to the British Military was stones throw from our new home SKIRTING THE BAY By mass mon What better initiation to foreign soil and the ways of the land than trip to the village hospital chose the German village in Werl Westaphalia in preference Hospital at Iserlohn because 1t The BM was50 kilometers away and although thaHsnoHsrthe wsyrtheGermansetravei it waster iitour of Canada inlQSl us Canadians who were still unaccustomed to the technical operations of 1935 MercedesBenz con vertible which resembled the touring car used by the late King George VI andQueen Elizabeth duringtheir DRUNKEN DUCHESS My sojourn at the hospital was thé aftermath of sevenday ocean voyage on liner aptly called the Drunken Duchess or its behavior in rough wea fllEIW sheeeliedinmy The Anne Marie Hospital had been hard bit during the allies concentrated attacks on the Ruhr Valley and therefore boasted new wing which had hoped to be located in However found myself in tiny roomhearing no resemblance to new construction and which overlook ed the grounds of the hospital including the vege table garden turnip patch and barnyard The chicken dinners served on rare occasions were homegrown products that is born and raised on the grounds surrounding the hospital So it was not the nurse with the enamel bed warmer that aroused me each morning at five oclock but the chirper in the adjoining barnyard NM Meals left little to the imagination and no matter what was on the luncheon or dinner menu it invar iably had potatoes as the main dish remember on no occasion they were camouflaged in waffle eakfast included glass of ap le juice made in the tchen of the hospita from app es grown in the bos thick slice of bread with cheese or called pep ermint tea night he ore with pitai grounds rare roast beef and specialty which tasted likertea made dash of peppermint flavoring ROOSTING PROBLEMS The mattresses came in three sections and during my lOday stayi never did manage to get my body on all three sections at the same time Language of course wasra barrier in ite of the aid of my pocketbook EnglishGerman dic onary word of warning whatever you do dont men tion the word gin in German hos ital friend of mine who came to visit was loo through my dictionary and trying to pronounce feretit words when she came to the word gin which is WACHOLD EBBRANILMEINJHGEIZRL3JL had the bright idea of calling in the nurse to get the correct pronounciation The nurse confused the issue and somehow thought my friend was tryingto smuggle in bottle of gin Before we could explain doctorrtheMotherSuperiorand her complete staff My friend was almost thrown out bodily So ladies count your lucky stars and be thankful for RVlI HOLIDAY TIME Holidays are almost over Its time to take stock not only of what is left in the cottage cupboard but also of what you have achieved what satisfaction you have gained from your holiday Did you lose 10 pounds Did you learn to swim Did youexperience burn ingsunset Shanty Bay Woman who should certainly retain satisfaction from what she did on her summer holiday is Miss Winifred Cameron who recently returned athieemonthtrirabroad where she visited England Scotland and Paris She returned on the Carinthia sailing from Le Havre to New York Jlizabeth4MissCameroiLwascpres Miss Cameron renewed manyfriendships but one of the highlights of hei trip was when she attended garden party at Buckingham Palace given by Queen entedJniheQueem and Prince Philip when she attended the polo match es at Windsor Great Park ROYALLflNIERIAINEDn She was guest at cocktail party given the Canadian High Commissioner llon Greorge raw and Mrs Drew at their home on Upper Brooke St In Scotland she visited with Mr and Mrs Ronald Cumming in Rothes Moraysbiref Mr and Mrs Don ald Cameron of Lochiel at Achnacarry Castle Inver nessshire thelohn Nobles at Ardkinglas Loch Fyne and General Sir Gordon MacMillan and Lady Mac Millans castle Findlaystone on the Clyde On her return to London Miss Cameron attended rece tion given by Sir David BowesL on and Lady Bowss yon at the opening of the helsea flower show She was guest at cocktail partygiven by FtheAgentGenerakforOntariorJ Armstrong and Mrs Armstrong and at luncheon when the hostess wasLady Moira Browne daughter of Lady iciessbiorough wife of former GovernorGeneral in ana Miss Cameron sailed on the Meteor from Glasgow for the Highlands and Is1Cruise She visited many castles on the east and westToasts of Scotland in cluding the Castle of Mey and Balmoral While on board she was entertained at luncheon by Princess Alice the widowof former Governor General of Canada who was passenger on the ship Another luncheon she attended was given by His Ex cellency LtheneleLXuiiauflilieflighjlommissioneLior Pakistan in London In Edinburgh Miss Cameron was present ata gar denuparty at Holyrood Palace and metthe Earl of ansiield and the Countess of Mansfield On her return to London Miss Canieron was guest ofLord Kindersley and Lady Kindersley Travel at Royal Ascot and was guestat ling to Eton she was entertained at the residence of Lord Astor and Lady WAstor vandattendedthe Air Force ball at therDorchester Hotel Before returning to Canada she spent three days party given by therMaharajahand Mahai of Jaipur summerlioliiiayto rememberl PEOPLEAND PLACES mmmonmusumoouimrsmn Notes are blended to oové mm MI If lie parties risifrrs and try vellu sro all Ann of later est to the women of this page Your help in MP1 this low will In nutty appreciated TENNIS TOURNAMENT Mr and Mrs Rechnlt ser Northlsnds Shanty Day are entertaining many guests at the first Shanty hay invitation unnllmummenlaxifl tion afterward The tourna ment will he played on the Californiastyle tennis murt at théiLutatsJodaand Sunday Sixteen iunloLplAmeiom across Canada will take part In the tournament Among the guests will be Mr and Mrs Grant McClun Mr and Mrs Roy Mansell Mr and Mrs John Bassett and Mrs Gil bert Nunns Mr and Mrs Dougv las Phllpot Mr and Mrs John Bonus Mr and Mrs Peter Stewart Mr and Mrs Peter Yates Mr and Mrs Wei Martin Mr and Mrs John Bassott Mr and Mrs Frank Dimock Mr and Mrs Peterson Mr and Mrs Ross Brown Mr and Mrs Dennis Kirsten Mr and Mrs Glen Burnside Mr sndMrertanley Burwash all of Toronto Guests from Barrie will in clude Mr and Mrs Charles Seagram Mr and Airwoman Wilgar Mr and Mrs Ralph Snelgrove Mr and Mrs Walls Mr and Mrs Donald Cameron Mr and Mrs Robert JenninssrMrsrandlelrs Wil liam Clark Mr and Mrs Jack Garner Mr and Mrs II Howard Dr and Mrs Little Mrs Boys Mr and Mrs Bosses Mr and Mrs Williams and daughters Carol tune and Lynn and Mrs Ienn Williams all of Scarborough are holiday ing at Burkllffe Onkvlcw Beach summer home of Mr and Mrs Barker Wars Iey Sreet LAKE PLACID HOLIDAY Mrs Vaughan Perry Street accompanied Mr and Mrs Gordon Graham and Mrs Babcmtk of Torontoon motor holiday to Lake Paeid New York and the Adirondack mountains LAWN BOWLING The ladies of the Harris Lawn Bowling Club hosted triples tournament Thursday afternoon Sunny skies added to the enioy meat of the dw Prize for three wins went to skip ers Semmens vice Mrs Napier lead Mrs McAlleer Prize Marcus Strut hav returnad to the city from In extended vaca tion wlth relative and friends In Belfast Amish and Ports dm Northern ireisod Many points of lntorat on the north ern and eartem coasts were toured by the visitors also Dulr lln Bailingsloe Ind Albion In central Ireland The travellers also toured Killishandrs Lim erick and lflllnrncy with its belutiful lakes lhs Parker fame Jnl lrlvellod Vin ICA jet alr er Mrs Anthony Ferguson and daughteranoandrrcatherinor have returned to Wctoris Brit ish Columbia after visiting with Mrs Fergusons parents Mr and Mrs Merrick Blake Street we cows Mr and Mrs George Bouch er Ind daughter Patricia of Toronto are weekend guests at the Rose Street residence of Mrs Bouchers brotherlnlnw andsister Mr and Mrs Coulson VISIT EASTERN PROVINCES Mr and Mrs Isck Garner Psnetang Street have returned to the city from motor hol iday to Quebec New Bruns wick and Prince Edward Is land Mr and Mrs Garner re turned home through the New England States VISITORS FROM ENGLAND former resident of Essa Road George Glider is visiting hlssoninlsw snddaugbter Mr and Mrs Warhurton Osv Ier Avenue Toronto Mr Gild er former employee of Co paco at Barrie retired to years ago and wenttoEngi land Mrs Glider has accom panied her husband to Toron to and this is her first visit to Canada The couple arrived on the Empress of England and will be in Canada five weeks Mrs Simone Flemming of Angus left Maiton by Sabina airlines en route to Belgium where she will holiday at the home of her mother GRAND FINALE The grand finale of success ful season at the Red Barn Theatre will be Nights In EarRoamcommeucing AugW us at The entire company will be cast in this hilarious tale of vice and virtue in barroom The final production of the sea son willbe directed hy Marl gold Charlesworth Brooke Duval has transferred from Timmins TV station CFCL to the new TV station CHOV opening today in Pembroke Mr Duvul will asiume the duties of producer manager and an nouncer at his new post is the son of Mr and Mrs for two winsswent tothe Tot Barrie rink one win with Mrs McFad den skip Mrs Mngee vice Mrs Smith lead TOUR IRELAND Mr and Mrs Fred Parker Two members of the Barrie Art Club Mrs Kay Tarbush and Mrs Bettln iIgarvie spent several dayaat the educational centre on Chautauqua Lake in New York State It is control cJedby corporation not for profit It comprises about 200 acres on the terraces above the lake and is 70 miles south of Buffalo ï¬g TWSE every phase of cult ural activity is on the pro gram But the two women from BauiLweruhieflLinter ested in art and music The baritone William Warfield gave recital in the amphitheatre which was outstanding high light of the The art exhi ion was great ly enjoyed The opinion of these ladies is that there were fewer abstracts than formerly and much more of expressionism Thererwas an emphasis ondm ressionlsm although using ra ther different brush stroke than that of the earlier impression ists One interesting fact is that the first prize for watercolor went to the painter of had itional style portrait of wo man Items in this show come from three states Ohio New York and Pennsylvania Mrs llarvie won an award form block print her own or iginal design in the textile de For He Distinction VISIT ioun gnmok HAIR STWSTS as Mlplo Ave IA ldl BAYCIIY UPIIOLSIEIIING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA $7433 BARBIE Upholsterlng Is On BusinessNat Just Sideline es Bradford st Jack Duvnl Clepperton Street NEWWYORKVIBITORS ten day motor holiday to New York City is the choice of uglo Viau Sunnidale Road and Lee Partridge Fran cis Street Stuart Harrison Sault Ste Mari Is accom panying the Bameites Barrie Artists Visit Chautauqua The vEItors report wonder ful time as well as profit able on FRIENDS HONOR NONAGENARIAN Thesday was special day for Mrs William Betterldge of Thornton when she cele brated her Both birthday Mrs Betteridge makes her home with her daughter Mrs Mel Howie of Essa Road The cciebrant is the former Alice Lockhnrt oi Knock After her ACTRESS DIES LOS ANGELES tAPt For mer stage and ï¬lm actress Vlolt let Kernhie Cooper 75 died Thursday at sanitarium She camefrom six generations of actors and actresses starting with Roger Kemhle born in 1121 The Londonhom actress appeared on the Broadway Stage and with touring compa nies from 1904 to 1934 mix mucus PLAYERS avidity NIKKIhalfdng halfwolf his courage and cunning legend in an untamed land lilaItDiinsii YIN DOG OFTHE NONI TECFINI Aclusily my mum glandsqu Comm Roebssl Budwhmfra mm ningmMrs McCaheMrs birthday cards marriage she resided at Thornton for more than 50 years watching wrestling bouts on television is one of her favorite pastimes Among theneighhors and friends of the celeoront who called to oil for congratulations were Mrs Robertson Mrs Lak Gilroy and Mrs Wylies all of Barrie Above Mrs Betterldge looks over her MATERNITY APPAREL ioo Collier St PA I480 VELKAY IIh Door East of Town Hall Your for Privacy and Boone STARTS MONDAY AIR CONDITIONED Mnlinees Daily at pm TB saw EXAMINER SATURDAY AUGUST MEASURING SYRUP Doywï¬ndllhardtornul use oornsyrup Heres hint from Maodonlld Institute Guelph Grease the spoon with melted shorteninu or salad oil before measuring the corn syr up Then your sticky prob lems will be over LEETOVER EGG YDLKS you have as yous left over after bakin oovsr than with water and they will keep for several days in tho refrig orator Then ready oiuse in custarddes sertsoroooksdnlsd PLAZA SPECIAL nvENuslmllruRiz HA STYLIST Ln 59 ALL PERMANENT WAVES REDUCED OFF LET US STYLE YOUR HAIR IN THE LATEST FASHION NOW 550 700 150 200 REG 1750 moo 2250 THIS OFFER GOOD ONLY TO AUG 29th OPEN THURSDAY FRIDAY TIL 900 PM FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE PA 64 the truths hefted his aim and listed his murmursma puuummiv rahrundruvms 130 AND 925 mu CHILDREN 35c AT ALL TIMES LAST TIME TODAY WALTER PIDGEON In vorsur1ofln1ni0ï¬6iiior ran son Feature Times 345 540 740 ass BREATH TAKING FOR ADULTS BUT THE CHILDREN WILL LOVE IT TOO man FONTAINE ADVENTURE Do snatch the and to mm comm we yaeyoo to the Guns of Navavona fgom giggled gnu Giant All Color Show For The Entire Family rm PLUS CARTOON STARTS WED ADULT lam Wm 81mm anus EnmE fours NORTH TO ALASKA Mesa rsrcasrrmsfsn PLEASENUPE IEEWW