Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1961, p. 6

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Silas Leadel In Philippi Paul and Silas were bothered by commer ciai soothsayer and took her power away iromher The girls masters enraged pro voked mob which brought vague charges against the two HOLlows Visitors at Mr and Mrs Jack Policys here were Mr and Mrs Art Horton Oi Sum menulle Mr and Mrs Harvey Switzcroi Onkvllle Mr and Mrs Policy of Toronto Mr and Mrs Roy Smith and VictorMr and Mrs James South and lamlly attended the Smith reunionat Bolton Park on Sunday Mr and Mrs Archie Battl gate of Tomato are spending few days at their cottage here Mr and Mrs Souden visited Mr and Mrs Allen Bowden and children at Mid hurst last Tuesday Mr Bowden is in Sun nybrook Hospital in Toronto His many friends wish for speedy IVY Mrs John Easton of Barrie Mrs Wice of Tottenham and Raymond Enston Cold Leila Alberta visited the home 01 Mr and Mrs Clarence Hog garth one day last week Mrs Cunningham Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Elwood Jennett for couple of days Miss Amanda Lyons Toronto ls visiting the home of Mr and Mrs Jennett Mr and Mrs Kenneth Suth erland and Gary of Toronto are spending their holidays with the latters mother Mrs Maude Wilson The WA of Christ Church Ivy will hold their next meet ing at the home of Mrs El wood Jennett on August 81 Randy Barrie Michael Page of California travelledunec companied by bus to the home of their grandparents Mr and Mrs Tom Lee to spend their summer holidays Baptismalmervlcrtookplsce at Christ Church ivy on Sun day July 30 There were two childrdn baptized They were Gregory Clinton son of Mr and Mrs Glenn Applegate and Victor Thomas son of Mr and Mrs William Lee Baseball playoffs have rolled around again with Ivy Juvenil es in first place playing off againstCookstown First game scores Ivy Cookstown Ivy Bantams in third place playing off against Cookstown First game score Ivy Cookstown 11 Mr and Mrs Batch elder Boston Mass are spendV ing months ho day at the home oLtbalLJnndaslavLant daughter and Mrs Rich ard Price It has Just been called to the attention of this correspond that on Saturday July 0L No 450 celebrated in Georgetown and won silver trophy for the lodge travelling the farthest distance The Pet SIMCOECOUNTYTIEWS alasmrso soaps scIIOOI iassON ScriptureAnt 1532411 IIIISIXMI him causing them to be beaten Acts 1mm Thrust in prison after their boatingPaul andgtSiiarwers confined in stocks That night though in pain they prayed and sang praises unto God attended the Fisher faintly re uniqn at Mansfield Sunday Gail and Sharon Gibson Al listfinTnrs ensues with Mr and Mrs Hector Turnbull CAR COLLISION vFrank Elphiek met with what might have been very ser he collided with car driven by John Evans at the 7th lino comer PHELPSTON Mrs Laliy and Miss Emma Madden left Malton Airport for tour of Europe Misses rcn and iorraine Chuput of Port Credit are on vacation with Colette Chaput Mrs Keller of Tomato visited her sister Mrs Frank Marley Miss Albertine Coughiin turned to Toronto alter spend ingn week with er aunt Mrs Leo McLaughlin Tomato Miss Anne Marley Is on holi iday with Miss liceVigh Mr and Mrs David Minaingl and children of Toronto are vis iting Mr and Mrs John Min nings gtAlbert ONeill of Barrie is visiting his cousin Rosemary ONeill HOLIDAY CALLERS Summer visitors with Mrs Coyne and Mrs Sheppard were Mr and Mrs Murray Long Mr and Mrs Don Clarke of Toronto John Coyne of Hagersvilie John Coyne of Ottawa Mr and Mrs Cor coran of Scarboro Mrs Dawson of North Bay Mr and Mrs Vinettn 0f Brantford Mr and Mrs Bernard Crad dock and family of Fort Erie Victor Craddock of Waubsushe one is visiting and Mrs Adrian Craddock iMisvaerieQllesnelie of Mid land spent few days with Mr and Mrs Russell Craddock THE LATE DAVID MARLEY David Marley son of the late Mr and Mrs John Marley died suddenly in Tor onto August Rev Father oGrady officiated at the Be quiem Mass at St Patricks Church on Wednesday morning Aug Pallbearers were nep hews Joe Kelly Edward Coyle Charles Edward Joe Marley Ed McMahon andfliiiggd Mar ley David was born and raised on the 5th Concession of Fine where he farmed on the home stead He later joined the StandardTPavhlgCompany with whom he worked for several years Surviving are brothers Joseph of Des Plaines illinois Thomas of Madison Wiscons Frank of Phelpston sisters Win nifred Mrs William Coyle of Barrie Ursula Mrs James Kenny of Barrie Mae Mrs George Robertson of Torah ious accidentWednesday when XIIIS 17114 much to the amucmcnt of the other prisoners who had never witnessed suchActs 10m God answered their prayer with an earthquake which shook open Lb prison door was and lohscd the bonds prim floors The isllibbkueeper dis wu 141com mrrpfilaaa but Paul assured him that they would not flee Actl 18378 The prison keeper because CONTRIBUTED SERMON Enochs Walk With God Has Modern Palrallel By REV DAVE REEVE Burton Avenue United Church The text for our meditation today is found in the 5th Chap ter of Genesis right in the midst of one of those seeming iy endless lists of names one of those genealogies of which the Hebrew writers were so food We do not think of these genealogies as having much of the word of God in them and indeed they prove stumbling block in the way of many youthful in uiro into Holy Scripture This Is just about the place We culime in that brave resolution to read the whole Bible We think of the ambitious ay School scholar on quiet Sunday aft ernoon with apple in hand and comfortable chair taking up that covered ambition to read the Bible from cover to cover and then comes this great list of repetitious names and verses Yet as Paul told his young friend Timothy All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for instruction in righteousn so it is with thankfulness that in the midst of this seemingly arid genealogy we come upon these words ENOCIIDIFFERENT And Enoch walked with God after he begat Melhuse lah And all the days of Enoch were 385 years And Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him Gen 52224 Enoch walked withGod We are told There was something different about this man Enoch his life could n0tbe recorded in terms of numbers of years of life he was more than vital statistic Enoch was friend of God and this friend ship gave human unforgettable quality in the minds of the people of his generation For one thing the people could not forget the unusual walk of Enoch It was steady self assured gait It was not strut or shuffle but regular stride that some how well somehow or other it seemed like he was walk ing with Someone Enoch was not hurried busy sort of per son but loving ready to take time individual who left you feeling that his company meant more than just his own personality Yes irlacfthe people who knew Enoch over the years became so used to seeing this tinsel inlandthat whEnTo finaliy slipped away there grew up local legend about him that he just went walking off into the distance with thatlnvislbis Companion of Hebrews wasnaming the great men of faith of the Old Testament Enoch is given testimony that be pleased God Heb 115 And again he is remembered by Jude in that tiny book in the last pages of our Bible Enoch was an unforgettable character Ills close walk by faith with God left an indelible impression on the minds of the Biblicane writ ers OLD MIKE Some time ago there appear ed ia the Readers Digest un By Alfred BueScher convert He washed the whi marks of his prisoners too for them and was baptised by them before returning to the iaiLActs 152934 GOLDEN TEXT Peter der that familiar heading My Most Unforgettable Character the story of person with somean of the characteristics of this early Biblical patriarch The article tells the story of Mike an old Irish gardener who worked for wealthy man in small town But the old gardener could not be held down to the rich mans estate His spare time was spent in brightening up other peoples gardens and being kind friend to all the children of ham Mbemoflcdmtkho was thrplaceTThefstory pifilITularT m1 iii91 its limit iv mentions the pcazllar ebull iing gait of this dear old man as he went about with his wheelbarrow his rake and hoe It also told how Mike sought to teadl thingsmorc fundamco landscaping Once we overheard Mike trying to help our children understand God they could not see Jflerpulled some Zinnia seeds from his pocket and pushed them into the earth still on his he said Now look at that spot next week and the week nit er that You will see God at work making the worldl The story also told of anoth er time when one of the lads who had once followed around town after old Mikes wheel barrow was killed fighting In The mother oi For young man could not be com forfed hIiks went to see her and took smell paper pack age with him When he came feeling better What did you take her we asked bowl of lily bulbs he replied The flower of the resurrection So we find in this modern day story something of the walk with God that was char acteristic in the life of Enoch WALK WITH GOD And well we might walk with God in modern days after this fas ion for we now know Go in way that Enoch in those earliest days of mans experience of God was new or able to know Him God has from that time given us Bible Enoch had no Bible He has given us His prophets Enoch had no prophets He has given us His only $011 Himself to be with us For all Gods vastness and mystery Enoch walked with Him in faith alone How much easier then should it be for us to walk with Him for God has made himself known in an Unforgetable Char The Rt Rev Collier Strut Next to the Post Office Organist Mrs Roberta AUGUST 20 TRINITY 311 000 an Holy clmmunlon Mo Mdronn service 1100 on Morning Prayer Radio Broadcast RT REV WILKINSON former Bishop of the Churdl of Indll 100 mm Evensong Sermon Mr Blrry Dytk Church VICOil School Monday 900 an All Are Welcome worship with us Wilkinson MM DD LL TRINITIFcHUIIcnm of St on THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA DIOCESE OF TORONTO 95 Cook Street The Rev Kiddo Th Mrs Sinclair Organist and Choir Director Services during August will 4Mdgd Colley Pldre RCA will tion Edgar TRINITY x11 8111 110111 COMMUNION 1100 MILMORNING imam AND seamen Special welcome to vocab ioaers lnour area Everyone welcome ST ANDREWS PRESBYTER Owen and IAN cHUR Worsley st Rdv Adams BA Minister Raymond Daniels Director of Praise 00 mm Lord Bishop of Toronto Till Anllloan Church ST GEORGES ALLANnAIs Burton Avenue at Granville Street Rector Hav Waiter Dyer Organist Mrs Shaw ATOM maam Mrs Smethurst TRINITYXII Examine me Lord Ind MS MO Ian HolyCommuafon Half Hour Service in which those who may be travelling are invited 11 lm Momlng Prayer Vacation School Service with the Yolmg People takln part We invite you to come and FIRST BAPTIST CHUR CEpmn ntWonlecylj Rev Gordon Wllltch Pastor was Elsie Cloughlcy Director MnsLfi 10 In 10 Church School All Summer smeoummmna SUNDAY SPEAKER Tom Smiley will be speaker Sunday at Free Methodist Church in Barrie Mr Bmtley is president of the Barrie and District Christina Susinusmrns Committee ON VACATION Rev Gohcen of Free Methodist Church will be on vacation for the next two weeks in the Muskoka district He will be accompanied by Mrs Goheea and their daughter Beulah WTIIEKCH KT TRINITY The Rt Rev Heber Wilkin er bishop from the diocese OLAmIltsar indie Will be speakers legit Church Sunday morning His topic will cover India the land in which he has spent the past 35 ycars The 150 vacation actor by which all men can see the sort of Person God reallylir We as Christians can go beyond any expuience of God Enoch may have known We sin for closer walk with God The fact is Jesus has given us closer walk They shall call his name Emmanuel willch being interpreter with us Jesus said at the close of His day of walking the earth Lo am with you always even to the end Of the earth with us ycs within us One saint has put it Closer than breathing nearer than hands and feet PRAYER Master let me walk with Theo To lowly paths of service free Tell me thy secret help me hear The strain of tell the fret of care SATURDAY AUGUST 10 Inn AROUND THE CHURCHES school pupils of Trinity Church will hold parents night Wed aesday and will attend the Exist service at church Sun CREEMORB MILLER REUNION The 22nd Miller reunion was held at the home of Mr and Mrs John Miller There were 43 present from Greenwood Yner Clotkm Coiling wood Burlington Oakville Glen calrn Milton Rockwoodand Cnemore Tables were set up on the lawn and after the meat raresidentrtlcstcrmlletof Stayner held short business meeting and the following offic ers were elected for the com ing year President Hamid Fra ser Burlington secretarytreas urer Mrs re Whewell Oakvillc sports committee Man riceMillerrCmmore John Dickinson Stayner John Miller Creemore and Alex Miller of Shyner Following the business meeting the usual sports events took place Mr and Mrs Harvey Benton of Mansfield left by air on Sunday after receiving news at their son Bonnie and his wife had met death in mat or accident in the Saskatoon area The three small children of the victims escaped with minor injuries Details are lacking but svid cnce indicated no other car was involved it is bgiijkcd the Benton car skidded on gravel road and turned ov UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH THE NEW CHURCH WIIETHE OLD STORY Toronto Ind Bell Street REV CECIL BRENN 3A 31 MILK IRELAND BMT Organist Ind Cboirmaster 1100 am UNION ssnwcss with Collier Street United Church in CENTRAL UNITED Rev Brenn Preaching RSERY AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Open Session COTTAGEESA NEW nssmnNrs wanooml UNION SERVIces Burton Ave United Church with ESSA ROAD Ammameonunon IN BURTON AVENUE liNllElI can THLSHERHERDWPSALMF Rev David Reeve BA Bl 930 nanChurch Sunday Schools 1100 annlNufieFiand Kindergarten terlaw Police Baud who play ed for Ivy lodge won first prize for the best fife and drum band Seven new FIRST BAPTIST UNION SERVICES IN ST AND REWS CHURCH DURING THE MONTH OF AUGm UST of his and they knew that Companion to be God mung numerous TTheinthoughtsweremuch like the story the little girl brought home from Sunday School Her mother asked her what she Edna Mrs Steabery of Evanston Illinois INTENW Mrs Audrey Coughliaof Tor How Do THINGS loOKTo YOU members joined the Ivy No 450 recent ly They William Parr BAPTIST Clarence Fisher Lloyd Tim mons George Davis Jr Geor ge Ellis Brian Banting and Banting DeborahGlbson Barrie spent her holiday with her cousin Shirley Hoggnrth The second game of South Simone Juvenile series was played Friday August 11 at Cookstown Ivy le two games thscore of the last Ivy cookstown UTOPIil Mr and Mrs Fisher and Mrs Martha Jones Mr and Jack Ellis Mr and Mrs er an Mrs George Ellis spent day at Couchiahiag Park orillia Douglas McMaster is home on three weeks holiday follow lng six weeks at Manitoulin Is land Friends here were sorry to hear John Mason was pa tient in Hamilton General Hos pital following coronary at tack AT TORONTO BALI GAME Mr and Mrs Allen Millet Dorothy and Elwood Mr and Mrs Gilbert McMaster and Don nie were in Toronto on Sunday to enjoy ladies softball game at Coxweli Stadium when the American champions Rayhestos of StratfordVConaeetlcut tied Torontoteam 11 in nine inn ings Mr and Mrs Nixon Fisher onto visited over the weekend with Frank Coughlins Mrs Johastornffiraven hurst spent few days at Scotts Mr and Mrs HarveyEhler and family of Hamilton spent arweek at Mr had Mrs Lorne Howdgn PRESENTATIONS social evening was held in the schoOlhouse on Tues night Aug when good crowd gathered for an evening for Mr and Mrs Adams who were married recently S01 os by It Miles also Tom Park and his father who is visiting ilfliro ereenjoyedfi Music for dancing was sup plied by Bert Boyd and Mrs Edna Boyd During the even ing Mr and Mrs Adams were presented with beautiful mir ror and chenille bedspread Both replied thanking their frien We wish them every happiness plasma Mr and Mrs Parker Kelsey and Harry Kelsey ot Stroad wcre Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Francis Williams Mr and Mrs Bob Sinclair of Sarnia were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Clarence brown Mrs Dora Hart spent few days with her daughter Mrs Wesley Harper at Aurora Mrs Stan Watson and boys of Aurora Mr and Mrs Fishcrvof Lloydm ister spent lastweek at theircot €38989 severemum had learned in Sunday School that day Why dont you know Mo In she replied we Were talking about man cai lcd Enoch and he went for walks with God And you know Mommy one day they went out for an extra long walk and they walked on and on un til at last Godsald to Enoch Youre long way from home why dont you come aadstay with me and thats just what he did The around that Enoch never died he just kept walking on and on Indeed it is the mark of the truly religious man this sense of the abiding presence of allitheridoys PHILLIPS BROOKS Phillips Brooks the author of the care Little Town of Bethlehem was such man that in his years as minister in the City of Boston hemade most profound impression on the people Whenever he walked across the Common peoplecamato the doors of the shops aadto the windows Of the offices above the street just to see thaAmaHalking by Peoplerrecngaized something in the character of this man that wasot God and it lift ed their hearts to see thestat ore of this fellowship It seems as if this Enoch was anun forgettable character Not only is he given 1special mention in this fifth Chapter of Genesis PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE JOIINSON su scraper STUDENT MINISTER Mr James Panic an 030 nan 980 um smear scaboz EVERYONE WELCOME The Salvation Army Citadel as Enoch It is mumw Sr Captain and Mrs Gillespie Corps officers sensorsnnviess 11 main Mn Llempararily held in the Odd Fellows Halon Collier Street Opp Post Office wnmonn swans you cIIsck TIME AND he is also remembered by the Gospel writersLuka Luke037 write otrthcrbwk cuugcuroa UNION SERVICES 1100 SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR 700 pmlavoogeluuc Service THE eAaIIIE REFORMED CHURCH Rev Cornelia Bons Minister finenme SUNDAY MORNING 1100 SERVICE OF WORSHIP lnnutclflnugungr CITEDREN To be heldinSt Jameschurch at CrownHilir REM womenLa THE JALLIANCE CHURCH Berczy and Dunlap Streetr George Ross Pastor 945 Innsunny School Rev JWehreek pastor insmaceeauznaaonk The Church of BuckTIFGW FIRST CHRISTIAN EEQRMHURCH ShVlflbeaI Street PhonePA W875 157 Shanty Bay Road 1010 730 pan REV vac eaoanonoax Dutch 7ND SUNDAY SCHOOL DURING HOLIDAYS Hear Radio Program gt Roman Calhollc ST MARYS CHURCH 95 MULCASTEII ST OTITDO SI Vincent Park OHOHURCH No ll Highway Mr Campbell 1100 was Servi Family Ethic Sohool LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE WILLOWDALE UNITED CHURCH mmrcmmnfll CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 159 COLLIER ST Servicesn Sunday School 11 mm MINI Reading Robin on premises wen 24 InnL Mother of PerpetualHelp All are wetcoms PIA81m SUNDAY MASSES it eon 9am 41015 am n30 amT EVENING aavonons Sundayifl pm Wednesday 83 730 Our Novena masts remove masses 730 and 1115 am S00 pm GOOD surpasse SIBOI SI awn MILAN BABIE ra 6163 110n H111 ALL CHURCH NOTICES MUST BE IN BY 12 NOON QNTHWPAF steeI sueIt Puhllo school MR 11 ATKINSON waistsV UNION snawcns vmn ZION UNITED Ian SEAN BAY AT 1000 nan DURING THE MONTH or sooner Nawcaunca SERVING NEW DISTRICT EVERYONE WELCOME

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