or iutl tbsr intormatlnii cUCUlliDERS Dlu and Gerltipg Vor lilo Alan Corn Excellent quul ity at iarm Contact Lorna Wil son 5th contusion Vupin Tel cphona Minering 431 or PA Mm DOGS 8r PETS PONY FOR SALE 11yeari old Owner is moving Oulat good with Children Tciuphnna PA out evenings BOATS Cl MOTORS CASE LOAN 00 It 11 For month Tclepboiic PA moo Crescant Finance 25 Dunlap st Wash cmvz or CU Ii WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMOTIVE aroma CARS FOR aAut VIAU Morons LTD RAMBLER HELMAN AND mun aovaa iu7 DOWN i7 GOWAN STREET wao alas wma NEW CAR SWIG Now Wth LowCoat HIEInnurud SCOIIA PLAN MAN THE BANK 0h NOVA SCOIIA BEAT THE TAX WEEKEND SPECIALS low AUSTIN door with radio lacs noNAthIi door vs stand ard traosmission radio loot ciixvtlobnr door um dsr standard transmission 1964 PLYMOUTE savoy door ryllnder standard transmission radio 1936 cuevuourr door dttyilri der standard transmission lids cannonsr dear deiasa cylinder standard transmission loot hardtop ruli power rs m7 MDrDoR door ll lnnlmiuiun and radio 1061 DODGE Royal door bsrd top vo automatic and radio FRAN KCOMS FINA SERVICE HIGHWAY 26 and 27 One Mile Northoi Barrlefi PA 60882 EVENINGS imELMVAlE 1m iridium oxrono Recent motor ion Goad Iircs Telephone PA Mold 1959 ZADOIJR FORD Must nil leo aver Dlymcntl kcnuent conditind Telephonl PA 6111 eveninl use AUSTINde mi consul or dale Bath have good body zine Ind tires $500 Inch or in oiier Telephone PA 89155 1950 MORRIS Oxiord sedan gnnd tins body Ind motor in and Con dlilon Rest alter Teiep one PA OWE Iltet 530 1955 PoNnAc Laurantian man or sale Two tone blue and white Excellent condition new tins For lurthcr dctaiir telephone PA New alter ll pm laso VOLVO sport beig wau tlrei padded dash radio ate Must sell wner leaving country Tciaphnna PA um am to pm ask or carL last pawn Chevrolet Sea vcry good condition comp t0 body7 work to 1960 Telephone PA as or lea it at Reinhardi nor loo Barrie 1958 PLYMOUTH cylinder Savoy automatic tour door sedan Mlle age 28000 Lovely condition no Duh tiller tlkes it APPly lay Park square list MOILR new motor battery and clutch make good second 951 Pontiac good Condition 1050 Dodge Dilation tow truck new motor and tires dual wbscli Telephone PA 8593 55 TWO TONE Chrysler Imperial Hurdinp Orin owner Car Jun ilk new Power brain Renting pow er windows and cm seat while waur rows and country nili Voly reasonable Whitn Road St tlou ml north Of Orlllll N0 Highway FA 51031 TRUCKS IEAH4EES ms CHEVROLET ztop truck or sale with htakd bully load work ing order $200 Telephone 73ml Strand white nylniudr liiotor with Bruinsmy tank years old noat Trailer Complete outfit 5100 Fitch PA some after ARTICLES WANTED WANTED FonsuMMER Cm AGES HIGHEST TRADEIN VALUE Call McFadaens FOB PRICES PA 89238 WE WILL PAY CARD ior good used turblture or any good used Irticie Individunl or content lotsl Pbdna PA 82417 BICYCLES WANTED in any con dltlon Aim Typewriters will pick up Telephone PA mill for up titer information NEW GRADE student visits to buy any or all of Ioilowiu 0x and school Dictionary Magic pt Mythrnndrlregend Realms oi Gnldr Geography tor Canadians Cana tiian Oxford School Atlas Health or Canadians General hopwnrks La HIDE Vivlit Pl Phuna PA 66358 5FARMERSMARKET LIVESTOCK WANTED Two Calves tor veallpl Telephone PA 35590 evenings NINE PUREDRDD Karkaul Ewe Orin Knritlul Ruin also It Eli Eolk Ruin Telephunl Ivy 141114 or further detllll All YoRRaimts CHUNKS toraaie Apply to Jim Tyndall RR AIiat tic oi telaphona shroud IDRIDI PALOMINO AND Pinter Amari Clll bieil nlddlo lulled Iud lalfl Ith neckrained quiet and gap Ten to choose from Telephona PA oibud FARM MACHINERY Timizeiimu MACHINE ana Dion Titreshe and on John Dean cut Bind Both ilka new Teln Phona ivy unit for inlofmntlnil GEORGE WRITE Poragc Harvestin or In 600 Otaeo Wlxtiii Bath new Wlll 1211 both below cost ioLoulekcmaigiielspboba Its wonderftil the Way 11 Ml dflflllistllifle fllodihlnof Jud alicn wate II atn compo recon orin cuph sa spacs Laundry tacul loitilhpm armhfifrxiigffi Elty cloa oduwntnwii 16 par mantis Suit CouPll PA 1425 tied Teiep polntmanti hand PA Mm or IP or PA Hooo or Iurther iniorrna tlon CJ suits Phone PA 842414 qsslfiefiAdsfit PERSONALS WOMENS COLUW RnAUn RUOP Coldwavcs etc by certified hllrdiesxdr In yUur own home Phone Bernice It PA 9855 or PA M681 LADIESI Try Charis it you an interested in new foundation llment measured to your sin in your own home call PA 17 or Ippalntmeut LOST FOUND LOSHIHB Rudilc mm 185 com rinlton Street Answers to the nams of Jocy Plinda PA 10 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Rurrctlghs Sen rnatic 305 Per manent position day week Must be able toassume respon sibility under mi um oi direction Preference fully trained personnel Phone Parkway $5911 or an inter This pos ion available immediately wmnasa Wanted experienced or dlnlnl lnnm mil Unis Tell Phonc PA 82424 EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted Apply loo Grill 180 Dunlap street West aarris GIRL WANTED Apply in psrson at wright Cleans an Duhlop St East Barrie RESPONSan woman for art tims worlr in restaurant ele pboua PA Malwbetwacn and pm nxPBRImCED General omen trials required all usual company beneiita Apply to Mrs 17 Ga 25 Personnel Ortlce chlcra nwanxnnriilz experienced live in required by two Congcniai hornc Tolnphnna PA shoal John lollIll 74 Hill Harris Jamminan re Iriicd or man rted eoupla in title covering irdm natured hip House in tandem conveniences Appl Art Snider Cralghiirst phopaP 345657 liter 10 evlii Ills

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