4sai oricanvwor Further emphasized by Dr Flower was ennpossibllify ofop ng iï¬arrir Estimator id Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario EATUIIDAI AUGM II 1961 Pln Insurance Violaies All Accepted Principles The study of the unempl urancrfundurdered baker will be of little value nothing more than oyment in Diefen if it does oint out the rea sons for the funds de towards bank ruptcy There is massof evidence about the startfland tbespeed of the slide At its most pros erous stage the fund balance was neary $1 billion time Finance Minister Fleming me his million budget speechit had declin milhonrincludingSGTmillionhenedb sso2aeo the government During th the balance dropped $110 Murchison directo ployment Insurance public accounts committee effect of changed re lations the ed to $267 sat year on of Unem about the At one time seasonal re la on were in effect seaman on Great Lakes from April until some time in December under the old regulations he did not gualify for unemployment uring the offseason was intended to cover only insurance those per iods of unemployment which fall upon erson unexpfctedly but now the throughï¬the spring summer and fall and obtain his unem ployment payments during the winter Lack Of Unde uulhe Manchester Guardian sees the possibility of row between London and Washington over the Berlin crisis If it comes it will be melancholy proof that even nations so allegedly close to getherculturally and otherwise as Bri tain and the US can fail understanding utterly in Washington the Guardian sa thinks Britons too eager to appease he Reds Britain for its part figures the US is too ready to use nuclear weapons It all bringsto mind what Joseph Harsch wrote from London for the Christian Science Monitor found this lamentably false both sides of the Atlantic He 190 picture on Americans he said know the British image of them selves is not in accordance with all the facts He suggests the American mis interpretation of the Br utter lack of understanding character of British The same applies to other seasonal in dustries Humphreys assistant superintend ent of the insurance division produced figures to show theeffect of the chang regulations Tron April1957 to March Skillet for examgle fishermen received $267 million in enefits while the contributions of ï¬shermen employ ers and government amounted to $29 The logging industry in 1959 contributed $4046952 and drew out Mr Murchison noted that married women may draw benefits without hav ing to show too much interest in the told the Commons world of work and that people retiring on tensionoften substantial pensions mikht draw payments for up to 76 WEE Obviously the fund is no longer an insurance fund because it violates all insurance principles What the study becausesthe fundmust indicateeclearly istbeechnicahe fore the government to reestablish the fund on insurance principles or to dro the insurance feature completely an establish anroutright welfare fundetor the unemployed for thehonestly un employed public opinion poll in the USMr Harsch goes on probably would show 11 per cent of Americans ready to fight for Berlin similar poll in Britain would give the opposite result Parade the Stars and Stripes in an American city and the crowds thrill with Eatrlotism Parade the Union Jack in ngland and the crowd would conclude the Tories were holding rally an walk the other way Thats because Britons regard out ward shows of patriotism as in nor taste Also Harscb sa the Britis al ways talk pacifist un just before the shooting startS Making Britons and Yankees under stand each other isnt easy Tempera mentally theres quite gUIf Canadians are robably closer tothe British model sirtgerliqhe Yancmiver Sun su ï¬ests They possibly understand the ritons better But explaining it to third party is the difficulty Other Editors Views BASIC QUESTIONS London Observer There are two basic questio us at issue Do the Russians intend to reduce the political liberties and free communica tions of West Berlin regardless of at alteration in the present formal the Western Powers might on be willing to make Are the Western powers pre pared to accept East Germany other Soviet satellite States as faits ac complis whose stability we should not seeik to disturb by means thatinvolve wag ï¬ksl each side will make the compromise on these issues clash can be avoided FLABBY TIIINRIII St Catharines Standard Dr Geor Flower of the Ontario College of Education ment recent state declared that Canadians have grown flabby in their thinking We do not give the attention to serious mat ters that we should he stated and tbe good look at themselves to learn where in they have been falling down on the job of life weeks retreat with deep concentration on mans apparent in ability to follow Gods plan for life would prove highly advantageous so societylooks easy but it re sults in flabby thinking and decline in moral standards It is time for change GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY St Thomas TimeslournaI SIVBS ormanJunnaBameman charged before Barrie Magistrate Moore with keeping liquor for sale after police officer saw man leaving the accusedsrhouse with six bottles of beer in paper bag Police found two cases of beer and two bottles of liquor in the house Magistrate Moore admitted the beer might have been gift but he said in this case Dunn must prove his innocence The magistrate admitted Ontario liquor laws are anti uated and do not along with the princi les of British Justice but he said must hardï¬mlnngwmmawwfmed DIinn schools in soft society societywhich is always seeking an easier way of life In thosetwostatements Dr Flower hit the nail square on the head Cana dians are not alone in their flabby think ing or in seeking an easier wa but that fact does not help tion in this country Flower might so hav of life situa the continued decline in the moral stand ardof the peo le Children are great mimics and en they see their par ents or other adultscheating and seek $100 It seems to us that Magistrate Moore laid down dictum that strikes at the rootsbfBritisb justice It is cardinal principle ti Justicewhich is cited in Commonwealth courts every day that an accused person is presumed innocent until foundggiulty It ipLtheprosecu tion top ac perso Tglnl not for an accused person to provehis innocence LATIN AMERICAN RHYTHMS AT THE LIBRARY cal comparison rmsr COLUMN What Period Does OldTimer Begin Maura WALLS OLDTIME GOLF With the Simcoe County Senior Idea golf tournament wedded for Barrio Country Club on Sept it is fitting to note gso graphical difference In what is called an oldtimer Bundles close to Hamillnnl held what was called an oldtimers golf tournament lrt week And WHEN AGE BEGINS There was an old saying th lilo belt have warm feeling for More Ircal which gave me my first starring start used to pin at the King Edward Hotel Same issue In list of weekend attractions The Maple Dull will play San Juan at to alghtj Someone should inform the writer the San Juan fran ehllo was transferred to Chm lestopWut Virginia four MORE AND MORE In col umns and news stories too writers use the term gal gun at to Well here was thc distal side girls andwo shame golf tournament for oldtimers for the Cliff Brown Trophy was held last month We prefer to call these old gallers seniors The age limit In this area is 50 The trophy was won handlt menth be on of date liar anyone heard of lady DISCDNCERTING picture of what may happen In two of the ages of man how did we get back on that subject has ï¬vï¬uLhLLuflJflqugmnAbeen drawn by specialist at doing on so FOR THE COUNTY match the minimum has been let at age so and there are special sections for 60 and over and 70 and over The winner could very well be in the latter group Imagine that Dundee out flt listing 40yearold as an Weft rstandingi Daughter Becomes Adept In Art Of Managing Men In MAN ANswrzns By Winifred Wolfe When John Stacy avery pro per Bostonian want to Paris on business trlp belateuded for stay week He stayed month and when he returned home it was with beautiful and clever French wile Ger maine formerly of the Folies Bergores Despite the outraged horror of Johns mother their marriage was success from start to finish and their only daughter was an engaging mix ture oflwowldely different heritances luscious dish of French creme au caramel touted off with lump of New England boiled potato Chan Ials grandmother considered er the best loke on thalidan fllIBIE since Eva picked the ap Under her molhers tuition Chantal becams adept not only at the subtle art of French cuisine but littheeevensrbtler art of managing men Under the influence of her adoring father and grandmother she developed as counterweight New England consicence of as tonisbing stamina So great was the havoc among the pro per young Bostonian males that her father removed his family to New York where Chantal al Discuss Forming Indian Federation from six provinces are attend ing twoday meeting here to discuss formation of Canadian federation of Indians Represented are prominent leaders of Indian groups from all provinces west of and ing Quebec The sessions are closedto tb press and nonIndians In Ottawa Ii Jones di rector of the Indian affairs branch of the citizenship depart seldibe Saskatchewan Federationof Indians is Spon soring the meeting and that William Wuttoneejyoung7 Sas katchewan lawyer of Indiande scent who is employed with the Saskatchewan government has beena leading figure Mr Jauessaid no department ofï¬cials ere invited to his lmowledgtr Adopt Resolution WTflelegatesmmmm tally unbalanced most immediately met her match in Eugene commercial photographer whose father merry widower had convinced him that gay bachelcrbood was Illeonlylife fora men The tale of7how Chantal un der the wise and loving guid ance of her Maman succeeded in winning and holding Gene and of how John Stacy and Gene finally got their own back on their managing females is wise witty and gay Ideal reading for summer of ternoons MONTH 01 SUNDAYS By Louis Kroneuberger very funnypuovel about In mates of mental institution acern aLLirstJbo rather bad taste but Louis Kronenbergers novel Month of Sundays is very funny but neither heartless nor tasteless Serenity House is remote luxury hotel with fresh moun military campaign which must often have enlivened their earl ier years in the social world from which they have although they do not realize It retired TheirJelloanmetu sniLlhe transient visitors In the Guest House revolve around their polite but deadly conflict In constantly changing patterns of alliance and enmlty playing out their minor conflicts as they do so The climax comes when Mrs Vizard organizes TV variety Mfumemerigmggf these bugglght are Inmates of Serenity House not available as key points showr up and from which Mrs Banner man is rigidly excluded The program needless to say Is an immediate and overwhelm AS ONCE BEFORE pointed out we place mistakes lnthe aper for the purpose of catch lag the reader to make sure be Is observant No doubt oth er lournals do the same Toronto paper was interviewing Liberace the mlddleaged femal hearthrob Said Lee Unlvrrsttyofhflnnesota calla thorn the foolish forties and the frenzied lifIIEs BI mans most perilous limos Dr Briggs describes the forties In terms of Balding Bi locals Bridges Bulges and Big Debts The learned physician then goes on to describe the dangerous aspects of Ihls phase of life He outlines remedies but from the article we read It wasdisappolutiag to find no cure for the frenzied fifties THAT REMINDS of wo man who said to another My husband would never chase aft er another woman Hes too line too loyal too decent too old REPORT FROM IIK Bases lire Worryei To Government By MeINTYRE E001 Loadm England Correspondent For Thenrd Examiner IJONDON Thehrltlsh gov ernment and its defence cblefs are greatly concerned about tho future of some of the overseas military bases which are essen tial to their global defence plans There Is definite fear that in the not too distant fut in the strategy of the defence ministry In meeting commit ments in the middle and far east areas successand achievespnatsilhreemLtbecmast important lionwide fame Then lust as Mrs Vizard and her associates are to sign up fore national network the excluded and on traclzed Mrs Bannermau ar ranges to have the studio neirvandalItlieothepamenMecked just before the show itiea including resident psychiatrist and guest house for visitors to which very wealthy people may consign their harmless but embarrassing ly dotty relatives on payment of an astronomical There are times when It Is dif cult to distinguish the visitors in the Guest House from their afflict ed relatives in Serenity House The story of Month of Sun days developa around Ih flict between Mrs Bannerman and Mrs Vizard who disagree on point of etiquette and be If feuding however never takes the form of violence so com monly associated with the men Insteed they engage in the kind of social QUEENS BARK rï¬drr€ TORONTOReality is creep ing into civil defence Some oommou sensejs be ginning to show And about time The public apathy here to date hasbeenremarlmblew You couldnt imagine that so many people could care so little about so much And who couldbiame them goes on the air The satiric humor lies In the fact that the behavior of the inmates of Serenity House dif fers in no way from that of rmembers of society which de crees that it is vulgar to punch yanLemnYJI the mag quite all right to snub him wr barbed cement immeral to cut his throat but quite In or der to slaughter his reputation by scandal Only the sense of proportion which renderssoclal yelues tolerable Is lacking The result is that the little community in Serenity House is grotesque caricature of so clety as whole The social satire is scathing but the dia logue in the luxurious padded cell is witty and delightful And now changes are being Instead of plans for evacuation studies are being made of pos sible local shelter points Rather than propaganda for shelters talk ls of survival kits and of other reasonable precau tionr theihousebolderkmaybelhï¬l able to taken The Impression is that the business is getting down to earth bases at the present time are those in Cyprus Kenya and Singapore Yet these are the bases which are causing the most concern so far as their future is concerned This con cern arises from the rapidly growing political tensions in these areas and the grave problem of the cost of main taining them racr connmnunNrs Britain has definite pact com mitments in the middle and rimmibr omenshe has responsibilities to the South east Asla Treaty Organization In the latter she is committed toIbe Central Treaty Organiza IIOIIrID order to fulfllwtheeobg llgatlons inherent in these com mitments Britain at the pres ent time is dependent to lmge extentom freeuse of the bases in Cyprus Kenya and Singapore The fact that vast some have been spent and mental political developments at Singapore There is possle ity of Singaporasioiuluan federation with Malaya Recent ly the Malayan government ex pressed ltsclf as being In favor of allowing British bases to be maintained in Singapore and Malaya but subject to an ag reement much like that which was reached with Cyprus It has been noted with cou cemInoffidalcirclcshowov er that in the early part of 1961 the Malayan government opposed the possible movement of British troops from Malayan territory to intervene In the troubled situation inMalaya The key point is that in these threeinstances troop movements might be seriously hindered in case of emergency according to the whims of the governments of these areas That is the reason why the de fence chiefs are taking good look at the future of Britains overseas military bases and commitments FILEUP KILLS SIX SIONSwitzerland APlSix persons wermfleï¬hurs ay chain reaction collision of bulldoaer bus and two automo biles on rainsucked read out side Sion car carrying three sons alaï¬uned head on into the bulldozer and was struck in the rear by car containing three Erencb tourists Illto then smiuhed intothe Iourists car telescoping It into tangled mess of metal just will still have to be spent aanflhnd these bases is being weighed against the possibility that in the not too distant future polit leafdevelopments might result in these bases being denied to Britain Defence planning staffs are now making complete study of the whole situation particul arly with relation to the heavy capital costs which Would have to be included in the defence estimates for next year SEEINGINDEme In the caseaf Kenya that country is moving closer to com plete independence It is bound to come within the next year or two as some uncertainty as to whe independent Kenya would be wil ling to allow British bases to remaiuon their territory when they are fully independent Much money is being spent BIBLE ruoucur Thou shalt not covet anything that isIby neighbors Exodus 2017 Man Is responsible to God for his thought life as well as for foolishness is sin Proverbs 249 etthe most This rais tbeAfricamlaaderLof au It also appears to us that MagistraW Mimref ignigregl ranotherTEaxdinaIprin up Bri is justice at an accuse personisentitIeMWbmhfï¬mflï¬Iflï¬mï¬wrï¬r doubt if there is doubt in the case resoluti United States registry passing Juries are sminformedevery day in the courts through the Welland Canal was We are not surprised to learn that Therewas planning plan fzaudm unrealistic dlmmingforthenpublic to assessment two has in Kc at Ka One of the moves being made as bows and Gilgil At these an 01 Instanee by the derarl improvement program to cost build bomb shelters and no mam 515 hem close tosiio mill islii pru bodycould really say what type Itxstamsaomventory of all gress with two rds of that iofsheleiWFbï¬raudtfttflacakorgamzsirens ithejprovriamonntralready1pentThe de reallywould work if ltwas built mac and ramble faculties or fence problem is whether to Planning formass evacuation personnel of value in disasters compute this program and take sing soft way of life they are proneitor ollow thgsg examples anadians title BMLMBMWJN llo lake Park Midluï¬d to see the famous palllsaded The Barrie Examiner Authorized lsncond class null adopted Thursday night at meeting of Local 212 of the Ca nadian Brotherhood of Railway Post office nupirtment ems Dally Sundays and statutory Eolld Awemwamheua axoeptedt mum ILAIGHT ennuirunner olzPEEnsoN Mllufln CHARLES WADE Business ROBERT BHIuEBAdvntlsIng Editor Manager Manager Jon HOLDER Circulauou Manager Subscription me daily by carrier ssa weekly By mail momma months 8150 three month month bulsido Ontario lead your tourna Ava rormw mcaiaem estéeorgieShrcct Vegas 31810 year Sin ls copy 11m year $400 ads 00 year one as Udtvarsl simt Monaenrnse var Member uaheli Association Audit aumu of émulmum The rainsem in exclusive ublicatlon as news of tha Canudlsn Dally god winpar Pub The Canadian Press anal sodbecause Dunns lawyer will appeal the decision LCFflHYNOT From the Wausau RecordHerald Litterbug is bothersome word it The fact is that the so calledlitterbug is thoughtless inessy creature about on par withthe bird that fouls its nest To describe suchan antisocial creature far more stinging wordisneeded about pigiiicke This narrows the Transport and General Workers CLC aud official schemes that were ridiculcu My kid who had ever ledhis kindergarten class Starting date for the boycottfmmmmrm is to be set early part week after meeting at Montreal of hasflthera fun 51 ofï¬cials from Quebec locals wouldnt work GOT UNIFORMIIYv mm Windmil 59m chance on the base being al Human Indian Village clubs church groups very wide field gt ILJLflpefleMï¬leMlu some 10000 organizations on it when the survey ls campieled church group of no value mwnmmdmrï¬merehmhbeewmuaefd awasgsof time taliation against boycotting of like Northern Venture by the Seafarers International Union IndJat Duluth Minn The Northern Venture is ownedvbylslaud Shipping Lim Until better word comes along how ited Bermuda and managed on be great lakes by Upper Lakes nipping company limited of1 Toronto It carries CERT developments out of the activity to date One of them is the standardi zatloh of fire hydrantand hose couplings throughout the prov ince This probably could not have been easily achieved in any other way But the effort as such has got nowhere And principally lie causa it was dreamy and un realistic Oh no It isnt Many church groups for instance have cater ing facilitiesand halls valuable for billeting The beauty of this program of courseand how often this fol lows once youfollovv practical thinkingIs that the Inventory wont only be of value if an atom bomb drops It will be helpful In uuyicase of disasterfrom floods to fire reconstrucb ed under the careful supervision of Dr Wilfrid Jury noted Can mn diaLarcololst and histor TMAT AT CYPRUS ian Over 350 feet in length the The government has become Village is mu 5cm reproduc Beafly concerned WII ï¬le tion of Indian life in this countIT port that President Makarios of more man 300 yea ago It lowed to remain or to call Cyprus was readyhrobs British troop movements to Ku wait if theArab League had branded Britain on aggressor In recent weeks water pipelines to the Cyprus bases have been subjected to sabotage There is an uneasy feeling about the futv are Value of the Cyprus bases which were the subject of so much controversy There are also possible data recorrunmendedmescnmrw and educational authorities Its only short drive to Midland and the IIIIIION VIIIAGE Open Daily mm pm Sunday 130 prn pm Adultl 50c Children 100